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Finally, the suspense was killing me. It's been much too quiet around this forum lately, and this is just the kick start it needs.

Of course I would like to play. And even if I don't get in, I will watch contently.

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I've played a total of four mafia games (Noir, MCII, Infection, Prohibition), have won one game (MCII), and have co-hosted one game (Dystopia).

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I have read the first five books three times each, the sixth twice, and the seventh once. I absolutely loved the books, but I hated the movies. I own the first three on VHS, which are all decent, but beyond that I thought the film interpretations were horrible.

It's been a while since I read the books (maybe two or three years), but I remember many things. I'm not the biggest Harry Potter geek, but I can tell you your expelliarmuses from your accios. :wink:

Really looking forward to this.

I am highly motivated to play this game. :blush:

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I have only played one sort of mafia game called Death in the Sands of Time. That one was held last month during Eurobricks PoP month. I did not win but I really got into it and it was a hell of a lot of fun. Of course, I would defintely play such sort of game again if it were to be hosted.

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

Well, I have not read any of the books but I saw a few movies. They have been on Dutch TV quite a few times and are usually being broadcasted around Christmas time. Also, I have a large Lego HP collection and own approximately 90% of the sets (rough estimate). To my knowledge the only ones that I am missing are a few of the smaller sets that came with the HP and the Sorcerer's Stone movie from 2001. I also do own a couple of loose minifigs such as Dumbledore, Gilderoy Lockhart, Gryffindor knight statue, HP, Lucius Malfoy, Marauder's Map statue, Quirell, uncle Vernon Dursley, Wormtail and last but not least, a Buckbeak flying horse.

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If these sign-ups would be first come first served, all the 24 spots would be taken right about now. I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm still honored and thankful to all of you who signed up.

I also want to emphasize that the sign-ups will stay open for exactly two weeks, so there's no need to hurry. Think about your answers - and especially think about why I asked those specific two questions - and you'll improve your chances in getting into the game.

I encourage people to continue to sign-up and write quality answers like so many have done already. Thanks for your interest, guys! :wub:

Wow! The wait has gone by fast! I really look forward to this game, whether I play or watch alongside. Cool mini Hogwarts!

1) I've been interested in Mafia since I learned to play it in person on a camping trip four years ago. I've played it person a good handful of times more, but even though I won several as scum, I don't see it as a great achievement (I feel that playing it in person takes less time and things don't develop as much). Here on Eurobricks, I've played in Prohibition and Dystopia. As you'll probably remember, I was greatly misguided in my first game, and made the terrible mistake of voting you off. I thought I would get a chance to redeem myself in Dystopia, but I was killed this first night, after I correctly guessed a scum on Day 1. I also played in the Prince of Persia bloodbath, and survived a couple days. Last, I followed Mystical Castle, Infection, Imperial Soldiers, and have read over a few older Mafia games.

2) I've been in love with it ever since it came out! When I was a little kid, I had a Harry Potter themed birthday way before it became popular. The worker at the cake shop said it was the very first Harry cake they had ever made. I've read all 7 books, a few of them twice. I also own Jim Weiss' audiobook series and have listened to all the books at least once. I've seen all the movies to date and own three of them. Growing up, Lego Harry Potter was one of my favorite themes, and I owned a large handful of sets, including the first and third Hogwarts Castles and the Chamber of Secrets. I have very fond memories of playing with the sets, including driving around my Knight Bus while playing the soundtrack from that scene in the movie. I've played through some of the video games and know my basic spells, potions, creatures, and characters. I've loved Harry Potter for years, and I don't think that love of mine will ever fade away.

If these sign-ups would be first come first served, all the 24 spots would be taken right about now. I can't say I'm surprised, but I'm still honored and thankful to all of you who signed up.

... Is it too late to ask you to change! :tongue:

I'd love to play - the idea of a Harry Potter mafia game sounds very interesting! I'll only be gone for a day or two right at the beginning of July, but after that I'll have plenty of time on my hands. :sweet:

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I've actually never played a mafia game at all before due to time constraints, but I have watched many in action, like Prohibition Mafia and Infection - they were very interesting to watch. A Harry Potter-themed game would be a great way to get to know more about the world of mafia games!

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter! It's my second favorite LEGO theme, the first being LEGO Star Wars. I plan on buying the upcoming LEGO Harry Potter sets from The Burrow and down on. I've read each book twice so far, and I have watched some of the movies (I watched 4-6 recently, but I watched 1-3 a long time ago so I wouldn't count that as watching). I also love the

(It excites when I hear it in an unexpected place, like a planetarium or on a website :grin:). I've played one of the Harry Potter games before, and from that, alongside the books & movies, I remembered spells like Alohomora (key-opening spell), Wingardium Leviosa (spell that makes things float), the three Unforgivable Spells (Crucio, Avada Kedavra, Imperio), Expecto Patronum (Patronus spell), Petrificus Totalus (petrifying spell), and Expelliarmus (disarming spell).

