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It appears there are two people who can use stupefy at night, as both me and Loki were stunned last night.

It appears there are two people who can use stupefy at night, as both me and Loki were stunned last night.

What about Cuddles, though? Wasn't he stunned as well?

It appears there are two people who can use stupefy at night, as both me and Loki were stunned last night.

I don't think that's possible since everyone has his own night action. So some of these people are lying!

I think everyone can cast spells such as stupefy or expelieramus, afterall, we are all eather teachers or in years 5-7 studying for our OWLS and NEWTS.

Maybe Headmistress McGonagall knows more...

I think everyone can cast spells such as stupefy or expelieramus, afterall, we are all eather teachers or in years 5-7 studying for our OWLS and NEWTS.

I think you just told everyone what your night action is.

I think you just told everyone what your night action is.

I think so too. I didn't get either of those spells.

I think so too. I didn't get either of those spells.

So you admit you do have a night action?

And logistically speaking, I think it is possible for everyone to have a night action, or better put, there is no one who is only useful in the day thread.

Believe this if you wish, It only proves my innocence.

I think so too. I didn't get either of those spells.

So you admit you do have a night action?

Just because he said that doesn't mean he has one. What kind of logic is that?

It only proves my innocence.

How so? In these games of life, the scum often have a blocker too.

I don't mean to accuse you of anything, but so far you aren't making much sense.

Believe this if you wish, It only proves my innocence.

I'm fairly certain we are all either in possession of items or spells to help us, though even I didn't get anything like stupefy. I do agree that there could be more than one with any given spell, since both the innocent and Death's Hallowed could have it.

As for proving your innocence, it does nothing of the sort, and making a claim that it does is either foolishly naive or an attempt to deceive, so be careful with that. People who try too hard to claim innocence usually aren't.

I don't like the way this day is going. It seems we're wasting our time on things that aren't leading us to enlightenment and success. All the while, the scum must be laughing at us, knowing that with every moment we waste, they come closer to being able to unleash death on us again. :hmpf_bad:

It must be a sad day in Ravenclaw tower... :sadnew:

Two more innocents dead..

So what do these "Deathly Hallows" mean? I think I'll have to go to the library later and find out about them.

Oh dear, poor young Rowan. But I wonder what he was doing, trying to learn such a dangerous spell? He should have been brushing up on stunning spells if anything. A killing curse is not something one should take lightly.

Thank God someone stopped Cuddles tonight. Must be the same one who petrified Angela. I'm not sure if it was smart to petrify Cuddles.

So first you're relieved to see it stopped, and then straight away suggest we don't stop it in future? Given it's track record, I don't think that would be a good idea. He's killed an Innocent thus far, we shouldn't risk another Innocent falling prey to that monster.

We are at Day 3 and we don't have much of a progress to narrow our suspects. At this stage, I think it's best to look at our previous days to gather more thoughts. I really wish we have more findings to share and I understand that it's too risky to risk our investigator in the public to share his/her findings for the past 3 days, assuming he/she uses the action. We know there is a spell book out there used by Francis and it's now taken by the Death Hallowed which means I could assume that their powers had increased, even though we don't really know what that spell book is capable of. Furthermore, after seeing what Angela has surrendered to Headmistress, I got a feeling that some of us might have items of certain powers but each items are very different and unique to its own. I really hope we can pull through ourselves out of this crisis.

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The voting starts now, and lasts 48 hours unless a conviction is made before that. There are 20 players, so it takes 11 votes to convict someone.

It appears no one, and I am no exception, has any leads.

Does anyone even have any suspions they'd like to share? Madame Kingstone, we know you have some as you've keenly reminded us. Care to share?

So the time to vote has once again come by. We seem to be no further forward than before. Meanwhile the Death's Hallowed pick us of at night. I suggest we wait until Madame Kingstone raises her suspicions, as she seems to be the only one with anything figured out. Until then I'd like to draw your attention to my fellow Slytherin Harriet.

Oh, sorry I'm late! I had some homework due on Thursday to catch up on... :blush:

20 Years of peacefullness and now this... I'd hate to see what happens in another 20 years!

Is it just me, or am I the only one wearing a uniform here?

