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Well i don't see 10212 being a large shuttle, it has one shuttle pilot as thats all that will fit like palpatines shuttle, i recon a landing platform from endor as we never see luke and vader in the shuttle together just 2 pilots and thats not even the same scene.

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Regarding what's UCS or not

The first UCS models that TLC made were 7181 TIE Interceptor and 7191 X-Wing Fighter that were released in 2000. These two UCS sets were widely distributed to toy shops and as far as I know they didn't sell good enough to be widely distrbuted (or at least not here in Sweden were they sat on shelves until they cleared them out for a 50 % discount). My half qualified guess is that it was the case all over the world as they were made for and aimed at the more adult builders and collector that's supposed to be 10 % of all LEGO sales.

My half qualified guess is supported by the fact that 10018 Darth Maul Bust and 10019 Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV and (almost) every other UCS model from there on has been exclusives only available through LEGO Shop at Home and LEGO's own stores. This was probably done because UCS models sold good enough if they were sold directly from LEGO without any middle hands as toy shops.

As LEGO exclusives only available through LEGO Shop at Home and LEGO's own stores have a 5 digit item number the UCS models from here on got a 5 digit number as "all" else exclusives did and have.

Then we have the "mini figure sets" 10123 Cloud City, 10131 TIE Collection, 10144 Sandcrawler, 10178 Motorized Walking AT-AT, 10188 Death Star, 10198 Tantive IV and 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker that probably also became exclusives because they were too obscure and expensive to be widely distributed through toy shops. So the reason for these sets having a 5 digit item number is just because they are exclusives only available through LEGO Shop at Home and LEGO's own stores and "not" because they're UCS models. They're just exclusive mini figure sets and nothing else.

The fact that the last widely distributed UCS model, or rather sculpture, to toy shops in 2002 were 7194 Yoda was probably becuase LEGO thought the sculpture was "cute enough" to sell good enough to be widely distributed but here in Sweden at least I saw it collecting dust until I think it was last year at one toy shop.

Sure, a whole lot of UCS models have been found on clearance at toy shops but that's because LEGO's clearing out their stocks and werehouses.

And if memory serves me right...

TLC said somewhere that the UCS model of the Millennium Falcon was the "first" UCS model to be scaled to their mini figures.

Regarding 10212 UCS Imperial Shuttle

I truly hope it's a UCS model scaled to the mini figures just like the UCS Millennium Falcon. At a piece count of 2503 it's certainly not impossible as it's less detailed then the Falcon and if it's based around a Technic armature it should be a decent model. A dwarfed mini figure version made with just 234 pieces like 7166 Imperial Shuttle and with a 2269 piece Endor landing pad hell no.

The idea of UCS models scaled to the mini figures just like the UCS Millennium Falcon is a exciting product range for me as a adult builder and collector at 42 years of age. I'd just love to see the Imperial Landing Craft, Sandcrawler, AT-ST, AT-AT, Boba Fett's Slave 1, Jabba's Sail Barge, Sith Infiltrator, Gungan Sub, Trade Federation MTT, Jango Fett's Slave 1, Clone Turbo Tank, The Twilight, Count Dooku's Solar Sailer, Republic Attack Shuttle and Separatist's Shuttle as UCS or correctly scaled models to the mini figures.

Sweden - The One... And Only.

Good points but I have to contradict slightly as the 10178 AT-AT was widely released in UK Argos shops in 2007

Posted (edited)
Regarding what's UCS or not

Regarding 10212 UCS Imperial Shuttle

Sweden - The One... And Only.

Thank you Sweden,

I spent my lunch time considering the most succinct way of explaining what UCS was especially given the confusion that exists within the Lego community and the observation that this thread was moving inexorably toward confusing it further. I'm happy to say you've beaten me to it and have done so in a manner far more eloquent than I'd have ever managed.

For anyone wondering which models are classic UCS please explore the following link...


