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Could that mean that there is one Hallowed within each house?

Funny, I was just pondering that same Idea, I've read a book, about a game of life, and it always seems to follow simple rules like that, usually if you can divide the people into groups, it is always likely that at least one member of each group is guilty.

1)We could not attempt a vote. I personally think this is a bad idea as not much has changed.

2)We do vote out someone. Obvious but who? Currently this is my thinking:

I agree. It's a good idea to vote, because often the most trustworthy information comes from voting patterns, and not second-hand accounts of night actions.

~We could vote out Harriet Pewter who is willingly unhelpful and rarely speaks. Not too big a loss if she is innocent. She is more of a liability than anything.

~We could vote out Jingle. Purely because he has not done anything to raise suspicions because he has done nothing at all. I know it cannot be helped but he is still another liability.

These two both rarely speak. Harriet chooses not to say anything meaningful, but I think Jingle has his "head in the clouds" and is visiting lands abroad. Perhaps, Jingle, you could say something brief if you get the chance? And Harriet, perhaps you finally have something meaningful to contribute?

-Vote out Todd Bulltoad. Madame Kingstone has evidence against him. It is also a possibility that he has an important action for the innocents. So a bit of a double edged knife here.

-Vote out Sicilia Bathory. Her actions are a bit suspicious I admit. Yet I would not feel comfortable voting her out for that.

-Vote out Eloquence Malleus. She has given us information which may or may not be true. For now I am willing to believe her though.

Hmmm, if Todd is the only person Madame Kingstone has evidence against, perhaps we should look into him some more. Todd, do you have something to say on the matter?

I agree that Sicilia is acting suspiciously, but perhaps she'll prove herself if she gets a chance to speak up. I also am willing to believe Eloquence for the time being.

Could that mean that there is one Hallowed within each house? If that was the case then we could vote of someone in the Ravenclaw house as there are only two members left and I have reason to believe that Valerie is innocent. We would then be left with Sheila who has not raised any alarm bells with me.

Ahh, the classic metagaming tactic. :hmpf: "Well, there are 3 Ravenclaws, so at least one of them must be scum." I appreciate your trust in me, but I think that logic is severely flawed. I trust Sheila deeply, and although I don't know her allegiance for sure, I don't think we should base our vote off of this "rule of 3".

Just my 2 knuts. :grin: ("coined" by the deceased Brandon)

Mr. Bulltoad was my largest suspect for a while. I have started to suspect him less recently. I feel that he is either a lowly Hallowed or an important innocent, so I'm afraid to take action against him. However, fact-wise, he is the only one of my suspects that I have ANYTHING on, the others are all just from what they've said and done.

What evidence to you have against Bulltoad?

Looking back, that does sound rather naive, I guess there is no true way of proving ones innocence.

Nevertheless, I have a question regarding Cuddles, did anyone actually petrify cuddles, or did someone petrify the one controling Cuddles?

I don't think we really have any leads as of now, however I must admit that Harriet is looking rather suspicious.

Cuddles laid petrified on his back on the floor, so I guess you could say he was petrified.

I've been thinking about this. Coulld it be possible that certain possesions or attributes of any one of us are given to someone after death?

If so that would mean that a Hallowed now controls Cuddles. It would also suggest that the Hallowed who killed Francis has now gained a book that furthers his/hers killing ability. Or am I overthinking this?

That wouldn't mean Cuddles is being controlled by the Hallowed, Cuddles owner was working for himself, he was no Hallower.

Aren't those two statements contradictory, though? :wacko:

I don't think that Cuddles would attack one of the Death's Hallowed next. There are more innocents than the Hallowed, so that means that there will be a larger chance that Cuddles attacks an innocent.

Humn didn't think about that...

-Vote out Sicilia Bathory. Her actions are a bit suspicious I admit. Yet I would not feel comfortable voting her out for that.

I agree that Sicilia is acting suspiciously, but perhaps she'll prove herself if she gets a chance to speak up. I also am willing to believe Eloquence for the time being.

Yes I actually agree that me saying I wanted to vote out a random person but not wanting to choose was suspicous, however I was actually trying to get somewhere unlike some people here and the reason I did not want to pick was because that may have looked too suspicous, and to be honest I don't want to be badly blamed for getting it wrong if I would have. Anyway the point is that I am trying to help vote out a Hallowed. I still stand by my action to vote randomly even though we got it worng because-look below.

I agree, and we saw how horrible that turned out. Voting blind gets us no where.

Actually, we had no clue and nothing to base ourselves on so it was either trying to vote someone out and possibly getting somewhere or it was not doing anything and simply seeing more innocents drop dead at night.

