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It was the Easter break in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the year 2018, exactly twenty years after the historical Battle of Hogwarts. Most students and some of the faculty had gone home for the vacation, and the school was almost deserted. The remaining students were either studying for their O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. exams, or they had nowhere else to go. The whole castle was at peace, and the teachers had time to relax and prepare for the rest of the school year.


The Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Qubert Lastrada, who was also the head of the Slytherin House, was giving a late private lesson to a few seventh-year student when out of a sudden they were attacked.


Alarmed by the cries, flashes and explosions, some of the faculty rushed to the D.A.D.A. classroom, only to find the students dead and the professor gone missing.


Scribbled on one wall was the ancient symbol of the mythical Deathly Hallows and the text “The Death’s Hallowed Shall Rise Again”.


Immediately the school grounds were sealed off and the Aurors were summoned to investigate the horrendous crime. It was much to everybody's surprise that the legendary Aurors Potter and Weasley themselves took the case. After a thorough search, it became apparent that there were no outsiders in Hogwarts.


Headmistress Minerva McGonagall demanded that the interrogations would take place in Hogwarts so that the perpetrators would be caught and the missing Professor Lastrada could be found before it was too late. She wanted to hear everybody’s opinion about who the Death’s Hallowed were, for it was clear the culprits were hiding among them.


1. There are two opposing sides in this game, the
Death’s Hallowed
and the
. The Death’s Hallowed win when they outnumber the others. The Innocent win when they’ve vanquished all of the Death’s Hallowed.

2. Each day, the players will vote out one amongst them with a majority decision. To vote or to draw back your vote, you must use the following sentence in your post:
vote: character/player
unvote: character/player
. If you want to change your vote, you must first unvote before the second vote is calculated.

3. During days, there is a 24 hour period before anyone can vote. Once the majority decision is reached, you cannot unvote the player in question anymore.

4. Every player will get a short list of items, spells and skills at their disposal. These can be used only at nights.

5. Each night, the players can use
of their items, spells, OR skills by sending the host a PM about it. Some items and skills have an automatic effect, which will be handled by the host. Items can be handed over to another player, but that will cost the giver the night’s action.

6. To give someone else your item, send the
a PM stating the item you wish to give, the name of the player you wish to give it to, and whether you want to remain anonymous or not. Items cannot be exchanged without the host acting as an intermediary.

7. The night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. If you don’t send your night ability by the time limit I’ve given each day, you will miss your chance to use it.

8. The Day-topics are meant for active players only, so do not post in them if you are already out of the game. The Discussion-topic is open to everybody.

9. Do not edit your posts, because it is considered unfair to other players.

10. Do not directly quote
I’ve sent to you via PM. Use your own words, please.

11. All out-of-character discussion must be kept in the Discussion-topic. Likewise, all talk about game tactics and roles must be kept in the Day-topics and PMs.

12. Since this game deviates quite a lot from other Mafia-games, please ask any questions or doubts you might have directly from me, and you will be answered.


Hogwarts Faculty:

hm-ava-brigelda.jpgBrigelda Hearth, nurse (WhiteFang)

hm-ava-crudo.jpgCrudo Alakhazam, teacher of Charms (Big Cam)

hm-ava-eloquence.jpgEloquence Malleus, teacher of Transfigurations (Shadows)

hm-ava-jingle.jpgJingle the House-elf (Dragonator)

hm-ava-neville.jpgNeville Longbottom, teacher of Herbology and Head of Gryffindor House (professor flitwick)

hm-ava-oraman.jpgOraman Furbad, caretaker (JimButcher)

hm-ava-rhubarb.jpgRhubarb Uxley, teacher of Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Hufflepuff House (Escape the Fate)

hm-ava-sicilia.jpgSicilia Bathory, teacher of Potions and Head of Ravenclaw House (Eskallon)

hm-ava-stephanie.jpgStephanie Kingston, librarian (Zepher)

hm-ava-tea.jpgTea Ching, teacher of Divination (iamded)

