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Actually we would be down more than one innocent. Since innocents out number the guilty it is more likely that we will choose an innocent. Voting is one of the easiest ways for the Hallowed to get rid of us. There is much confusion and lack of information and voting will always favor the Hallowed, until we are sure of a target and that takes some time. So why give them another advantage when we can drag the process out longer and prevent an unnecessary early death?

That is a more convincing arguement I must admit, so therefore Unvote: Cruzo Alakhazam/Big Cam. Though as you say it will take time to be sure of a target and in that time the Hallowed will be able to pick us off. :sceptic:

I agree that we should attempt to vote someone out today, even though I'm not really convinced by voting for Loki. If there are no votes today then tonight the Hallowed will surely kill another innocent. As an extra penalty with no-one voting then our innocents with night actions have nothing to go on. Nothing at all.

For that reason I Vote: Crudo Alakhazem/Big Cam. His reaction here is the best I can get:

If he can explain why he acted this way then I will gladly unvote him. I understand that this is to a degree suspicious of me but you must realise that there should be discussion in order for us to root out this evil. What does everyone think of this?

That is the attitude the Hallowed want you to take. We will get no evidence unless we start activly doing things!

It should be Cruzo not Crudo by the way. A slip of the tongue. :blush:

Wow, you pull my name out of a hat? I said that because Professor Neville Longbottoms exact words were "Can't believe after all that they suspect me."

So I thought maybe someone was suspicious of him and contacted him about it.

Therefore I suggested he share who that was, IF indeed someone did contact him.

Mindless voting will get us nowhere. I could vote for you but I wont, because I have no evidence against you, so that would just be counterproductive to our goal of finding this murderer.

I think that the smart choice would be to vote. If we do not act, there will be another killing certainly, at least an attempt. If we do vote, then whoever we vote for will be removed from the premises of the school, but not killed. If they are innocent, then it is in all intents and purposes a way OUT of being killed.

That being said, I have a few suspects, but I will save my vote a little longer, just to see how my suspects act.

Headmistress McGonagall recalls that the three students were from the Gryffindor, Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses. She doesn't think any conclusions can be drawn from that, though.

I am from Hufflepuff and I don't think this means that the killers are hufflepuffians, just because no one from that house was killed. Too be quite honest, I think we're dealing with a multi-house group with a hidden agenda. If anything, this might be a few angry depraved students who want revenge on Slytherin for the house's wrong doings in that infamous battle.

Either way, I think we'll have to wait until tomorrow to really know how and who to vote for.

I guess my accusation towards Loki was rather il-timed, but If we don't make accusations we will never get much done, I'm still awaiting a response from Loki, where is he by the way? I have my suspicions and I am looking at a few distinct characters, as for Crudo, I believe he should be trusted, he's been teaching her for quite a while, how long was it again Crudo?

If we do vote, then whoever we vote for will be removed from the premises of the school, but not killed. If they are innocent, then it is in all intents and purposes a way OUT of being killed.

However, once they're out, they're not going to come back in. So although voting out an innocent won't get them killed, it does offset our numbers. With less of us innocents in the castle, it's easier for the Hallowed to get a majority vote.

Too be quite honest, I think we're dealing with a multi-house group with a hidden agenda. If anything, this might be a few angry depraved students who want revenge on Slytherin for the house's wrong doings in that infamous battle.

I suspect that your first statement is right. But if your second statement is correct, then that means all Slytherin are innocent, because they wouldn't want revenge on themselves, would they? :wacko: And how would attacking students from other houses even help that? No; I think your second statement must be false.

...but If we don't make accusations we will never get much done...

I remember a man named Matthew Right (in a book called Prohibition I believe) who started accusing everyone just to get reactions out of them. Although he was innocent, people became suspicious and voted him out. I think that people are too shocked and timid to accuse so soon, so unfortunately I don't think many are willing to follow your footsteps.

If we can figure out what these demons want, it might be easier to determine who they might be. Even if we don't vote someone out today and our investigator doesn't reveal themself tomorrow, the way the Hallowed interact with others during the night could reveal their intentions.

1) I suspect that your first statement is right. But if your second statement is correct, then that means all Slytherin are innocent, because they wouldn't want revenge on themselves, would they? :wacko: And how would attacking students from other houses even help that? No; I think your second statement must be false.

2) I remember a man named Matthew Right (in a book called Prohibition I believe) who started accusing everyone just to get reactions out of them. Although he was innocent, people became suspicious and voted him out. I think that people are too shocked and timid to accuse so soon, so unfortunately I don't think many are willing to follow your footsteps.

1)You're probably right but who knows. Humans are so hard for my people to understand, but I honestly hope it's no one from my house! I'm not nieve though, so.....

2)Do you mean prohibition mafia because I did that exact thing (I learned my lesson :blush: )

Humans are so hard for my people to understand...

