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Posted (edited)

Wow all of the sets are just so amazing! :wub:

Palpy's Shuttle - Minifigs look amazing! The med droid looks really great and Vader looks so good his face is fantastic. The Emperor is nice and Im glad they included him because I do not have him yet and it doesn't look like he has changed which is nice because he looks as good as lego will be able to make him. The pilot looks great especially helmet printing. The head looks good but I haven't really seem a good pic of the whole minifig with the helmet on straight (can someone help me out?). The shuttle looks nice my favourite part of it has to be the cockpit. The big glass pane looks great! Interior looks pretty good and that helmet placing mechanism while it looks nice I would rather just have a medical table instead for it and a place for the Emperor to sit. The wings look a good size and I think all the different colours is a nice touch.

Grievous' Starfighter - Um im not that sure about this set. While the whole set looks nice, Im not sure about Grievous. Its good that he has two separate legs but he looks strange holding lightsabres because of the strange placing of his arms on his arms. The colouring on him his nice though but he doesnt have that lego charm. I prefer the older version but I dont think that will stop me from buying the set. Nahdarr Vebb looks great but I already have Mon Calamari heads although another one would be nice :wink: . The med droid looks cool with all his tools and his face is pretty accurate. I like how they kept the sliding cockpit function and it seems to be better than the last one. The starfighter looks pretty big and it has a lot of detail which is really nice.


Five sides. Im glad thats cleared up now.

Plo Koon's Starfighter - Plo Koon looks nice and Im glad they kept him the same as he was in the RGS. The astromech droid looks fantastic. The colour scheme and I just love the brown on white. The starfighter looks really great and the colour scheme is just terrific. Lego has done a great job in recreating the white diagonal strips coming out like rays. I will definitely get this set to add to my jedi starfighter collection.

Wampa Cave - The Wampa looks so awesome! :wub: I love how he can grab minifigs as well! Luke looks great especially the torso. Im kinda disappointed that they didn't include a new face for him with a scar but It doesn't really matter for me. The snowspeeder looks great and will be my first which Im happy about. Disappointed about Zev being in the set but it's not a put off for me. The cave looks to be a good size. I like how they used the tooth piece for ice stalactites (Im not sure about the proper name :look: ).

Clone Turbo Tank - Looks absolutely fantastic! Cad Bane looks great and Im happy to see a pic without his hat on so we are able to see his whole face. His breathing apparatus piece looks great and so does his hat, it's a great size. Aayla looks amazing. Not too Anime-ish but still fits into the CW genre. Her torso looks nice and I love the different texture on the two straps. Her headpiece looks great and all the detail on it is amazing and just perfect. Anakin and Ahsoka are nice additions to the set and I dont mind about getting them again. . AT RT looks like a better version of the clone walker IMO and I like the backwards flick fire for a gun. The control centre is a nice addition to the set as well. The CTT itself has some great detail on it. I'm glad that they added the cockpits in the front and back but I'm kinda annoyed they gave us more seats than clones just like in the AT OT/dropship. The inside kinda just looks like there is only enough room for the command centre and AT RT. The suspension is a great feature for the set and will be fun to test. I like how thick the wheels are because they seemed a little thin in the prelim pics.

Slave 1 - Looks like the best set shown at the toy fair IMO. Boba looks amazing and probably one of the best minifigs from the year. His helmet looks amazing but Im not sure why they had to have his head underneath the helmet. A black head would have just been as good. His jetpack seems to be kinda underdone and would look nicer with a bit of printing on it. I'm not sure why they had to out that technic pin on the end of his gun though. Bossk looks great but I think he would have looked better in a dark tan mould instead. His torso is a great new piece and has heaps of detail which is amazing. The carbonite mould looks incredible and reminds me of in the latest Family Guy Star Wars where Peter (Han) is frozen in carbonite mooning. The detail on it is spectacular and its good that he can hold on to the holds to be secure. Han looks nice but Im not quite sure why they had to make a new torso for him but its still a nice new piece. The Slave 1 itself looks great. It has awesome detail and some nice new pieces. The clear cockpit piece is nice so you are able to see in and the cockpit itself looks pretty large. Its cool that they have recreated the RAS auto flick fire mechanism in it. The place where you can put Han inside does look a bit squished though. The back of the ship looks really impressive with all the engines on it.

AT AT - The minifigs seem promising but I baffled like others what Han and C3PO are doing in there as well. It seems just the same minifigs as the ones form the last AT AT but just newer prints. I cant wait to see what the AT AT looks like on the last day! :thumbup:

Cad Banes Speeder - Im so glad they added Senate Commandos into it because I certainly wasn't buying the Venator for them and the extra printing on the captain looks cooler than just two regular commandos. The other bounty hunter looks interesting and its cool that we are getting another weequay. Im really interested in this set now!

White Boba - I so want one! He looks :wub:!

Thank you for reading my long post :tongue:

Edited by Roncanator
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Thx a lot for the pics of Bobalicious Fett and his Slave I. I have to get this set. The ship is cool, but Bossk and Boba rock. I agree with some people saying that the jetpack is not the best part of this fig but in general it's pure awesomeness with great details added... a must buy for a boba-fanboy :-)

Posted (edited)

Wow, these pictures are all very amazing :oh: Thanks for everyone who put them up and/or linked to them :thumbup::sweet:

And the sets are terrific too.