Hogwarts Students:

hm-ava-angela.jpgAngela Weasley, Gryffindor (Burman)

hm-ava-brandon.jpgBrandon Townsend, Hufflepuff (Oky Wan Kenobi)

hm-ava-desiree.jpgDesiree Jackson, Gryffindor (badboytje88)

hm-ava-francis.jpgFrancis Rowan, Ravenclaw (ADHO15)

hm-ava-harriet.jpgHarriet Pewter, Slytherin (YG-49)

hm-ava-jolie.jpgJolie Jadis, Slytherin (Lord Arjay)

hm-ava-loki.jpgLoki Malfoy, Slytherin (ILikePi)

hm-ava-nene.jpgNene Grandstaff, Hufflepuff (Millacol88)

hm-ava-prion.jpgPrion the Centaur, Hufflepuff (Forresto)

hm-ava-rocky.jpgRocky Broomwell, Gryffindor (sok117)

hm-ava-sheila.jpgSheila Bones, Ravenclaw (Matn)

hm-ava-bulltoad.jpgTodd "Bulltoad" Bulstrode, Slytherin (Roncanator)

hm-ava-valerie.jpgValerie MacArthur, Ravenclaw (Inconspicuous)

hm-ava-xander.jpgXander Lovegood, Gryffindor (CallMePie)

There are now 24 players in the game, so it takes 13 votes to convict someone. Voting will begin 24 hours from now.

NO! Not Professor Lastrada, he was the only one who understood me, you know what I mean? :cry_sad:

This is terrible, those who committed this act of violence will get their comeuppance. They killed some students as well?! There can be no redemption from this, they must die!

Oh sorry, I don't usually hang around with people from other houses. My name is Jolie Jadis. As much as I regret this it would probably be best if we dropped our between-house rivalry in this situation. Just once. What do you say? :sweet:

Oh no! Murders on the school ground. And I thought staying at school during vacations would be safe! For those who don't know me, I’m Desiree Jackson, from the Gryffindor house. I really think I need to sit down, I’m a little bit light headed. Who is going to protect us from these Deathly Hallowers?!

Edited by badboytje88

NO! Not Professor Lastrada, he was the only one who understood me, you know what I mean? :cry_sad:

There is tragedy enough without making assumptions. We do not know the fate of Professor Lastrada and must hope for the best. We must ... :cry_sad:

This is terrible, those who committed this act of violence will get their comeuppance. They killed some students as well?! There can be no redemption from this, they must die!

Oh sorry, I don't usually hang around with people from other houses. My name is Jolie Jadis. As much as I regret this it would probably be best if we dropped our between-house rivalry in this situation. Just once. What do you say? :sweet:

Yes, it is no longer the time for petty rivalries and competition. We must come together as one to show these Death's Hallowed that they will not be making any kind of return, except back into the fiery pits of hell.

Oh no! Murders on the school ground. And I thought staying at school during vacations would be safe! For those who don't know me, I’m Desiree Jackson, from the Gryffindor house. I really think I need to sit down, I’m a little bit light headed. Who is going to protect us from these Deathly Hallowers?!

WE ARE! *slams a fist onto a nearby desk*

I'll have you know, young lady, that this is not the time to be expecting others to do what you must do yourself. Each of us must work to stop this foul group before they enact any further damage upon this fine institution and it's students and faculty.

This will not stand, and weakness will not be tolerated! :angry:

I can't believe this has happened. After all these years I thought everything would be peaceful again. My Mum and Dad always told me how bad it used to be and how they went into hiding. I don't want to have to do anything of the sort, We must stand up against this source of evil and obliterate from the world.

This is terrible! :cry_sad: Capturing a teacher is quite bad, but attacking students as well is plain heartless! We must keep in mind the cruelty of these beasts as we prepare to defend ourselves.

As it's been stated, we must shed our house boundaries to work against these foes. Only then will we prevail!

Boys and girls, let's not panic.

Think back, we had enjoyed 20 years of peace in Hogwarts and now all of the sudden without warning, such horrifying attacks on the students and a missing professor. We have a lot of mess on our hands. I am wondering what are those cryptic messages meant and what is that symbol. Looks like some hideous cult is out to ruin our peaceful living. We can't let this affect us all.

WE ARE! *slams a fist onto a nearby desk*

I'll have you know, young lady, that this is not the time to be expecting others to do what you must do yourself. Each of us must work to stop this foul group before they enact any further damage upon this fine institution and it's students and faculty.