She seems extremely eager to vote someone off, even at random, but she is not willing to do it herself, becuase she may be afraid that if she condemned an innocent to death things would look fishy.

Yes actually, I admit that I am afraid to condemn an innocent to there death and I don't want to be voted out, if you all still choose to act suspicous towards me then you will be making a mistake and well, feel free to use truth potion or a spell on me at night to check my alliance.

Now, I don't have time right now and have things to do in my office, but I will look into some of my own suspects.

First off, I don't know who started to mispronounce my name, but it's Kingston, not Kingstone. Check your facts. Dolts.

Secondly, please take what I have rather lightly. Those just happen to be the people who have appeared to me to be suspects.

As for my evidence against Bulltoad, it is sketchy at best. I do not want to reveal too much about myself or him, but I will say that I know that he was up and about a little last night, though his intents were uncertain.

Ahh, the classic metagaming tactic. :hmpf: "Well, there are 3 Ravenclaws, so at least one of them must be scum." I appreciate your trust in me, but I think that logic is severely flawed. I trust Sheila deeply, and although I don't know her allegiance for sure, I don't think we should base our vote off of this "rule of 3".

Not at all. It is merely a possibility that we could perhaps look into. I'd suggest following another path for now though.

That wouldn't mean Cuddles is being controlled by the Hallowed, Cuddles owner was working for himself, he was no Hallower.

You misunderstand me. I meant what if the Hallowed's killer gains attributes from his/her victim? As we have seen that the Hallowed snatched the book that Francis was studying. It would not be too much of a strech to consider that the Death's Hallowed who killed Brandon gained the ability to control Cuddles. I mean, someone must have control over Cuddles now.

Yes actually, I admit that I am afraid to condemn an innocent to there death and I don't want to be voted out, if you all still choose to act suspicous towards me then you will be making a mistake and well, feel free to use truth potion or a spell on me at night to check my alliance.

To be honest I agree with you on this. It is important that we do vote seeing as that is the best way to root out the Hallowed. You seem to think that way aswell yet you are scared to bring attention to yourself in a negative light if you started a vote for an innocent.

First off, I don't know who started to mispronounce my name, but it's Kingston, not Kingstone. Check your facts. Dolts.

Whoops. :blush: Not my fault though.

Secondly, please take what I have rather lightly. Those just happen to be the people who have appeared to me to be suspects.

As for my evidence against Bulltoad, it is sketchy at best. I do not want to reveal too much about myself or him, but I will say that I know that he was up and about a little last night, though his intents were uncertain.

I am pretty sure a lot of people were up to things last night. This is the unfortunate situation we appear to be in right now. Everything is sketchy. So, I think it best that we do continue to vote but I am unsure who to go for. The only people I would consider right now are Jingle and Harriet. At first I just wanted to get Harriet to be more helpful but I am getting suspicious of her the more I think about it. Maybe we should go for her unless something else comes up? Simply because:

-She has proven that she can talk so no excuses there.

-When she does talk it's mainly comprised of "No not ____!" and a question that does not help us.

-She talks in the midst of the Angela dilemma, what does she contribute to that? Nothing! I must ask myself, why not?

-If you think, then she is actually helping the Hallowed. Not voting is one of the best outcomes they can hope for as they can kill yet another innocent and the next day everyone will be stuck in the same position.

-If she is Hallowed then we got one! Great! :thumbup:

-If she is innocent then sure it is sad but what do we lose? We lose someone who does not contribute. We thin our numbers yes but will it affect us greatly? Probably not seeing as we still greatly outnumber the Hallowed and we can afford a little collateral damage. In the long run it will help us to get rid of her more than hinder us.

-As I have said voting her of will help us gain more knowledge that we can use tomorrow.

Unlike Miss (Mrs?) Bathory I am not afraid to bring myself to the foreground. Especially seeing that everyone else is shy about voting. Voting out Harriet is our safest bet at the moment and no-one else has gathered enough against anyone else.

That is all I have to say for now.

Not at all. It is merely a possibility that we could perhaps look into. I'd suggest following another path for now though.

You misunderstand me. I meant what if the Hallowed's killer gains attributes from his/her victim? As we have seen that the Hallowed snatched the book that Francis was studying. It would not be too much of a strech to consider that the Death's Hallowed who killed Brandon gained the ability to control Cuddles. I mean, someone must have control over Cuddles now.

To be honest I agree with you on this. It is important that we do vote seeing as that is the best way to root out the Hallowed. You seem to think that way aswell yet you are scared to bring attention to yourself in a negative light if you started a vote for an innocent.