Clone Turbo Tank: Aaylaaaaa :wub: And Bane :devil: Too bad the set's so bloody big, and expensive too :cry_sad:

I'm not sure yet if I'll buy this one :sceptic:

Palpatin's Shuttle: Awesome, I love the med-droid, he's gonna be useful for so many other things too :classic: I already got that Palpatine with the Death Star (at least, I don't see any differences) and Vader looks great, though this will be like my 7th Vader-helmet :tongue: I love his face though, you can see his... well, pain, is the best way to put it, I guess :grin:

I'm definitely buying this one :wub:

Grievous' Starfighter: Nice! I love the new Grievous, though I wonder about the posability, but I'll find out by then. The Doc-droid looks a bit... well odd, his face is good, but why put it on thát kind of brick, doesn't look right to me :sceptic: Nahdar Vebb is a nice addition too :thumbup:

Slave One: (is that the actually set title, by the way? :blush::grin:) Wow, these figs... I love Boba's new outfit, and his face, I gotta have it :wub: I love Han's new torso too, and I like that he has a new face, never really liked the old smirk :sceptic: I don't really care about Bossk *ducks for cover :blush: *

I'm not sure I'll buy this one though, I already have the latest and well... besided the figs, it's not all that special to me.

Thanks again everyone!


Edited by CF WeaZZel
Ah, Grevious in full frontal.

He looks about as non-LEGO as possible, I' bet this one will becoming in one of those sealed bags from China. Still, he looks nice and cartoony just like the show, and I'm excited about curved battle droid arms that can hold things straight.

I thought the same thing, he's a litle Mega Blockish (just like Han in carbonite). I hope Grievous can be put in better position.


Oh boy... default_sick.gif This looks exactly like something Megablox would make. I'll pass.

seems were not alone, I'm tempted to to just skip the whole clone wars stuff and keep my focus the OT.

Posted (edited)

Argh! Nearly got a heart attack with the "zombie pilot". Not because of the face, I was more struck by the fact that the helmet is open-faced. I'll get over it soon, though.

Boba Fett is nice, but why blue? Doesn't work too well for me. Grievous looks better, but fragile and wiry.

Someone inform me if I missed something: Cad Bane's speeder isn't going to be released in Australia, right? I read that ages ago, not sure if it's true...

Plo Koon's astromech is Clone Wars, oh no! Doesn't matter much now, though. I want the ship and Plo Koon more.

Edited by Delta 38

Wow, the new figs are amazing. The new Boba looks fantastic, I'll be getting this set and buying at least one more of the new boba's. Greivous is ok, but Honestly I'm not 100% sold, it's very very cartoonish. Bane of course I'll be getting but I think I might be ordering some of these off of bricklink as opposed to getting the actual set.


Excuse my French, but it's a pretty crappy torso.

I personally really like it. I know a lot of people are upset about the figure being too much like an action figure and not enough like a Lego figure, but I commend Lego for stepping up to the plate and creating a whole new level of detail in their figures. Hopefully it will continue.

I personally really like it. I know a lot of people are upset about the figure being too much like an action figure and not enough like a Lego figure, but I commend Lego for stepping up to the plate and creating a whole new level of detail in their figures. Hopefully it will continue.

But then the difference between Lego and for example Kubrick gets thinner and thinner. The problem with it is that the detail with the minifigs contrasts to mush with the sets.

I'm really getting scared that one day they will change Vaders helmet.

But to say something good for once, Aayla Secura turned out really great, just the way the figure should be. I hope that one day she will get a non clonewars cartoonstyle face print. R7-F5 is cool aswell, the more astromech droids the better.

Posted (edited)

My friend Nine-Eleven was in the Berlin LEGO Store and saw a new Magnet set including following figures:

Palpatine (TCW, from 8039 Venator cruiser)

Nute Gunray

Onaconda Farr (both from 8036 Seperatist Shuttle)

He had no money to buy it, nor a camera, but he is a reliable source.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson

Stop telling lies, fool!

I have a great cam and I found money.

Let me put my shoes on, in 5 minutes I'm in the Berlin Store. I'll make a review with BEAUTIFUL pictures.

In your Face, Navy xD


10 years I was waiting for a Bespin Han, finally...! I don't care if it comes with the AT-AT. They put the Faclon Escape scene in it as well, but without Leia. Whatever. I get my Han! Finally.

(Ok, Leia would have been nice to get her with a new face but we will get her sooner or later. You hear, Leia? We get you!)

New magnets? I do believe it, only TLC can put together such a strange combo of not-important minifigs. Here is hope for some OT magnets as well, we really need an upgrade. So many new figs in the last years, no new magnets!

I personally really like it. I know a lot of people are upset about the figure being too much like an action figure and not enough like a Lego figure, but I commend Lego for stepping up to the plate and creating a whole new level of detail in their figures. Hopefully it will continue.

yes, agreed.


I love Boba's new helmet, I dig the messed look of the body, but it still doesn't look as good as the old one, the colour seems off, to be honest looks like Boba helmet, Jango body.

I like the new magnet sets, smart move hopefully will keep prices down.


Well, with Bane's speeder and this magnet set coming out, the Venator set just became completely worthless. :tongue:

I'm not interested in the CW one as I already have those sets, but the Endor one is great! Finally a cheap regular Han!

Posted (edited)

Now immediately quit showing me pics of more and more stuff! :tongue:

Where am I ever going to get money for the collectible minifigs, the magnet sets and some 2010 sets?

Well I'll be able to get them, just not in once..

The magnet sets are of the good quality, am I right? Must be.

This is a great way to stock up on Rodians, and customizers can customize them to their own likings for not too much money, if they want.

And we can get cheap Ewoks and Scout Troopers, too! Great stuff.

Thanks for the pics. (although I said that you guys had to quit showing them to me. Oh well, I would have found out about them sooner or later already so I've changed my mind; show me more! :tongue: )

~ General Magma

Edited by General Magma
Posted (edited)

Much like the new clone trooper torso print, I am not really liking Boba's new torso as well. It looks odd how it tapers inwards.

Haha, the only reason why you get the Venator now is to get that Death Star Hologram!

Edited by Rayman

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