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Ah Well, I guess I threw it all away when I targeted Shadows. :laugh:

I hadn't even considered any kind of plot twist prior to that, so it added to the confusion and fun. :thumbup:

Thanks for being an amazing host! :thumbup:

I'm just glad that everyone enjoyed it so much. I really wanted to offer something completely different that would encourage people to explore the Prince of Persia theme, create characters and backgrounds, get excited about the theme and it's elements, and at least in that sense I think it was a pretty decent success. On the mafia side, it was a good chance to torture people experiment with gameplay and develop a faster, more inclusive form of mafia, one that we can use again from time to time.

Overall, I'm happy with the whole thing, and especially glad to see how involved everyone got in the name of this excellent theme. :sweet:

Good stuff Shadows, of course you Fast food Persian explosion mafia has now spoiled me, and I find the longer high fibre versions boring now :sadnew:

So close! Thanks for a fun game everyone and congratulations to the winners.

I had serious doubts about you, but I let it ride too long. Well played newbie!

Was Pedro Nizam?

I survived! Alright. I just want to say something though. Even though I was loyal and formed alliances I left you all out to dry. Seriously. On Day 1 Lord Arjay asked for mutual protection. Guess who didn't get protection? Night 2 came and the same thing happened. Also on day 4 I was in an alliance with def, after I already sent in my actions of kill svelte, kill def. Sorry and Ha Ha to all you who suffered by me.

*Goes back to humming "Stayin alive*

I survived! Alright. I just want to say something though. Even though I was loyal and formed alliances I left you all out to dry. Seriously. On Day 1 Lord Arjay asked for mutual protection. Guess who didn't get protection?

Don't feel bad I didn't give you protection either. :tongue: Oh and I'm sorry to those who I promised protection that I didn't give, badboytje88 and General Redwater both asked for protection they then died in the night. The only person I ever protected was Fugazi but for some reason I didn't even do that when I went for Shadows.

Also on day 4 I was in an alliance with def, after I already sent in my actions of kill svelte, kill def. Sorry and Ha Ha to all you who suffered by me.

Yeah, that was funny. I'd sent my actions in too! It's only fair I got suckered somewhere.

Was Pedro Nizam?

Nope. The Nizam were PrEtzel, me :tongue: , def, hewman and Spyder. So 5 in total. We were heavily outnumbered from the start (47 against us 5) except we knew that we were allies. I was surprised that no Nizam got killed during the first 2 nights since our protection schedule was not that tight. Basically, anything could have happened, I mean we could have been taken out on purpose or by one or two luck shots from others that just gave it a try in a blind attempt to hit someone they vaguely suspected being Nizam. That also explains why so many innocent citizens were killed. My plan was to have the 5 of us survive as long as possible so we could make an impact on heavily defended people if needed. If we lost someone on day 1 or day 2, it would have been a lot harder to succeed in our plans. Still 3 of ours made it until the last day. Spyder warned me that he had in on good word that 1 or more were going to kill me on night 3. That's why I decided to sacrifice myself like a lightning rod in an attempt to attract as many killing votes on one person (me :devil: ) as possible so my 4 fellow Nizam companions would make it to the next day. Unfortunately, we also lost PrEtzel that night.

I enjoyed watching it, even when digging graves.

And the early voting rule might sound reasonable but I tend to think that people who live in a different time zone (and who are asleep when the new day or night begins) easily get suckered in by this measure. Oh well, it was still fun to do.

And the early voting rule might sound reasonable but I tend to think that people who live in a different time zone (and who are asleep when the new day or night begins) easily get suckered in by this measure. Oh well, it was still fun to do.

You can't sleep during mafia. See what happens when you do?

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And the early voting rule might sound reasonable but I tend to think that people who live in a different time zone (and who are asleep when the new day or night begins) easily get suckered in by this measure.

You can sleep when you're dead. :devil:

You can sleep when you're dead. :devil:

Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. :cry_happy:

Ah...............it finally ended. I had alot of fun for my first Mafia Game, and congratulations to the winners! :sweet:

And Shadows, thank you for letting me join in this game. :classic:


General Redwater

Edited by General Redwater

Noooo! It can't be!


For the record, I barely killed anyone, just Dragonator and Whitefang. The Nizam killed 4 players total! You guys did it all yourself.

I really thought we might survive the night. All the winners would have been killed by Nizam if we hadn't been taken out first, except Rick. Who Darth Hawken said he was planning to take out :sweet:

Thanks for the opportunity Grand Vizier, I really thought we had a chance.

And Big Cam and Inky, I didn't betray either of you, I was trying to build up legit alliances. Though I didn't protect you either :blush:


I wasted my only protect on a Nizam.

Oh well, it seemed rigged from the begining, and you lead me to believe that.

Well played sir.

Basically, anything could have happened, I mean we could have been taken out on purpose or by one or two luck shots from others that just gave it a try in a blind attempt to hit someone they vaguely suspected being Nizam.

Well, we all had one protection from each other (and a 'special' protection The Vizier promised but never explained) and whatever we could round up ourselves. I had 'partners' on the first three nights so it would have taken three votes, meaning heavy suspicion, to knock me out.

I think it was balanced for us in the first two days and against in the second, which means things balance out. We also played better in the second two days, which balanced things out.

I was thinking about Shadows advice, and if we'd thrown our votes out willy nilly the first two days, surely 3/5 would have been duplicated by others, but maybe we could have racked up a higher body count. Considering near 1/4 got knocked out the first day, it would have been hard for us to be anything more than a drop in the bucket of that massacre...