Whoops. :blush: Not my fault though.

I am pretty sure a lot of people were up to things last night. This is the unfortunate situation we appear to be in right now. Everything is sketchy. So, I think it best that we do continue to vote but I am unsure who to go for. The only people I would consider right now are Jingle and Harriet. At first I just wanted to get Harriet to be more helpful but I am getting suspicious of her the more I think about it. Maybe we should go for her unless something else comes up? Simply because:

-She has proven that she can talk so no excuses there.

-When she does talk it's mainly comprised of "No not ____!" and a question that does not help us.

-She talks in the midst of the Angela dilemma, what does she contribute to that? Nothing! I must ask myself, why not?

-If you think, then she is actually helping the Hallowed. Not voting is one of the best outcomes they can hope for as they can kill yet another innocent and the next day everyone will be stuck in the same position.

-If she is Hallowed then we got one! Great! :thumbup:

-If she is innocent then sure it is sad but what do we lose? We lose someone who does not contribute. We thin our numbers yes but will it affect us greatly? Probably not seeing as we still greatly outnumber the Hallowed and we can afford a little collateral damage. In the long run it will help us to get rid of her more than hinder us.

-As I have said voting her of will help us gain more knowledge that we can use tomorrow.

Unlike Miss (Mrs?) Bathory I am not afraid to bring myself to the foreground. Especially seeing that everyone else is shy about voting. Voting out Harriet is our safest bet at the moment and no-one else has gathered enough against anyone else.

That is all I have to say for now.

All of these are good points. I've read many books, and the crazy people are most of the time the ones who don't want to draw attention to themselves. Coupled with the fact we're helping the Hallowed by sitting here and doing nothing, I must vote: YG-49/Harriet Prewter.

I agree that Harriet is not drawing much attention to herself, But I have some sketchy evidence about Harriet that I've held until now, I know that Harriet was up and about on night 1, It's not much, but I can safely say that she was doing something two nights ago, and possibly last night as well. I agree with the above and I vote: Harriet Pewter/YG-49. Hopefully she can speak up and maybe clear herself, but until then we need to get our act together.

The fact that she was quiet and was up to something during the night does not really build enough for a case. In fact, i think if she were a Hallowed she would probably be a little more actively leading us to the wrong conclusion. I am going to hold off on voting another few hours, then I think I'll go ahead and place my vote. It's a shot in the dark, so I must wait for a fair amount of time before making it, in the hopes of something eing illuminated!

Thank you for your list, Madam Kingston. Sorry for mispronouncing your name, though I'll thank you to not call me a 'dolt'!

I'm going to sustain from voting for now. I know I've always said "If Merlin didn't take chances, we'd all be wandless", but just like with Angela, I'm going to give Miss Pewter a chance to explain herself.

My final suspect is Eloquence Malleus. The way that she tries to run things, so that she's in charge, just makes me distrust her. Again, I have no hard evidence. But anyone who is trying to take a position of power within the castle is suspect. I feel that the Hallowed would try to make us depend on them to help us work as a group, so we woudl never even consider voting them off, and simply the way that she phrases her suggestions says that to me.

As a senior member of the faculty here, I've felt that it's my responsibility to try to maintain some level of focus among the group, but I do see where that might appear to be taking a position of power. The reality is that at this point, I'm completely powerless in this situation and would really like to see someone else with solid information lead us in the right direction. Suggesting we work as a group and asking people to try to help is my way of encouraging that, but if I am coming on too strong, I'll step back a bit, so point well taken.

Mr. Bulltoad was my largest suspect for a while. I have started to suspect him less recently. I feel that he is either a lowly Hallowed or an important innocent, so I'm afraid to take action against him. However, fact-wise, he is the only one of my suspects that I have ANYTHING on, the others are all just from what they've said and done.

As for my evidence against Bulltoad, it is sketchy at best. I do not want to reveal too much about myself or him, but I will say that I know that he was up and about a little last night, though his intents were uncertain.

Your "evidence" is fairly sketchy. How can you be sure that it was actually me and not someone else? Its at night so people just look like black figures, so what makes you sure that you saw me? I think you are mistaken there miss Kingston

Well, sorry for not speaking much, but taking a stab at me doesn't help much. What if I had other things to do? What if I possibly had to take my mind off this mystery for two seconds to focus on other things.

And besides, I'm not being helpful? What help can I offer that we haven't already found out?

You misunderstand me. I meant what if the Hallowed's killer gains attributes from his/her victim? As we have seen that the Hallowed snatched the book that Francis was studying. It would not be too much of a strech to consider that the Death's Hallowed who killed Brandon gained the ability to control Cuddles. I mean, someone must have control over Cuddles now.

