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Love the new snowspeeder in the Wampa set. It a must have! And I already have 3 snowspeeders.

Dont like the turbotank though. I bought the first one when it came out but I have regrets about that one. I really was disappointed when I put it together.

It just didnt feel like Star Wars to me.

Thanks for finding those pictures Tinn-mann!

So nice to finally see the CTT and Wampa cave in high-res pictures. I am not bothered by the yellow interior at all. That I will just mod as I build it.

It looks a little flimsy arround the wheels. But so did the last one as well. Might need to have a look at that and mod it a bit as well.

The Wampa cave looks like a really good set to me! Both set a most definit must have.

The Wampa Cave set contains yet another Castle Fantasy Era style skeleton with those ugly straight arms.. :thumbdown: Oh well, I can always toss it aside and replace it with a classic "wobbly arms" skellie. :thumbup:

Thanks for the pics Tinn_Mann!

Luke seems to be wearing grey trousers and a brown jacket; seems an odd choice, but perhaps that'll change. I too would like to see a scarred reversible head.

I see they've fiddled with the speeder again - now has technic elements in the mid-section of the 'guns', thus removing the annoying gap that featured in the 7666 version. I'm not so keen on the megaphone harpoon, though.

I couldn't care about the yellow bits on the CTT - I'm just happy to see it!

Now that I finally can concentrate on an image of the Wampa Cave...

I think the main feature's probably the Wampa and Snowspeeder. I didn't really notice exactly how tiny the cave is (more like the entrance to a cave, with the actual cave removed), but it shouldn't bother me too much.

I hate the yellow inside of the CTT, but I love the new walker like they used during the Ryloth trilogy.

Thanks for the great pics, Tinn-Mann. :sweet:

Some parts of the Juggernaut look better than the previous version, but on the whole, I think it's worse. It looks smaller than the first and the underside looks a lot weaker, especially for a big tank. The other was quite built up underneath, and I think that's much better. I preferred the unmanned gun on the 'small head' and the little lookout tower was nice too. If that is the full length of the handle, it looks too short to be picked up by the dropship, especially with that turret on top. The yellow isn't nice and the cargo hold is thinner than the last, meaning even fewer figs can fit inside, which I dislike. On the plus side, the com. transport and AT-RT both look good.

The figs aren't anything special, apart from the two new ones. Aayla and Cad look superb, so I'll probably pass on the set and just get them from Bricklink (like many others, I'm sure). The price also looks quite high for what it is.

Wish the AT-RT was a set by itself. I sense many will copy this design when instructions are posted online.

I certainly will. It's much better than the old one, and being a small model you'd want more than one of, it would make sense to put it in a small set.

As for the Wampa Cave, it all looks nice, but not very necessary. There is yet another new snowspeeder (it would be my third) and the figs are pretty basic and not something I'd miss. The wampa itself looks okay and it's cave is well-built with nice features, but they just don't scream out to me.

the set would be much better if it didn't have Zev and had a different pilot.

I agree. A new pilot would have swayed me more towards getting it.

I'm not sure it's new Luke head printing. It's hard to tell since he's upside-down, but it looks like the same slightly-smiling head from the Landspeeder to me.

I think if you don't have the latest one, and you're used to the older one, it can be easy to get 'new' and 'newer' mixed up. :tongue:

I would also like to thank 'Tinn-mann' for the pix's too. :sweet:

The CTT might be a bit pricey but with those rare figures - be worth it.

I'm also puzzled at the use of yellow in it, as these yellow parts would also be available in light bluey grey.

The little AT-RT, ditto ditto on knocking up extras perfect for a battle scene - a row of these very jumpy walkers !

Wampa attack - the wampa makes the set and I guess if we change the helmet on the pilot he can be called someone else right ?

Anyway, it's 5 days to go before the big show, can't wait............so I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

Thanks for the high-resolution pics Tinn-mann :thumbup:

Ugh, damn you yellow interior, oh well I guess its time yo get my modding tools out...

That's exactly what my first thoughts were :laugh:

The minifigures in the CTT look awesome, despite that they included another Anakin and Ahsoka.

Of course I know these are the main characters in the Clone Wars series and that's the reason why they are included often.

Although in canon the CTT probably couldnt be lifted by a dropship (just look at its size) it's a great feature to be added to this set.

The walker also has a great design.

The wheels look a little small compared to the bodywork from this picture, but that might be the angle.

As for the Wampa Attack; why include Sev Senesca in a battlepack and also in this set?

With a little printing difference it could have been another pilot in either one, although including him in this one makes more sense than the battlepack.

I'm looking forward to comparing the snowspeeder to the older models to see the diffrences. Cant see any obvious ones as of now, beside some stickers/colours.

More high res pics wanted of the other sets! :cry_happy:

Edited by Future74

thanks a lot for the new pictures.. finally.. just waiting for a good one of the salveI and boba... i can understand why tlc didn't make a new pilot for the wampa cave ($$$$) but still... that's pretty... you know... they make a "fig only set" (i don't think anyone buys this for the cave... ok the speeder is nice but certainly not a high priority must have for most people) and then they don't even make another pilot..and all the people buying bp already have tons of this pilot... but ok, i'll buy it anyway...

