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The third night was full of trials and errors, but come the morning, the residents of Hogwarts would be somewhat wiser.


Librarian Stephanie Kingston was doing some late-night arranging in her dear library. She couldn't fathom that an innocent young man had been killed there just the other night. The library had always been a place of solace and tranquility to her, and now it had been tarnished by an act of pure evil.

Suddenly Stephanie heard the door open with a creak.


"A filthy squib has no place in the reign of darkness", the intruder hissed. "Die! Avada Kedavra!"

Stephanie shrieked as the terrifying spell shot out at her.


But much to the assaulter's surprise, the spell didn't connect. Pure fury filled the librarian.

"How dare you come into my library and try to kill me with your pathetic spells?! Just so you know I am no ordinary squib, for I am utterly and completely resistant to magic! Now GET OUT!"

Stephanie picked up a chair and threw it after the fleeing Death's Hallowed. Then she sat down onto the floor panting, as she slowly realized she had survived an attack that had killed so many already.


That night, the petrified Cuddles was found again. The Aurors tried to remove it from the premises of Hogwarts, but as soon as it recovered, it vanished again.


Another Dementor was sighted at the entrance hall, but it didn't manage to harm anyone. Since it wasn't banished, it would return next night to haunt the castle again.


At daybreak, a flying SUV approached Hogwarts, carrying the Minister of Magic.


Everybody gathered at the entrance hall to greet the Minister. She had been appointed to the office only less than a year ago, after the retirement of Kingsley Shacklebolt.


"Welcome back to Hogwarts, Minister Granger-Weasley", Headmistress McGonagall greeted. "We get great comfort at your presence here during this darkest of times."

"My husband Ron told me everything about the events that have taken place here this week", the Minister of Magic Hermione Granger-Weasley said. "Please, I'd like to address everybody at the Great Hall, if it is alright with you?"


"It is with a heavy heart that I come here to my beloved old school on a business like this", Minister Granger-Weasley said as she spoke to the crowd gathered at the Great Hall. "I truly wished Hogwarts would never have to experience a battle like the one that took place twenty years ago. You have lost several friends and co-workers in this struggle, while the Ministry has suffered the loss of two great Aurors. I have come here to assess the situation, and to help you with the best of my abilities to seize these dark wizards calling themselves the Death's Hallowed."

"I am truly glad that nobody was killed last night, but that does not mean you shouldn't continue to stay alert. I am sure you have a lot to discuss about now, so I will leave to gather whatever information I can find about these events. I wish to speak to you all again this evening. Hogwarts has always been careful not to let the Ministry get involved in its business, but I hope we can solve this issue with cooperation. Thank you."

The crowd gave a short applause to the minister, and her place on the podium was taken by Headmistress McGonagall.


As the headmistress addressed the others, Hermione spoke to Ron and Harry.

"This is horrible, guys. It is happening all over again!" she said.

"I'm just glad our children aren't involved in this", said Ron. "It was horrible enough to send little Angela to Juvenile Azkaban."

"Indeed. How are Ginny and the children doing?" Harry asked.

"They've all gathered to the Burrow. I just dropped Hugo and Lily to the Quidditch practice to get their mind out of what's happening here. The children are worried sick about their friends here, and you two aren't exactly safe either. Guys, let's just get this thing solved as fast as possible so we can return to our families, okay?"

The Aurors both nodded with determined expressions on their face.


1. There are two opposing sides in this game, the
Death’s Hallowed
and the
. The Death’s Hallowed win when they outnumber the others. The Innocent win when they’ve vanquished all of the Death’s Hallowed.

2. Each day, the players will vote out one amongst them with a majority decision. To vote or to draw back your vote, you must use the following sentence in your post:
vote: character/player
unvote: character/player
. If you want to change your vote, you must first unvote before the second vote is calculated.

3. During days, there is a 24 hour period before anyone can vote. Once the majority decision is reached, you cannot unvote the player in question anymore.

4. Every player will get a short list of items, spells and skills at their disposal. These can be used only at nights.

5. Each night, the players can use
of their items, spells, OR skills by sending the host a PM about it. Some items and skills have an automatic effect, which will be handled by the host. Items can be handed over to another player, but that will cost the giver the night’s action.

