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Maybe professor Lastrada wasn't carrying his wand at the time of the attack... If that is true, he didn't stand a chance against three armed men/women.

Maybe we shouldn't focus on wether or not professor was involved in the killings. Maybe we shoul be wondering why the Deathly Hallowers would need a DADA teacher?

How is this possible?! I thought that these types of human groups would end with the evil one all those years ago! Let's hope that these murderers are'nt speciest and target me for being the first centaur student.

I'll tell you this though, it better not be anybody from Hufflepuff *Shakes fist at air*

What, Proffesser Lastrada missing, well that teaching position is supposidly cursed, I was practiceing on the quidditch field this morning, bewitching the quaffle so I could practice, Mr. Longbottom, does this mean quidditch is canceled for the rest of the year? we have to defend out title! I guess the question is who is part of this dark association? Strange that the Slytherin Teacher is the one that went missing... Not nameing any names, but Slytherin does have a reputation of turning out the most Dark Wizards, not to mention they don't seem to have much spotsmanship on the pitch, Perhaps it was not chance that Lastrada has gone missing rather then killed like the other students, does anyone know what houses they, the students, were in?

Humph. I've never seen anything like this in all my days. Murderers within the very walls of Hogwarts, and if one of our staff couldn't do anything to defend themselves, well, I doubt that any of us really stand a chance alone, do we. We must make careful decisions and move carefully at all times. I do not know how the other teachers plan to handle this, but I think a tighter reign on all the students would e the first thing. They may not be too much a threat, but they are in peril. We have already lost three students. We must not lose anymore.

That being said, I think that the teachers must keep a eye on all the other teachers. As awful as it seems, and as unwilling as I am to believe it, no mere student could take down a professor such as Lastrada. We must suspect our peers, something I never thought I would have to do.

Maybe professor Lastrada wasn't carrying his wand at the time of the attack... If that is true, he didn't stand a chance against three armed men/women.

I highly doubt that a teacher of defense would ever go without his wand! However, I do think it possible that he was caught of guard and didn't have it in his hand.

What, Proffesser Lastrada missing, well that teaching position is supposidly cursed.

Very true! I thought that the curse would have been removed when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was defeated by Mr. Potter. Apparently, it hasn't!

Strange that the Slytherin Teacher is the one that went missing... Not nameing any names, but Slytherin does have a reputation of turning out the most Dark Wizards. Perhaps it was not chance that Lastrada has gone missing rather then killed like the other students, does anyone know what houses they, the students, were in?

Hmmm... interesting. I think you might be on to something! Can anyone confirm the houses of the students? Headmistress McGonagall?

That being said, I think that the teachers must keep a eye on all the other teachers. As awful as it seems, and as unwilling as I am to believe it, no mere student could take down a professor such as Lastrada. We must suspect our peers, something I never thought I would have to do.

So true if we interrogate anyone it should be one of the teachers. I know that no student could take down a DADA teacher except for the legendary Harry Potter back in his day.

This really is terrible, we can't allow these disgusting devil-worshippers to get away with this atrocity in our esteemed institution. I may just be a kitchen elf, but as a member of the faculty here I'll be doing my part as well to ensure justice is done and the guilty are punished for this! Attacking children, how low can you get? :sceptic:

So true if we interrogate anyone it should be one of the teachers. I know that no student could take down a DADA teacher except for the legendary Harry Potter back in his day.

Now now. Don't think you're off the hook yet youngun'. Just becuase you can't be the mastermind doesn't mean that you can't be part of it. Don't try to go and shove the blame off yourself too quickly.

That being said, I think that the teachers must keep a eye on all the other teachers. As awful as it seems, and as unwilling as I am to believe it, no mere student could take down a professor such as Lastrada. We must suspect our peers, something I never thought I would have to do.

I'm sorry to contradict you, Madam Kingston, but I wouldn't be so conclusive that only faculty may have taken part in the attack. My uncle, Draco Malfoy, told me of how in his sixth year he almost killed Albus Dumbledore - the most powerful wizard of his time, and former headmaster of Hogwarts. He could not bring himself to do it, however, and deeply regrets even attempting the deed.

Excuse me, headmistress, but is the school under lockdown? Will we be receiving any more help or protection from the outside world before the "Death's Hallowed" attacks again, or are we to fend for ourselves?

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Can anyone confirm the houses of the students? Headmistress McGonagall?

Headmistress McGonagall recalls that the three students were from the Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses. She doesn't think any conclusions can be drawn from that, though.

