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army23, your signature is quite cool, but it's euh, very big, for a minute I thought a new discussion about that figures started taking place.

OMG, I would LOVE an Order 66-Theme! :cry_happy::thumbup:

I just imagine:

Kashyyyk:a wookie tree house (roof can be taken off) with strategic hologram in the middle of it, Yoda, Commander Gree and this Scout (possibly also Chewbacca or Tarfful)


one shelf of the Jedi Archives (those blue luminous shelves you know?), maybe a statue of a famous Jedi Warrior, two Jedi (I would suppose Cin Drallig - seen in the movie on the hologram- and maybe Jocasta Nu), Darth Vader, two 501st Troopers


two or three exotic plants from the movie, Aayla Secura, Commander Bly and two of his troops


one of those cudgel like rocks or plants, whatever, Stass Allie on speeder, Commander Neyo and one of his troops on speeders


this bridge with wrecks of vehicles, Ki Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara and two of his troops of the Galactic Marine!

Utapau and Cato Neimoidia are more difficult. :sceptic:

But I am sure I am not the only one who would appreciate an Order 66-theme! :thumbup:

Edited by Darth Lion

Thank you very much for this many information, rockinkurt13! :classic:

It's great to here that 10212 will perhaps and hopefully not only include the shuttle itself but even the landing platform! :thumbup:

I hope that TLG doesn't change it into an UCS set (like the last MF) - namely only the shuttle.

Imo it would be the right decision to include the base as well as the shuttle since in this way TLG can attract the most people - fans which only want the shuttle, fans which only want the base and fans which want the shuttle and the base.

Perhaps they design the new AT-AT in the way that it can dock on the lower part of the landing platform of 10212 - that would be awesome! :oh:

I can't await til we'll get some pics from NY Toy Fair where the AT-AT as well as the 10212 (hopefully) very supposably will be shown.

It's great to here that there's a chance that we'll get a new Cloud City set - even though when we have to wait for it around one and a half year. :thumbup:


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

Now the mysterious 10212, the mystery behind it is caused by a decision of how much to include, right now, it is planned to actually be the Imperial Base of Endor(not the bunker), but we are trying to decide that vs. a shuttle or both (shuttle on top of the base) and the AT-AT may be an endor one, hoth at-at's have kinda been out done, but only time will tell...

10212 will come out in the first half of 2010. I am afraid to tell you that you might not have an idea of how much time it costs for TLC to design a set with instructions, package, stickers and actually produce or print all these and have at a time in (I assume) april or may the whole distribution planned and the set ready in a box to ship it?

Since "you are trying to decide" what is in the set, still, with others from TLC right now, you might be a little late in making these decisions for a set coming out so soon. But since you are in charge of these decisions (you said), you should be a head of an operational business part in Denmark, since even designers don't make these important decisions. For being so high up in a company, why do you risk your job in sharing inside information and decisions?

And coming back to my first point about the whole set design: Since I assume you don't have an idea, I may provoke in saying that you actually don't work for TLC but have also a limited insight of product development, marketing, sales, placement, distribution and general buiness economics, hence the fact you didn't study these (so far)?

This is incredibly stupid. If you believe that they'll make Yuuzhan Vong movies where Leia and Han have babies, Luke restarts the Jedi Order etc then you're kidding yourself. Lucas has said many times that while he acknowledges EU, it's still not on the same level of Canon that the movies are, and that he's only going to make 6, and taking the license to the grave. And yes. Movies in 2021... Riiiightt. Because these movies require an entire decade of pre-production right? Even with the prequel trilogy, they only spent the normal several years making Episode 1, instead of the 2 decades after ROTJ.

Comments like this benefit no-one. I'm wondering if it was a kid at school, whose father knew the brother of the Security guard of Skywalker Ranch who told you this.

Either bring up reputable sources, or keep it off the thread.

Surprised it took anyone so long to say something like this!

Episodes 7, 8 and 9 were spoken of a very long time ago, but it's since been said they're not going to happen. If they did, they certainly wouldn't be done when Lucas is so old.. the main focus now is the Clone Wars, and the Live Action TV series. I can't pretend to know what else is planned, but I don't see why he'd ever do those movies. Lucas doesn't acknowledge the majority of the expanded universe, so the movies would only serve to overwrite a lot of the established lore and annoy the fans. The reason he's sticking to the Clone Wars era, and the gaps between III-IV is because it's largely untouched by the fandom. (not to mention much more interesting)

Sorry to drag this more and more off-topic, but I felt that needed to be addressed.