6. To give someone else your item, send the
a PM stating the item you wish to give, the name of the player you wish to give it to, and whether you want to remain anonymous or not. Items cannot be exchanged without the host acting as an intermediary.

7. The night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. If you don’t send your night ability by the time limit I’ve given each day, you will miss your chance to use it.

8. The Day-topics are meant for active players only, so do not post in them if you are already out of the game. The Discussion-topic is open to everybody.

9. Do not edit your posts, because it is considered unfair to other players.

10. Do not directly quote
I’ve sent to you via PM. Use your own words, please.

11. All out-of-character discussion must be kept in the Discussion-topic. Likewise, all talk about game tactics and roles must be kept in the Day-topics and PMs.

12. Since this game deviates quite a lot from other Mafia-games, please ask any questions or doubts you might have directly from me, and you will be answered.


Hogwarts Faculty:

hm-ava-brigelda.jpgBrigelda Hearth, nurse (WhiteFang)

hm-ava-crudo.jpgCrudo Alakhazam, teacher of Charms (Big Cam)

hm-ava-eloquence.jpgEloquence Malleus, teacher of Transfigurations (Shadows)

hm-ava-jingle.jpgJingle the House-elf (Dragonator)

hm-ava-neville.jpgNeville Longbottom, teacher of Herbology and Head of Gryffindor House (professor flitwick)

hm-ava-rhubarb.jpgRhubarb Uxley, teacher of Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Hufflepuff House (Escape the Fate)

hm-ava-sicilia.jpgSicilia Bathory, teacher of Potions and Head of Ravenclaw House (Eskallon)

hm-ava-stephanie.jpgStephanie Kingston, librarian (Zepher)

hm-ava-tea.jpgTea Ching, teacher of Divination (iamded)

Hogwarts Students:

hm-ava-desiree.jpgDesiree Jackson, Gryffindor (badboytje88)

hm-ava-harriet.jpgHarriet Pewter, Slytherin (YG-49)

hm-ava-jolie.jpgJolie Jadis, Slytherin (Lord Arjay)

hm-ava-loki.jpgLoki Malfoy, Slytherin (ILikePi)

hm-ava-nene.jpgNene Grandstaff, Hufflepuff (Millacol88)

hm-ava-prion.jpgPrion the Centaur, Hufflepuff (Forresto)

hm-ava-rocky.jpgRocky Broomwell, Gryffindor (sok117)

hm-ava-sheila.jpgSheila Bones, Ravenclaw (Matn)

hm-ava-bulltoad.jpgTodd "Bulltoad" Bulstrode, Slytherin (Roncanator)

hm-ava-valerie.jpgValerie MacArthur, Ravenclaw (Inconspicuous)

hm-ava-xander.jpgXander Lovegood, Gryffindor (CallMePie)


hm-ava-cuddles.jpgCuddles the Cerberus (monster)

hm-ava-dementor.jpgDementor #2

The Deceased & The Confined:

hm-ava-brandon-dead.jpgBrandon Townsend, Hufflepuff (Oky Wan Kenobi) - Impartial (killed on Night One)

hm-ava-oraman-dead.jpgOraman Furbad, caretaker (JimButcher) - Innocent (slain by a monster on Night One)

hm-ava-angela-dead.jpgAngela Weasley, Gryffindor (Burman) - Innocent (voted out on Day Two)

hm-ava-francis-dead.jpgFrancis Rowan, Ravenclaw (ADHO15) - Innocent (killed on Night Two)

There are still 20 players in the game, so it will require 11 votes to convict someone. Voting starts 24 hours from now.

Huzzah! No new deaths last night. Well done to Miss Kingston on surviving an attack by the Hallowed. Did you catch a glimpse of your attacker?

It is worrying that a Dementor is still hanging around though.

Now then, last night I was stupefied, again. I was also tortured by someone to reveal my night actions and investigated by an investigator. Quite a busy night.

Who should we go for today then?

Wow, good to meet you minister.

Stephanie, I am sure you cannot be killed at night, by this I guess that you are innocent but of course I could be wrong. Does anyone know anything? Feel free to Privatly Meet me in my office.

Immune to magic!

