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The trouble you all are *cough* having with understanding the foeglass is that there are TWO foeglasses that I've had in the course of the last few days. One I trusted, and the other I suspect, and *cough* that's only suspect, not know for certain, *cough* of giving me incorrect results. Bulltoad was seen in my trustworthy foeglass, and the other two were seen in my untrustworthy one.

I may have missed it but whom were the other two, and why don't you trust the new foe glass? And how did you get it?

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Jolie Jadis thought how lucky she had been when she had been offered the luck potion Felix Felicis to drink in the night.

"I feel so lucky right now that I bet nobody doesn't even think about voting for me!" she thought excitedly.

Voting starts now and lasts 48 hours, or until a conviction has been made. As there are 18 players left in the game, it takes 10 votes to convict someone. In addition, today you cannot vote for Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay. Just so we're clear, you cannot vote for Tea Ching/iamded either. Or, before someone asks, the Dementor.

I am tempted to vote for Sheila or Loki because they seems so sweet and innocent, plus they are both very quiet. A little bit too quiet. It's just a gut feeling I got about them... But the reason I mentioned, applies to me too so...

Well, for one thing, it would let them know what she could do, and thus they would be able to use that information to help them during the night, for example having her blocked. The fact is, we don't know what sort of weird and strange things these Deathly Hallowed people can do; for all we know, they could gain some unseen advantage by knowing Tea Ching's actions. Therefore I support her decision to remain cautious for the moment, for in this situation, information is power.

I was under the impression that nothing could happen to Professor Ching. And besides, any leads she may have would be greatly appreciated at this stage, unless we decide to follow one of Madam Kingston's leads.

Well, for one thing, it would let them know what she could do, and thus they would be able to use that information to help them during the night, for example having her blocked. The fact is, we don't know what sort of weird and strange things these Deathly Hallowed people can do; for all we know, they could gain some unseen advantage by knowing Tea Ching's actions. Therefore I support her decision to remain cautious for the moment, for in this situation, information is power.

I uh... I must have overlooked this... :blush: Woops.

If I had heard you say this I probably would have kept my mouth shut. Ah well, it's in the past now.

Quick question, does anyone know if Dementors have any affect on ghosts? I've been wondering if there were any counter-measures put in place for the Hallowed to be able to stop ghosts, and since the Dementor's been awfully quiet the past few days, when there wasn't a ghost around... :sceptic:

With that out of the way, I think it is necessary that we start discussing what has transpired during the night, Mrs. Kingston is slowly drifting away from us because she drank a potion, interestingly enough, our potions teacher is still with us, a potion of that power must have taken a skilled potioneer to brew properly, however, it would be fool-hardy to rush to a conclusion of Sicilia not being innocent. A student could of easily crept into the potion store cupboard and got the ingredients to brew such a potion, If my dad told me correctly, Mrs. Weasly-Granger brewed a perfect batch of polyjuice potion in only her second year. That is why I ask, Sicilia, do you keep your ingredients under lock and key, did you see anything last night that we should be aware of. Your looking awfully suspicious to me...

I think it is neccessary to repeat myself, as no one seems to have heard what I've said! I think that for someone to poison the drink that Mrs. Kingston was sipping on, they would have to be a skilled potioneer, Sicila the potions teacher may have been the one to poison Mrs Kingstons drink, whether it was an accident or on purpose is beyond me, but I think she might need to be looked into.

I uh... I must have overlooked this... :blush: Woops.

If I had heard you say this I probably would have kept my mouth shut. Ah well, it's in the past now.

You've only said you know of an impartial. Would you please give us a name, so we could eliminate one threat.

Quick question, does anyone know if Dementors have any affect on ghosts? I've been wondering if there were any counter-measures put in place for the Hallowed to be able to stop ghosts, and since the Dementor's been awfully quiet the past few days, when there wasn't a ghost around... :sceptic:

Dementors suck (actually, kiss) out your soul, so at a guess, I'd say your safe from them. I'm mean, your now just a memory, or a footprint, arn't you?