Well it's certainly not the Aurors Weasley and Potter who control Cuddles now :tongue:

Alright, I think I've sorted my thoughts enough to tell my opinion. Harriet Pewter (YG-49) doesn't seem like a likely suspect to me. Being inactive doesn't so much point to being a Death's Hallowed. It is as Stephanie Kingston (Zepher) said;

The fact that she was quiet and was up to something during the night does not really build enough for a case. In fact, I think if she were a Hallowed she would probably be a little more actively leading us to the wrong conclusion.

She makes a good point, which I agree with.

One person who has aroused my suspicion is Desiree Jackson (badboytje88). I first suspected her when she

suggested, "it might be usefull not to petrify Cuddles every night. What do you guys think?" This would be a terrible idea, as, as has been mentioned, the Innocents far outnumber the Hallowed, so there's a much greater chance of one of us dying than a Hallowed. It's a risk I'm not willing to take, the odds just aren't in our favour. Again she brings it up, but seems to get confused;

Sure I am relieved that Cuddles didn’t get a chance to kill an innocent last night. But since Cuddles isn’t controlled by anyone he doesn’t mind who he eats. So Cuddles is an enemy for innocents as well as Hallowers. So it is very much possible that his next victim will be a Hallower. I encourage the person who petrified Cuddles to do it more often if he or she doesn’t suspect anyone of being a Hallower.

She says it's very much possible the next victim will be a Hallowed, and then says we should petrify the monster. That seems to go against her own logic. Now I'm all for petrifying this Cuddles, but that's because I find it more likely the next victim will be an Innocent.

Now Desiree Jackson, do you have anything to say to make sense of this? I just don't see the logic in letting Cuddles run loose. Sure, there's a slight chance it could gobble up a Hallowed, but the odds are against us. We don't even know for sure if it's victims are random, for all we know it could be under the Hallowed's control.

  • Author

Current vote toll:

Harriet Pewter/YG-49: 2 (CallMePie, sok117)

There is now 24 hours left to vote.

The fact that she was quiet and was up to something during the night does not really build enough for a case. In fact, i think if she were a Hallowed she would probably be a little more actively leading us to the wrong conclusion. I am going to hold off on voting another few hours, then I think I'll go ahead and place my vote. It's a shot in the dark, so I must wait for a fair amount of time before making it, in the hopes of something eing illuminated!

You make good points but the day ticks by and I don't see any better options. It's low risk option. We have no solid evidence as of yet which makes this harder.

Well, sorry for not speaking much, but taking a stab at me doesn't help much. What if I had other things to do? What if I possibly had to take my mind off this mystery for two seconds to focus on other things.

And besides, I'm not being helpful? What help can I offer that we haven't already found out?

I'm sure that you are busy but you have proven that you can talk unlike Jingle. You can give your opinions on things, who you find suspicious, what did you think of Angela. That is why you're unhelpful; everything you say does not hold any value.

It is all:

"Sorry I'm Late!!" then "No not ____" and finally "I wonder why ____??".

This is not helpful. I doubt you lack an opinion on things yet you instead choose to have formulaic speeches. Even your defence follows this guideline without the "No not ___" part. Rocky says you were out and about. Maybe you should explain that? I'm sorry if you are innocent but you are our safest bet as we will not lose any important opinions to our discussion.

Alright, I think I've sorted my thoughts enough to tell my opinion. Harriet Pewter (YG-49) doesn't seem like a likely suspect to me. Being inactive doesn't so much point to being a Death's Hallowed. It is as Stephanie Kingston (Zepher) said;

Please note. It's not the inactiveness that makes her a suspect but her willingly not helping.


Those are some good deductions Miss Ching. We should see what she has to say for herself.

Well, it seems the day will soon be at an end and time is running out. I expect to be busy for the rest of the day so I shall cast my vote now.

Going upon my previously mentioned suspicions, I shall vote: Desiree Jackson/badboytje88. If you can provide a logical reason for your suggestion, then I might just revoke my vote. Until then though, I feel your suggestions do more to jeopardise the Innocent's success than to assist.

Well, it seems the day will soon be at an end and time is running out. I expect to be busy for the rest of the day so I shall cast my vote now.

Going upon my previously mentioned suspicions, I shall vote: Desiree Jackson/badboytje88. If you can provide a logical reason for your suggestion, then I might just revoke my vote. Until then though, I feel your suggestions do more to jeopardise the Innocent's success than to assist.

Well you have stated your suspicions, though I was only going at Harriet as we had no better options. Maybe this will change your mind?