Looking forward to see who gets chosen!

Edited by ILikePi

Ooh! Harry Potter mafia!

1) My experience in Mafia games is a little limited, seeing as I've played only in the PoP game. I did get pretty far, dying on the 4th(?) day, out if 5.

2) I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter!!! I have read each book at least 8 times each, and have watched every movie at least three times. I am planning on buying the Lego Harry Potter game at the end of this month. I am also planning on buying every copy of the new HP sets at least once. I have the Theme music on my iPod. :grin:

Edited by cralegoboy

Cool! I think I give it a try

1) I haven't played any mafia games on Eurobricks, but I have played live Mafia games and understand the basic ideas. I've also followed numerous mafia games on here, including the Baritones I & II, Prohibition, Imperial Mafia, and Infection.

2) Harry Potter is my favorite book series of all time. I've read every book numerous times, have seen the movies numerous times as well. I know many of the spells and potions, like Veritaserum, the truth potion; Polyjuice Potion, which altars the drinkers appearance, Accio, the summoning charm; Fiendfyre, dangerous cursed fire, and Lumos, the light spell. LEGO wise, I didn't buy very many Harry Potter sets because I didn't really care for HP when they were out. But I plan to pick up at least one HP set this year, and possibly the videogame.

Oh boy, I have indeed been looking forward to this

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

Well the only real mafia game I've played online was the recent Dystopia Mafia hosted by Ricecraker and Jim Butcher which I managed to survive until the very end without dying, until things went out of control and the game needed to be ended. That said, I have played Mafia before in real life, at camp and with my local church group 2-3 years ago, though there weren't many themes, and the games were rather simple, I have enjoyed it nonetheless.

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

Well, I'm currently re-reading the books, and oddly to say this time through is my first time reading the first book. I saw the first movie first, then was captured by the magic, and sprang to read the second and so on. But with the recent announcement of new sets, I decided to dig into the archives and find a copy of the first book to read, after which I couldn't help but reading them all again. I've seen the movies all on the second day of them being out. And I have been lucky enough to acquire most of the Harry Potter sets past. Also oddly enough, I have been lucky enough to get the two Comic Relief books which I found most entertaining, Quiditch through the ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. All and all I have really enjoyed the magic behind the Harry Potter Franchise and hope to take part in this exciting and In-depth game, whether I be watching it or playing along.

P.S. sorry about killing you in Dystopia Mafia, it was an accident and I hope you don't exclude me because of that :grin:

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

3 under my belt, I've been on the good side and bad. I've won 2 of them

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I love it. I've seen all the movies to date. I'm not much of a reader so I ahve'nt dipped into the books but I am thinking about it since I actually enjoy reading star wars books.

I missed the last run when LEGO did it, but I plan to scoop up som HP sets this time around. :thumbup:

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I won my first Mafia game due to the never ending love carefulness of Shadows and his smart remarks, and my second mafia game even though I got my lazy maid megablocks fried by Dragonator. :tongue: So in total, on this site, I've devoted a heck of a lot of time to these games as I have played in five. Two Mysteries, and three mafia games. I have also been somewhat of a mafia game critic on other sites and have participated in one other on a different site, and didn't get past the first day because the host failed at life. :hmpf_bad:

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I've all read the books twice as I've loved the series since I was 5. (That was 8 years ago! 8 YEARS! I've spent plenty of meals and late nights reading those books. The day the final book came out, I was at the nearest Wal-Mart purchasing it, and the ending was by far the most epic in a book yet.

*backfiring spells FTW!!*

And I watched all the movies so far and Goblet of Fire was my favorite. Those were the days when Robert Pattinson was respectable. :sweet: And I plan on maybe buying one or two of the new sets.

Sandy, I would be your best buddy for ever and ever if you chose me. :laugh:

Edited by Striker

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

Played it first time in the early 90s, like 1993 or something, have played it some times here, won a few, hosted once, is going to host again in the future.

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

Read up to book 4, haven't gotten around to buying the last three books yet, have watched all the movies so far, would like to have the sets, am going to buy at least some of the upcoming sets.


Will there be duels in the game? :cry_happy:

Or duel like deaths? :cry_happy:

Edited by Roncanator

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Will there be duels in the game? :cry_happy:

Or duel like deaths? :cry_happy:

All will be revealed in two weeks. :wink:

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I've never been in one, but followed many. I'm always too late to join. :cry_sad:

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

My mom always talks about HP (she's OBSESSED with the books and movies), I've seen all the movies out, and read TDH when it first came out.