Oh, jeez, late again? :sadnew: I promise I'll try to be more involved from now on.

Waitaminute? Brandon Townsend and Oraman? Dead? *huh* I didn't know them very well, but I'm still sad!

How could a dementor get in with all the extra security measures anyway?

It must be a sad day in Ravenclaw tower... :sadnew:

Two more innocents dead..

So what do these "Deathly Hallows" mean? I think I'll have to go to the library later and find out about them.

This is all she has said throughout this crisis. There is no excuse as she has spoken every day yet anything she says is useless. As well as that the second quote was taken during the whole Angela situation. Harriet you must start speaking your mind! This is not the same situation as Loki who could not talk, but a case of Harriet choosing not to contribute in a meaningful way. Please stop this, it is not helpful and only hinders us. :sadnew:

I think everyone can cast spells such as stupefy or expelieramus, afterall, we are all eather teachers or in years 5-7 studying for our OWLS and NEWTS.

I think its clear that all or almost all of us have spells of some kind.

I think you just told everyone what your night action is.

Interesting observation.

I think so too. I didn't get either of those spells.

Again, I am fairly sure we all have spells, but I too cannot stupify.

So you admit you do have a night action?

And logistically speaking, I think it is possible for everyone to have a night action, or better put, there is no one who is only useful in the day thread.

Believe this if you wish, It only proves my innocence.

How does that prove you innocent? Its clear we all have night actions, pointing that out doesn't make you any less suspicious.

It appears no one, and I am no exception, has any leads.

Does anyone even have any suspions they'd like to share? Madame Kingstone, we know you have some as you've keenly reminded us. Care to share?

This is tough, I've noticed a few oddities but nothing that hasn't been pointed out and not enough to wan to start a voting pool. With out information blind voting is as good as asking the hallowed who'd they like killed. I hate this predicament.

Oh dear, poor young Rowan. But I wonder what he was doing, trying to learn such a dangerous spell? He should have been brushing up on stunning spells if anything. A killing curse is not something one should take lightly.

So first you're relieved to see it stopped, and then straight away suggest we don't stop it in future? Given it's track record, I don't think that would be a good idea. He's killed an Innocent thus far, we shouldn't risk another Innocent falling prey to that monster.

Sure I am relieved that Cuddles didn’t get a chance to kill an innocent last night. But since Cuddles isn’t controlled by anyone he doesn’t mind who he eats. So Cuddles is an enemy for innocents as well as Hallowers. So it is very much possible that his next victim will be a Hallower. I encourage the person who petrified Cuddles to do it more often if he or she doesn’t suspect anyone of being a Hallower.

Sure I am relieved that Cuddles didn’t get a chance to kill an innocent last night. But since Cuddles isn’t controlled by anyone he doesn’t mind who he eats. So Cuddles is an enemy for innocents as well as Hallowers. So it is very much possible that his next victim will be a Hallower. I encourage the person who petrified Cuddles to do it more often if he or she doesn’t suspect anyone of being a Hallower.

I've been thinking about this. Coulld it be possible that certain possesions or attributes of any one of us are given to someone after death?

If so that would mean that a Hallowed now controls Cuddles. It would also suggest that the Hallowed who killed Francis has now gained a book that furthers his/hers killing ability. Or am I overthinking this?

Does anyone even have any suspions they'd like to share? Madame Kingstone, we know you have some as you've keenly reminded us. Care to share?

Yes, I believes Madam Kingstone might have something to share with us. I looks forward to her insights in this dreadful matter.

I've been thinking about this. Coulld it be possible that certain possesions or attributes of any one of us are given to someone after death?

I have mentioned it at the start of Day 3 and if you based on Angela's situation in terms of her 2 previously possessed items, I strongly believe these items are passed down to one or two of us to keep based on what Headmistress had mentioned at the opening of Day 3.

My, what a mighty weight on my shoulders. I actually have very little hard facts, only suspects, and those have only been figured out by my ability to judge people. I'm only decent at that, mind you, but I suppose there is no harm sharing.

Mr. Bulltoad was my largest suspect for a while. I have started to suspect him less recently. I feel that he is either a lowly Hallowed or an important innocent, so I'm afraid to take action against him. However, fact-wise, he is the only one of my suspects that I have ANYTHING on, the others are all just from what they've said and done.

