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While I agree that the boxes are getting slightly ridiculous, it does make some sense. Lego is a premium product, and needs shelf space and an attractive frontage for store shelves. Plus it stops the pieces getting damaged, and having even worse instruction books/sticker sheets. If they could be a bit smaller, it would help, but I see why they do it.

Anyway, this doesn't really have anything to do with what sets are coming out this year, so to mini-mod, in the words of our immortal leader:

"Stay on Target!"

Unlikely. Individual lego pieces are practically indestructible. In all the lego sets I've bought, I've only had one with a damaged sticker sheet and that was the massive AT-OT/dropship set. The reason they're put in oversized boxes is purely to attract people and give the illusion that it's more 'bang for your buck', it serves them no other function and actually costs Lego more in logistics ie manufacture, transport, shelf space etc.

The arc 170 was pretty tightly packed for lego's standards when I opened it. The box is quite skinny and the bags took up about 2/3 of the box.

On-topic: The arc is really cool. I didnt know how big it was until I built it! The droid is really great, the green and silver go really well together. The pilots look really great and I love their helmets. The faces go great with them. I did how ever notice that the two front stickers are the same and they arent the same when you put it on because one is the other way round.

The freeco speeder is pretty good. I had trouble putting anakin into the cockpit though. The Talz is really great and the painting is amazing. The speeder is pretty good. Its smaller than I thought it would be. Its weird that they have the skids backwards.

I have the freeco speeder, and yeah- it is REALLY good. I never had any trouble witrht he cockpit though (?). I really want the ARC.

I'm really looking forward for the arc as I too think its a good set even though piece count is low. I would perhaps prefer 2 of the same pilots rather than different ones though. Will now wait patiently for a sale for these sets as they are quite expensive here in Canada :hmpf: ....

I know that it's always great to get an other Jedi, but if it were up to me, I'd cut Fisto right our of the ARC.

Kit could go straight into Greivous's ship and add another $10 to it ( :tongue: ), and then replace him with another pilot. I love Captain Jag, but I feel another of the generic pilot is needed. But here is Lego's evil and malicious plot (though I love it!):

In order to complete the death of Plo Koon you will need:

Plo Koon's fighter


And of course, a Theta-Shuttle for the third pilot. If Kit were aboard the order 66-ARC, it would be kind of wrong. :grin:

Now at the same time, in order to complete the Clone Wars episode "Lair of Greivous" you will need:

Again, the same ARC-Fighter for Kit Fisto, and then Greivous's Fighter. And if you aren't picky, you could use Ahsoka's fighter as Kit Fisto's as well.

I may just pick up Greivous's fighter for the Mon Cal head and the new Grevious and droid.

Why when TLG makes ESB sets they only seem to think of Hoth? A new Slave One is coming but it's a remake. We need to see some new non-Hoth ESB sets. This is the 30th anniversary of ESB and TLG's attention only seems to be going to Hoth. :sceptic:

Edited by JCC1004

I wonder about cad banes speeder what minifigures will it have?and for the slave 1 why is the carbonite thing white? OMG I NEED GREIVOUS'STARFIGHTER AND PALPATINE'S SHIP NOWW!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

Now, the correct way to do this would have been...

I am curious as to what minifigure's will be included in Cad Bane's speeder?

With regards to Slave I, why is the carbonite block molded in white?

WOW! The Grievous Starfighter is amazing! I really need to get that and Palpatine's Shuttle when they are released. :thumbup:

Edited by Stash2Sixx
An example of a post we want to see on Eurobricks, not a chatroom post. Thanks!

I'm fairly sure Aayla will have a headpiece, not a single mold. It's worked for Ahsoka, it's worked for Bib. Hopefully the figs will show up at Toy Fair, whenever that is. We still have bigger pics of Grievous, Cad Bane, Bossk, and Boba to see. From the small pic we've seen of him, he looks very... ivory-colored. Hopefully Lego won't pack too much detail into him- too much texture to figs has always been something that bothered me about MB figs.

