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With Shirley dead, there was only one Insane left among the group. But who was it? The four survivors glared at each other, each as suspicious as the others.


It was a stalemate. No one knew who to vote for, and each would, naturally, deny their insanity when accused.

Finally, after exchanging more glances, at the exact same time, all four survivors quickly got up and ran different directions.


Realizing that nothing would be accomplished, they started chasing after one another, in a four-way game of cat and mouse. Ellen turned around and charged towards Pryce, who was pursuing Richard. She tackled her prey, and began punching him in the face, while Richard escaped, going after Samantha.


Quickly climbing up a tree, Samantha fled Richard. Not seeing where she went, Rick walked around, clueless. Hastily snapping off a tree tree branch, Samantha jumped down on Richard, who was standing directly below. She caught him off-guard, and wrapped the tree branch around his neck.


He gasped for air, and tried to free himself, but it was too late. The last breath left his lungs, and Richard's body collapsed into the sand. Pleased she had been successful, Samantha ran off to join the other fight.

Now, Pryce had gained the advantage, and was smashing Ellen's head into the sand.


Samantha rushed up, and tackled Pryce, both tumbling into the ocean by the shore. The two struggled as Ellen regained herself, both trying to drown one another. Suddenly, Pryce pulled put a knife concealed on his person, and slashed at Samantha. He cut her once on the torso, and she fell in pain. The blood mixed in with the water, and the salt from the sea caused her wound to hurt even worse.


Just then, Ellen sneaked up to Pryce from behind and grabbed his arm, making him drop the knife in the water. She kicked him in the stomach, then felt around for the blade. She found it quickly, and thrust it into Pryce's torso. He passed out, falling into the water and drowning.


But Samantha wasn't down yet. She charged Ellen, knocking her back onto the beach and punching her in the face. Ellen swung out with the knife, cutting Samantha again. She shrieked in pain. Blinded with rage, Sam found a rock in the sand, and smashed it against Ellen's forehead. And again, and again, until all that was left of Ellen was a bloody pile of brains.


Samantha was the only one left. She dragged herself on the ground to shade under a palm tree. However, it was too late for her, as well. Her two cuts were deep, and she didn't have anything to bandage them up with in her state. She bled out, and eventually died....

All of survivors of Flight 518 were dead. Every single one, killed by the very thing they promised to eradicate: Insanity. They had gotten so paranoid that they had started to kill one another, until no one was left. There were no survivors, no winners in this twisted game. Destruction was their cause, and it no longer mattered who was classified as Insane. No one was normal, and the only thing they had managed to create on this seemingly paradisaical place, was a Dystopia.


And that is the end of Dystopia Mafia. Thank you all so much for playing and keeping interest in this, you guys really made this successful. And thanks for your undying support. We really appreciate it. There was a problem near the end of the game (as you might have figured out), and unfortunately, the game had to end. We're sorry it had to end like this, but remember, it's not about the destination, but the journey. :wink: (It is up to those involved to discuss this resolved issue or not).

Everyone (not just players) may now discuss the game with full openness. Roles, night actions, and final words from myself and Ricecracker will all come later. In the meantime, enjoy speculating about what you do and don't know.

I'll come out and take responsibility for the ending of the game. I'd like to apologize to all the players, everyone involved in the incident, and especially to JimButcher. You all deserved to see an end to this game, and due to my foolish actions and indiscretion, I caused the game to end unfairly and abruptly. As I still don't know all of what happened, I'd prefer if those involved did not discuss it, but it is up to your discretion as to whether or not you do. Those involved know who they are, so there is no need to ask if you are at fault. Again, I am sorry,


Thanks for the good times. I'm sad there was no winner though.

The sanes were scrambling there in the final days. For the most part though, the insanes did little to seem suspicious. Instead, the people I was suspicious of were the sanes who were being overly paranoid or aggressive: Sok, Sandy, Eskallon, Bob. The only ones I correctly fingered were Svelte (who I was going to investigate until Sandy made her move), Whitefang, who I canceled investigating when he got killed, and Shadows, who I investigated on the day of my death.

Even though Sok, Eskallon and I were able to coordinate, we were still just taking shots in the dark. Well played insanes! (except Legonator). And Svelte was surely the only reason we lasted so long. Am I correct in assuming he killed our first two insanes for us?

