December 14, 200915 yr WOW!!!! I missed all these new pics again! Thank you sooo much kimT! These new sets look Perfect! Just how I pictured them! i can't believe Bane is in the CTT! WooHoo! I wanted him to be in a set, and he is! As for Ani and Ashoka, being in the CTT as well, well thats annoying but I can live with it. GG's fighter, the cockpit is kinda wierd, but looks like a nice set! I Love Palpis shuttle! Yay another clone pilot! so now I can have three in the ARC when I get it. Soo much more I could say but will leave it at that. Thanks again Kim! CommanderFox
December 14, 200915 yr Thanks KimT for the pics. To my mind the second wave is much better than the first ... the wait is not going to be easy. The minifigures complement in the second wave are just awesome. Will have to offload some of the extra CW Anakins ... not sure how many Anakins you really need. I quite like the box design for the second wave. Very nice.
December 14, 200915 yr Thanks very much for the link! The amount of new figures is cool, though I think that blue box design is a little odd at this stage. Although I know it will change, I kind of wish the Wampa's facial expression would stay as it is now. It looks so cute and huggable, kind of like a white Domo, and I hope it doesn't end up looking too ugly and fierce. And you know, now that LEGO has gotten into these bigger SW creatures (Taun Taun, Wampa), a Rancor can't be far behind, can it? If that really is Zev again, oh well, I gues LEGO is just making up for putting Dak in three sets while never putting Zev in any. At least Zev has a cool face, unlike Dak's smiley pacifism. Like some others, I'm also glad that Plo Koon's fighter comes by itself without any extras. I quite like the collection of Starfighters, it would make a good hangar scene, but I couldn't bring myself to buy the Ahsoka fighter set, since all I really wanted was the Starfighter and Droid. Does anybody else notice the lightsaber clipped onto the fighter's right side? I guess that's better than where LEGO said to put it on Ahsoka's fighter, as I've seen in the reviews. The remodels look good, except GG's starfighter, which in this preliminary state looks less sleek than the first version. I am sure Palpatines shuttle will change before the final version, something just looks off about it to me right now. I don't think the Pilot's helmet is closed, the face just is oddly discolored. I'm sad that LEGO didn't take this opportunity to give us some more Shock Troopers (my favorite coloring of Clones). Maybe we will someday see a Senate Duel playset with Palpy, Yoda, and some Shockies. One thing that makes the Clone Wars sets different from LEGO's other licenses is that usually LEGO releases sets for new movies before the movies come out, but the CW sets reflect episodes months and months after they air. Maybe that is so the kids will already know the episodes and so recognize the sets (although Palpy has yet to appear on a Venator in an office), but I just find it a bit off for LEGO to put out a set with a villian (GG) and jedi that the villain kills. While I of course want the Mon-Cal head, it still seems a bit odd to me.
December 14, 200915 yr The pilot was pretty expected to be in the set and is his helmet on of the new ones or is it different? It looks new. they're called V-Wing Pilots. It doesn't have an open faced helmet like this one:
December 14, 200915 yr Do we know if Plo Koon's Jedi SF is CW or ROTS? I'll bet it's CW, but there's a slight possibility it could be from the Ep III scene where he gets shot down. Here is another question: Does it really matter? The starfignter, Plo Koon, and probably even the droid look exactly the same in the movies and the TV show, so who cares what kind of stamp TLC puts on this set? Sorry if I'm sounding rude. I'm just starting to get annoyed by these PT/CW discussions. I also spy a seat for Grievous' operations. Maybe it fits inside the starfighter? I don't think so, or at least I hope not. That wouldn't make any sense. what the heck is Anakin standing on?! Good question. I'm guessing it's some sort of little command module, like the one in the RGS. Do you guys think the AT-RT can be stowed away in the tank somehow?
December 14, 200915 yr That's the last time I ignore a remark about boxes! Well, lets see here, interesting stuff. Sorry abotu the off-topicness before KimT! The cave looks pretty bad, the speeder hasn't changed, and the Wampa case is still a mystery, as it's all prototype. Plo's fighter looks pretty cool. Nothing special or new though. As of right now, Greivous's fighter looks like it's on crack. We are getting a new Greivous, as it seems. We get a medic droid on the theta! Yay! The Slave I looks pretty snazzy. I'll definitely be getting one. New Boba, new Bossk, new Han and Han in Carbonite! No platforms though. The Turbo Tank looks by far the best set out of the bunch. CW fans get their Cad Bane, a good looking AT-RT, Aayla, and a great looking Tank itself!
December 14, 200915 yr well, I cant help but saying I told you so on Palpatines Shuttle. But enough of that, Boba Fett looks sweet, I think they will use the antena from the CW gear for the troopers and also use the cape shoulder thing from Lukes Landspeeder, (the one on the sand trooper). It is almost like Lego can read my thoughts with that CTT, I knew there was no Bariss in it but i didn't expect a Cad bane, Good thing my B-day is close to the end of the year. Does anyone know what the thing Anakin is standing on in the CTT? thoughts or ideas would help.