Edited by fenris

Dont like the turbotank though. I bought the first one when it came out but I have regrets about that one. I really was disappointed when I put it together.

It just didnt feel like Star Wars to me.

Actually you can't get much more Star Wars than the Juggernaut. It was the original design for the Hoth tanks prior to the AT-ATs.


You're welcome :thumbup: .

Thank you! :tongue:

The Juggernaut looks a lot more simple than I expected, but to be honest I'm happy with that. I can mod it to the standard I want afterall. I just need some parts like the wheels (which seem to be 2 x technic motorbike wheels) and plates to be able to make it.

The underbelly does look rather lame though.... and I'm really sick of that skeleton. :hmpf_bad:

Thanks Tinn-man!

Look at the wheels on the CTT, very spindly and not very tank-like. The yellow interior is another negative.

well yellow is strange choice but wheels are just bit too simple- they are more accurate now than the old spacey wheels- however it's hard to say which ones are better- Secura is nice and Bane too but is that supposd to be Bly :sceptic: they use the same old commander and put the visor like it shouldn't be :hmpf_bad: that's so fake! - it is not like the Bly's binoculars it is the same old visor but not in place-

and only two clones- they should have made ARF trooper instead of all 3 jedi- Ahsoka and Anakin both ? not a good decision :hmpf_bad: however the parts used for the tank look so delicious- they would be excellent addition to my collection and Bane, Aayla (her Lekku look wonderful here :wub: ) also i don't have CW Anakin yet- he is ugly as h*ll but he has nice torso and hair-

At -Rt don't have toes -but anyway it is better than the old one. Wampa cave is so disappointement that i am not gonna buy it- i have the old (almost identical) snowspeeder and hoth bp is much cheaper way to get those figs (ok lukes head is not there but who cares i like older flesh-Luke better)- and skeleton is that bad one (why not the old good one used in POP-theme? :oh3: ) only reason to have that set would be wampa- but it don't look much- chicken leg is strange addition :wacko: it's not fun, not accurate , not useful, not rare why wampa needed grip for chicken leg????? don't get it- symmetrical hands would have saved it but no- left one is two times longer (or so it looks). Now we need rancor- i hope it don't have same hands and chicken leg too :hmpf:

Love the new snowspeeder in the Wampa set. It a must have! And I already have 3 snowspeeders.

Dont like the turbotank though. I bought the first one when it came out but I have regrets about that one. I really was disappointed when I put it together.

It just didnt feel like Star Wars to me.

Oh my gosh i couldn't disagree more- :oh3: CTT is most Star wars like thing ever after R2-D2, Darth Vader or lightsaber (and someone having a bad feeling about something :tongue:) also why would someone want wampa's cave because of snowspeeder- don't get it- but if you want well that's ok. but i'm happy with my 2004 snowspeeder... new one has some new decals but i cannot see other improvements....

I really caused a stir! Saying I didn't like the turbotank/juggernaut/ctt or what ever it is called.

It just doesn't do it for me - I love Star Wars the first time I ever saw it. To be honest my first introduction was The Return Of The Jedi. I was only 3 when Star Wars came out. I loved the AT-AT walkers - I have been building them from LEGO since I saw them.

For the snowspeeder - I really like it because they are white instead of grey like the first model.

I have 7130, 4500 and 10129

Secura is nice and Bane too but is that supposd to be Bly :sceptic: they use the same old commander and put the visor like it shouldn't be :hmpf_bad: that's so fake! - it is not like the Bly's binoculars it is the same old visor but not in place-

I dont think it is supposed to be Bly, just a random clone commander - like in the battlepack. There's nothing that indicates otherwise, something specifically Blys.

Like many people before have pointed out already, the CTT is actually a long existing SW vehicle.

I especially like the picture below, taken from the Star Wars Wiki, which shows an A5 Juggernaut used by the Imperial Army at the aftermath of the battle of Yavin, thus proving that this vehicle was still used by the time of 'A New Hope'.


By the way, the 22 m long A5 Juggernaut is less than half the size of the 49.4 m long A6 Juggernaut, and in fact should be able to be carried by a Dropship. Many people do not realize that the Juggernaut came in varying sizes (actually, nor did I before I looked it up on the SW wiki)!

Anyhow, as a mostly OT era Lego SW collector this means I can integrate this vehicle into my existing collection!

I don't care much for the figures that come with the set: my version will be manned by Stormtroopers. Probably just chuck Cad Bane, Aayla and the rest in the bin (just kidding!)...

Edited by Alldarker

The Wampa Attack looks fairly as I'd have expected only with an unnecessary snowspeeder and only (yet again) one pilot. I'd have to take off points for that though getting the long-overdue wampa and the Hoth Luke are able to make up for that a bit. Still it's a bit pricey. Overall, I give it slightly under *** out of ****.

