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Has anyone noticed Ahsoka may have a new torso in the CTT?

It doesn't look like it in the set. But its still a prelim so we might get a suprise later.

The LEGO versions were in the old Clone Wars series as well. Probably their most accurate representation too.

That's a rear ARC-170 gunner, by the way.

"Good shot!"

"It... it wasn't me."

I know. I have both volumes. IMO, The new Clone Wars series is so much better. Mainly because it's more fluid and that increadable sence of humor.

Edited by The Legonater

Does anyone think It's possible for Luke in the Hoth Wampa Cave to come with a double sided head, one normal and one with scars to show where he got hit by the wampa?

I think that's very possible, in fact that's a great idea. With the dual face in the freeco speeder which I love but think is unecessary, it seems like a big possibility in the wampa set.

Hey, on the prelims for grievous's fighter did you see grievous's legs. Ithink they're battle droid arms :look:.

They do seem to be, but using logic, they're probably connected to something at the bottom, or he won't stand up properly.

Is it just me, or does the clone trooper in the Swamp Speeder have new printing?

Yes it does. It is a phase II clone trooper whereas we have been getting phase I clone troopers

"Good shot!"

"It... it wasn't me."

I know. I have both volumes. IMO, The new Clone Wars series is so much better. Mainly because it's more fluid and that increadable sence of humor.

Dont mean to be a mini-modder but... Stay on target! :wink:

Edited by RocketClone

Yes it does. It is a phase II clone trooper whereas we have been getting phase I clone troopers

Well, there's that, but I think he means the difference between old Phase II troopers and new phase II troopers altogether. Now we have three types of clone printing: The original 2002 phase I troopers, which are very similar if not the same as the 2005 torsos, then we have Clone Wars Phase I printing and Clone Wars/2010 Phase II printing.

Dont mean to be a mini-modder but... Stay on target! :wink:

Funny thing is, I replaced Kit Fisto and made my old V-wing pilot, as well as the three old ARC-170 pilots "gunners." Turns out I was actually being accurate! :tongue:

commdr_neyo: Has anyone noticed Ahsoka may have a new torso in the CTT?

Yeah I see it too. It looks weird. Anyway thanks for the heads-up , I would of never saw that.

EDIT: Sorry I didn't quote. I just now saw the quote button. :wacko:

Edited by TheRealBrick

Yea when ahsoka was on the top of the CTT she had different clothes that looked way better than her regular outfit. It would be nice to have a change for Ahsoka.

Was Ahsoka's outfit really different? It looked the same to me. But then again, this set doesn't seem to be based on that episode anyway, considering Aayla and Bane are in the set... I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Edit: I just watched that scene again... The brown parts of her outfit are dark red... and she has white pants and... that's it. Not significant enough of a change for TLC to make a new print, me thinks. But as I said, we'll see.

Hey, on the prelims for grievous's fighter did you see grievous's legs. I think they're battle droid arms :look:.

I noticed that they're bent, but I didn't think they were droid arms. It would be wonderful though if they are, because that would mean that you can not only pose the legs individually, but also the feet! :cry_happy: Here's to hoping that you're right!

Can't wait for Toy Fair!

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Yea when ahsoka was on the top of the CTT she had different clothes that looked way better than her regular outfit. It would be nice to have a change for Ahsoka.

Could someone post a screencap from this episode? I don't recall her wearing different clothes from normal, but he minifig definitely does look different from the current one. Of course they're prelim images, but that doesn't explain why she'd have a different torso when we already have plenty of Ahsoka minifigs already.

I really hope they have done this though. If they are going to keep including her and Anakin in sets, giving them different costumes would help a lot.

I may have an answer on Ahsoka's outfit which no one has thought of yet, she's growing up into an adult, so parts of her body maybe developing faster so a change in costume might be in order. Logical yes ?

Could someone post a screencap from this episode? I don't recall her wearing different clothes from normal, but he minifig definitely does look different from the current one. Of course they're prelim images, but that doesn't explain why she'd have a different torso when we already have plenty of Ahsoka minifigs already.

I really hope they have done this though. If they are going to keep including her and Anakin in sets, giving them different costumes would help a lot.

No, not really. I don't know where that idea came from:


We do get a good shot at the gunner though. Anyway, in the prelim picture, it does look like she's wearing something bigger around the belt, but I don't think Lego is going to change the torso.

I may have an answer on Ahsoka's outfit which no one has thought of yet, she's growing up into an adult, so parts of her body maybe developing faster so a change in costume might be in order. Logical yes ?

The SW line hasn't been afraid to show women in less than full clothing so I can see her retaining her outfit until she dies, which she clearly does at one point.