Well at least I can say that I was the last one alive, thats a way to end your first mafia game. To bad there couldn't be an official winner, but I'm just going to go ahead and say that I won :tongue: , Good game and I hope to play another one sometime really soon.

And Svelte was surely the only reason we lasted so long. Am I correct in assuming he killed our first two insanes for us?

Yes! It was me. I could either kill everyone or kill all the insanes to win, and I had to get the psychiatrist too. I just got lucky in my first two nights before my own life was tragically cut short :sadnew:

If the insanes had contacted me I would have probably gone with them, but it was not to be.

I'm with the angels now... With the angels in heaven...

Good game everyone! 'Tis a shame that it crumbled a bit towards the end, but nonetheless a satisfying and bloody conclusion.

Rick was right the whole time about my role- I was the first Sane investigator. I'm still amazed that the insanes managed to nab me on night one. In my opinion, it wasn't a good idea to make the Air Marshal the investigator. Isn't that too conspicuous? :hmpf_bad:

I don't think that was the only reason. On day one, logic led me to accuse Drake. I honestly didn't think he scum, but he actually was. I painted a target on my back as a logical person who was already determining insanes on day one, and apparently that was enough to prompt the insanes to kill me.

There's always another time, but the moral of my story is: correct logic at the incorrect time isn't logical.

I was loyal until a certain Wyatt Fangorski converted me on the night of his death. I didn't even want to be converted, I already had a plan to get the next scum based on the rule of 3s (a horribly metagame-tastic but practically foolproof method of tracking down people when the roles aren't 100% random, and they never are) and it would have worked. At that point, we would have won. But noooooo... I had to face a GRIM future as one of the converted insanes.

How does one get converted to insanity? Clearly the idea that we would all devolve into insanity was floating around prior to that or such conversion (and the conclusion) wouldn't be possible.

But hey, I got killed by a flying car. :sweet:

Yes! It was me. I could either kill everyone or kill all the insanes to win, and I had to get the psychiatrist too.

So was it you that got me? :hmpf_bad: I was the psychiatrist :classic:

It was the first time I had a night action and I wasnt too sure what to do with it so mostly I was just picking random people from the list. I did manage to block Professor Flitwick one though but I dont know if that was the right thing to do now... :look:

I had a great time but disappointed no one won. I was quite suspicious of Eskallon and Sok at the end especially Eskallon because you were targeting people and then they turned out to be sanes. Sok, I dont know about you but you just felt suspicious the whole game. The sanes were getting their butts kicked at the end of the game and if it did continue I wouldve put money on the insanes.

Great game Rice and Jim I had fun!

Great Game everyone, I would like to thank Ricecracker and Jimbutcher for hosting this marvellous game, I would also like to thank Def for just well making my life easier and then harder at the same time when we ended up voting for innocents.

Im sad that nobody won but was Sok a killer and the protector at the same time. You have some explaining to do samantha. Anyway everything I said was true and I was the sane roleblocker but I never actually got the chance to block anybody from there roles :cry_sad: They all just sat in there tents all night. Can we please see the list of night actions by everyone now as I find them rather interesting.

Im sad that nobody won but was Sok a killer and the protector at the same time. You have some explaining to do samantha.

Let me guess: Insane doctor?

I'm surprised my big axe is nowhere to be seen in the conclusion. :tongue: Looking forward to the roles/night actions. I was a paranoid gunaxe owner obviously without any night action.

I could have been still surviving if it's not for this annoying killer whom slaughter me at night 3... The insanes had a hard time at the first stage, especially with the tragic loss of Draggy and having to stuck with limited night actions on my team, we had to plan very carefully and until Night 3, I received the power of conversion which is very late in the game. Luckily, before I am dead, I managed to convert my beloved Shadows to carry on the insane torch on my behalf. :laugh:

Oh well, it was a nice game while it lasts. Thanks guys for giving me a wonderful fun experience. :sweet:

Wow, what an ending! Although I have to admit, I do hope to join a Mafia game where we don't all die at the end. :laugh: Still, it was fun. Good job, JimButcher and Ricecracker!


Great ending! I enjoyed reading the game, even though I was only seeing half of the action it was still intriguing.

In the last few days the sanes were so wild. One of the biggest mistakes was targeting Bob for no reason even when Sandy had previously stated she trusted him. Then not giving him a chance to defend himself. Madness! :wacko:

I have to congratulate the final insane whoever that was, by the end everyone was suspicious to me.