I would like to get onto this.

1. I think I know how to play mafia games after my time being a spectator on them. Though this would be my first time.

2. Harry Potter is one of my favorite film series. I know a lengthy knowledge about it's world, and have seen all the films. Though I have not read the books.

Edited by Emperor Claudius Rome

1) I've played in about 10 mystery or Mafia games here at EB. I've had a ton of fun in all of them, and I hope to enjoy yet another awesome one. I'm also happy to say that I think I've added at least something unique to each. I'm sure a few players I've swindled or helped would be willing to back me up on that.

2) Read all the books within the week that they were released. (Minus the first three, which I was not even aware of until a few years in.) I've debated and discussed them during and after their release. I'm in 10th grade, and I organized a match of Muggle Quidditch this year. I love Harry Potter.

I'm sure a few players I've swindled or helped would be willing to back me up on that.

I've never seen this person before in my life. :hmpf_bad:

Sorry, Mary. :wink:

Don't forget, you hosted a mystery which still begs the question... WHAT THE HELL IS A MAFSTRAW? *huh*

I'm in 10th grade

Off to the chamber! Oh, wait, you could just be really slow. :grin:

Hi, this looks like its going to be a great game!

1) What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

Well I won my first mafia game, Galactic Paranoia, as the last man standing by manipulating and killing most of the people in the game. My next two games I did not do as well as the first but I have enjoyed spectating the more recent games.

2) What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I have read all the books and have watched all the movies out so far. Book six is by far my favorite since it has just the best combination of mystery, suspense and overall the best book written in the series. Movie 5 is my favorite movie since it is the thriller of the series. It follows the typical thriller plot and I just loved it.

This looks like its going to be a great mafia game and I cant wait for it to start.

Wow, the sign-ups are here already, can't wait to see what's happening in this one.

1.What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

Well I've played Imperial Soldier's Mafia here on Eurobricks, but I haven't done any others.

2.What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

I own all the movies and have seen them several times each. I'm about halfway through reading the books, I'll probably finish this summer. I've got about ten Harry Potter sets from when it was still yellow figs (and when I was collecting), and I plan to get a few of the sets from the upcoming line.

Been waiting for this one for a while! :thumbup:

1) The only mafia games I have taken part in are the ones on EB. I was a replacement converter in Galactic Paranoia but the game quickly ended. I played a vanilla townie in Noir Mafia and another one in Prohibition Mafia.

2)I have been an avid fan of Harry Potter since roughly the age of seven. The Philosopher's Stone was the first chapter book I read and since then I have read the series completely through 5-6 times. I remember countless days of suspense leading up to the release of a book or a movie, and waiting in line to see / read it on the first day.

I've never seen this person before in my life. :hmpf_bad:

Sorry, Mary. :wink:

Don't forget, you hosted a mystery which still begs the question... WHAT THE HELL IS A MAFSTRAW? *huh*

Off to the chamber! Oh, wait, you could just be really slow. :grin:

I'm 92. Watch your tounge whipper snapper!

1) The only other Mafia game I've been in was Christopher Wilder in Prohibition Mafia, but if selected here I promise to turn down the verbiage :grin:

2) I guess I'm pretty knowledgeable about Harry Potter. I own all the books, plus the supplementary Quidditch handbook and bestiary, and even The Tales of Beedle the Bard. I own a Harry Potter set [was more of a Bionicle man back in the day] and my favorites of the movies are Half-Blood Prince, followed by Prisoner of Azkaban.

Ohmygod! Sign me up!

1) I have played in Prohibition Mafia. I am currently playing in a mafia game outside of Eurobricks (corruption in the caves Mafia hosted by Brickme). In Adition I am in Red Moon the mystery game hosted by Hinckley, and have played numerous rpgs before (I DM a Dnd group)

2) As for HP, I've read all of the books (some more than once) and have attended many Harry Potter partys and have a large Harry Potter poster in my closet Among other HP paraphernalia......

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Edited by Dannylonglegs

If it's not too late, I'd like to throw my name in the hat. :sweet: Now, the all important questions:

What is your experience with mafia games, here and elsewhere?

I've only ever played mafia games here on Eurobricks, and half of them never saw a proper ending, but I do love them and would say I've gotten accustomed to the tricks and twists they can offer. I'm always game for another go. :laugh: I um... I'm not sure if I've won one yet, but losing streaks don't last forever! :grin:

What is your relationship with the Harry Potter -franchise?

Well, er, I read the books. And saw a couple of the movies. Well actually, I still haven't read the last book. :blush: I may not be a die-hard fan, but I know enough to stay in the loop!


Edited by iamded

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