We know that someone cast a mystery vote yesterday against Angela. This person must be a Hallowed as otherwise there would be no reason to hide your own vote. So let's see if we can find this person then:








Lord Arjay



Oky Wan Kenobi




Big Cam


Escape The Fate



professor Flitwick





First we cross out those who are dead/no longer with us. Then those who voted for Angela. Next those who were not around at the time. Finally I would assume that those who defended Angela would not vote for her, I've reason to believe they are innocent anyway. So we are left with our charms teacher, Sheila from Ravenclaw and Harriet. I think Crudo would have voted for her also if he wasn't busy. Suddenly there are not many possibilitys are there? I feel the remaining two should be looked into but currently I suspect Harriet more. This is everything I have so I leave it up to others to decide.

(Sorry for using players names, I didn't have the time to use the character names. :blush: )

Well you have stated your suspicions, though I was only going at Harriet as we had no better options. Maybe this will change your mind?

We know that someone cast a mystery vote yesterday against Angela. This person must be a Hallowed as otherwise there would be no reason to hide your own vote. So let's see if we can find this person then:








Lord Arjay



Oky Wan Kenobi




Big Cam


Escape The Fate



professor Flitwick





First we cross out those who are dead/no longer with us. Then those who voted for Angela. Next those who were not around at the time. Finally I would assume that those who defended Angela would not vote for her, I've reason to believe they are innocent anyway. So we are left with our charms teacher, Sheila from Ravenclaw and Harriet. I think Crudo would have voted for her also if he wasn't busy. Suddenly there are not many possibilitys are there? I feel the remaining two should be looked into but currently I suspect Harriet more. This is everything I have so I leave it up to others to decide.

(Sorry for using players names, I didn't have the time to use the character names. :blush: )

Someone's been busy! However what if you're wrong and these hallowed people are luaghing at us safely due to their crossed out name?

Someone's been busy! However what if you're wrong and these hallowed people are luaghing at us safely due to their crossed out name?

Obviously there are Hallowed among the crossed out names. Yet I was looking for the one who has a mystery vote and in that case

the only one I could possibly be wrong about is Crudo Alakhazam. Who I forgot to cross out anyway. :tongue: Maybe Brigelda as well but I'm don't think so.

I am sure that at least one of those people not crossed out owns the mystery vote and is therefore a Hallowed, there is more against Harriet than anyone else. Of course this is just how I interpret it.

One last point. The day is quickly nearing its end and we are no further forward. So if we do vote someone off,(which I think we should) then we must decide soon.

Someone's been busy! However what if you're wrong and these hallowed people are luaghing at us safely due to their crossed out name?

Or what if he is correct, the list doesn't give any real evidence but it may be something to base ourselves on. If nothing is said that can really help us in the next 4 or so hours then I will vote out Harriet as the hallowed will otherwise just sit laughing at how stupid we are and of course we will see people perish tommorrow morning.

Oh and it is Miss Bathory/Professor Bathory.

I'm still a little confused as to why Jolie Jodis has not yet cast her vote, but was the one to convince myself and Xander into voting for Harriet. I don't think her Hallowed, but it is... odd.

Well you have stated your suspicions, though I was only going at Harriet as we had no better options. Maybe this will change your mind?

We know that someone cast a mystery vote yesterday against Angela. This person must be a Hallowed as otherwise there would be no reason to hide your own vote. So let's see if we can find this person then:








Lord Arjay



Oky Wan Kenobi




Big Cam


Escape The Fate



professor Flitwick





First we cross out those who are dead/no longer with us. Then those who voted for Angela. Next those who were not around at the time. Finally I would assume that those who defended Angela would not vote for her, I've reason to believe they are innocent anyway. So we are left with our charms teacher, Sheila from Ravenclaw and Harriet. I think Crudo would have voted for her also if he wasn't busy. Suddenly there are not many possibilitys are there? I feel the remaining two should be looked into but currently I suspect Harriet more. This is everything I have so I leave it up to others to decide.

(Sorry for using players names, I didn't have the time to use the character names. :blush: )

I had plenty of opportunities to vote for Angela but I did Not since there was no evidence. I think this is a pretty far stretch, blaming the ones who DID NOT wrongfully kill an innocent. Besides I recall a student mentioning his vote controlled by another, since the head mistress placed his name on the vote roster, maybe he had a second vote that he could not control. I'd like clarification from the head mistress but I doubt that will happen since technically the students post is all hearsay. The student I'm referring to is of course you. Is this all part of your plan? Some of your previous rants about you vote being controlled make a little more sense now. So tell me Jolie, what are trying to pull here?

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