Humans are sometimes hard to understand for other humans too. You're not alone. :wink:

Do you mean prohibition mafia because I did that exact thing (I learned my lesson :blush: )

Yes! Prohibition Mafia- that was the book. I checked it out during my second year. I do recall there was a cinema worker girl (who had a striking resemblance to yourself) who did a similar thing to Mr. Right. Just another example of how recklessness can cause the death of an innocent.


After doing a thorough search of the grounds since the disappearance of the head of Slytherin and the unfortunate deaths of our three students, I, Oraman Furbad, am ready to help protect this school and it's residents at all costs.

Very unfortunate, to lose students like that... and the so-called "capture" of a teacher? Nothing of the sort has happened in my days at Hogwarts. However, I think we need to look a little deeper into the situation - Hogwarts has been a spellbound fortress, and naturally, a break-in would be unlikely without help.

Of course, as the wise Headmistress McGonagall stated, the culprits are indeed among us. But the question must be asked - why was Lastrada spared? He is a respected colleague of mine, but was he somehow being manipulated? I don't believe he helped the culprits, but then again, we do have traitors among us.

I'll have to think about this some more before reaching a conclusion. I am not ready to ship someone off to Azkaban on mere guesses quite yet.

Oh, and I'd better not be catching anyone out of their dorms, causing trouble at night. I'm no Filch, but as caretaker, I am quite able of punishment if necessary.

Yes! Prohibition Mafia- that was the book. I checked it out during my second year. I do recall there was a cinema worker girl (who had a striking resemblance to yourself) who did a similar thing to Mr. Right. Just another example of how recklessness can cause the death of an innocent.

I guess I should take a page from that book, I recall reading a book of the sorts, Dystopia, I believe, and I thought I should try approaching this situation differently then someone in the book, although I can see that maybe it was a little to soon to start making accusations, but I really wasn't accuseing, just stating an opinion.

I guess my accusation towards Loki was rather il-timed, but If we don't make accusations we will never get much done, I'm still awaiting a response from Loki, where is he by the way? I have my suspicions and I am looking at a few distinct characters, as for Crudo, I believe he should be trusted, he's been teaching her for quite a while, how long was it again Crudo?

Its Cruzo actually, and thank you for your vote of confidence. Lets not age me by recalling how many years I've been teaching, its not polite. But I've been around long enough to know blind accusations usually only hurt he innocent.

And so the decision is left in our hands, we must come to a conclusion before tonight, or bear witness to more attacks. I know I'm going off with no real evidence, but Loki Malfoy is directly related to a long line of death eaters, perhaps it runs through the family? I'm not voting yet, but what do you guys think on the matter, and Loki, is there anything you can say to defend yourself? Perhaps you are here to carry out the deed your uncle failed to do all those years ago Loki. What do the rest of you guys think, I mean, we've got to start somewhere, and we know for a fact that Loki is related to many Death Eaters, It may be our best bet.

I guess my accusation towards Loki was rather il-timed, but If we don't make accusations we will never get much done, I'm still awaiting a response from Loki, where is he by the way? I have my suspicions and I am looking at a few distinct characters, as for Crudo, I believe he should be trusted, he's been teaching her for quite a while, how long was it again Crudo?

I do know that my family's pride had been stained during Voldemort's reign, but with him gone, many have changed - most of them may still be rude and mischievous, but they are not evil. Plus, I (and many others currently residing in the castle) was not even born yet when Voldemort was still alive. I don't mean to be impolite, but if you think that my Uncle Draco may still reside on the path of evil, why not ask Mr. Potter himself for his opinion of him? I do recall my uncle telling me of how he was in the same year as Mr. Potter.

They were rivals during their years at school, but they have made peace with each other when Mr. Potter saved my uncle from his death.

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Its Cruzo actually, and thank you for your vote of confidence.

Headmistress McGonagall coughs and politely notes the absent-minded teacher of Charms that his name actually is Crudo, with a "d".

She also reminds everybody that there is now more or less 24 hours to make a conviction, if such a thing is deemed necessary.

Plus, I (and many others currently residing in the castle) was not even born yet when Voldemort was still alive.

I must agree that it would be unfair to judge too harshly based on those who have an errant family history. If the administration felt that their children were potentially dangerous, they would not have been afforded admission into this fine institution.

Wisdom tells us to examine each and every one of us based solely upon our own present actions, a distraction into the past can serve no purpose except to further cloud the issue.

Headmistress McGonagall coughs and politely notes the absent-minded teacher of Charms that his name actually is Crudo, with a "d".

Crud-oh! Haha. :laugh:

Oh my, what just came over me? *huh*

Oh my... Voting someone off sure isn't easy. You're all respected teachers and my fellow students and friends. I wouldn't know who to vote for. So I guess I won't vote, just yet.

If I had to vote, I would vote for a Hufflepuff student. Simply because there were no Hufflepuffians murdered by the Hallowers. But I also know that is a very stupid reason for the content of the classroom was totally random and we should be glad there were only 3 students attending the class. Otherwise there would have been even more students murdered.

