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I wanted to share with you some minis/decals I developed/custmised those last days.

I based myself on the latest amazing Minifigures collection and i customised what I would like to see in the series to come.


Hi-Res here


Hi-Res here


Hi-Res here


Hi-Res here


If the pics are too large, let me know, I will reduce.

For the decals, if you want to use them, do. Cool if you mention my name.

Edited by Toth


This is very nicely presented on your take on the Collectible Minifigs Series. Like the number 2 and 3 minifigs very much. :wub:

Thanks for sharing. The images are quite large, and if its possible, could you resize them to 800x600 and below and create an individual links for the hi-res images.

Wow =w= :sweet:

I don't know what else to say!

You are an artist!

The boxart and the minifigure set poster is really well done!

I really like to see more pictures of your 'monsters' theme :thumbup:

The picture is not that big however,

it will be better create an individual links for the hi-res images =w=

Thanks for resizing them. :thumbup:

WHOA! Those are great custom minifig designs Toth! pirate_thumbup.gif I'm very much impressed with your artistic creativity, your presentation is very professional using the Collectible Minifigure Series template. Among you customs, the two that stand out for me are:

#1 Basketball player - great way to use the long legs used in TS3 + the afro that we've seen in both Series 1 & 2.

#3 Flight Stewardess/Attendant - classic look, she's really pretty default_wubnew.gif

Thanks for sharing these. I hope TLG will make all of these (and then pay you for the idea) default_laugh2.gif

These are Great!

But the true star is:

Nr.1 Basketball Player!default_wubnew.gif


An excellent series, when I fist saw it I did wonder for a sec if this was going to be series 3 sadly not! I love the Stewardess, and the hobo is also excellent. The detective could do with a diffrent hat though I think

These are MIND-BLOWINGLY EXCELLENT, and I write without exaggerating. You sir have taken the term 'mock-up' to a whole level!

Do you have any plans on realising these wonderful designs physically. It's hard to decide which one I like the most, as each

design is so well executed, and original.


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Thanks for the comments! :)

Rayman: No for the moment, I don't have any plans on realising them because of a serious lack of time.

But time will come...

For WhiteFang, KieldaMan, Cardinal Brick and all the people who like the stewardess, the decal. Feel free to use it.


Hi-Res here

Edited by Toth

Really really really nice work, I especially love the tramp and the swamp monster.

I'm curious as to how you did these. Are they photoshop chop-and-build (with a lot of colourizing and print removal) from the renders of series 1 on the Lego website, with custom decals edited on (and some external stuff, like the Ginny hair and helmet)? I'm guessing it is, as the explorer has the same leg configuration as the zombie, the swamp thing has the diver's legs and the stewardess' hair is the same as the nurse's.

I thought about doing some myself a couple of weeks back, but couldn't get it to work out properly.


What you've done here is really beautiful. As I've spent the last three weeks doing minifig designs, I can really appreciate the work you've done. I particularly like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Retro monsters are very cool.

That's just rediculous. You are on a whole different playing field than the rest of us, my friend! My only regret is that now that you have posted these, they may not end up in a series!

Basketball Player: Awesome use of the legs. Great mustache. The fro dates the minifig, but that's okay.

Templar Knight: This is a step up from the current Castle line. I really like the historical look.

Stewardess: VERY pretty face! Would the hat sit on the hair, or would it be one piece?

Imperial/Revolutionary War Soldier: One word: WIG! That would be totally awesome. I don't know why LEGO hasn't done it yet.

Creature From the Black Lagoon: Brilliant mask! I'd love to see the face underneath. Awesome torso and legs. I would buy multiples on this minifig!

Hobo: Limited use for me, but great minifig! The hat alone would be worth it!

Lady Vampire: Down-right creepy! I'd buy multiples for the hair alone!

Sherlock Holmes: That's the closest you can get to Sherlock without actually zapping Sherlock with a magic spell and turning him into a minifig. Great job!

Old Guy: I want to buy him a cup of coffee and ask him about the good old days.

Space Guy: That's just cool. That would fit right in with a space-faring race of heroes I have in my Protectors Universe.

All-in-all, I wish this were Series 3! I'd raid my TRU in a heartbeat. Keep on brickin'!

  • Author

thanks a lot for all those cool comments! :)

SlyOwl: Yes! it's exactly this. I played with pictures. And most of the pics came from the previous Minifigures serie 1 and 2 render. And as you saw, there is some drawing too for new pieces. I like to customise that way as it is really fastly done and you can imagine the future minifig better.

Lately, I modeled a Lego figure in 3DSmax and I plan to do different poses and render them with Vray to have new poses with a realistic aspect. Then it will be easy to customise them fast. first model I did with the 3D model is the swamp thing. here is the whole "Development" i did for it.



Def: Yes, I saw your minifigs designs and they are Fresh! we can feel you took pleasure doing them. A lot of nice ideas. I like the Hotel theme and the Hipster the most! Keep up the fun work!!! :)

Lego Hero: Thanks for this detailed comment! :)

Basket Ball player: Yes, i wanted to give him a 70's touch with Afro and 70's Mustach. To make him more "2010" you would just have to change the head.