Excuse me, headmistress, but is the school under lockdown? Will we be receiving any more help or protection from the outside world before the "Death's Hallowed" attacks again, or are we to fend for ourselves?

Auror Weasley assures you that you are under the protection of the whole Auror department, with many more agents scanning the surroundings of the castle. The whole Hogwarts is completely sealed, meaning that nothing can get in or out unless the Aurors so deem. All perpetrators caught will be whisked away to New Azkaban.

Excuse me, headmistress, but is the school under lockdown? Will we be receiving any more help or protection from the outside world before the "Death's Hallowed" attacks again, or are we to fend for ourselves?

We will completely control who comes in and out I think.

I don't think this has anything to do with houses, yes maybe it did 20 years ago when I was at hogwarts but not anymore. A slytherin is just as good a person as a ravenclaw and a gryffindor is just as bad a person as a Hufflepuff... I don't want any house rivalry in this bad time.

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Headmistress McGonagall draws everybody's attention. She now wants everybody to state their opinion about who is behind the attack. The person who gets thirteen or more votes will be then sent to New Azkaban for a thorough interrogation, and the truth about his or her allegiance will be revealed by the next morning.

The voting starts now, and lasts 48 hours. It takes 13 votes to convict someone. Please refer to the rules if you're unsure how to vote.

Headmistress McGonagall draws everybody's attention. She now wants everybody to state their opinion about who is behind the attack. The person who gets thirteen or more votes will be then sent to New Azkaban for a thorough interrogation, and the truth about his or her allegiance will be revealed by the next morning.

A wise and fair decision, no doubt, but at this point I am not seeing the evidence I would need to make an informed decision of that sort. I would like to invite those amongst us who are attuned to the nature of things to work diligently to investigate this situation and attempt to lead us in the right direction. Taking what we know so far, I must admit a certain suspicion of the staff as I would imagine that we are the most powerful, but at the same time, i would like to think that we are also the most mature and not the sort of be easily swayed by the kind of evil that is clearly at play here.

Naturally, I welcome anyone to look into my personal life as necessary. Personally, you have my word that I will do all I can to help protect us from further damage, and I do feel that my powers are sufficient to have a positive effect in that area, as I am sure are many of yours.

If we think logically and work as a team, we can defeat this evil, I know it.

Eyes and ears, people, eyes and ears!

Oh, sorry I'm late! I had some homework due on Thursday to catch up on... :blush:

20 Years of peacefullness and now this... I'd hate to see what happens in another 20 years!

Is it just me, or am I the only one wearing a uniform here?

So now we must chose who among us is one of those evil-doers. Firstly I'd like to ask the Aurors if we must vote today and if so then how long do we get?

Assuming that we must vote then we should really start somewhere. Anyone have any ideas? :sceptic:

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Firstly I'd like to ask the Aurors if we must vote today and if so then how long do we get?

At first Headmistress McGonagall reminds everybody to pay close attention to what she says to avoid futile questions. Then she repeats that the voting time is 48 hours from the moment she announced the voting is open. Nobody is forced to vote, however, it's everybody's own choice.

The voting starts now, and lasts 48 hours. It takes 13 votes to convict someone. Please refer to the rules if you're unsure how to vote.

Crap I missed that part. :blush:

And so the decision is left in our hands, we must come to a conclusion before tonight, or bear witness to more attacks. I know I'm going off with no real evidence, but Loki Malfoy is directly related to a long line of death eaters, perhaps it runs through the family? I'm not voting yet, but what do you guys think on the matter, and Loki, is there anything you can say to defend yourself? Perhaps you are here to carry out the deed your uncle failed to do all those years ago Loki. What do the rest of you guys think, I mean, we've got to start somewhere, and we know for a fact that Loki is related to many Death Eaters, It may be our best bet.

And so the decision is left in our hands, we must come to a conclusion before tonight, or bear witness to more attacks. I know I'm going off with no real evidence, but Loki Malfoy is directly related to a long line of death eaters, perhaps it runs through the family? I'm not voting yet, but what do you guys think on the matter, and Loki, is there anything you can say to defend yourself? Perhaps you are here to carry out the deed your uncle failed to do all those years ago Loki. What do the rest of you guys think, I mean, we've got to start somewhere, and we know for a fact that Loki is related to many Death Eaters, It may be our best bet.

I would feel totally insecure voting for that reason. Yes his parents and so on may have once been death eaters but that does not mean that he is one. Malfoy became a trusted man after that and he killed nobody I think. He never had the guts to do anything and knew that being a death eater. His dads mistakes alse forced him into becoming one. I want nobody to vte for someone because of this.