So I'm not voting yet, unless someone does or says something suspicious.

I really don't know what to make of this. This has been a total surprise nasty assault so far. I really don't know whom to suspect either, and I don't want to make a hasty recommendation at this stage just to convict someone. I will rather stage out and wait for more evidence in terms of confirming each other suspicions on the latter days. Most of the time, the first day of life is normally convicted with someone being innocent, so we can't let those Death’s Hallows to get ahead of us.

At the very least, we are now acquainted with each other better after a day of shocking experience and now let's work together to rid of those evil beings out of Hogwarts.

Headmistress McGonagall coughs and politely notes the absent-minded teacher of Charms that his name actually is Crudo, with a "d".

She also reminds everybody that there is now more or less 24 hours to make a conviction, if such a thing is deemed necessary.

Apparently I am a little absent mindeddefault_wacko.gif

Normally I would encourage a vote on day one, but not in this case. Normally there is one person sticking out like a sore thumb who's easy to vote off, but not so now.:laugh: I think the results of the night actions will be most telling and will help us vote tomorrow.

I am finding it very difficult to decide. If only I could get a more in-depth knowledge of what people were doing at the time. I am still really saddened by this event and my family have been in contact saying that they are shocked. They thought after fighting Voldemort themselves that all of this would be over, obviously not. I will have to sleep on my decision.

It seems that the general state of mind at the moment is to not vote. I still do not agree with this but I don't see who we could then accuse. :sceptic: Some people aren't understanding the situation, so let me put it this way:

-You are an investigator, you want to use your action to try and find one of the Hallowed. In order to increase your chances of success you want to review the events of the previous day so that you can make an educated guess. Upon reviewing the day however, you find that there is nothing towards anyone. What do you do? Answer: Just randomly guess.

-You are a protector, you want to protect someone in danger. Unfortunetly it seems no-one stands out as particularly endangered. What do you do? Answer: Just randomly guess.

-The same thing happens to every innocent with a night action.

-The killer on the side of the Hallowed is getting ready to kill an innocent. What does he/she do? Answer: Random guess with the exception that they cannot guess wrong as they know who is on their side. There is little chance that the victim will happen to be protected so that's one innocent down.

-We wake up tommorow. We find one innocent dead. We could review today to see if anyone showed any dislike of the victim. Would it work? No as none of us have actually attacked anyone properly. In fact this entire day would have been practically useless.

-Do we have evidence tommorow? Maybe but I find it unlikely.

-What if by staggering chance the investogator has discovered a Hallowed. What can he/she do? Answer: Nothing. Revealing themselves would be suicide. They would have no confirmed allys to share this with and trying to vote said Hallowed off without revealing their abilities would be suspicious.

If we can't use today tommorow then we will still be in the same place! Sadly I find it unlikely that we will be able to do anything today, as it is too late to come to a majority. But I hope that tommorow we can keep this in mind. :sadnew:

-What if by staggering chance the investogator has discovered a Hallowed. What can he/she do? Answer: Nothing. Revealing themselves would be suicide. They would have no confirmed allys to share this with and trying to vote said Hallowed off without revealing their abilities would be suspicious.

If we can't use today tommorow then we will still be in the same place! Sadly I find it unlikely that we will be able to do anything today, as it is too late to come to a majority. But I hope that tommorow we can keep this in mind. :sadnew:

Incorrect. If they told us publicly, an the victim of the votes turned out to be a Hallowed, then we would do our best to secure their safety.

Incorrect. If they told us publicly, an the victim of the votes turned out to be a Hallowed, then we would do our best to secure their safety.

Possible, yet if the Hallowed have a blocker then our investigator would effectivle lose their ability. That is assuming of course that the investigator does find a Hallowed.

It seems that the general state of mind at the moment is to not vote. I still do not agree with this but I don't see who we could then accuse. :sceptic: Some people aren't understanding the situation, so let me put it this way:


Well why don't you just vote for who you think it is and maybe others will follow you? I personally will not vote until tomorrow when we have a possible better understanding of the situation.

Well why don't you just vote for who you think it is and maybe others will follow you? I personally will not vote until tomorrow when we have a possible better understanding of the situation.

Because I am not suspicious of anyone at this point! I was hoping that my voting of the charms teacher would generate some discussion in order to better the chances of finding a Hallowed. This did not work and now the day is nearing a close. So I will also be waiting until tommorow to cast any more votes.

Miss Jadis, I am curious why you would be so keen on voting. Like Brigelda said, convicting on a mere guess on the first day, with a very small idea of what we're up against, is most likely to end up condemning an innocent soul.

Yes, we usually won't be sure of who's innocent and who's not, but at least by tomorrow, I have a feeling, we will have more than just guesses to go on. Things will happen in the night, and behaviors will start to show.

But for now, we can only wait and do our best not to give the Hallows a head start on taking us all.

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