Thanks for providing me an entertaing read. :sweet:

I could have been still surviving if it's not for this annoying killer whom slaughter me at night 3...


I was the loyal vigilante, and a kind of "scummy townie".

On Night One, I killed Bella Teller (badboytje88), to get a sympathy vote for me, and to say that someone was out to get me. It was a scummy thing to do, I'll admit, but I believed it was necessary.

On Night Two, I killed Cyril Jenssens (Svelte), because of his actions during the day thread. It turned out to be a bit of a mistake, yet still a victory.

On Night Three, I killed Wyatt Fandorski (WhiteFang), because of his actions and because I honestly believed him. He was on my list, as was Leo Nathans (Legonater) who I got voted off earlier.

On Night Four, I made a mistake by targeting Zane Collinham (Zapper Brick). I knew it was one of the brothers, so I flipped a coin and decided to kill Zapper. It was a huge mistake, because if I came out that I was the loyal killer who shot a kid, then I'm sure that my credibility would be non-existent.

On Day Five, I was voted off because I was away from my computer. I'm sure if I had the opportunity to post my argument, I could have lived. I intended on killing Shirley Dover (Shadows) later that night anyway.

I guess you can sum it all up by saying I was a scummy townie, and I just wanted to win this one without caring for my fellow passengers.

So was it you that got me? :hmpf_bad: I was the psychiatrist :classic:

It was the first time I had a night action and I wasnt too sure what to do with it so mostly I was just picking random people from the list. I did manage to block Professor Flitwick one though but I dont know if that was the right thing to do now... :look:

I had a great time but disappointed no one won. I was quite suspicious of Eskallon and Sok at the end especially Eskallon because you were targeting people and then they turned out to be sanes. Sok, I dont know about you but you just felt suspicious the whole game. The sanes were getting their butts kicked at the end of the game and if it did continue I wouldve put money on the insanes.

Great game Rice and Jim I had fun!

You actually saved my life. I was the insane killer at that point, and I targeted Rick, but he tried to kill me. Without your protection, I would've died. But with your knowledge of what happend, we had to kill you. :devil: Sorry!

Great game JimB and Rice, so much fun!

Did anyone suspect me?

You actually saved my life. I was the insane killer at that point, and I targeted Rick, but he tried to kill me. Without your protection, I would've died. But with your knowledge of what happend, we had to kill you. :devil: Sorry!

Yeah, that would have been... unfortunate.

Did anyone suspect me?

Yeah, I've been suspicious, especially after the voting off of Bob the CM. But I was suspicious of def and Eskallon's determination as well at that point. But you did manage to divert attention away from you nicely. By day 7 you and Shadows were obvious of course.

SO! Now that it's over... why did Seth die? It was the biggest confusing point of all of the nights. Insane doctor?

By day 7 you and Shadows were obvious of course.

Unless you read back a bit, there's still some uncertainty. :grin:

SO! Now that it's over... why did Seth die? It was the biggest confusing point of all of the nights. Insane doctor?

Yep :wink:

We'll have a list of the roles up later today.

Yep :wink:

What do I win for being correct about Sok's role? A flying dystopian car?

SO! Now that it's over... why did Seth die? It was the biggest confusing point of all of the nights. Insane doctor?

That was very confusing to me as well. :laugh:

It was a fun game, and for a good while I thought the sanes would finally win, but unfortunately Shadows played a different strategy this time so I didn't suspect him until I ran out of options.

I was investigated by def, and so were Sok and Eskallon, so I knew they were sane, and so was Ricky because of the "big axe incident". So when it turned out that neither Big Cam nor Bob were insane, it had to be Shadows and Flitwick. Of course I had been long since killed off of the game, so my deductions had no effect. :tongue:

It's my turn to host next, which is both exciting and nerve-wrecking considering the pressure the hosts have had on them during the last few Mafia-games. All I can ask is for everyone to please play nice. :grin:

Hah! Good game. Everyone dies, but I suppose sanes win, right?

I knew proffesor flitwick was insane after I was killed. :wink:

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In my opinion, it wasn't a good idea to make the Air Marshal the investigator. Isn't that too conspicuous? :hmpf_bad:

It was completely random. We didn't assign the Marshal the Investigator role on purpose at all, it was by chance.