However you on the other hand seem suspicous to me and I am sure to other people for trying to get an easy vote out here. :sceptic:

However you on the other hand seem suspicous to me and I am sure to other people for trying to get an easy vote out here. :sceptic:

I don't think it fair that I should be penalized for being the first to act, I'm quite sure many of us were thinking the same thing however I'm waiting to see if other people agree with my assumption before acting, Besides there isn't much to go on as of right now. And I feel that if we wait another night we could be dealing with another attack.

I won't vote today because I haven't seen enough evidence. Accusing a Malfoy is strange, as I think the family is really on the good way lately. The family doesn't want to be related to evil any more. Also, he never knew Voldemort, so there's no way he could be influenced by him... Or by his uncle.

I'm curious though of why they call themselves after and use the symbol of the Deathly Hallows...

I don't think it fair that I should be penalized for being the first to act, I'm quite sure many of us were thinking the same thing however I'm waiting to see if other people agree with my assumption before acting, Besides there isn't much to go on as of right now. And I feel that if we wait another night we could be dealing with another attack.

I agree that we should attempt to vote someone out today, even though I'm not really convinced by voting for Loki. If there are no votes today then tonight the Hallowed will surely kill another innocent. As an extra penalty with no-one voting then our innocents with night actions have nothing to go on. Nothing at all.

For that reason I Vote: Crudo Alakhazem/Big Cam. His reaction here is the best I can get:

Who said anythpng about suspecting you? Is there something we should know? Out with it now.

If he can explain why he acted this way then I will gladly unvote him. I understand that this is to a degree suspicious of me but you must realise that there should be discussion in order for us to root out this evil. What does everyone think of this?

I won't vote today because I haven't seen enough evidence.

That is the attitude the Hallowed want you to take. We will get no evidence unless we start activly doing things!

It should be Cruzo not Crudo by the way. A slip of the tongue. :blush:

So you want us to just pick out a random student or teacher and send him or her to New Azkaban? So we'll get the idea we are in fact doing something good, so the outsiders know we're taking action? Well, doesn't that remind me very much of Hagrid who was send to Azkaban during the attack of the Basilisk?! And it didn't stop with that, many innocent people were sent to Azkaban from then on to create the appearance of safety.

This is very hard, though. We aren't able to pick out the attackers, but if we don't more people will be attacked or even murdered, but we would also take the risk of sending an innocent person to New Azkaban... I know time has changed and New Azkaban isn't Azkaban, but we can't just randomly pick people to send them off just because you don't like the tone they spoke with or because there family was on the wrong side 20 years ago.

So you want us to just pick out a random student or teacher and send him or her to New Azkaban? So we'll get the idea we are in fact doing something good, so the outsiders know we're taking action? Well, doesn't that remind me very much of Hagrid who was send to Azkaban during the attack of the Basilisk?! And it didn't stop with that, many innocent people were sent to Azkaban from then on to create the appearance of safety.

This is very hard, though. We aren't able to pick out the attackers, but if we don't more people will be attacked or even murdered, but we would also take the risk of sending an innocent person to New Azkaban... I know time has changed and New Azkaban isn't Azkaban, but we can't just randomly pick people to send them off just because you don't like the tone they spoke with or because there family was on the wrong side 20 years ago.

Ok how about this: What would it take for you to vote out someone? You will not be able to confirm anyone as guilty.

What can we achieve over today? None of the guilty party will say "By the way I'm actually plotting your downfall". Thus by your idea we shoud do nothing today. What will happen tonight then?

-Hallowed kills innocent

-All innocents with night actions have nothing to base thier actions on, therefore they will be taking random guesses

So then we wake up tommorow, what do we do? We would not be able to pin-point any Hallowed and we repeat the process. Do nothing and we will get nothing.

So we'll get the idea we are in fact doing something good, so the outsiders know we're taking action?

Not so the outsiders know that we're doing something, but in order to progress so that eventually we will be able to pick out the Death's Hallowed. If we do not vote today then tommorow we shall be in the same position with one fewer innocent.

If we do not vote today then tommorow we shall be in the same position with one fewer innocent.

Actually we would be down more than one innocent. Since innocents out number the guilty it is more likely that we will choose an innocent. Voting is one of the easiest ways for the Hallowed to get rid of us. There is much confusion and lack of information and voting will always favor the Hallowed, until we are sure of a target and that takes some time. So why give them another advantage when we can drag the process out longer and prevent an unnecessary early death?

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