I have a few questions for you Rockinkurt13.

Will Plo Koon Starfighter have any other extras included like the Vulture droid in Ahsoka's starfighter?

Let's hope not. The last thing we need is more pointless Vulture droids to bump up the price.

But the picture of the box didn't show one, although it's a prelim, if they were planning on including one, I'm sure they could have thrown one in. They even had basic/unpainted versions of the wampa and Aayla, I'm sure they would have had a vulture lying around to use as a stand in.

I also have to agree with Zzz. If Rockinkurt is actually working for Lego, he's risking a lot by posting on here. While leaks like this may not be uncommon, there's only so many people working at the company that he could possible be, and eventually he's going to be found out.

Edited by Penitent Tangent

Thank you very much for this many information, rockinkurt13! :classic:

It's great to here that 10212 will perhaps and hopefully not only include the shuttle itself but even the landing platform! :thumbup:

I hope that TLG doesn't change it into an UCS set (like the last MF) - namely only the shuttle.

Imo it would be the right decision to include the base as well as the shuttle since in this way TLG can attract the most people - fans which only want the shuttle, fans which only want the base and fans which want the shuttle and the base.

Perhaps they design the new AT-AT in the way that it can dock on the lower part of the landing platform of 10212 - that would be awesome! :oh:

I can't await til we'll get some pics from NY Toy Fair where the AT-AT as well as the 10212 (hopefully) very supposably will be shown.

It's great to here that there's a chance that we'll get a new Cloud City set - even though when we have to wait for it around one and a half year. :thumbup:

That's what I was thinking. Lego could design the set specifically so that the loading door of the AT-AT matches perfectly with one of the four bridges that extend from the turbo lift!


Thanks 'YG-49' for the link, I'll leave the money on the fridge.

We can see how the weapons turn with the engine, very good, but no closer to seeing this as true CW or true ROTS.

I am not sure if this was discussed or not but star wars episode 7 8 and 9 will come out in 2021....a long time yes but there will probably be new lego sets :classic: but we have to wait a long time :hmpf_bad:

Oh no- :hmpf: once again someone who believe that "supershadow" that guy is rubbish himself :wacko: and his rumours are not true at all- there will be no eps 7-9 at least not like he telss they "will be" his site has list of the upcoming clone wars season two episodes- he claimed that it starts with episode named "prison break"- it didn't and he changed it later that first episode is Holocren heist (real) and second is prison break- he continued this until he removed the rumoured- non-real episode prison break and he really don't know anything he just makes up that stuff from his head and claims it is true! :wacko: hey nontopic maybe - but important to correct that that is rubbish- back to topic- any news of Bane's speeder?

I hope that TLG doesn't change it into an UCS set (like the last MF) - namely only the shuttle.

I was hoping for exactly the opposite: a detailed shuttle, with minifigs, like the UCS MF. I was thinking... a cockpit with room for about 6 people and a ramp from the back of the cockpit. But I guess it must also attract kids ;-) I'm just a sucker for detailed models that look good on my shelf. Swooshing and playing with it was something from my youth, no offense!


  • Author

May I remind people that this is the 2010 Rumor & Picture topic?

If you wish for an Order66 subtheme then go to the Future Star Wars sets topic to share your thoughts and ideas.

Also end the flaming - believe what others post or don't.

I am NOT in a good mood today and if this bla bla continues, then someone will have to pay. :devil:

(reference to the rockinkurt incidents and yada yada on order66)

"Stay on Topic!"

I was hoping for exactly the opposite: a detailed shuttle, with minifigs, like the UCS MF. I was thinking... a cockpit with room for about 6 people and a ramp from the back of the cockpit. But I guess it must also attract kids ;-) I'm just a sucker for detailed models that look good on my shelf.

That would be very cool, but very pricey.

Same if they included the landing platform or whatever.

Maybe in the end, it'll be another playset like the DS from last year. :classic:


Okay, not really, but i was right for the jan. sets, back on pages 20 or so.

WHEN i'm right again shut up

Nice. By the way, is their hope for a new Falcon on the way?

A Order 66 series would be awesome. I am currently making a HUGE Jedi Temple MOC wich I will reveal once I'm finished.

