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The first night in Hogwarts after the assault of the Death's Hallowed was truly a restless one. How could anyone sleep when murderers might be lurking right behind your door?


Brandon Townsend snuck out of the castle into the outskirts of his favorite place: the Forbidden Forest. With the Aurors in guard, it hadn't been an easy task, but Brandon was a child of the nature, and moving silently was just one of the traits he had picked up from the trips to the wilderness.

"Cuddles! Here boy!" he called.


Out of the forest came a giant three-headed dog, a descendant of the past guardian of the secret corridor on the third floor of Hogwarts.

"Good boy!" Brandon said affectionately. "With the school in turmoil, now is the perfect time to claim back this enchanted land to the creatures it really belongs. Go inside and have a feast, Cuddles!"

So riled up about his plan to get back at the humankind for raping Mother Nature he was that he didn't notice the dark figure on the bridge above him.


"Avada Kedavra!" rang the most ominous of spells in the night. And Brandon Townsend fell to eternally sleep on the land he so cherished.


Inside Hogwarts, the caretaker Oraman Farbod was making his nightly rounds. He had done them every night from the day he had arrived at the castle, and he wasn't about to stop them for some pesky dark wizards. If anything, now he needed to be extra alert.


Out of a sudden a terrible chill overcame him, and in front of him floated a ghastly Dementor. As frightened as he was, Oraman was prepared even for this.


"Expecto Patronum!" he shouted, and a kitten made of pure light jumped to shield him. The magical light banished the Dementor instantaneously.


Oraman congratulated himself for being so brave. He was just what Hogwarts needed at this dire time, he thought.

But his indulgement in his own boldness made him unaware of Cuddles creeping behind him.


The other two heads didn't even get a bite as the central head of Cuddles gulped poor Oraman down in one piece - leaving only his inherited fez and magic wand behind.

Burping contemptly, Cuddles strolled away to find a safe hiding place to spend the day. Next night, it would feed again.


As the sun rose, the petrified body of Angela Weasley was found near the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower. She was hastily taken to Nurse Hearth.


In the morning, everybody gathered at the Great Hall to hear the latest news about the events of the night. They were devastated to hear about the deaths of Brandon and Oraman.


"After a thorough investigation of the remains of Brandon Townsend", said Auror Potter. "We have come to the conclusion that he was impartial in this tragedy. On the other hand, he didn't belong to the Death's Hallowed, but at the same time, he seemed to have wanted everyone dead."

"As for Oraman Furbad, he was an innocent man through and through", Auror Weasley continued. "It is sad to lose such an honourable man."


"Fortunately it is my pleasure to announce that Angela Weasley has made a full recovery from her encounter with the Petrificus Totalus spell", Headmistress Minerva McGonagall announced.


"But we must not let these losses make us lose our goal", the headmistress continued. "We need to find out the culprits among us, and save not only ourselves, but Hogwarts and the entire wizarding community."

"I'll give you some time to think on who to vote, but I urge you to voice out your opinions today."

Everybody started talking, keeping a close eye on each other.


1. There are two opposing sides in this game, the
Death’s Hallowed
and the
. The Death’s Hallowed win when they outnumber the others. The Innocent win when they’ve vanquished all of the Death’s Hallowed.

2. Each day, the players will vote out one amongst them with a majority decision. To vote or to draw back your vote, you must use the following sentence in your post:
vote: character/player
unvote: character/player
. If you want to change your vote, you must first unvote before the second vote is calculated.

3. During days, there is a 24 hour period before anyone can vote. Once the majority decision is reached, you cannot unvote the player in question anymore.

4. Every player will get a short list of items, spells and skills at their disposal. These can be used only at nights.

5. Each night, the players can use
of their items, spells, OR skills by sending the host a PM about it. Some items and skills have an automatic effect, which will be handled by the host. Items can be handed over to another player, but that will cost the giver the night’s action.

6. To give someone else your item, send the
a PM stating the item you wish to give, the name of the player you wish to give it to, and whether you want to remain anonymous or not. Items cannot be exchanged without the host acting as an intermediary.

7. The night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. If you don’t send your night ability by the time limit I’ve given each day, you will miss your chance to use it.

