June 10, 201014 yr I'm waiting on a Shop at Home order that includes two of the minifigures; I expect it to arrive today. I'll be sure to post here if they're the same as one another. A brief update: my package arrived (huzzah!), and it turns out LEGO has seen fit to give me a tribal hunter and a diver. So far, so good! I must say, I'd personally like to have at least two or three of every figure in the series, and lots more than that of a few of them. I'm particularly pleased that my first randomly-selected minifig purchase included a second Native American hunter, as that's one of the ones I most want scads of (along with the forestman, spaceman, robot and caveman). The diver isn't the character I'm most excited about, I must admit (as is the case for probably most people here), but it's actually one I wouldn't mind having several of - it's a figure really well suited to being part of a team, I think.
June 10, 201014 yr I've ordered 19 so far, in four different orders (5,4,5,5). The first two shipments have arrived and out of 9 minifigs, I've only received two duplicates (so I have seven different minifigs out of nine ordered). I'm hoping the next ten are as randomized!
June 10, 201014 yr Here's hoping that if they get enough complaints, they'll try to randomize it. how to do it. 1- get large plastic bin from walmart. if they cant do that, use a large shipping box. 2-open several different cases of the figs. 3-dump all in same bow 4-shake it around 5-keep repeating with new cases arrive! also, my local TRU just got some the other day, but they sold out very quickly before I got there. I hope they get more in soon! Edited June 10, 201014 yr by Dan the Brickman
June 11, 201014 yr The most likely reason is the packaging of the boxes. Most minifigs seem to be unique to one of the three rows in the box. Furthermore, in my box (EU though) the rows started (from the bottom) from left to right with three clows, five crash test dummies, and five ninjas, respectively. Many other figs are the same (two or three in a row) further 'up' the rows.
June 11, 201014 yr Author Good news! I received my second shipment (birthday present from GF, woot) and they were all different! See? Just look below. All different. Yep, all different. No repeats of those collectable minifigures right there. My shipment also included an empty cereal bowl and a spoon as you can see in the background. Alright I got a second cheerleader but I was super excited about my wizard as well Looks like they jumped on this problem rather quickly. I'm happy.
June 12, 201014 yr I hate that there are negative stories about this series. My local TRU received ONE box. I bought a total of 19 bags in three trips over three successive days. On the fourth day the box was gone. That was about two weeks ago. I keep calling them (no sense in visiting every day, though I do go to browse often), but they always say they have no idea when another box may come in. I've been told by this TRU and the one in the next town over that the actual store does not do the ordering. They never know what is going to come off the truck. It's all done through computer inventories. I would think that the computer would see how fast these sold out and order twice as much for the next shipment. All in all, I'd have to say my experience is positive. I got what I wanted (a whole set), plus an extra cheerleader, ninja, and dummy. I would not order from S&H because I'm not interested in getting random minifigs. I used the barcodes for two out of the three trips. The best thing to come of this whole experience, aside from new pieces, is that TLG now knows how profitable minfigs can be on their own. Forget Impulses (though I do enjoy these as well), TLG should kick out singles all the time. I'd spend way more money if they did.
June 12, 201014 yr I'm glad it worked out for you. Here is my crop of 5 crash test dummies. ] DUDE!!! THIS SUCKS. I have two groups of 5 on their way and if I get 5 Crash Test Dummies and 5 Skater Boys...I'm going to be really pissed...although, 5 forestmen and Tribal Hunters would be great.... Edited June 12, 201014 yr by Apache
June 12, 201014 yr I've called both my local Target and TRU, checked them on numerous times as well as checked other Targets, Kmarts, etc. for these in-store. My only response from TRU was that they only get one case of 32, and it's immediately snatched up by collectors and the like and it comes randomly so they don't know when it would be in. Seems like unless other stores around me start getting shipments or I manage to get into TRU in time I'll be ordering offline. =/ Upsetting because I only want a few of the figures and only way to ensure them is the barcode. I would love the 5 dummies...=D
June 14, 201014 yr Author From the customer rep that I spoke with about the 5 crash test dummies... 'The LEGO Group places a high value on consumer opinion and your remarks are most appreciated. In our ongoing efforts to produce and market products that are valued by children and adults alike, consumer comments, such as yours, are important resources that we welcome and value. Therefore, I have requested that another 3 #8683 minifigure packages be sent out to you complimentary. They should be arriving shortly. ' I'm going to say that this issue has been resolved completely
June 14, 201014 yr From the customer rep that I spoke with about the 5 crash test dummies...'The LEGO Group places a high value on consumer opinion and your remarks are most appreciated. In our ongoing efforts to produce and market products that are valued by children and adults alike, consumer comments, such as yours, are important resources that we welcome and value. Therefore, I have requested that another 3 #8683 minifigure packages be sent out to you complimentary. They should be arriving shortly. ' I'm going to say that this issue has been resolved completely Nice one ! Wonder what the chances are of you getting 3 more crash test dumies
June 14, 201014 yr My first order of 5 packets arrived today from S@H. 1st packet=clown, 2nd packet=clown, 3rd packet=indian, 4th packet=spaceman and 5th packet=clown. That's 3 clowns, an indian and a spaceman. Although I'm happy that I got the clown (these are my first), I already have the indian and spaceman. I'll be waiting for my second order, hopefully arriving in the next few days. I still need 7 figures to complete a set. Is it worth placing one or two more orders at S@H?