This will not stand, and weakness will not be tolerated! :angry:

No need to get angry Miss Malleus. I was just pointing out that we learned how to defend ourselves, but we never were placed in a situation where we actually had to put to practice what we were thought.

We should all stand together and try to find out who did this to those pore students.

My God Qubert Lastrada was a good friend of mine, we often talked about things. We must protect you students as faculty and students:

Please remain calm, we will sort this problem out. There will be no playing around about this though, if you do then expect a school detention.

There is tragedy enough without making assumptions. We do not know the fate of Professor Lastrada and must hope for the best. We must ... :cry_sad:

You are right, of course. Though this brings a worrying thought to my mind. What could they possibly want with the Professor? Why spare him?

WE ARE! *slams a fist onto a nearby desk*

That was my origami crane... :hmpf_bad:

We will discover who is responsible for this.

For now if anyone has any information or if you saw anything suspicious, please come forward.

Poor children. Well, young adults really. One of them was in my house. I must contact their parents... They had their whole lives ahead of them... tragic. This is just like the last time Dark Wizards attacked people- hang on!

Professor Lastro's disappeared! Is it possible he had something to... no, I doubt he would've killed anyone.

At least my good friends and Aurors Harry Potter (that's right, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, went to this very school with him!) and Ron Weasly (that's right! I also went to school with Harry's sidekick!). Takes me back to all the times we spend battling dark wizards together! I still have nightmares about Voldemorts snake! *shudders* Can't believe after all that they suspect me!

(quaking with fear) I hope P-Professor Lastrada is...o-okay! He was my f-f-favorite teacher. :cry_sad:

Who's g-going to t-take his place while he's...g-g-gone?

Boys and girls, let's not panic.

Think back, we had enjoyed 20 years of peace in Hogwarts and now all of the sudden without warning, such horrifying attacks on the students and a missing professor. We have a lot of mess on our hands. I am wondering what are those cryptic messages meant and what is that symbol. Looks like some hideous cult is out to ruin our peaceful living. We can't let this affect us all.

(sniffling) Madam Hearth is right; if we can work together while maintaining our peacefulness, we should be able to undermine the "Death's Hallowed" and bring them to justice.

May the three deceased students rest in peace. We have to make sure that Professor Lestrada doesn't join them :sadnew:

Oh, thank goodness this was the one day I overslept! That empty seat was supposed to be mine!

Poor Professor Lestrada. :sad: We must find out what happened to him!

I am wondering what are those cryptic messages meant and what is that symbol. Looks like some hideous cult is out to ruin our peaceful living. We can't let this affect us all.

I think I've read about that. In fact, it was Professor Lestrada who taught us about it early this year.

That, I believe, is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows, the legendary tools that Harry Potter used to vanquish the Dark Lord twenty years ago. While he's here, I suggest we ask Mr. Potter if he knows what happened to the Deathly Hallows and if he knows why these people have infiltrated the castle to kidnap Mr. Lestrada and kill those innocent people.

Poor children. Well, young adults really. One of them was in my house. I must contact their parents... They had their whole lives ahead of them... tragic. This is just like the last time Dark Wizards attacked people- hang on!

Professor Lastro's disappeared! Is it possible he had something to... no, I doubt he would've killed anyone.

At least my good friends and Aurors Harry Potter (that's right, The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, went to this very school with him!) and Ron Weasly (that's right! I also went to school with Harry's sidekick!). Takes me back to all the times we spend battling dark wizards together! I still have nightmares about Voldemorts snake! *shudders* Can't believe after all that they suspect me!

Who said anythpng about suspecting you? Is there something we should know? Out with it now.

  • Author

While he's here, I suggest we ask Mr. Potter if he knows what happened to the Deathly Hallows and if he knows why these people have infiltrated the castle to kidnap Mr. Lestrada and kill those innocent people.

Per Francis' request, the Auror Potter tells the people present the fate of the three artifacts known as the Deathly Hallows. He himself is still in the possession of the most powerful Invisibility Cloak, while the Elder Wand is sealed in Dumbledore's tomb outside Hogwarts. The third Hallow, the Resurrection Stone, was lost in the Forbidden Forest twenty years ago. That is why the Aurors don't believe this attack has anything to do with the artifacts.