For 10212 to be referred to as a 'UCS' Shuttle (assuming this is the unofficial Lego Company title that Eurobricks has unearthed) as opposed to '10212 Imperial Landing Pad (with a wee shuttle on top)' suggests Lego isn't using the phrase 'Ultimate Collector's Series' lightly. Afterall several sets acknowledged as classic UCS models have lacked that title on their box however no set advertised as a UCS has been anything other than a sculpture (be it large or small).

I agree with Cavegod that the lack of pilots could suggest a system scale set but consider the following...

1. Remember many people were surprised the UCS MF lacked an R2 and 3PO (surely they'd have been a given also)? So perhaps the omission of a pilot or two isn't so strange...

2. Perhaps TLC have decided for a range of characters with 10212 therefore increasing play potential rather than simply including 5 pilot figures and an officer?

3. The pictures we have of the shuttle mini figs confirm their variety but not necessarily their number. An additional pilot or two to act as navigator/engineer or communications specialist could be included or for that matter found in a future battlepack.

4. Having only one pilot keeps the figures collectability intact. TLC therefore increases the potential market for the set considerably with that one simple, effective decision.

Assuming KimT has picked up on an accurate rumor regarding the name of the set then I think and obviously hope 10212 is a classic UCS model.

EDIT: Actually I'm tempted to add the Malevolence to the classic UCS fold from the Quest for R2 game. It has no play features, is pure sculpture and (for those who think it matters) comes with a stand. 750 pieces is a fair amount (more than the N1 and Tie Interceptor) and you sure as heck don't end up with something system scaled (although arguably midi-scaled but that's just a UCS which hasn't grown up yet)!

On that thought I'm off to Bricklink now to buy the parts. At least then if 10212 does end up as just a big landing platform then at least I've had a small hit of UCS goodness this year...

Edited by Aeroeza
Posted (edited)

I've updated my previous post...

...about what's UCS or not and developed it further with some good points about it all.


Sure. But...

"And if memory serves me right...

TLC said somewhere that the UCS model of the Millennium Falcon was the "first" UCS model to be scaled to their mini figures and as far as I know TLC never ever said for example that Cloud City was a UCS model except for some member here or there that claimed that some at LEGO Shop at Home customer service said that Cloud City was a UCS model. As far as I'm concerned the people at Shop at Home doesn't know too much about the product line."


Thanks. Yeah, it's been a real mix up. In the beginning at least they did print UCS on UCS model boxes but dropped it later. Dang. I haven't looked at the boxes for ages.


I seriously doubt that the shuttle will have a Endor landing pad. I can't imagine TLC doing the whole structure of it. I believe that it then would be way too boring a set for most people.


Interesting. I had no idea about that. But I guess it was because of some special deal between TLC Europe and Argos shops.


Thank you. I haven't been posting here for over three years now but the discussion of what's UCS or not and a possible UCS Imperial Shuttle was too tempting to avoid.

Interesting. Peeron also list the UCS models that way except for Darth Maul Bust and Yoda that they classify as sculptures. I myself list them that way as well.

Yeah. Why TLC dropped the UCS title on classic UCS models is a mystery.

Good points. I also hope that the 10212 Imperial Shuttle is a classic UCS model.

Sweden - The One... And Only.

Edited by Sweden
I don't see why it matters whether it's a USC or not, a shuttle a shuttle, and we haven't got one in a while.

supposing your only talking about shuttles, and not Imperial shuttles. We've gotten one each year for the past five years if my math is correct.


Does it really matter if its "UCS" or not? I personally think the new Tantive is MUCH better than the "UCS" one... 2500+ pieces is still bigger than most of the sets out there. It's going to be fairly large, and fairly detailed, and that's all I care about.


I just wish we could see some pictures by now!

It feels like a set I will pass on though, but I am pretty sure it will be a good looking one.

There is many AFOL´s out there that I am pretty sure that will get one.

Posted (edited)
I don't see why it matters whether it's a USC or not, a shuttle a shuttle, and we haven't got one in a while.

Then you are quite obviously not a UCS fan!

That's not a problem but also not much of an acknowledgment that there are AFOL who love this range and haven't had the opportunity to add to their collection since the release of 10186 General Grievous in early 2008. And yes, UCS fans are a minority in the 'Lego community', but one shouldn't causally dismiss the various reasons why both adults and children enjoy collecting Lego.