The Clone Turbo Tank is yet another rehash of vehicles we've already seen before without anything to redeem it. The design is ugly (not just the set but the vehicle from the films itself) and the only thing that doesn't look bad is the little walker. Once again Lego has short-changed the set on appropriate mini-figures. One clone apparently is the driver of the walker and the other of the tank. So what good is all the empty space inside? Throwing in some no-name Jedi certainly doesn't make up for the lack of sufficient clones either. The price is totally unjustifiable for this set. I BARELY give it a * out of ****.

Finally picture, this can finally end the debate on what the wampa will look like. Of course it came out just as previously shown.

I can't wait, and for someone wothout Ahsoka, the Turbo Tank has 3 prime figs. I can't wait.

Here you go !!!

You're welcome :thumbup: .

EDIT: Pics deeplinked.

I see the at-rt folds up on a ball to fit in the door

almost like a transformer

if you look at the sled piece it fits in the yellow door anchors

if you look at the back of the at-rt it has the same type of rail piece anchor

also there is no floor inside the tank just technic beams ??? :tongue:

Edited by Siegfried
Please don't quote images for no reason, especially big ones

I really caused a stir! Saying I didn't like the turbotank/juggernaut/ctt or what ever it is called.

:tongue: You're entitled to your opinion.

Anyhow, as a mostly OT era Lego SW collector this means I can integrate this vehicle into my existing collection!

That's my plan!

Throwing in some no-name Jedi certainly doesn't make up for the lack of sufficient clones either.

You still want more clones? I have more than enough! :tongue: Like many others I'd rather different figs. I do agree the price isn't right... but I have no intention of paying full price.

The new AT TE didn't look amazing till I actually owned one - I'm sure I'll love the CTT when I get it

it's an improvement but not very ambitious - look out tower? The missiles? 2 clones?

The interior gives modding ops and is better than before but was it so much to ask for seats? An engine? Armoury?

The spindly axles aren't great either

atleast the new figs are great

You still want more clones? I have more than enough!

I try look at it from the perspective of someone who doesn't already have a bunch of clones from other sets. If they're getting this set, they've got a vehicle with a skeleton crew at best. The same goes for the new Republic Gunship or the AT-TE. Lego used to include at least enough proper figures to man the vehicles properly (well, not always I suppose; just look at the Cloud Car). Now they skimp and toss in obscure and inappropriate mini-figures.

If they're going to overcharge for it, why not tack on another $10 to the price and toss in a couple more clones so the tank isn't just an empty oversized taxi?

Like many others I'd rather different figs. I do agree the price isn't right....

The obscure mini-figures only serve to drive up the already over-inflated price. Given a $10 price reduction and no "blink and you'll miss 'em" characters, I'll take it.

Now they skimp and toss in obscure and inappropriate mini-figures.

Well, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but Cad Bane certainly is not obscure to the CW kiddie fan base. Star Wars hyped him in a few previews just about Bane, and he had a whole bunch of episodes with a good amount of screen time. Perhaps he doesn't totally belong with the CTT, but we know LEGO always needs to find some bad guy to throw in, and it's better to get Bane then some more battle droids.

Also, while I would like to see some more clones in the tank too, I certainly wouldn't want them instead of a new cool Jedi. It would get boring if all the sets only came with Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, or Yoda as the Jedi just because those are the only "non-obscure" Jedi. It is nice that LEGO makes more Jedi so that kids and fans can build up a nice team of them. Aayla did have a whole CW episode, and she appears in EpII and EpIII for a second, so I think even kids might know who she is. She's certainly not as obscure as, say, Heth Koth.

Like many people before have pointed out already, the CTT is actually a long existing SW vehicle.

I especially like the picture below, taken from the Star Wars Wiki, which shows an A5 Juggernaut used by the Imperial Army at the aftermath of the battle of Yavin, thus proving that this vehicle was still used by the time of 'A New Hope'.


By the way, the 22 m long A5 Juggernaut is less than half the size of the 49.4 m long A6 Juggernaut, and in fact should be able to be carried by a Dropship. Many people do not realize that the Juggernaut came in varying sizes (actually, nor did I before I looked it up on the SW wiki)!

Anyhow, as a mostly OT era Lego SW collector this means I can integrate this vehicle into my existing collection!

I don't care much for the figures that come with the set: my version will be manned by Stormtroopers. Probably just chuck Cad Bane, Aayla and the rest in the bin (just kidding!)...

It was also used in a star wars Empire comic issue. (sorry forgot the name of it)

Thanks for the great pictures.

Clone Turbo Tank-

This set looks good especially the plating and greblies. The command post looks great but a little fragile. The new AT-RT is amazing and the colours along with the legs make it perfect.

Wampa Cave-

Great set. The snowspeeder looks much better than the originals and the Wampa is well designed. The cave is nice and represents the snow cave well. The way the minifigure hangs down along with the lightsaber holder work well.

One word: WOW

these sets are even better than I imagined! It'll be over a year before big Bane fans like me can finally get our hands on Him (thank goodness I have a summer birthday :grin:). But I don't see why everyone hates Bossks color. I'm still buying it!

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