August 30, 201212 yr I'm a fking hurricane - Well, umm, I am. From Si-MOCs, given by either Hinck or ISC.
August 30, 201212 yr I'm a fking hurricane - Well, umm, I am. From Si-MOCs, given by either Hinck or ISC. ummm ... I can't give out titles. It has been established multiple times. My current title even says that: "I can't titleify you yet," ... I don't know what your'e talking about -- And Big thanks to Big C for cleaning up the thread
August 30, 201212 yr My preeecioussssssss. - Because I posted in the RA about my preeeciousssssss shiny bronze tag being enough of a congrats after Big Cam apologized for not congratulating me on passing my bronze level reviews. Possibly by Big Bad Cam. (Just going by my profile views) Edited August 30, 201212 yr by TrumpetKing67
August 30, 201212 yr I keep forgetting to post mine, so now's as good a time as any. - Ready for the Summer! [I was waxed, buffed, bronzed and bikini ready - how could Rick know?!? Unless he was talking about Summer of Friends, of course...] - Killer puppies from the planet Zurg [As a result of a mini-Town pow-wow at Brickworld where Hinck, Ricey and I brainstormed the Summer of Friends building contest. I made a comment about how I'd love to see mash-ups, such as Friends/ Sci-Fi and gave this as an example. From the oh-so-adorable Hinckley] - RA Anniversary Pandy and Paradisa Reviewer! ['Twas the RA Anniversary, and as a teacher I provided two new reviews for the flooding-of-the-forums-with-RA-reviews, one of which was my third Paradisa review. From lovely Whitefang, who, like my other friends, calls me Pandy.]
August 30, 201212 yr My preeecioussssssss. - Because I posted in the RA about my preeeciousssssss shiny bronze tag being enough of a congrats after Big Cam apologized for not congratulating me on passing my bronze level reviews. Possibly by Big Bad Cam. (Just going by my profile views) It was me. EDIT: Now I've been given Pirates Bogger - I'm actually stumped on this one. Not sure if they meant blogger, or if I mispelt blogger somewhere. Edit 2: Turns out I mispelt blogger, go figure those ninja mods, it could have been anyone.
August 31, 201212 yr Author My latest title and this one came from ISC, - To brick or not to brick [ Ah ha, this title is definitely given by dear ISC. He saw my CMFs Series 8 review and saw this particular image which reminded me of Shakespeare. ]
September 1, 201212 yr I have been given one title, which I'm quite pleased with: Awesome Sport! Given to me because I said that I didn't mind getting no votes in the Maersk Madness competition, because the winners were the best entries anyway and I had fun participating.
September 3, 201212 yr Ain't nobody got time for that - the first title I've ever given myself. Based off the hilarious YouTube parody
September 3, 201212 yr Locking up his bat and ball- for threatening to take my ball and go home when a few mods were misbehaving (can I even say that?)- given by the infinitely patient ISC.
September 5, 201212 yr I'm a fking hurricane - Well, umm, I am. From Si-MOCs, given by either Hinck or ISC. It was Si-MOCs.
September 7, 201212 yr I look like crap - for commenting that about a picture of me from Brickworld 2011. From ISC.
September 7, 201212 yr Not authorized to read between the lines - I am not authorized to read between the lines. Given by line drawer Rick.
September 7, 201212 yr The real Slim Ricey - *stands up* Because I am the real one! Given by Ricecracker.
September 10, 201212 yr I Read That I Acknowledged - I'm believe this is from Rick since he so kindly pointed it out. This is a classic Big Cam spelling mix up. Although Hinkley and Sinner have both visited my profile. Hmmmm
September 10, 201212 yr Roy., nj"!nb. Bb. Z cabelo - The sweet poetry my phone made when I put its sensitive touchscreen keyboard on my laptop screen and it typed out this beautiful phrase. Given by anon., but I figure a guess that it was Ricey.
September 10, 201212 yr Although Hinkley and Sinner have both visited my profile. Hmmmm Who's Hinkley?
September 10, 201212 yr Who's Hinkley? Potato patato. Auto correct won't even get your correct spelling right. So was it you?
September 10, 201212 yr Roy., nj"!nb. Bb. Z cabelo - The sweet poetry my phone made when I put its sensitive touchscreen keyboard on my laptop screen and it typed out this beautiful phrase. Given by anon., but I figure a guess that it was Ricey. Who's Hinkley? It's your noob name. The name noobs call you. Like Big Cam. Doesn't Does Not - Do or do not, their is no try. Except don't do not, either. Given by... Ricey?
September 13, 201212 yr It's your noob name. The name noobs call you. Like Big Cam. We should probably stick together then.
September 13, 201212 yr Rinse and Repeat - for thinking that automatic pet wash is the best way to groom Friends pets and turning this idea into a MOC (my first ever shown online)
September 15, 201212 yr RA Anniversary Coordinator makes graphics with Elephants - Elephants are just the best for graphics.
September 17, 201212 yr Bossk Rollin I tend to Bossk Roll other peoples MOCS at places like Brickworld, that and I tend to Rick Roll Z Cerberus and Rick in the past as well. I also have a few Bossk's that tend to inhabit my Castle creations too.
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