Why does UCS matter?

The whole concept of a UCS is one that embraces Lego within a sculptural artistic medium rather than just simply as a building toy. I say this as a special effects artist who also teachers and writes syllabus for higher education courses in 3D animation and visual effects in film, television and games (and some of our graduates do work at ILM).

3D modelling is just one of my passions in the genre and so the desire for accuracy and aesthetics in a model is strong for me. Heck! I build these things virtually so to do something like it with little bits of plastic in the real world is incredibly good fun! Lego becomes more than the sum of its parts when the model is complete. This is the same concept as starting with a single n-sided polygon in 3D and over a period of time molding and sculpting it into a fully functioning virtual expression of an Incom T-65 X-Wing with over 750,000 polygons staring down the barrel of your over worked graphics card!

Its the same for any artist in any medium and akin to any traveler at the start of any journey.

To build a UCS is to travel in the footsteps of an artist. In this case a sculptor who expresses themselves through the medium of a child's construction toy. What is learned and appreciated along the way is up to you but for me it's the purity of form which emerges from a meaningless, formless pile of plastic. Sure, the Lego brick has function much like a lone house brick does but the application of this functionality in a creative and meaningful way is what matters and is why Lego is so effective and lasting a toy- it inspires us to think, create and play.

A UCS is the penultimate expression for any sculptor in the Lego medium, whether its the Effill Tower, Taj Mahal or even an under-appreciated chrome decorated Naboo fighter. Its purpose is not simply play but form, aesthetics and accuracy achieved within the confines and choices made available in the bricks supplied by a commercial toy company.

You don't need to be a fan of Lego to enjoy the spectacle of a UCS but to ignore the beauty of these models is to forget how extraordinary Lego can be. If the range died because vocal Star Wars Lego fans (and many on this site are likely to be under 18) wanted more playsets and minifigs then you've just diminished the potential of your own hobby and the artists at TLC who create on its behalf. We should all be hoping for a diverse range of sets released by Lego and not potentially courting the churning out of tired ideas each year by turning our noses up at sets that lack playability, interiors or figures.

Be happy there may be another UCS on the way even if its not to your taste because a Lego shuttle is not simply just a Lego shuttle especially if you ask yourself the following question - 'What is the purpose behind the build and what can I learn from it?'

Have a thoughtful day! :wink:


Thank you. I haven't been posting here for over three years now but the discussion of what's UCS or not and a possible UCS Imperial Shuttle was too tempting to avoid.

Interesting. Peeron also list the UCS models that way except for Darth Maul Bust and Yoda that they classify as sculptures. I myself list them that way as well.

Yeah. Why TLC dropped the UCS title on classic UCS models is a mystery.

Good points. I also hope that the 10212 Imperial Shuttle is a classic UCS model.

Sweden - The One... And Only.

Sweden! The Lego Antediluvian has risen once more!

Nice to know you're still lurking in the background. If you build the shuttle before me can we get in a flame war too? It would be too big a case of sour grapes for me to ignore!! :classic:

Peeron actually lists 10186 General Grevious as a Star Wars Technic rather than a sculpture. Strange given its UCS pedigree and the fact that the designer, Erick Varszeg was quoted as saying (I paraphrase) that although it has strong technic elements the Grevious model was unique because of its use of system bricks. I'd say this is a clear indication of using the best bricks for the job of sculpting in Lego regardless of size - an obvious building philosophy behind UCS (especially after abandoning 1/72 scale in the early years).

KimT, given this old topic of what a UCS is has cropped up again and that its taken well informed essays to help clear our way through the muddle, might it be a good idea to separate the Shop@home exclusives from classic UCS's models and sculptures on Eurobrick's review index pages? It would be nice to put this thread to rest....

Edited by Aeroeza

I fully agree about the UCS from an adult point of view. I would love to see a UCS Model each year and don't really care how much it would cost as long as the model is detailed and big. I think thare are loads of AFOL that think the same way.