8. The Day-topics are meant for active players only, so do not post in them if you are already out of the game. The Discussion-topic is open to everybody.

9. Do not edit your posts, because it is considered unfair to other players.

10. Do not directly quote
I’ve sent to you via PM. Use your own words, please.

11. All out-of-character discussion must be kept in the Discussion-topic. Likewise, all talk about game tactics and roles must be kept in the Day-topics and PMs.

12. Since this game deviates quite a lot from other Mafia-games, please ask any questions or doubts you might have directly from me, and you will be answered.


Hogwarts Faculty:

hm-ava-brigelda.jpgBrigelda Hearth, nurse (WhiteFang)

hm-ava-crudo.jpgCrudo Alakhazam, teacher of Charms (Big Cam)

hm-ava-eloquence.jpgEloquence Malleus, teacher of Transfigurations (Shadows)

hm-ava-jingle.jpgJingle the House-elf (Dragonator)

hm-ava-neville.jpgNeville Longbottom, teacher of Herbology and Head of Gryffindor House (professor flitwick)

hm-ava-rhubarb.jpgRhubarb Uxley, teacher of Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Hufflepuff House (Escape the Fate)

hm-ava-sicilia.jpgSicilia Bathory, teacher of Potions and Head of Ravenclaw House (Eskallon)

hm-ava-stephanie.jpgStephanie Kingston, librarian (Zepher)

hm-ava-tea.jpgTea Ching, teacher of Divination (iamded)

Hogwarts Students:

hm-ava-angela.jpgAngela Weasley, Gryffindor (Burman)

hm-ava-desiree.jpgDesiree Jackson, Gryffindor (badboytje88)

hm-ava-francis.jpgFrancis Rowan, Ravenclaw (ADHO15)

hm-ava-harriet.jpgHarriet Pewter, Slytherin (YG-49)

hm-ava-jolie.jpgJolie Jadis, Slytherin (Lord Arjay)

hm-ava-loki.jpgLoki Malfoy, Slytherin (ILikePi)

hm-ava-nene.jpgNene Grandstaff, Hufflepuff (Millacol88)

hm-ava-prion.jpgPrion the Centaur, Hufflepuff (Forresto)

hm-ava-rocky.jpgRocky Broomwell, Gryffindor (sok117)

hm-ava-sheila.jpgSheila Bones, Ravenclaw (Matn)

hm-ava-bulltoad.jpgTodd "Bulltoad" Bulstrode, Slytherin (Roncanator)

hm-ava-valerie.jpgValerie MacArthur, Ravenclaw (Inconspicuous)

hm-ava-xander.jpgXander Lovegood, Gryffindor (CallMePie)


hm-ava-cuddles.jpgCuddles the Cerberus (monster)

The Deceased & The Confined:

hm-ava-brandon-dead.jpgBrandon Townsend, Hufflepuff (Oky Wan Kenobi) - Impartial (killed on Night One)

hm-ava-oraman-dead.jpgOraman Furbad, caretaker (JimButcher) - Innocent (slain by a monster on Night One)

There are 22 players in the game, so it will require 12 votes to convict someone. Voting starts 24 hours from now.

Poor, poor Oraman. Thought of a Dementor, only to be killed by... Cuddles? Brandon was clearly quite troubled to have wanted everyone dead. He wasn't a member of the Hallows, but at least another threat has been diminished.

Also, whose side is the Dementor on?

Angela. As your head of house, I feel I should ask, why were you out of bounds last night? Just like a Weasley, wandering around with murderers on the loose!

*huh* Ok, that was a crazy night.

I'm pretty sure that it was the Hallowed that targeted Brandon last night. Probably a random guess as well, seeing as I cannot find anything pointing toward Townsend being Impartial. So in fact the Hallowed probably unknowingly did us a favour.

It seems that in his final moments he released a darned monster on us! Though it does have a cute name. :blush:

What else did we learn? Well it seems that one of us is tipping of the Dementors about possible Hallowed. Yet they made a mistake last night in targeting our poor caretaker. Luckily the late Mr Furbad was able to defend himself. Unluckily he was the target to Cuddles . This makes me wonder though, does the Cerberus chose its victims randomly? Or is someone controlling it? Very scary thought. :look:

Things happened to me in the night as well. As I'm sure happened to a lot of people.