Who said anythpng about suspecting you? Is there something we should know? Out with it now.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall demanded that the interrogations would take place in Hogwarts so that the perpetrators would be caught and the missing Professor Lastrada could be found before it was too late. She wanted to hear everybody’s opinion about who the Death’s Hallowed were, for it was clear the culprits were hiding among them.

Everyone inside the school is a suspect. :hmpf:

And I'd watch that tone of yours Alakhazam. It could land you in trouble.

Oh, thank goodness this was the one day I overslept! That empty seat was supposed to be mine!

How long did you oversleep yourself. Professor Quebert Lastrada was giving a late private lesson. Get your story sorted out!

Everyone inside the school is a suspect. :hmpf:

Why not use verita serum and interrogate everyone here. I’ve got noting against it. I've got nothing to hide!

Why not use verita serum and interrogate everyone here. I’ve got noting against it. I've got nothing to hide!

Has anybody any? I myself have none and will make sure that no potions are stolen from my cupboards. Infact I will go lock them now.


What a disaster... :sadnew: ...However, doesn't anyone find it strange the teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts wasn't able to defend himself against those dark wizards? It's almost unbelievable, perhaps he planned it all because I heard he didn't even pull his wand. Or he was really surprised by his attackers... So they were more powerful and it's unbelievable someone from the inside would to that, let alone a student!

Perhaps we should think about why they use the symbol? Perhaps they are after the three artifacts, the Deathly Hallows themselves?! But why kill students for that? Perhaps they wanted Harry Potter to come to Hogwarts? They lured him into a trap! ...Or they don't know a thing about the Deathly Hallows and they just liked the name...

EDIT: because of some serious spelling mistakes. :blush: Won't happen again!

Edited by Matn

How long did you oversleep yourself. Professor Quebert Lastrada was giving a late private lesson. Get your story sorted out!

A late lesson as in last-minute. Our practice exam was two days later. I guess that doesn't matter anymore.

Perhaps we should think about why they use the symbol? Perhaps they are after the three artifacts, the Deathly Hallows themselves?! But why kill students for that? Perhaps they wanted Harry Potter to come to Hogwarts? They lured him into a trap!

Good thinking, Sheila! Maybe we should warn him. Mind you, I'm sure the legendary Harry Potter could take care of himself against a few hooligans.

It seems that there are three Deaths Hallowed. It seems most unfortunate that these students were killed. But why not kill Lastrada as well? Is there anything missing from the classroom?

What a disaster... :sadnew: ...However, doesn't anyone find it strange the teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts wasn't able to defend himself against those dark wizards? It's almost unbelievable, perhaps he planned it all because I heard he didn't even pull his wand. Or he was really surprised by his attackers... So they were more powerful and it's unbelievable someone from the inside would to that, let alone a student!

Don't say that! I'm sure he was just unprepared, that's all. :cry_happy: Ahem, anyway I'm not sure that these Deaths Hallowed are after the artefacts otherwise why come to Hogwarts? Unless this is a trap but I don't really care what they're doing more about stopping them from doing...whatever they plan on doing. I have a feeling there are more than 3 as well. :sceptic:

  • Author
Is there anything missing from the classroom?

Headmistress McGonagall reminds that only Prof. Lastrada himself knew the full contents of his classroom, but it was left into quite a mess by the attackers. So there is no way to know if anything aside the professor is missing.

This is terrible! And here I thought the killings were over after the defeat of You Know Who! Though I cannot say I'm surprised. Mankind is such a destructive race. Just look at all the things it has done to our planet! And now they're back to destroying themselves. I cannot tolerate this! Unfortunately I was with Prof. Hagrid by the forest during the attack, so I couldn't witness anything, but be assured that I will do my best to find these perpetrators and bring them to justice! I might even get help from my friends in the magical animal kingdom.

As for Prof. Lastrada, I too think it's suspicious that he wasn't able to defend himself and disappeared. I mean, he is the one who knows best about these Hallows around here (aside from Mr. Potter of course) and there is no evidence the attackers are holding him hostage. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but he might be involved in this...

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