June 15, 201014 yr Author My first order of 5 packets arrived today from S@H. 1st packet=clown, 2nd packet=clown, 3rd packet=indian, 4th packet=spaceman and 5th packet=clown. That's 3 clowns, an indian and a spaceman. Although I'm happy that I got the clown (these are my first), I already have the indian and spaceman.I'll be waiting for my second order, hopefully arriving in the next few days. I still need 7 figures to complete a set. Is it worth placing one or two more orders at S@H? If you can afford it I say go for it because the chances of you finding the packets anywhere are looking slim to none around now. However if it takes you 4 orders, that still $60, and even then there's no chance you got all of the figures you wanted.
June 15, 201014 yr well my local TRU just got in their 3rd. box, but sadly no money for me to buy some more.
June 15, 201014 yr If you can afford it I say go for it because the chances of you finding the packets anywhere are looking slim to none around now. However if it takes you 4 orders, that still $60, and even then there's no chance you got all of the figures you wanted. My 2nd order of 5 packets arrived today from S@H. 1st packet=Ninja, 2nd packet=Ninja, 3rd packet=Indian, 4th packet=Robot and 5th packet=Forestman. Time to place another order at S@H. Still need 5 minifigs to complete a set.
June 16, 201014 yr Good news! I received my second shipment (birthday present from GF, woot) and they were all different! See? Just look below. All different. Alright I got a second cheerleader but I was super excited about my wizard as well Looks like they jumped on this problem rather quickly. I'm happy. Umm... Is it strange to anyone else that Alex received a wizard?!
June 16, 201014 yr My first order of 5 packets arrived today from S@H. 1st packet=clown, 2nd packet=clown, 3rd packet=indian, 4th packet=spaceman and 5th packet=clown. That's 3 clowns, an indian and a spaceman. Although I'm happy that I got the clown (these are my first), I already have the indian and spaceman. I'll be waiting for my second order, hopefully arriving in the next few days. I still need 7 figures to complete a set. Is it worth placing one or two more orders at S@H? well you can always peruse thru the trade thread here where there is a minifig collectible trade thread going on, or try your luck at TRU since most stores should have gotten a new box yesterday or today, I know mine did and if I had the money they would be mine. Umm... Is it strange to anyone else that Alex received a wizard?! hmm isn't that a kingdoms wizard?
June 16, 201014 yr Thanks for the information, Asterios! Umm... Is it strange to anyone else that Alex received a wizard?! Actually, legitimatealex just put the wizard minifig on the plate, which belongs to his other cheerleader minifig. Edited June 16, 201014 yr by ILikePi
June 16, 201014 yr Frustrated, but not Crash Test Dummy Frustrated. Just got my hands on my FIRST minifigs from my Lego Shop at home. I felt the first bag...easy to tell Cowboy, 3 little guns.. 2nd bag...ANother Cowboy...hmmmmmm....so I feel the second, it's new...thought it was a cheerleader but felt Katana and headwrap...next bag..hey that feels like a katana again..hmmmm...and the third one was, you guessed it, another Ninja.. I opened one cowboy and one Ninja and will trade the rest. Hopefully the next 5 will be a little more random. Still better than 3 Dummies and 2 Skater Boys...ECK!
June 16, 201014 yr Frustrated, but not Crash Test Dummy Frustrated. Just got my hands on my FIRST minifigs from my Lego Shop at home. I felt the first bag...easy to tell Cowboy, 3 little guns.. 2nd bag...ANother Cowboy...hmmmmmm....so I feel the second, it's new...thought it was a cheerleader but felt Katana and headwrap...next bag..hey that feels like a katana again..hmmmm...and the third one was, you guessed it, another Ninja.. I opened one cowboy and one Ninja and will trade the rest. Hopefully the next 5 will be a little more random. Still better than 3 Dummies and 2 Skater Boys...ECK! meh if I was in your shoes buying mine online I wouldn't mind the dummies since their a bit cool.