In other news, I'm glad to see you made it through the night Angela! :thumbup:

Oh my, what a tragedy, yet a shed of good news as it appears we almost had a neutral killer on the loose.

I mourn the loss of Brandon, but it's probably a good thing. He wanted all of us dead, and even if that meant killing some of the Death's Hallowed, it would probably mean killing a good amount of us innocents.

Also, may Oraman rest in peace. :sadnew: He did a noble deed banishing that dementor, only to meet a terrible and cuddly fate. I never that you could get "cuddled" to death! :grin: However, the dementor's presence is worrying. Who controls it? Any ideas?

'Waves arms in air' Holy o*****el! What in Garnok's name? how the blazes?! sweet lord of the Forest! Jumping jack goblins! Holy cab------'stops suddendly' am I overeacting?

That was an interesting night...one innocent and one neutral gone. It seems that Brandon was attacked by the Death's Hallowed, as the assailant used the Killing Curse on him.

I don't want to be too intrusive, but it would be nice if you could tell us what (a monster, a person, etc) had petrified you, Angela. That way we would know what else we are up against.

May both Oraman and Brandon rest in peace. :sadnew:

It seems it was a woman who killed Brandon (that or a cross-dressing man). At least now we can focus on finding scum and don't have to worry about a third party. I think that the person who petrified Weasley was a blocker of sorts. Care to explain what night action they may have been blocking you from?

It seems it was a woman who killed Brandon (that or a cross-dressing man).

*huh* Huh? Where did you get that from? All I can see in the opening portraits is a figure exactly the same as the three Hallowed that attacked Professor Lastrada's Class. Am I missing something?

*huh* Huh? Where did you get that from? All I can see in the opening portraits is a figure exactly the same as the three Hallowed that attacked Professor Lastrada's Class. Am I missing something?

Just the style of the hat. :wink:

Just the style of the hat. :wink:

Ahh. I'm not much an expert on fashion, so it's no surprise I didn't notice that. However, the opening portraits aren't always accurate.

Headmistress McGonagall, does manner of dress in the opening portraits indicate anything about the person? In other words, is Nene on to something, or is she making assumptions?

Just the style of the hat. :wink:

Your forgetting that as well a Professor McGonagall wearing a simular hat, professor Alakhazam does as well... :look:

I'm sure the hat is unisex. :wink:

These deaths are horrible! Im truly sorry that such a thing that they had to die like that. I think now we show be focusing our attention on Angela Weasley and who has access to Cuddles.

I feel that I must make my first accusation. I do not trust Todd "Bulltoad". There is just something about the way he acts. I must admit that there is little to no evidence to back up that claim, but I really do believe it from my gut, and a Librian's gut is rarely wrong. I don't really feel that we have any need of conviction tonight, though, so let us make an informed choice. I am only throwing out thoughts, and since we killed the impartial I feel that we may have a little more time.

I feel that I must make my first accusation. I do not trust Todd "Bulltoad". There is just something about the way he acts. I must admit that there is little to no evidence to back up that claim, but I really do believe it from my gut, and a Librian's gut is rarely wrong. I don't really feel that we have any need of conviction tonight, though, so let us make an informed choice. I am only throwing out thoughts, and since we killed the impartial I feel that we may have a little more time.

I do not think now is the time to go with someone's "gut feeling". We saw that Angela had been petrified so maybe she has some connection to the deathly hallowed. Also isnt Cuddles usually locked up? If so then he would've had to get out some how so someone would have to let him out knowing he would go around eating people.

Yes, that someone was Brandon Townsend. Try to keep up.

2 more deaths! :cry_sad: At least one of them wasn't exactly a good guy...but why did our humble caretaker have to die?

Angela, did you get a look at your attacker before you got petrified?

I agree, Professor Kingston, about making an informed decision. Did anyone pick up any clues last night?

I know. I am not suggesting we lynch the poor student, just throwing out suspects that I have. i said it was a gut feeling, and I was checking to see if anyone had any evidence that would back it up. Nothing wrong with sharing children. Any and all information at this stage is useful, even if it is all guess work.