So was it you that got me? :hmpf_bad: I was the psychiatrist :classic:

A little clarity on this - you died way after Svelte, so it couldn't have been him. Here's how the psychopath/ psychiatrist roles work:

The Psychopath is neutral. He goes around killing people at night to achieve to criteria in order to win:

- The Psychiatrist must die for him to win.

- The Psychopath must either have all of the Insanes dead or outnumber the Sanes with the Insanes. So basically, he chooses a side to be on, if he knows which side that is.

And the contrasting role, the Psychiatrist, goes around at night trying to "cure" the Psychiatrist. They guess (based on evidence) who the Psychopath might be, and try to cure him/ her. If they guess wrong, nothing happens, but if they guess right, the Psychopath becomes a vanilla townie, and the Psychiatrist becomes a Sane Doctor. We did tell you this, Roncanator, but I'm not sure if you were clear on it. After Svelte died, you no longer had to cure people, but you could protect (not block).

And the Psychiatrist also has two winning criteria:

- The Psychopath must either be cured or killed.

- All of the Insanes must die.

Let me guess: Insane doctor?

Yes. If Sok's protection was useless on a night (if the protected person was not targeted by a killer), we flipped a coin to see if he would kill the person he was protecting. That's what happened with Sandy.


I was the loyal vigilante, and a kind of "scummy townie".

On Night One, I killed Bella Teller (badboytje88), to get a sympathy vote for me, and to say that someone was out to get me. It was a scummy thing to do, I'll admit, but I believed it was necessary.

I never understood that. The Legonator kept saying "oh, this person was killed in order to get to this person". Well, a killer can choose to kill anyone it pleases, so there's no "getting to" in mafia games...

But I have to say, you played very well in this game, Bob. I hope this won't be your last.

What do I win for being correct about Sok's role? A flying dystopian car?

No, but you can have all of the night actions. :tongue:

Here are all of the roles in this game (roles with "Sane" or "Insane" in their name don't have to do with alliance, but the role itself):

Sane (Town):

Sane Investigator: Inconspicuous

Vigilante: Bob TCM

Psychiatrist: Roncanator (changed to Sane Doctor after Svelte's death).

Insane (Scum):

Killer: The Legonator (handed off to Flitwick after death).


Psychopath: Svelte

What's that? There's more roles than that? Why, yes, there was. In this game, Ricecracker and I decided to try something new, to make things more interesting. Instead of giving all of the roles at the beginning of the game, we decided to (randomly) assign one new role to each Sane and Insane side for the first three nights (they could not use their action until the next night). There was one small issue (as you'll see), but I think it balanced things out nicely.


Night 1: Naive Investigator (all results come up Sane): def

Night 2: Roleblocker: Eskallon

Night 3: Insane Doctor: Sok117


Night 1: Roleblocker: Flitwick

Night 2: Turner: WhiteFang

As you can see, we ran into a slight problem with Flitwick changing roles. After The Legonator died, the killer role had to have been transfered to another Insane (see, we do know what we're doing, Legonator). With only two Insanes left, we chose to replace Flitwick's roleblocking role with the killer one. When WhiteFang died, and Shadows was converted, we gave Shadows the roleblocking role. If we could go back, something I would do differently would be to have the roleblocking role disappear, and give Shadows the next one on the list (ironically enough, it would've been Watcher).

Night actions will be up later today.

Night 1: Naive Investigator (all results come up Sane): def

I was naive because all my suspects were sane? Or is "Naive Investigator" a role? Or has this question established me as naive? :cry_sad:

Shadows was my last investigation... I was almost on the right track :wacko:

  • Author
I was naive because all my suspects were sane? Or is "Naive Investigator" a role? Or has this question established me as naive? :cry_sad:

Shadows was my last investigation... I was almost on the right track :wacko:

Yes, Naive was the role. :laugh: No matter who you chose to investigate, you would always see them as Sane.

Yes, Naive was the role. :laugh: No matter who you chose to investigate, you would always see them as Sane.

Well, that's just devilish. So, Sok was insane?

Your mafia is looking like a heck of a lot more of a head screw than Shadow's Persia mafia.

I assumed that I got made investigator to make up for the air marshal being taken out the first night. I guess I just made an ass out of me :hmpf_bad:

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