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I don't generally build vignettes but after several attempts to build a pyramid/Egyptian tomb, I was having no success, so I thought I would try to build a tomb from the inside out. The result is a MOC that I call Curse of the Mummy (could always be a prelude to an Egyptian Desert Mystery). And Phes; once again, no arches.

I'll add more images in a bit.



wow, those gold brick look GOOD !!! why didn't LEGO use more metallic gold in this theme ??? i wonder, cause it fits so well.

so, how much did those brick set you back ???

- brick miner

  • Governor

I don't think arches would be of any benefit to thise vignette given it sets entirely within a tomb and as far as I know arches weren't always an imperative part of tomb design...

This looks like a very lively scene indeed! The Brickster, could you describe what's going on here? Are these mini-figures intended to be Adventurer characters or do they have different identities? Have they come to slay the mummy or have they gone in search of treasure and stumbled across one instead?

  • Governor

The Brickster, have you now decided to take the theme of this vignette and turn it into a full blown mystery in the future? Or are you still toying with the idea?

  • Governor

Exactly how does this adventure work? I'm not asking for you to give anything away, but obviously there's a certain amount of instruction you'll need to provide to get it started...

By the way, these pictures taken from different angles are good! Keep em coming!



for somebody saying about himself that he "isn't that good at MOCs" you show so much talent!

Even if the scenes you build doesn't show up as much tricky techniques as other people's MOCs do, you have this amazing talent to achieve wonderful results by using almost only basic bricks and plates!

This MOC seems to have much more architectual (does this word exist???) structure, something not many builders achive no matter how many SNOT or whatever they use!

Please keep trying getting the best out of the very basic idea of LEGO and show us more of your creations! *sweet*

This looks really cool. The colours you use are really great for this kind of project.

Do you plan more things for this theme?

Thanks. Definately. I've always liked the Egyptian Desert Adventure theme, just don't have many pieces to work with.


for somebody saying about himself that he "isn't that good at MOCs" you show so much talent!

Even if the scenes you build doesn't show up as much tricky techniques as other people's MOCs do, you have this amazing talent to achieve wonderful results by using almost only basic bricks and plates!

This MOC seems to have much more architectual (does this word exist???) structure, something not many builders achive no matter how many SNOT or whatever they use!

Please keep trying getting the best out of the very basic idea of LEGO and show us more of your creations! *sweet*

Thank you very much for your comments ApophisV. From an early age, I would generally get a new set, build it, and leave it set up a long time not mixing the set pieces with others. This often times limited what I could build. My new system is starting a collection of pieces (bulk) and infusing one-two theme sets with them (for specialty pieces). That's why you see a lot of basic bricks and plates in my MOCs (that's mainly what I have to work with).

In addition, this was a technique that I had not really tried before (building from the inside out). I usually build the outside of the set, then fill in the inside with the details. This was completely the opposite after several attempts to build the outside first (inspired by Athos's vignettes that I always enjoy). I'm going to try more MOCs using this method and see what I come up with.


you could add some larger printed bricks with hieroglyphs to the wall, tho. they used to describe the life of this buried guy....

I scanned the Lego stickers, but unfortunately, the clear stickers have white backing. The result is this. I may try a few other techniques.




for some reason these images remind me of "the brick testament". has anyone ever heard/seen this ??? its a book retelling the bible's exodus and other stories using legos !!!

it a pretty close resembelance to what you are doing brickster... telling stories with your legos !!!

here is a link to the website:


- the miner


Well, I wrecked this MOC last night to use some of the pieces for a new project I'm planning. - always disappointing to have to disassemble what takes you a lot longer to build.


I don't know how I missed this one. It is very good and I especially admire your photoshopping skills. I really need to get me a halfway decent photo editor.

I think the yellow works very well. If you had told me you were going to build an Egyptian temple primarily out of yellow, I'd have been quite skeptical and quite possibly would have laughed. But I hardly even noticed that it was yellow, until you mentioned the stickers.


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