Yesterday was a terrible night for everyone. I am glad our student, Angela had made a speedy recovery as we are able to identify the cause which, ultimately lies on the "Petrificus Totalus" spell. Perhaps, Angela could shed some light on the happenings in the Gryffindor Tower. I didn't expect such binding spell to be used against our students, but the spell of the "Avada Kedavra" is also one of our major concerns. I went to the library in the morning after Headmistress Minerva announced the happenings last night, and realised that the spell was indeed of an evil nature...

I believed this person is highly and could be a Death's Hallowed and helps us to eliminate Brandon by chance. At least, we shouldn't be too worried about Cuddles roaming around at night. Recalling the events at night, I strongly believed with the death of Brandon doesn't means the last of Cuddles, especially after this note, "Next night, it would feed again.", which is interpreted that Cuddles could have a probable chance to be set loose once more tonight. I can't help but to feel worried on this aspect.

Lastly, I applaud for the brave heroic efforts of our dear caretaker, Oraman. He fought well against the Dementor, but fallen to the hands of Cuddles. Orman has been a loyal friend to us, Hogwarts. It was a terrible loss.

Right now, I hope we could piece the different clues and suspicions together.

Shame about our innocent but I can say it is good that we got a impartial as they kill us innocent too. I am worried about that 3 headed dog, I am sure it will attack again but hopefully this time it can snatch away a dark wizard tonight.

Now today uf we have no real basis to vote on then I am willing to vote randomly. We need some evidence for future days and this could help.

Whoever killed the 'impartial' did us all a favour, so personally I'd like to thank them. I hate supposedly neutral people, they aren't neutral at all, they hate everyone and kill without care.

Poor Oraman suggested we all stay in then went against his own recommendation and died trying to protect us. His name will always be remembered as brave and true. He was a good friend to this institution and to each of us. :cry_sad:

Did anyone learn anything that they feel safe in sharing? We clearly have to take a stand at some point and start voting, but so far, nothing is indicating where our votes should be directed. My personal experience last night wasn't particularly meaningful. I had the feeling that there were 4 evil spirits actively working against us. I assume that hasn't changed unless the impartial counted as one of them. I may try to determine that again tonight, if better alternatives don't arise.

OH NO! Another killing… Poor Oraman Farbod, he was such a good caretaker. What a great loss for Hogwarts. I say we need to find cuddles and end it’s feeding fest!

I personally am shocked Brandon Townsend would want to kill us all! What did we ever do to him? I hear a lot of you saying it was a Hallower who killed Brandon, but how do you guys know that? Maybe someone investigated Brandon and found out about his plans. Maybe the killer wasn’t a Hallower.

Angela are you alright? Any idea why you were targeted?

Poor Mr. Farbod. He will be dearly missed. :cry_sad:

Although a proper investigation into Angela's incident is required, I believe we should take action against Cuddles to prevent him taking the lives of anymore people. Can we not search the castle for him? A dirty great dog, surely someone must have seen it! If he cannot be found and has returned to the grounds, the castle can be locked down. I'm sure nobody else would let it back in. It's a danger to everyone, not just us innocents.

Also, who's to say Brandon was the only impartial killer here? There may be more people among us with their own twisted reasons for revenge. :oh3:

I want to go home!

I personally am shocked Brandon Townsend would want to kill us all! What did we ever do to him? I hear a lot of you saying it was a Hallower who killed Brandon, but how do you guys know that? Maybe someone investigated Brandon and found out about his plans. Maybe the killer wasn’t a Hallower.

The deadly spell which killed Brandon was known as the "Avada Kedavra". I am not very knowledgeable with complicated spells like this and hearing some others mentioning that it was the Death's Hallowed is certainly scored a high chance. And, after checking with the resources, it was claimed to be one of the three unforgivable curses which is also commonly known as the Dark Arts spells. I supposed this was infer based on that theory.

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Can we not search the castle for him? A dirty great dog, surely someone must have seen it! If he cannot be found and has returned to the grounds, the castle can be locked down. I'm sure nobody else would let it back in. It's a danger to everyone, not just us innocents.

Auror Weasley says that the agents spotted the great three-headed dog roaming the castle from afar, but before they could capture it, it had gone missing. He adds that these magical monsters are tricky by nature, and often they won't be found unless they want to.

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