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Could the wheels on the tank be rubber? Now that would be amazing. I am not into the technic/ferrari/racers etc-scene that deep, so is it an already exisitng part or does it seem new?

Could the wheels on the tank be rubber? Now that would be amazing. I am not into the technic/ferrari/racers etc-scene that deep, so is it an already exisitng part or does it seem new?

It is two of these put together with a radar dish on the outside.

Think it looks very accurate since the original wheels don´t have rubber.

Wish the CTT wheels were even vaguely accurate. Far too thin - they are so distinctive on the film and tv version

I suppose LEGO is limited to what they have to work with in terms of parts. Although they aren't 100% movie accurate, I think they did a pretty dang good job, and the new wheels are an improvement over the old wheels IMO.

Wish the CTT wheels were even vaguely accurate. Far too thin - they are so distinctive on the film and tv version
I have been thinking that to. But you got a good answer from Big Cam. It is LEGO, so just add one rim to the wheels and it will be even more accurate.

Those pictures are still prelim ones. We don´t know if this is the final versions (probably very close though) but be happy instead that we have seen what

to expect of the summer sets. Up til just a few days ago we where pretty much "blind".

I look forward to all the summer sets. They all got something that will make me buy them all, and some even double.

The old wheels were better, sure they were old space type wheels, but at least they were thick, these look like something cheap and nasty from megablocks.

Be kind to superkalle, he is pretty new to our boards, and happends to be a good friend of mine.

Yeah...and a complete nobb too. I guess I was in some sort of deranged state of mind and in all the excitement I forgot cardinal rule one: check the 2010 rumour thread. But, I guess on the positive side I am now properly introduced here at BL - flat on my face. :cry_happy:

Anyway, thanks Svelte for you kind correction in our private PM:s, and thanks Ras for standing by an old, but completely useless, friend :wink:

Edited by superkalle

The old wheels were better, sure they were old space type wheels, but at least they were thick, these look like something cheap and nasty from megablocks.

Talking about CTT wheels? :oh: - i disagree- strongly :angry: - new ones are more accurate old spacey ones were bad- really bad :thumbdown:

Nothing at all like Megablocks!

I agree, lego shouldn't make sets with the exclusive tag on them as it just puts the price up. :sad:

Is it just the swamp speeder and Lukes landspeeder that are the exclusives for next year? It would be annoying if it where them as they are the ones Im deffinitly getting and I don't want them to be really expensive.


Are luke's speeder exclusive? i think not but of course swamp speeder is - and so there is no getting more phase2 clonies this year :cry_sad:

Wish the CTT wheels were even vaguely accurate. Far too thin - they are so distinctive on the film and tv version

They look great to me :thumbup: - old spacey wheels were not accurate at all :thumbdown:

Edited by Swash Buckler

Okay. I never got a good look of the old one. About Bly, I think I actually saw some marking on one of the clones...

Yes, I think there're some markings on one of the clones.

It looks like he has something on his fin and his chest, but he sits on the top of the tank, so it might not be a maincharacter.

Anyone else has some thoughts about this?

The old wheels were better, sure they were old space type wheels, but at least they were thick, these look like something cheap and nasty from megablocks.

Now I think until we see them in person that's a little harsh. I think they lookmore like the actual wheel from the series as opposed to the space wheel.

but all will come out in time.

I agree, lego shouldn't make sets with the exclusive tag on them as it just puts the price up. :sad:

Is it just the swamp speeder and Lukes landspeeder that are the exclusives for next year? It would be annoying if it where them as they are the ones Im deffinitly getting and I don't want them to be really expensive.


The Landspeeder definitely isn't exclusive, it's up for order in certain places in the UK already.

The US does have more places for exclusive sets than we do, but if it were exclusive to someplace, then it'd only be on the official Lego store for us.


Not being exclusive doesn't seem to have lowered the price at all though, infact it's even more expensive than I would have thought.

The Landspeeder definitely isn't exclusive, it's up for order in certain places in the UK already.

It is?! :oh: Where?

IMO, the wheels are much better and suited to the Clone Wars series. Remember, these are cartoonified. They are more to scale now, and look nice and sleek and not blocky like the original. :thumbup:

Yes, I think there're some markings on one of the clones.

It looks like he has something on his fin and his chest, but he sits on the top of the tank, so it might not be a maincharacter.

Anyone else has some thoughts about this?

I really don't think speculating on that picture is worth it. The quality is too bad, and even so, it just looks like a normal Clone to me. But then again, we never know. I would love a Bly, but, it seems unlikely.

