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Why are you so amazing!?!?!??!?!?!?! :sing:

Edited by prateek

absolutely brilliant!!

absolutely brilliant!!


This is an excellent season finale!


Wow that's quite a breathtaking creation you got there! :oh: It is very impressive how you got it to look so cool with such a limited part selection in medium nougat. Great work. :wub:

Amazingly, as we are used from Svelteman!

The bathroom looks perfect and knowing the bricks you had to use the outside walls and towers are incredibly done :thumbup: .

That is incredible and totally up to your always excellent standard of building. The ramp has to be my favorite part of this MOC.

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Excellent work! How many of each POP set do you have Svelte?

Thanks Erds! This is my favourite theme for parts in a long, long time - possibly ever! - so I am stockpiling these babies :wub: Most of the nougat came from BL. I was lucky with the corner wedges - a seller listed over 100 for 9c each and I snapped them up - the price is a lot higher now, which is probably right for a part that only comes in 1 set and only 6 pieces in that.

excellent use of these newish colours, dam that's a lot of bricks and you forgot his rubber duckie ! :

Thanks tiger! I didn't forget the duckie, I did consider it but realised I had just been brainwashed by PrEtzel :laugh:

I love the brilliant use of those Alpha Team ice-crystal pieces as cascading water.

A lot of people dislike these kind of pieces on principle, but the Alpha Team ice rock has always been one of my favourites :wub:

It's hard to top certain creations that one makes; in your case the Grand Emporium (your version), but I think you've done so here. It is a completely different genre, but this impresses me more. Great job! :thumbup:

Thanks TB! That is high praise indeed. This is something of a departure for me - my largest MOC ever! Normally for space reasons I work to a 32x32 baseplate so I enjoyed having a bit more room to play with. Since the arched, sloping bridge was the feature that really caught my eye from Aleppo, I designed that first and everything flowed from there. I always loved Castle as a kid but the sheer number of amazing MOCs by master builders can be intiimidating - so I wanted to do something quite different.

Why are you so amazing!?!?!??!?!?!?! :sing:

Because LEGO is amazing!

Amazingly, as we are used from Svelteman!

The bathroom looks perfect and knowing the bricks you had to use the outside walls and towers are incredibly done :thumbup: .

Thanks Zorroman! :laugh:

This explains the worldwide shortage of Nougat bricks!

A great undertaking Svelte, it came off nicely, love the hidden spa, sickly creek, gold everywhere etc. The Tan mountains are an interesting addition, and with a few more pieces in the catalogue would have looked even cooler, its just the tiling on top that makes it lose its curves and becomes steppy.

Great job, it really came together nicely.

  • Author
A great undertaking Svelte, it came off nicely, love the hidden spa, sickly creek, gold everywhere etc. The Tan mountains are an interesting addition, and with a few more pieces in the catalogue would have looked even cooler, its just the tiling on top that makes it lose its curves and becomes steppy.

The tiling seems to receive a mixed reaction, but I wanted the tan section to be smooth to contrast with the bley studded ground and the stud-o-mania of the fortress towers. It is supposed to look like smooth, polished rock to deter minifigs from scaling it from below! :wink:

The hard part was getting to the height of the rocky base from the end of the arched bridge without making the gradation too wide and thus blocking out the bridge. So it was a compromise in the end, which is why the base has more detail but it leaps up very quickly.

Mabrook! This looks amazing!

Whoa....May I ask how many 7573's you have? Or did you just BL a bunch of medium dark flesh and pearl gold scorpions? :wacko:

Simply awesome... impressive ... enough words to describe it :classic:

Very nice! I love the bath in the rock, the waterfall seems very innovative. :wub:

The colourscheme is simple yet effective and much reminds me of actual historic arabian style buildings, well done! :thumbup:

I also like how the rocks are tiled...

Only downside I see is cost... the colours used are extremely expensive - but since that's not my problem I just enjoy looking at it.

Thanks for sharing!

Svelte you have perfectly demonstrated how well the architectural pieces like the corner wedges and new arches used in repetition can be so effective.The corner wedges every second layer are a fantastic feature. You mention adding other modules maybe you should develop a POP fortress standard. Then people could bring sections to conventions to build a massive collaborative fortress. Inspiring work, well done.

Man....just a great looking MOC! Love that nougat with the gold pearl accents. All the tones work so well together. Really looks beautiful. And the 'bath' is great and fun...;)

Quick question,what is that green river/stream from? Whoops, nevermind, just read the text...:)

Edited by LegoDad42

Is the whole thing an enlarged bathroom? :tongue:

However out of place/strange as it may be, the bath works well with the building.

Lots of gold scorpions!

Outstanding, Svelte! ) :thumbup:

The fort looks great as itself, but the bathroom..... :wub: That could make an great MOC as itself, but integrating it into a palace was simply ingenious! :cry_happy: As a Penguin I really love how you've done it. it makes me practically feel the chill that's inside it.

Looking forward to seeing your next, no doubt, great creation! :sweet:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:

Ah! So that's what you've been so busy with! Meh, I've seen better. :sadnew:

Just kidding! It's amazing of course! :sweet: All that nougat looks yummy great! Together with the gold, dark tan, and dark bley it has a very unique look to it! :thumbup: Considering the limited palette of parts you had, this turned out great! The secret bathroom's color scheme has a very nice Turkish feel to it! And who knew that a piece that was intended to be ice could be used as water! Overall, really good job! However, I do kinda agree on the dark tan tiles looking "unnatural".

Now go and make some vote topics! :tongue: The movie starts this Friday!

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Just beautiful! :wub:

Amazing work Svelte! I've searched for a coloured picture of the entrance in Aleppo and I must say that your creation looks more oriental than the real life building.

The decoration details you've used look absolutely great -- one of the key factors regarding my previous statement -- and the whole structure gives this "majestic" vibe.

Excellent choice of colours you've made here too. You can produce wonders with these new colours Svelte! Well done!


Just throwing a suggestion here for a new MOC. بوابة عشتار


Excellent work and well done Svelte! Now this sort of work should become part of Lego's MyOwnCreation sets like the 3739 Blacksmith Shop by Daniel Siskind. This last sentence really captures what I feel about what you did. Keep up the good work!

  • Author
Ah! So that's what you've been so busy with!...

Now go and make some vote topics! :tongue: The movie starts this Friday!

It's all true :laugh: And you can vote now!

Just throwing a suggestion here for a new MOC. بوابة عشتار


Thanks Zorbas! You are always very kind. And the Ishtar Gate is indeed stunning - one of my favourite ancient pieces of architecture - and it would be amazing to see in LEGO form :oh: Don't tempt me :grin:

All these gates... I feel like some kind of deranged Gatekeeper :laugh:

Don't tempt me :grin:

At least I tried to. :grin:

All these gates... I feel like some kind of deranged Gatekeeper :laugh:


It's "Ghostbusters" all over again...

:thumbup: I just love the plants in the bathroom and the wonderful add-on MOC of the modern entrance!

Um, one question, where did you get that much gold, tan bricks?

  • Author
Um, one question, where did you get that much gold, tan bricks?


Actually now that pearl gold cheese is available via the Kingdoms set, I may have to revisit this in future and change some of the tiles to slopes :devil:

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