I wonder about cad banes speeder what minifigures will it have?and for the slave 1 why is the carbonite thing white? OMG I NEED GREIVOUS'STARFIGHTER AND PALPATINE'S SHIP NOWW!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

Okay, first off, calm down. Second, type better. Or slower.

I cant wait until Toy Fair. I hope we get to see the rumored USC set there. Im really interested to see what bossk and Boba look like. I hope Boba has more detail on his torso.

Why when TLG makes ESB sets they only seem to think of Hoth? A new Slave One is coming but it's a remake. We need to see some new non-Hoth ESB sets. This is the 30th anniversary of ESB and TLG's attention only seems to be going to Hoth. :sceptic:

We're getting too much hoth sets lately. I think they should make a new cloud city as the last one was pretty old (2004).

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I wonder about cad banes speeder what minifigures will it have?and for the slave 1 why is the carbonite thing white? OMG I NEED GREIVOUS'STARFIGHTER AND PALPATINE'S SHIP NOWW!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:


Stop posting in "all caps".

Use punctuation and space.

Use one or none of !

In short - this is NOT a chat, stop acting as if.

Why the carbonite mold is white?

Could it be that you've looked at a "preliminary" picture? :hmpf:

Yes probaly - those are not final at all and we might see totally different sets upon release in August.

Please think, then think again and then think about what to post before you post.

"Stay On Target!"


Stop posting in "all caps".

Use punctuation and space.

Use one or none of !

In short - this is NOT a chat, stop acting as if.

Why the carbonite mold is white?

Could it be that you've looked at a "preliminary" picture? :hmpf:

Yes probaly - those are not final at all and we might see totally different sets upon release in August.

Please think, then think again and then think about what to post before you post.

TAKE A CHILL KIMT !!!!!!! :thumbdown:

"Stay On Target!"

You DARE talk to KimT like that?! :oh: Anyways, back on topic. I hope Aayla will have her thing around her head so it won't be printed on. :sad: Could someone post a picture of Luminara and Barriss so I could see the difference? I have a Barriss, but not a Luminara.


Barriss looks much better.

Poor Luminara, her Padawan's the one getting all the attention. :tongue:

But really, I think that Lego should have remade the big important Jedi before they made her semi-popular padawan. They have really similar faces, so all they'd really need to do is take the hat from the old Luminara and stick it on Barris. Everyone hated LUL figs and the only Jedi spared was the alternate Mace Windu. Hopefully Luminara will be in a set somehwere this year. Maybe Cad Bane's speeder? It wouldn't make sense, but then again neither does Kit Fisto in an ARC-fighter with Captain Jag.

We're getting too much hoth sets lately. I think they should make a new cloud city as the last one was pretty old (2004).

Lets just hope TLG surprises us with a good Fall release like they did last year.

Poor Luminara, her Padawan's the one getting all the attention. :tongue:

But really, I think that Lego should have remade the big important Jedi before they made her semi-popular padawan. They have really similar faces, so all they'd really need to do is take the hat from the old Luminara and stick it on Barris. Everyone hated LUL figs and the only Jedi spared was the alternate Mace Windu. Hopefully Luminara will be in a set somehwere this year. Maybe Cad Bane's speeder? It wouldn't make sense, but then again neither does Kit Fisto in an ARC-fighter with Captain Jag.

Ya barris does look much better than luminara so poor her. I bet Cad Bane's Speeder will contain some really nice minifigures. Of course, i'm just assuming.

After a huge break of time of months in duration I am finally back posting here in Eurobricks :cry_happy:. Glad to see we have a lot of new members since my last visit. Now, back on topic I just want to give my opinion in the new rumored Imperial Shuttle/Landing Platform set. Since the license started back in 1999 it has been the wish of almost every AFOL to own his/her own Imperial Shuttle/Landing Platform so in my opinion, the TLC has a hit winner with this set. Judging by it's set number (10212) is a pretty safe bet to think this is going to be released in the first half of the year looking at how the set 10211 Grand Emporium is just a number below and is going to be release in March. I hope this one includes a well designed landing pad since I have been waiting for one since the release of the Cloud City.