But the UK sets are all up on DVD.co.uk for release on the 25th of January.

Man this thread is so long I could have easily missed any other predictions because of the spikes in activity here. Can't say I've used dvd.co.uk to check for LEGO before though (!?). I'm glad to know that my pricing list was pretty much exact as all of my prices were right or within £5. I'm glad that the ARC is £50 - I expected it to be at least £40, and even then I though it looked to big to cost so little. I shall check my local TRU again next week to check for 2010 sets of any sort (but hopefully 2010 SW). I can't wait for the Summer wave as well -lots of starships!

It's time for me to add my 2 cents to the already well filled pool of oppinions about the Summer Line.

Well, when I saw the January Line, I was disapointed. In my oppinion it's too weak, and hardly any set is worth buying (it's MY opinion, I don't care if you disagree).

This said, my expectations for the Summer were set quite high there, and hell, Lego didn't disapointed me at all. Summer Line as we know it is quite awesome! It has some weak points, but then again all waves of sets do!

Detailing a bit more on each set:

- Wampa Attack - My first reaction was "Don't we have enough snowspeeders?!". I'd rather have a bigger cave over the speeder, but that may reduce playability for the little kids so will have to live with it. My second thoughts was that for more I look at the Wampa Minifig, it doesn't look like a Wampa! It may be me beeing too perfectionist, but oh well. The Luke in Hoth Gear, well it's cool, but It's not gonna make me buy the set just for it. I don't buy sets for minifigs unless they are terribly must-have. This set is on a "wait and see" status for me.

- Plo Koon's JSF - "Did LEGO actually read my mind?" came to me when I saw this. I was looking at my Gunship Plo Koon Minifig and thinking that guy needed something to fly, and so I was getting ready to buy the pieces to make a JSF for him based on 7669 model, and yay LEGO gives me it! Too bad they don't gave us a JSF for Kit Fisto too! But it's a must have for me!

- General Grievous SF - The Ship itself is ugly and I don't like it. I got the first model given to me, and I still don't like it. This one looks a bit more detailed and all, but not that different to make me want it that badly. Having a Mon Cal is cool and may make me buy it. About GG the avaiable pics are not enough to make me see how good it is. Then again goes for the "wait and see" category.

- Palpatine's Shuttle - Now this is an awesome ship!! I am just sorry that is gonna occupy a lot of space with its huge wingspan but meh, i've stuffed bigger sets in complicated places before with no problems. The assortment of minifigs isn't that great, they should have gave us ShockTroopers, full stop! Still, a must have for me.

- Slave I - Like Snowspeeders, I think we have enough models of the FireSpray Freighter and that is a big negative point for me when I consider this set. It has cool Minifigs (yay for Bossk!) but as you probably understood I am not one to go and buy sets just for the minifigs, for more that I regret that later.

- CTT - Now this one has totally made me nuts and thinking why the hell can't we jump to June right now! The tank looks great (I don't have the first one, so the problem of having another one doesn't fit here) and having an AT-RT is a cool extra. And the Minifigs!! Who wasn't been wanting Cad Bane and Aayla for ages? Well I have, so it's a dream made true! It's a totally must have! About having Ani and Ahsoka, oh well, that's something well have to live with till whenever the CW series last ...


The Landspeeder definitely isn't exclusive, it's up for order in certain places in the UK already.

The US does have more places for exclusive sets than we do, but if it were exclusive to someplace, then it'd only be on the official Lego store for us.


Not being exclusive doesn't seem to have lowered the price at all though, infact it's even more expensive than I would have thought.

£25 is a complete ripoff! :hmpf_bad: It's piece count is way too low for that price!

Well, it's definite no-buy now.

I prefer the old CTT wheels, they are much fatter and accurate than the thin ones on the new version.

I really don't think speculating on that picture is worth it. The quality is too bad, and even so, it just looks like a normal Clone to me. But then again, we never know. I would love a Bly, but, it seems unlikely.

There really should be Bly because there is Aayla and there could be Rex instead of Ahsoka :hmpf_bad: - she is so easy to get as -Anakin is too- although i have only Ahsoka since i haven't seen any reason to buy sets with Anakin- he looks bad as cw and sets where he is are very bad almost always- Ahsoka's fighter however was pretty nice with that Vulture droid :classic:

£25 is a complete ripoff! :hmpf_bad: It's piece count is way too low for that price!

Well, it's definite no-buy now.

I prefer the old CTT wheels, they are much fatter and accurate than the thin ones on the new version.