Oh well, it seemed rigged from the begining, and you lead me to believe that.

Well played sir.

I was just looking for a partner :wink:

It's a game... on which our whole EB reputation rides on :sceptic:

I was just looking for a partner :wink:

It's a game... on which our whole EB reputation rides on :sceptic:

Oh I wasn't upset, I really meant it. Well played, you duped me :blush:

Oh I wasn't upset, I really meant it. Well played, you duped me :blush:

Oh, I know. Yes, I know :wink:

Well, we all had one protection from each other (and a 'special' protection The Vizier promised but never explained) and whatever we could round up ourselves. I had 'partners' on the first three nights so it would have taken three votes, meaning heavy suspicion, to knock me out.

That's true. I did not try to enroll others for protection to avoid suspicion which was a risk as well since only 2 daggers were enough to take me out. :cry_sad: On the third day, even 1 killing attempt would have done it since I did not want to waste a protecting vote after my decision to have myself targetted as bait. I think PrEtzel gave my initial protection to def so he was well protected that 3rd night.

I think it was balanced for us in the first two days and against in the second, which means things balance out. We also played better in the second two days, which balanced things out.

I think I played rather well the first 2 days and not so good on the 3rd day. Nonetheless, I still managed to take 3 people out, of which 2 went out on my 3rd and final day.

I was thinking about Shadows advice, and if we'd thrown our votes out willy nilly the first two days, surely 3/5 would have been duplicated by others, but maybe we could have racked up a higher body count. Considering near 1/4 got knocked out the first day, it would have been hard for us to be anything more than a drop in the bucket of that massacre...

Perhaps you are right there. I was so hoping to win this game and finally loose that tagless existence here on EB.. :sceptic: besides it's my birthday tomorrow (for real!). :classic:

Nicely done, Shadows. It was organized KOAS :tongue: . But really, it was great. It's too bad my guy dided so early, I was gonna have fun with that accent. maybe it'll come back...

Are you ever going to explain to me how traps work :angry: ?

Well, what a great game! Thanks Shadows for a great laugh. I am happy to have made it to the concluision. It's a first for me! :classic:

I'm quite curious as to what that special protection "as mystical as the sands of time itself" was.

Mind explaining Shadows?

Mae the pearl gold scorpions enjoy their empty new kingdom - since there doesn't seem to be much life left in these desert sands.... Not unless Rick, brickme, Darth Hawken, and Stash2Sixx are going to make babies with each other and star our Persian PoPulation proliferatin' profusely :thumbup:

Umm... No comment

Wow! That was exciting! And a rousing finale too! I still maintain that if which-ever peasant(s) who killed me hadn't that I would have lived :sweet: . Oh well. I'm impressed that people actually lived! great job Brickme, Rick, Darth Hawkin, and Stash2sixx! I built a vignette for my kill on day one and I'm gunna post it whenever I find the time. It's nothing special, but I was planning on building a few, but I only had one cool kill. And now that the game's over I guess I can state my involvement in the group of proven innocents on day2. I was the one who told brickme to kill dragonator w/ me. I expected him to provide me protection (which I'm sure he did, but just a little late) and I protected Lord Arjay. He blindly trusted me, although no one (to my knowledge) tried to block me the first night. For all he knew (which was what I told him) I could have been a Nizam. It's good to have friends. :devil::grin:

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Stupid Aristocrat, your attitude probably killed you.

Hooray. Pure randomness and no alliances whatsoever wins.

If we went on for one more day, you were my next target. (Then darth hawken)

Well, what a great game! Thanks Shadows for a great laugh. I am happy to have made it to the concluision. It's a first for me! :classic:

After I sent in my night actions def and I had a big argument about wether you were Nizam or not. I said you weren't but def tried to convince me to kill you. I supported you crazy one!

Well since my last post was rather rushed I would like to give a big thanks to all my kills






Heh, I targeted all the staff by pure coincedence, *Hides in corner* Please don't hurt me.

I would compliment the Grand Vizier for his astounding hosting ability. I am proud to be part of his "huge succes" (Hey I survived, I consider it a huge success). As far as cake recepies go I tried a delightful peanut butter german chocolate cake the other day...

Edited by brickme

Great Game, Shadows!!! I really enjoyed my first mafia game. I might have to participate in these things more often over the summer. By the way, who killed me on night three?

Awsome game shadows. Do I still get a tag to be by my lonely avatar :tongue:.

I can't believe you def you were holding out on me the whole time I should have known :tongue:

Any way great and epic game also my first and I can't believe I survived.

Oh and I'm sorry to those who I promised protection that I didn't give, badboytje88 and General Redwater both asked for protection they then died in the night.

I thought we had a deal! :cry_sad: Well, it really doesn`t matter since I had so much fun. :classic:

Edit- I`m just wondering, who killed me?

Edited by General Redwater

Props to Rick, brickme, Darth Hawken, and Stash2Sixx for pulling the citizens through to victory! And a grudging props to the Nizam for being so damned sneaky. :wink:

Thank you again Shadows for allowing me to participate! And thank you also for a game well run. :thumbup: It was very entertaining to be a part of this, I'm just amazed I lasted as long as I did. :wacko: And thank you for not giving me a totally disgusting death, also. *shivers at the thought of Dragonator's demise*

This was a good introductory lesson in Mafia game playing, I hope I'm lucky enough to put it to use again sometime. :classic:

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