Stephanie what else aren't you telling us? I mean I'm glad your pm, but if we would have knoown this we could have organized to have you out on patrol everynight, protecting us.

I'm glad that you survived the brutal attack, Madam Kingston! I almost thought you were a goner. :cry_happy:

It's good to know that the Minister herself has arrived to assess the situation. Hopefully, with her help and encouragement, we can undermine at least one of the Death's Hallowed today! :thumbup:

Bulltoad, is it a coincidence that you argued with Ms. Kingston nearly all of day three then she was nearly killed that very night?

Hooray! What a night! No deaths at all! And it would appear the Madam Kingston is innocent for sure. Although the sight of another Dementor worries me...

Also it appears my old friend Hermione Granger is here! Isn't this great, the old gang together again! Just wish it was under better circumstance...

Glad to see no one was killed last night! We must be doing something good! Jolie are you all right? What a hell of a night it must have been for you.

Immune to magic!

Stephanie what else aren't you telling us? I mean I'm glad your pm, but if we would have knoown this we could have organized to have you out on patrol everynight, protecting us.

How can anyone be immune to magic? That's just not possible! Maybe Ms. Kingston was protected by someone.

Bulltoad, is it a coincidence that you argued with Ms. Kingston nearly all of day three then she was nearly killed that very night?

You have a point there...

Bulltoad, is it a coincidence that you argued with Ms. Kingston nearly all of day three then she was nearly killed that very night?

Whilst I see your point, and I agree with it more than I disagree with it, wouldn't that be almost too obvious to frame Toad?

Jolie are you all right? What a hell of a night it must have been for you.

Thanks for your concern. I must remember to see the nurse about it. Mostly mental scars, it does make me wonder if it was the same person to torture Malleus yesterday though...

Holy Tillito! Impervius to the famed killing curse! Perhaps you are "the woman who lived" I'm glad to see that no one fell victim to the Hallowed tonight, but a second dementor? I would hate to run into one of those things. I hear they can suck the happiness right out of you.

I think someone was trying to frame Todd by attacking Mrs. Kingston, I'm sure if Todd was a Hallowed, he would not be that stupid. Perhaps something will come up when I talk to some of my people.

Glad to see you made it out alive Madam Kingston. :classic:

I was Stupefied last night as well. :sceptic: Oh, god help them if they took my Chocolate Frog Card collection...oh...nevermind, it's right here.

I don't like that Madam Kingston was targetted, as she did have an argument with Bulltoad.

Looking at the pictures, I see a magnifing glass on the library desk, anything to tell us Madame kingston?

Looking at the pictures, I see a magnifing glass on the library desk, anything to tell us Madame kingston?

There is also an owl in the corner. Unless she plans to go around stabbing us with the smashed glass and peck us to death, I don't believe they'll be shown to have any significance.

Whilst I see your point, and I agree with it more than I disagree with it, wouldn't that be almost too obvious to frame Toad?

That's backwards logic. :wacko: I agree it is a possibility but I think it would be all to easy to let Bulltoad of the hook because someone who highly suspected him was attacked. After all, if you were in his shoes and a hallowed wouldn't you want to get rid of a nuisance sooner rather than later?

Also would the investigator whom used truth potoin on him me please contact me, so that we can work together to take out the hallowed.

Now, I think it would be best to try and decide who is a hallowed before the voting starts. So that we do not end up in the same mess as yesterday when accusations were flying everywhere just before the days end. What do you think?

What a relief nobody was killed last night, that was a lucky escape Stephanie, I'm so glad you weren't killed! The kitchens have been quiet these last two evenings, so unfortunately I don't have anything new to add to our discussions, however I've finished sorting the pantry and making sure our food stores will last us through this ordeal, and I'm now ready to try and help find these Deathly Hallowed murders that are here amongst us.

Bulltoad, is it a coincidence that you argued with Ms. Kingston nearly all of day three then she was nearly killed that very night?

An interesting observation Nene, let us see what Bulltoad has to say on the matter.

Whilst I see your point, and I agree with it more than I disagree with it, wouldn't that be almost too obvious to frame Toad?