Thin? there are not any thin wheels i have seen :sceptic: -new one seems to have accurate wheels- old ones was nice but completely inaccurate- watch your Revenge of the Sith again and check the wheels- they are just like the new lego-ones or at least much closer to them than spacey wheels- maybe little fatter -but characters are not legofigs anyway- so there is no problem with the new wheels- if you want so much -not to like new sets- complain only for real reasons like price and piececount etc. :hmpf_bad:

i like the new sets, we dont have the "old" ctt so we gonna buy the new one. We usually dont buy cw lego, so its very nice seing slave 1 and palpatines shutlle. Great that lego still do some nice star wars sets. the wampa attack looks bad, i need the wampa for our echo base but dont need a white snowspeeder

I really don't think speculating on that picture is worth it. The quality is too bad, and even so, it just looks like a normal Clone to me. But then again, we never know. I would love a Bly, but, it seems unlikely.

It does seem so, but as I have said before, just look at the list of minifigs at the bottom of the box. It clearly shows that there are 2 clone troopers; if one was Bly, there would be a picture of a clone trooper and a picture of Bly. :sadnew: I would have liked him too...

It's time for me to add my 2 cents to the already well filled pool of oppinions about the Summer Line.

Well, when I saw the January Line, I was disapointed. In my oppinion it's too weak, and hardly any set is worth buying (it's MY opinion, I don't care if you disagree).

This said, my expectations for the Summer were set quite high there, and hell, Lego didn't disapointed me at all. Summer Line as we know it is quite awesome! It has some weak points, but then again all waves of sets do!

Detailing a bit more on each set:

- Wampa Attack - My first reaction was "Don't we have enough snowspeeders?!". I'd rather have a bigger cave over the speeder, but that may reduce playability for the little kids so will have to live with it. My second thoughts was that for more I look at the Wampa Minifig, it doesn't look like a Wampa! It may be me beeing too perfectionist, but oh well. The Luke in Hoth Gear, well it's cool, but It's not gonna make me buy the set just for it. I don't buy sets for minifigs unless they are terribly must-have. This set is on a "wait and see" status for me.


Ever heard of something called "prototypes?" I bet you that if the next time a picture comes out of the Hoth base, if the Wampa isn't different I won't post for a week. If the wampa doesn't change by the end of the year, I'll leave the site!

I'm not angry or raving, I'm just saying if you squeeze your eyes tight enough to only see a blurry image of the set, you can imagine how many changes will come up. :tongue:

Ever heard of something called "prototypes?" I bet you that if the next time a picture comes out of the Hoth base, if the Wampa isn't different I won't post for a week. If the wampa doesn't change by the end of the year, I'll leave the site!

I'm not angry or raving, I'm just saying if you squeeze your eyes tight enough to only see a blurry image of the set, you can imagine how many changes will come up. :tongue:

The pics that Kim showed were 800x600, that's not squinting material.

You could click on the pics to get bigger versions. I thought they were pretty clear and the Wampa looked spot on.

The pics that Kim showed were 800x600, that's not squinting material.

You could click on the pics to get bigger versions. I thought they were pretty clear and the Wampa looked spot on.

No, I know that. I'm saying if you blurred your vision you could see the step Lego is at right now. The pictures are huge.

I think the CTT is getting totally new wheels - trying to compare the ones in the box art to bricklink catalogue too hard.

We've established that. Look a few posts behind you. :tongue:

I think the new wheels look better, especially in comparison with the size of the actual tank. Besides, they're cartoon-ified!

8089 - Wampa Attack: I wish a Taun-Taun was added for Luke and I hope the rebel pilot has a new helmet.

8093 - Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter: Must have ! I am all for new astro-droids and the color scheme is stunning.

8095 - General Grievous' Starfighter - Admittedly the cockpit and exposed studs dissapoint but the addition of the new figs will make up for it.

8096 - Palpatine's Shuttle- I love all the shuttles and finally an Emperor with his lightsaber. Also one of the few "new" sets, not a remake of a previously available one.

8097 - Slave I- Rise of the Bounty Hunters : :thumbup: but a Bespin guard, Lobot or new Cloud Car would have been a pricey but nice addition for the ESB aniversery.

8098 - Clone Turbo Tank- For some reason it is difficult to produce an outstanding model of his vehicle. Hasbro's attempts have also been lacking. The wheels never seem right, the boxy shape screams for a detailed interior yet the previous incarnation barely had one . I like the figure assortment but a new clone commander (Bly or Gree) would be a weclome addition.

Ohh the swamp speeder is a nice exclusive as wel. Barriss may join her LULS master but I wish the sepeeder had come with an additional clone trooper.

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