My next suspect is Sicilia Bathory. Something that she said on the second day was what really caught my interest on her.

Okay I am happy to vote randomly as there is no other evidence to base our vote on, does anyone want to pick, I don't want to pick as that could be biased if I was bad (which I am not). So anybody, if not then I will pick out randomly, but I would prefer if someone else picked.

She seems extremely eager to vote someone off, even at random, but she is not willing to do it herself, becuase she may be afraid that if she condemned an innocent to death things would look fishy.

My final suspect is Eloquence Malleus. The way that she tries to run things, so that she's in charge, just makes me distrust her. Again, I have no hard evidence. But anyone who is trying to take a position of power within the castle is suspect. I feel that the Hallowed would try to make us depend on them to help us work as a group, so we woudl never even consider voting them off, and simply the way that she phrases her suggestions says that to me.

Anyway, I have no evidence. These are just my thoughts and notes. I can only hope that people, now seeing these names, will either come forward with information helping to prove these people either innocent or guilty. Either would be helpful, honestly.

Believe this if you wish, It only proves my innocence.

Looking back, that does sound rather naive, I guess there is no true way of proving ones innocence.

Nevertheless, I have a question regarding Cuddles, did anyone actually petrify cuddles, or did someone petrify the one controling Cuddles?

I don't think we really have any leads as of now, however I must admit that Harriet is looking rather suspicious.

My next suspect is Sicilia Bathory. Something that she said on the second day was what really caught my interest on her.

She seems extremely eager to vote someone off, even at random, but she is not willing to do it herself, becuase she may be afraid that if she condemned an innocent to death things would look fishy.

I agree, and we saw how horrible that turned out. Voting blind gets us no where.

...So it is very much possible that his next victim will be a Hallower. I encourage the person who petrified Cuddles to do it more often if he or she doesn’t suspect anyone of being a Hallower.

Aren't those two statements contradictory, though? :wacko:

I don't think that Cuddles would attack one of the Death's Hallowed next. There are more innocents than the Hallowed, so that means that there will be a larger chance that Cuddles attacks an innocent.

I have mentioned it at the start of Day 3 and if you based on Angela's situation in terms of her 2 previously possessed items, I strongly believe these items are passed down to one or two of us to keep based on what Headmistress had mentioned at the opening of Day 3.

That is an interesting observation, Madam Hearth, but wouldn't the artifacts be passed down to another Gryffindor? The sword seems to be Godric Gryffindor's, if I recall correctly from what was in Hogwarts, A History.

Well then, we have heard what our dear librarian has to say. So now I think we should look at the options available.

1)We could not attempt a vote. I personally think this is a bad idea as not much has changed.

2)We do vote out someone. Obvious but who? Currently this is my thinking:

~We could vote out Harriet Pewter who is willingly unhelpful and rarely speaks. Not too big a los if she is innocent. She is more of a liability than anything.

~We could follow any of Madame Kingstones suggestions. That triggers more options:

-Vote out Todd Bulltoad. Madame Kingstone has evidence against him. It is also a possibility that he has an important action for the innocents. So a bit of a double edged knife here.

-Vote out Sicilia Bathory. Her actions are a bit suspicious I admit. Yet I would not feel comfortable voting her out for that.

-Vote out Eloquence Malleus. She has given us information which may or may not be true. For now I am willing to believe her though.

~We could vote out Jingle. Purely because he has not done anything to raise suspicions because he has done nothing at all. I know it cannot be helped but he is still another liability.

Also, going on what Miss (Mrs?) Malleus has said I would believe that there are 5 Hallowed among us. This seems a bit few but it's possible. I should think that at least one Hallowed dwells among the faculty, being able to deceive Eloquence. Could that mean that there is one Hallowed within each house? If that was the case then we could vote of someone in the Ravenclaw house as there are only two members left and I have reason to believe that Valerie is innocent. We would then be left with Sheila who has not raised any alarm bells with me.

So unless someone has any more evidence then these are our best options for today, I'll leave you to decide what to do as I have no other ideas.

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