June 16, 201014 yr meh if I was in your shoes buying mine online I wouldn't mind the dummies since their a bit cool. The interesting thing with these figures is that everybody likes something diferent. Personally I can't stand the dummies. I find the figure bland and have no real use for any of the parts. The same goes for the zombie yet for many the zombie is a must-have. Different strokes I suppose.
June 16, 201014 yr I hate that there are negative stories about this series. My local TRU received ONE box. I bought a total of 19 bags in three trips over three successive days. On the fourth day the box was gone. That was about two weeks ago. I keep calling them (no sense in visiting every day, though I do go to browse often), but they always say they have no idea when another box may come in. I've been told by this TRU and the one in the next town over that the actual store does not do the ordering. They never know what is going to come off the truck. It's all done through computer inventories. I would think that the computer would see how fast these sold out and order twice as much for the next shipment. All in all, I'd have to say my experience is positive. I got what I wanted (a whole set), plus an extra cheerleader, ninja, and dummy. I would not order from S&H because I'm not interested in getting random minifigs. I used the barcodes for two out of the three trips. The best thing to come of this whole experience, aside from new pieces, is that TLG now knows how profitable minfigs can be on their own. Forget Impulses (though I do enjoy these as well), TLG should kick out singles all the time. I'd spend way more money if they did. Agreed about positive. I managed to get 11 out of the 16 from TRU, then my area hit a serious dry spell. I'd been doing the same as Lego_Hero, calling the two TRU's in my area rather than driving out every single day. Nothing, nothing, nothing... then on Monday I read here at Eurobricks that some people are reporting that BORDERS has them. Drove out to the nearby Borders and BAM! There they were... I was able to complete the collection and yesterday went back to grab myself an extra cheerleader, caveman (going to put that hair on one of my Pirate crew), and cowboy (love the pistols for my police force). I have no desire for an entire box, but already have 2 forestmen, and might be tempted to get a third, or maybe another cowboy for the guns, but otherwise I've gotten what I wanted. Sucks about 5 crash test dummies-- my biggest fear before the series broke was that I'd get stuck with a whole batch of them. I did get a second one I didn't really want, but that was before I really got good at barcode identification. Don't get down, boys... try Borders if you're willing to pay $3 a figure (and you can use coupons on them as well if you belong to Borders Rewards, apparently). Also, I'd like to say I'm a definite supporter of the barcode method-- I've actually become quite good at identifying the codes without the cheat sheet-- just try to memorize the last few bars of whatever figure you need, not as hard as you'd think. Then no one can give you weird looks or tell you you can't 'cheat' with a paper guide.
June 17, 201014 yr I got my shipment from Lego today, it had 3 forestmen, cowboy, and a magician. I needed the cowboy, I only had one, but now I have 10 forestmen, way to many. I guess I'll trade or sell them. Scott
June 17, 201014 yr Well I got my S@H order today 4 forestmen, and 1 Ninja... Not exactly random. Then to find out online is sold out today... no local stores have any. So looks like it's eBay or Bricklink to complete the series. I do hope Lego does a bit better on the series 2. Ralph
June 17, 201014 yr This is a problem but at least it appears to be solved. I haven't been able to find a single one! I've seriously considered not getting any at all. TLG really didn't plan well for these. Shame.
June 17, 201014 yr I hate to be the bearer of bad news... Two days ago, I placed my 3rd order at S@H for the minifigs. My online order was accepted and confirmed. Then yesterday, I received an e-mail, stating that my order of 5 minifigs was cancelled with no explanation at all (I did order 2 other smaller sets - these were shipped according to a separate e-mail). So this morning, I called S@H to find out what the reason of the cancellation is. I was told that S@H limits purchases of 5 minifigs per household, not per order. Huh!? And when I informed the person I was talking to that this was the only way I can buy them, he said that the limit of 5 per household was lifted yesterday but then they sold out and so the cancellation of my order. What in the name of...!? I really don't buy this crap (and I mean CRAP! - I rarely get frustrated) because I was able to place 2 separate orders in the past for the minifigs (see my earlier postings in this thread). I apologize to ALL TLG/S@H employees who does their job wonderfully for this outburst. So there you have it folks... Any of you guys/gals had the same experience and what alibi were you told by the S@H employee you spoke to?
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