Also a valid point, we have no way of determining weather Bulltoad was acting out of anger or weather he was simply being framed by someone, other than our own personal opinions and observations, of course. Trying to catch these guys out is very hard. :sceptic:

What other things happened last night that were out of the ordinary? I see Jolie was a centre of much action, from what she says. Maybe if she wore something a little less revealing... :tongue:

Seriously though, does anyone else have anything they can add?

That's backwards logic. :wacko: I agree it is a possibility but I think it would be all to easy to let Bulltoad of the hook because someone who highly suspected him was attacked. After all, if you were in his shoes and a hallowed wouldn't you want to get rid of a nuisance sooner rather than later?

This is also true, we can't just let him off because he might have been framed. But nor can we be certain of his guilt yet. I would like to hear from him before making any more judgements.

What other things happened last night that were out of the ordinary? I see Jolie was a centre of much action, from what she says. Maybe if she wore something a little less revealing... :tongue:


*Kicks Jingle*

Anyway, I have a few suspicions but am currently waiting on confirmation about something before I reveal them...


*Kicks Jingle*

Anyway, I have a few suspicions but am currently waiting on confirmation about something before I reveal them...

I can't wait to hear them!

Yay! No deaths! :thumbup:

But Ms. Kingston immune to the Avada Kedavra? Surely you can't be...?

*To self* No, that's silly.

It's an interesting theory against Bulltoad, but I'll wait til later today so he can explain.

Yes yes, the cat is out of the bag. Though i was sadly born a squib, I also got the very rare talent to not be harmed as easily as most muggles and wizards. I tell myself it was a somewhat fair trade-off, though I sometimes wish I could learn transfiguration... it just seems so interesting to me.

Anyway, I'm safe without a scratch, and know almost full well where my vote will go. As for seeing my attacker, I didn't quite make it out. i think what I saw must be wrong.

Well, well, well! Immune to magic, survived a blast from the Killing Curse? Having been attacked by a Hallowed, we can therefore deduce that Stephanie is Innocent! Stephanie Kingston, you are a valuable asset to all us Innocent.

Just something I'd like to see clarified; "the spell didn't connect", does this mean it physically missed? You said you are "utterly and completely resistant to magic", does this mean if the spell had hit, you would have been unscathed? If this is true, I imagine we'll have one completely safe person on our side. However, if this is false, then perhaps we should get someone onto protecting you.

Good job to whomever stunned Cuddles again! Keep it up. It's good to not have to worry about that beast.

Now, I haven't had a lot of luck doing anything the past couple of nights. Quite a streak of bad luck, and nothing new uncovered. Anyone whom I have been suspicious of has been cleared in my books. But from what I've been hearing, Bulltoad seems to be drawing a lot of suspicion, and we still haven't heard from him yet...

As for seeing my attacker, I didn't quite make it out. i think what I saw must be wrong.

Care to share what you think you saw? It might help us find out who it was...

I had a fairly fruitless night. The person I tried to observe did absolutely nothing, as if they were in a sound sleep. I don't know if it was a natural sleep or stupefy, but they seemed peaceful. I won't name them because that would provide them with an alibi that I can't prove they deserve, which could harm us more than help.

I sometimes wish I could learn transfiguration... it just seems so interesting to me.

I've always found it to be the most interesting of all the forms of magic, but also the one that carries the most responsibility. Given our current plight, I think I'd trade you right now.

Anyway, I'm safe without a scratch, and know almost full well where my vote will go. As for seeing my attacker, I didn't quite make it out. i think what I saw must be wrong.

Any information would be good at this point, let us figure out whether it's right or not.

Well, I don't want to say what i saw, only becuase I'm fairly sure it is completely wrong, and the person I saw is completely innocent. I think I will be able to figure it out more easily on my own, without any of your meddling. I need to think it through, and your personal thoughts may clog that process. I am afraid that the information I have recieved tonight is a lie.

Also, just becuase i am surely innocent does not mean I have all the answers. I am still going after Bulltoad today, I am certain he acted on me in some way yesterday night, and the fact that he did not at least own up to that makes him extremely suspect to me.

What the Minister....here!? *oh2*

Is this a safe time for hime to be here?

What the Minister....here!? *oh2*

Is this a safe time for hime to be here?

I suspect Minister Granger-Weasley would not appreciate it if she heard you calling her a "hime". :look:

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