I wonder about cad banes speeder what minifigures will it have?and for the slave 1 why is the carbonite thing white? OMG I NEED GREIVOUS'STARFIGHTER AND PALPATINE'S SHIP NOWW!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

1. Typing

2. Maturity

^^^Your list of things to do.

Oh, and of course Barriss is better than Luminara, she's not a LUL. :tongue:

After a huge break of time of months in duration I am finally back posting here in Eurobricks :cry_happy:. Glad to see we have a lot of new members since my last visit. Now, back on topic I just want to give my opinion in the new rumored Imperial Shuttle/Landing Platform set. Since the license started back in 1999 it has been the wish of almost every AFOL to own his/her own Imperial Shuttle/Landing Platform so in my opinion, the TLC has a hit winner with this set. Judging by it's set number (10212) is a pretty safe bet to think this is going to be released in the first half of the year looking at how the set 10211 Grand Emporium is just a number below and is going to be release in March. I hope this one includes a well designed landing pad since I have been waiting for one since the release of the Cloud City.

Welcome back! It's (technically) been a year! :tongue:

Anything starting with 10--- in Lego Star Wars has only ever come out during either March or September. Or at least they come out off season, and they are really big! :tongue: They are also usually introduced at conventions

I'd also lean towards March, because we didn't hear about the Tantive until the summer, but the AT-OT and Dropship just popped out of they toyfair.

Poor Luminara, her Padawan's the one getting all the attention. :tongue:

But really, I think that Lego should have remade the big important Jedi before they made her semi-popular padawan. They have really similar faces, so all they'd really need to do is take the hat from the old Luminara and stick it on Barris. Everyone hated LUL figs and the only Jedi spared was the alternate Mace Windu. Hopefully Luminara will be in a set somehwere this year. Maybe Cad Bane's speeder? It wouldn't make sense, but then again neither does Kit Fisto in an ARC-fighter with Captain Jag.

Tattoos are very different though but skincolor would do- there should be cw-Luminara with big blue eyes- would be a great fig...

<br />Tattoos are very different though but skincolor would do- there should be cw-Luminara with big blue eyes- would be a great fig...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I'd rather get a Ki-Adi fig over Luminara any day.

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We realize there are people that think they can take no responsibility and post rude comments. We also realize there are people that make posts which are very immature, and these are not the people we want on this website.

To the offenders...We will find you, we will discuss this with you, and if needs be, we will remove you!

To those that follow the rules...Ignore these people, please! If it is that much of a problem, then report the post. By commenting on their ridiculous posts, all you do is empower them and give them the attention they wanted in the first place. And by adding your own comments on how to correct them, it only "pours gasoline on the fire."

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Stash2Sixx and KimT

I am the world's worst speller.

I know I can't deeplink watermarked pics. But can I give a link to a page with watermarked pics?

If not I'll just tell you. This is what palpitine's shuttle looks like.


Just so you know. I don't know the official names of the sets but I know their product numbers.

8097 The slave one looks like it has han solo(new), boba fett (new), some alien bounty hunter(new) with a suit that resembles a rebal pilot, and a huge white slab that might be the carbanite sled.

8095Grievous starfighter has grievous(new), alien jedi (new) and a droid of some kind. can't be sure, blury pics.

8098turbo tank has anikan, cad bane(new), ahsoka, clone, battle droid, ayla secura(new) and a at-rt.

and 8093 plo koons fighter looks great. It has plo koon and an astromech droid.

8096 palpatine's shuttle has vader(new), medicle droid(new), palpitine, clone pilot(new).

8089 wampa cave has a snow speeder, luke(new), rebal pilot, wampa, skelaten, and a cave.


Sorry for old info, just checked the first page.

Edited by amateurnewbie

Welcome to Eurobricks!

Even though the info you presented was old it's nice that you are taking interest in what you're doing.

P.S. It is ok to post a link to a page with watermarked pics. :wink:

Edited by KimT

Thats a really good picture AmatuerNewbie. I just hope it has as much detailing as that picture.

P.S. welcome to EB!

Sorry if this is another one of my stupid questions, but does Barriss actually have tan skin instead of flesh? It looks like it, but I never saw anything that confirmed it or not.

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