December 14, 200915 yr To my mind the second wave is much better than the first ... the wait is not going to be easy. The minifigures complement in the second wave are just awesome. Will have to offload some of the extra CW Anakins ... not sure how many Anakins you really need.I quite like the box design for the second wave. Very nice. Yes, but the first wave does have some nice sets, like the ARC and the Swamp speeder. Agreed, I don't think I can wait that long! Now where is Philip! Then I can say "patience my young one" , wait i need to say that to myself.. CommanderFox
December 14, 200915 yr Wow. That is all I can say. All of the Summer sets look amazing. While these are still preliminary, I feel like all of these sets will really be amazing. That Boba Fett looks amazing. While the Turbo Tank has followed the theme of putting main characters in CW sets, it includes 2 all new main characters that look well worth it.
December 14, 200915 yr Fantastic pics /kimT. GG Starfighter's a tad ugly, hope they improve on the prelim. It doesn't look like it from the pic, but what's the chance the CTT will be compatible with the LAAT/c? Now that would be the icing on the cake.
December 14, 200915 yr This is going to sound so stupid, but the box art on the sets to be released later in the year is the best thing! It's stunning. I am very excited indeed!
December 15, 200915 yr Maybe, or Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian Hmm... good point. I'd still wnat I Tycho. I've started reading the X-Wing series lately. A Corran Horn would be a nice fig, but highly unlickly. Anyways, these new Sets look AWESOME! To start, I love the new box art. Wampa Cave: I'm totaly getting this. I need a wampa, The more speeders the merrier and, hey, a Hoth Luke! Plo's Starfighter: Nice. I need a new Plo fig, because ym last one's paint has started peeling, so the tips of his mask are brownish. Also, I haven't gotton either of the clone wars Jedi Fighters, so this is nice, with the bonus of the Azure Angel hidden within. I forget, This isn't the same fighter he has in Ep. 3 is it? Gerivous's Starfighter. Wow. What do I say. To start off, both my Gerivous Starfight and AT-ST are still incomplete and missing pieces after I tried to make the Jedi Killer combo, So this is very welcome. Plus the new Gerivous fig looks awesome... but complicated. i like the Nahdar fig too (yes, that's how you spell Nahdar). Though the cockpit is boxy, this is loikely to change. Personlly, I think the med droid is a piece of junk. Palpy's Shuttle: Awesome. I was hoping for a Clone Wars Palp with a less scary face, but oh well. I don't know why Ani has his mask yet, but the 2-B is sweet. As for the shuttle its self, it is a piece of Art. i hope to get it. Slave 1: Surprisingly, I don't have a Slave 1 yet, so this is welcome. Personally, I was hoping forr a Ep. 2 Slave 1 as i don't yet have a Jango, but with the EP.5 30th anniversary, that was unlickly. On the bright side, All I have left of my boba is his legs. The new boba is awesome. It's obvious that his helmet is disconnected, shown with the cape, so i'm happy. I love the new carbonite piece. i guess the tauntaun/luke properganda was good enough to imply. Turbo Tank. Once again, I didn't get the last one, so this is in my list to get (Like everything else) Ashoka and Ani I don't mind, as I STILL don't have a Clone Wars fig for EITHER of them. bane is a nice addition, and looks a s good as they can make him. Aayla I hope they edit, as she looks very strange with a pure white luku. I find it strange, though, that the have a Phase 1 and Phase 2 in one year. the Tank itself is awesome. I hope to get this. 2010 is looking as hopefull as 2009 did. good job LEGO!
December 15, 200915 yr Aayla I hope they edit, as she looks very strange with a pure white luku. I find it strange, though, that the have a Phase 1 and Phase 2 in one year. the Tank itself is awesome. I hope to get this. Notice the big "preliminary" written across the images? They're unfinished, and we're not supposed to have seen them yet. I mentioned it before, but pretty much all of the sets have aspects that are clearly unfinished, but Aayla is the most prominant example. She has a completely blue torso with no detail at all, and her head tails are all white, simply because she's not a finished model. That'll definitely change before release. Odd that Plo Koon has a green lightsaber though, I can't imagine why they'd have done that when I'm sure they have plenty of blue's lying around. Perhaps accidentally.
December 15, 200915 yr thanks for the peeks, KimT. I have some luke-warm feelings about these, but it's nice to see. Maybe I'm just getting burned out now. Kinda meh on most of this year. I really don't like the way that General Grievous ship and the Palpatine's Shuttle look. Something seems off. Too blocky or something. Slave I is okay, since I don't have one. Clone Turbo Tank looks nice too.