OMG, I would LOVE an Order 66-Theme! :cry_happy::thumbup:

I just imagine:

Kashyyyk:a wookie tree house (roof can be taken off) with strategic hologram in the middle of it, Yoda, Commander Gree and this Scout (possibly also Chewbacca or Tarfful)


one shelf of the Jedi Archives (those blue luminous shelves you know?), maybe a statue of a famous Jedi Warrior, two Jedi (I would suppose Cin Drallig - seen in the movie on the hologram- and maybe Jocasta Nu), Darth Vader, two 501st Troopers


two or three exotic plants from the movie, Aayla Secura, Commander Bly and two of his troops


one of those cudgel like rocks or plants, whatever, Stass Allie on speeder, Commander Neyo and one of his troops on speeders


this bridge with wrecks of vehicles, Ki Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara and two of his troops of the Galactic Marine!

Utapau and Cato Neimoidia are more difficult. :sceptic:

But I am sure I am not the only one who would appreciate an Order 66-theme! :thumbup:

This man's on the ball. :thumbup: Also a new genosian set would be good!

  • Author

Lay off the speculation on an Order 66 sub-theme.

It's on a serious rumor state - where one might even say that it's wishful thinking.

So keep it in Future Star Wars Sets? - where wishes belong.

This topic is for discussing 2010 rumors and pictures.

Let's keep it that way please.

If we get the cloud city, I hope they sell it in sections like in Jabba's Palace :thumbup::cry_happy:

Easier to spend $50 at a time than $400

That would be a good idea. Same thing with the Temple.

Oh no- :hmpf: once again someone who believe that "supershadow" that guy is rubbish himself :wacko: and his rumours are not true at all- there will be no eps 7-9 at least not like he telss they "will be" his site has list of the upcoming clone wars season two episodes- he claimed that it starts with episode named "prison break"- it didn't and he changed it later that first episode is Holocren heist (real) and second is prison break- he continued this until he removed the rumoured- non-real episode prison break and he really don't know anything he just makes up that stuff from his head and claims it is true! :wacko: hey nontopic maybe - but important to correct that that is rubbish- back to topic- any news of Bane's speeder?

I am not making up rubbish and who is super shadow so watch your back before bashing me.

Edited by army23

I'm interested in the Slave 1. I already have the past three minifig scaled, but this Boba Fett looks magnificent. I'm not sold on the Wampa Cave,though. Does the snowspeeder look very much different from the past two?

I'm interested in the Slave 1. I already have the past three minifig scaled, but this Boba Fett looks magnificent. I'm not sold on the Wampa Cave,though. Does the snowspeeder look very much different from the past two?

Barely. There are just a few different details here and there, which is great for me, because I like continuity! The new slave 1 looks a bit bigger than the older ones. Maybe some new room inside?

Barely. There are just a few different details here and there, which is great for me, because I like continuity! The new slave 1 looks a bit bigger than the older ones. Maybe some new room inside?

That's fantastic for me on both parts. I'd love for a more detailed interior on Slave 1.

Hey guys...

I'm probably not going to be answering too many questions from now on. I had my chances and you had yours.

For all of you who say "Oh, he can't say that much...blah blah blah...," it's called a marketing strategy. See how excited almost this entire website has gotten about this? Hmmm, let me just check the other 200 pages :laugh: . But I love hearing your guys' ideas and sorry, about the low info on 10212, I worked on it in the beginning, and got slightly embarrassed to say I got booted off the project. A very sincere apology for the misleading on that ~Rockinkurt13

Edit: I am still going to be on the forums, though.

Edited by rockinkurt13

Aww, DONT LEAVE US! :cry_sad::sing:

Can you at least tell us if there will be another surprise set this year besides 10212, the AT-AT, Midi-SD, and Cad Bane's speeder? :grin:

Hey guys...

I'm probably not going to be answering too many questions from now on. I had my chances and you had yours.

For all of you who say "Oh, he can't say that much...blah blah blah...," it's called a marketing strategy. See how excited almost this entire website has gotten about this? Hmmm, let me just check the other 200 pages :laugh: . But I love hearing your guys' ideas and sorry, about the low info on 10212, I worked on it in the beginning, and got slightly embarrassed to say I got booted off the project. A very sincere apology for the misleading on that ~Rockinkurt13

Edit: I am still going to be on the forums, though.

This is disappointing because it was only a few who didnt believe you. Its sad to hear you got booted from the 10212 project.

It would be really great if you could answer just a few more questions for the believers. :classic:

Anything else you can possibly tell us, Rockinhurt? Wave 2 is looking way better than number 1: Wampa's cave, Slave 1, CTT, AT-AT, Imperial Shuttle. :wub: I only hope the pricing is fairer and that the shuttle will come with more figs than the confirmed ones.

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