Stewardess: It was a dilem. As i tried to respect the Lego style. And they never did headgears that way. Most of the time it's 1 color headgear (except when there is feathers or visor...) But I thought it would be cool to have a type of Men and women hair with possibility to plug a little hat with different color on it(stewardess, waitress, Cook, Flower, Bunny Girl! :D )

Imperial/Revolutionary War Soldier: Yes! they need to do the Wigs (Aristocrat Headgear). it was one of the 1st requests in the "Parts request" done by Classic Pirate community. here

Creature From the Black Lagoon: I would like to see the whole "Classic monsters" theme developed by lego. Would be too nice. here some rough showing what it can look like.


Hobo: Yes...limited use. But what is a city without a charismatic Hobo under the bridge? :) Hat can be used for Dr Watson and a lot of 1800's/western figs in general.

Old Guy: Same as the Hobo. Would be cool to have a set with the whole family. With Grand pa and Grand ma. Not to forget a part of our society. :)

Space Guy: I tried to have a mix inbetween Classic Space which I adore and giving it a "Warhammer 40k" touch with the destroyer space suit. By this armor, you can feel that Life in Space is not Hollidays everyday!!! :D

Thanks again for the kind words.

Edited by Toth

You have a really interesting process. Thanks for showing us!

  • 2 weeks later...


Could I get just the torso design for the Crusader and Space man... PLEASE

Toth I just looked at your work in this thread, and I choked!

You need to work for TLG!

On a side note, I love your monsters theme. The "Swamp Thing" is outstanding. The whole theme is outstanding. Laboratory, Werewolf tail, monkey, and all!

Wow. A+

Ahab out..................

I absolutely adore what you've done here.

I love seeing all the work and designs that go into a good idea and theres no shortage of that here, thanks for sharing. :)

This is fantastic. The graphical quality is superb, and you could easily fool someone into thinking that some of those minifigs were from an actual upcoming series (not that I'd encourage that, but that's how convincing these renders are).

My favorite designs from the first post (that is, the ones I can imagine in an actual collectible minifigs series and would actually enjoy seeing) are the basketball player, the redcoat, and the Sherlock Holmes-style detective. But all the designs are fantastic.

How long would you say it takes to design and render a complete custom minifig (on average)? I know that's a difficult question and probably a stupid one, but I'm very curious.


He reminds me of the monster from Johnny Quest. But all of them look great. I think you did a great job on the monster theme!

Masked out

I love your minifigure designs, your presentation adds a lot to them as well. The design process used is also quite interesting.

If this was collectible minifigures series 3 I would make sure I had at least five of every fig.

These are amazing!

I love that basketball player :wub:

  • Author

Thanks for the comments guys! :)

Def: Thanks to you for the precious informations! ;)

Captain Bayonet: For the space man decal, just look a little upper in the thread. You got a High Res Button asside of the pic. It's clean enough to print. You will just have to "detach" the torso, legs and face elements from the background mini.

For the templar, sorry. I still don't have a clean vectorial draw. I can't satisfy your request. :(

AhabDarab: May the gods of Lego and TLG listen to you now! who knows... ;)

Catanas: thanks! :)

Aanchir: thanks!:) yeah. My aim is really not to fool people. I just wanted to put the minis in the same background to see if they can "look like" and fit the TLG style. (and it's always cool to dream and imagine them being official minis! ;) )

For a minifigure design, depends what you mean:

For a sketch like you can see little sketches in Monster Theme, let's say 2 or 3 minutes. A fast rough with blue col-erase (not to see so much the rough lines after. I hate rough grey dirt) and then i pass fast over the main lines with a black pencil.

For a Photoshop cheating (like the page with 8 minis): it's a little longer. approximatly 2 or 3 hours. I did the 8 minis in a week end. But week end fully. Did close to nothing else. And you can see if you look carefully that the work is not so clean. Maybe I will do a tutorial to explain how I mix pictures, adjust colors, aply the decals "virtually" and how you have to play with layers to have this result.

Masked Builder: thanks. Yeah, monster Theme is maybe the Lego theme I miss the most. I would like so much that they develope it. they already teased us a little with the "Studio" theme and the sets with Dracula, Mommy, Frankenstein... I got a lot more ideas for this Monster theme. Unlimited concept.

Hound Knight : thanks.

SirWacky: ahah! 5 hobos?! :D what would you do with them? it would be crisis time in Lego city too?! :D

thanks a lot for comment!

and yes, it looks basket Ball player comes in front of the other minis very often as the favorit one. Strange. I tought the "Imperial/Revolutionary War Soldier" and "Swamp monster" would come first.

again, thanks for all comments.

  • 1 year later...

Sorry to revive an old thread, but... :blush:

Amazing Toth! I absolutely love your Creature. :wub: I stumbled upon him today on another site and just shared it in the Monster Fighters Action Forum topic. Appreciate being directed here by Aanchir to see the additional images.

I would love to use him for this:


He reminds me of the monster from Johnny Quest.

Absolutely! From the Sea Haunt. I happen to be a big Jonny Quest fan as well. (that's what makes him so great)


Toth's Creature gives me a lot of inspiration to create a similar scene in LEGO - thanks for sharing Toth! :thumbup:

EDIT: in addition, this seems amazingly close to the new Monster Fighters Creature.

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