As for LEGO, I don't see them making a different design for her unless they really lay it on thick in the series.

Like I said above and seeing that image from the show, I can't help but feel that she's going from a A cup to a B cup if you know what I mean. So like we have a younger Obi Wan and an old Ben, then a more developed torso would be need for Ahsoka as she gets closer to adulthood.

Even though the show has dealt with some rather adult themes.. I really don't think going to get into Ahsoka going through puberty. :sceptic:

Like I said before, the torso print on the prelim picture does look a bit odd, and I'd love to see them change up the costumes. But I don't think they're going to radically change anything in the TV show, and even if they do, all these sets seem to revolve around first season/early happenings. If Ahsoka does mature somewhat towards the end of season 2/season 3, I don't think we'd see any Lego reflect that until much later.

Edited by Penitent Tangent

Like I said above and seeing that image from the show, I can't help but feel that she's going from a A cup to a B cup if you know what I mean. So like we have a younger Obi Wan and an old Ben, then a more developed torso would be need for Ahsoka as she gets closer to adulthood.

:hmpf: Oh my gosh -you old pervs- do you really think that lego company would change Ahsoka's torso because of that- they are not very accurate with those- well ...always mentioned parts of body :laugh: - ok most female figs have them printed (including Ahsoka) but it seems that even (male?) imperial trooper from Endor battle seems to have sort of breasts :wacko: well it looks like that- and so does cw-Dooku :laugh: why the heck? Dooku is not even fat but now he looks like that (don't have a cw-Dooku but i have seen it) well Ventress seems to be pregnant.... ummm... back to Ahsoka- she is teenaged togruta and as you can see -she already do have -you know- that mentioned ladies' "equipment" so they don't have to make it grow season by season- and perhaps it won't anymore- not all women have so big b**bs - sorry to disappoint you but it would be realistic :laugh: - and this is getting so Off-topic that back to the topic please- where are these rumours of the new Ahsoka torso from anyway?

The SW line hasn't been afraid to show women in less than full clothing so I can see her retaining her outfit until she dies, which she clearly does at one point.

As for LEGO, I don't see them making a different design for her unless they really lay it on thick in the series.

Oh i don't think they are going to kill Ahsoka- actually George is said that he has no intentions to kill her- but what they gonna do with her then? :sceptic: well that don't belong in this topic anyway- but about legowomen in less clothing -you know there is Aayla Secura fig coming- but if Ahsoka would have same torso in orange as Aayla - that would be very odd decision- you know there is big physical differences between them :tongue:- perhaps Ahsokas outfit is going to be that commandosuit from Cargo of Doom? :thumbdown:

I checked the CTT-prelim pics- and i don't think that Ahsoka's torso is changed- it looks same to me :sceptic:

I may have an answer on Ahsoka's outfit which no one has thought of yet, she's growing up into an adult, so parts of her body maybe developing faster so a change in costume might be in order. Logical yes ?

No. I doubt that she'll get a new torso. In fact, I doubt LEGO's even considering it. The Clone Wars has yet to show any signifigent change in costume, and thus, LEGO will do the same. If we see an episode with her in Snow Gear, then mayube they'll release a set of that. Or the Vulture's Claw. but other than those I see no reason for change. Just because she has, say, a new belt, dosen't mean that they'll waste money just to make a new torso with a new belt. I don't see any change in the near future, and niether should you. Doing anything more is just setting yourself up for dissapointment.

Like I said above and seeing that image from the show, I can't help but feel that she's going from a A cup to a B cup if you know what I mean. So like we have a younger Obi Wan and an old Ben, then a more developed torso would be need for Ahsoka as she gets closer to adulthood.

So first season A, second B- then C- and there is going to be at least four seasons.....oh mine what logic :tongue: ok almost off-topic- but still i can't see that "new torso" in the picture of CTT is there more pics then?

Man did I open a can of worms here ! :laugh:

It least it gives something differnent to post about, aw well.......enough about the torso, lets say why she is in CW and not ROTS ?

What happens to her (Ahsoka) that is ?

Does she leave the Jedi order, sent away to one day meant to come back to save the day and never does or does she meet a sad ending ?

What ever important or interesting episodes somehow end up as sets, like the Pirate Tank and Freeco Speeder, so 2011 will contain what ?

Are we going to get a surpise tossed our way from either SW or CW, like the Tantive IV was last year ?

Good questions eh ? :grin:

I'm a conformist! ! :laugh:

I did say that she did have new clothes and I have been trying to find a picture all along and this is it!


She only wore it in the first two episodes I think.

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