UCS sets are pointless - make a system Shuttle and sell millions or some daft UCS set that only 100 people worldwide will buy anyway.

The UCS falcon was the size of a dining table - where on earth does such a thing go?

If people want incredible accurate sculptures your local model shop can help you out - just remember the glue.

Well spoken !! :thumbup:

Why thank you kind sir!

I fully agree about the UCS from an adult point of view. I would love to see a UCS Model each year and don't really care how much it would cost as long as the model is detailed and big. I think thare are loads of AFOL that think the same way.

I doubt we'll see them released that often. A thousand system scaled shuttles will fly through Lego stores for every few UCS ones. But given the UCS Falcon is no more then a new pride of the pack should take its place this year and in another 18 months perhaps we'll see yet another. :sceptic:

UCS sets are pointless - make a system Shuttle and sell millions or some daft UCS set that only 100 people worldwide will buy anyway.

The UCS falcon was the size of a dining table - where on earth does such a thing go?

If people want incredible accurate sculptures your local model shop can help you out - just remember the glue.

Only the Sith deal in absolutes! :tongue:

Why thank you kind sir!

[stupid question on]

What do you mean ? (my mother tongue is not English, so, sometimes I misunderstand the posts :( )

[stupid question off]

[stupid question on]

What do you mean ? (my mother tongue is not English, so, sometimes I misunderstand the posts :( )

[stupid question off]

Merci beaucoup mon ami! :classic:

UCS sets are pointless - make a system Shuttle and sell millions or some daft UCS set that only 100 people worldwide will buy anyway.

The UCS falcon was the size of a dining table - where on earth does such a thing go?

If people want incredible accurate sculptures your local model shop can help you out - just remember the glue.

haha, so i doubt you would be impressed that i binned the minifigs that came with my ucs falcon then lol

minifigs = pointless in my eyes

the falcon ain't big enough to eat my dinner off or the right height but my ucs at-at is just the right hieght for a plate!! :thumbup:

haha, so i doubt you would be impressed that i binned the minifigs that came with my ucs falcon then lol

minifigs = pointless in my eyes

the falcon ain't big enough to eat my dinner off or the right height but my ucs at-at is just the right hieght for a plate!! :thumbup:

You actually threw them out? You could've given them to me! What were you thinking? :tongue:

I'd like to see the UCS Shuttle, I'm not one for UCS's but the Shuttle is a very nice ship, and it could come with some great features too.

Posted (edited)
I personally think the new Tantive is MUCH better than the "UCS" one...

Surely you jest ?! The original Tantive IV wipes the floor with the new one, with its weedy engines and multiple design compromises. The only 'plus' about the new version is the minifigs. Same goes for 6211 ISD, which is very poor compared with it's big daddy 10030.

The greater piece count in UCS sets usually means a more accurate and detailed model. We've already had 2 smaller and pretty basic imperial shuttles (3 if you include the mini), so it's time for a more accurate UCS version I reckon.

Dr. D.

Edited by drdavewatford
Posted (edited)
Surely you jest ?! The original Tantive IV wipes the floor with the new one, with its weedy engines and multiple design compromises.

If you like no interior, a bulky cockpit, bulky blank engines, no figs, and one of the most problematic sticker sheets to replace actual engine details that the non-ucs version has, not to mention the non-ucs is much more accurate in terms of scale than the UCS one. Then I suppose the UCS version is better for you.

Edited by k_peek_2000
Only the Sith deal in absolutes! :tongue:

Not that stupid contradictory quote again...

Truthfully, I never actually got a chance to own a USC, they were all so expensive, and I generally thought it would be easier to buy the smaller model. Maybe I'll get this one if it's at a good price.

If you like no interior, a bulky cockpit, bulky blank engines, no figs, and one of the most problematic sticker sheets to replace actual engine details that the non-ucs version has, not to mention the non-ucs is much more accurate in terms of scale than the UCS one. Then I suppose the UCS version is better for you.

Actually, the doctor is right there. The USC Imp SD and Tantitive IV were both much better than the smaller versions. Personally, LEGO does a terrible job with interrior, usually leading to flimsy structures.

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