December 15, 200915 yr Odd that Plo Koon has a green lightsaber though, I can't imagine why they'd have done that when I'm sure they have plenty of blue's lying around. Perhaps accidentally. I noticed that, but forgot to mention it. It seems like LEGO's implying an Order 66... Aayla and Barriss on Felucia, Plo in a Starfighter...
December 15, 200915 yr Not gonna lie, my favourite is the CTT. I'm not sure how to put it, but it looks really well design. Realistic, but still lego-y. Not sure about the figures, though. I hate it when they overload the sets with characters and put in only one or two clones. It really grabs my goat. However, my greatest hope is that the clone on the walker is an ARF trooper. I would cry with joy.
December 15, 200915 yr I bet you $5 bucks that the Aayla lekku is seperate from the head. I am quite dissapointed that Aayla will be CW. Atleast Barris isn't CW. Bossk in the Slave 1 looks a lot like Kaminoans Bossk. The burned Anakin is brilliant! I am still wondering why they make Palpatine gray. He should be flesh. I am ticked of why LEGO didn't make alot of sets for ESB. They could have made a Cloud City, Dagobah, and for a little set, the fight between Vader and Luke. I hope atleast next year or the anniversary of ROTJ will have a lot of Twi'leks: Oola, Lyn Me etc. The Grevious Starfighter is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life. Overall, my wallet will be full because I am not spending $200 dollars for dang LEGO. Edited December 15, 200915 yr by Jar Jar
December 15, 200915 yr Thanks for the link, Kim! Now this is what I like to see in SW sets. All of the sets in this wave give off a nice "classic" vibe, and remind me of when ROTS sets were just coming out. I really like all of them, except for he GG Fighter. The shape is so very diffferent from the last version, and I don't think a new version is needed within three years of the old one. From the blurry pic, the new Greivous looks pretty good, but we'll see how it compares to the original... I really did like that one. The Plo Koon Fighter is pretty nice, very similar to DutchRebel's MOC. But this is the... fourth Delta-7 now? The ship is getting old, and I don't even own one. I would get it if it came with a different Jedi, though. The re-release of alien Jedi is nice for people who missed out on the JSF w/ Hyperdrive Ring and the RGS, but I already have both of those, and I was really looking forward to a Ki-Adi Mundi sometime soon... But at least we get Aayla... is that her in the Turbo Tank? Now all we need is a proper Luminara, and a Shaak Ti and Mundi. I could care less for Saesee Tinn, but one of him would be nice too. I think I'll get all of these except for the Slave 1, as nice as it is. Does Han have a new torso? And Boba with a new helmet?
December 15, 200915 yr I bet you $5 bucks that the Aayla lekku is seperate from the head. I am quite dissapointed that Aayla will be CW. Atleast Barris isn't CW. Actually, Aayla dosn't look that clone warsy. then again, these are Prelim. I ahve no doubt your right, ther lukku is seperate. I am ticked of why LEGO didn't make alot of sets for ESB. They could have made a Cloud City, Dagobah, and for a little set, the fight between Vader and Luke. Actually, there are more than usuall. There's the two battle packs, the Wampa Cave, the Slave 1, and the possible AT-AT. usually theres only one or 2. here we have 5. I hope at least next year or the anniversary of ROTJ will have a lot of Twi'leks: Oola, Lyn Me etc. Highly unlickly. Maybe one if the make a Jabba's Place, but that's it. The Grevious Starfighter is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life. Overall, my wallet will be full because I am not spending $200 dollars for dang LEGO. I don't see what's so bad about the Gerivous fighter. I think it's okay. And I doubt It'll be 200 dollars...
December 15, 200915 yr I am a little upset that the summer release dosen't have a new battle pack, the first one is great, don't get me wrong but a whole year I am also disapointed by generial greviouses Star fighter it seems like they just realesed it and they did a better job with the first one have to get Ploo Koon's Starfighter it looks great palpatines shuttle looks good but why did Darth Vader have a mask on? Slave I looks awsome with a new Bosk abd Boba which was needed badly the wampa attack looks good but shouldn't it have a tauta in it . the tank looks good but they should have more clones, Alaya looks ok hope they change her and a Cad Bane amazing.
December 15, 200915 yr I was really looking forward to a Ki-Adi Mundi sometime soon...Now all we need is a proper Luminara. Does Han have a new torso? And Boba with a new helmet? I agree with you oin the Ki-Ad Mundi, he's probably the best fig you could want. I don't see what was wqrong witht eh old Luminara, but then again, I didn't get the set. han doesn not have a new torso (I actually have that torso) and I don't think boba's helmet is new. Sheesh, where all these people getting Ki-Adi figs when there isn't one out yet? Edited December 15, 200915 yr by The Legonater
December 15, 200915 yr what is anakin standing on in the CTT? Several people have asked that, but so far, no luck.
December 15, 200915 yr I am a little upset that the summer release dosen't have a new battle pack, the first one is great, don't get me wrong but a whole year It has been like that for the past 2 years now. I feel it is unlikely to change.
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