What a night! Professor Ching, I'm glad you stayed as a ghost, as we could really use some extra (indispensable) help right now.

I was hoping that Nene was a Death's Hallowed, but unfortunately she wasn't. :sadnew: Now we don't know if Jolie was actually innocent or not, which means the Felix Felicis she has could act against us...

I pray that you will survive, Madam Kingston. I visit the library almost every week when school is in session, and it would be horrible if you didn't make it after this ordeal is over! :cry_sad:

I'm wondering, exactly how many impartials are there? :wacko:

You've only said you know of an impartial. Would you please give us a name, so we could eliminate one threat.

That's the thing though, I don't think eliminating said person would be the best idea, and revealing his/her identity might lead to gis/her downfall. Apparently in order for said person to win, he/she just has to survive. Said person has been aiding the Innocents so far, and seems to be the person everyone trusts and confides information in. Thus said person is very useful in trading information, and gaining new knowledge. Getting rid of such a source of knowledge is, in my opinion, a bad idea.

Dementors suck (actually, kiss) out your soul, so at a guess, I'd say your safe from them. I'm mean, your now just a memory, or a footprint, arn't you?

Well, that's okay then. I'll still try to avoid it though, it creeps me out...

Also, uh...

You've only said you know of an impartial.

Really? Are you sure about that? You might want to check back on what I said.

That's the thing though, I don't think eliminating said person would be the best idea, and revealing his/her identity might lead to gis/her downfall. Apparently in order for said person to win, he/she just has to survive. Said person has been aiding the Innocents so far, and seems to be the person everyone trusts and confides information in. Thus said person is very useful in trading information, and gaining new knowledge. Getting rid of such a source of knowledge is, in my opinion, a bad idea.

Ah, it that case it's best you leave it too yourself. Though I remember reading a rather intresting book, in which the baddies (in this case, the Hallowed) are still strong at the end, I believe neutral parties joined the baddies.

Although, I'm not sure if it counts for when the Hallowed try to out number us.

Really? Are you sure about that? You might want to check back on what I said.

Sorry, my dear Tea, it's been a long day.

Sorry, my dear Tea, it's been a long day.

Don't worry, I know the feeling! Well, today seems to be very quiet... I suppose after all the action yesterday, we're all out of ideas. :sceptic:

So, let's talk about Impartials. Being a neutrally aligned often has ulterior motives, like that animal-loving lad at the beginning of this debacle. His way of 'winning' in all this madness was to kill everyone off, and it seems he could unleash monsters upon the castle grounds to achieve this. Lucky we got rid of him early, and only had to face one beast, which we've also managed to stall and ultimately get rid off. (Congratulations, and thank you to whomever did that.)

Now, Nene's motivation I'm not entirely sure of. It might have been to kill of a certain person, or achieve a certain task. I suppose we'll never know, unless Professor McGonogal knows?

As for the as of yet unnamed Impartial I know and trust fairly well, his/her way of 'winning' in all this is to simply survive. So, s/he isn't an immediate threat, and s/he hold a lot of information we could use, so I see no need in hindering his/her chances of winning. Even though I now have no way of 'winning' in all this... :hmpf_bad:

I agree. Ms. Tea's point is very valid as well. We have blackmail on this impartial, which is the ability to vote them out at any *cough* time. So it would benefiet them to simply vote with us.

Well, this is very likely my last shot at voting, so I'll give my mistrust a try. Vote: Bulltoad/Roncanator. Before I pass on, i also will try to get out a list of my suspects, but just incase I pass away more quickly then previously thought, just let me say that most of my previous supects are my current suspects.

As for the as of yet unnamed Impartial I know and trust fairly well, his/her way of 'winning' in all this is to simply survive. So, s/he isn't an immediate threat, and s/he hold a lot of information we could use, so I see no need in hindering his/her chances of winning. Even though I now have no way of 'winning' in all this... :hmpf_bad:

If you're right about this and they aren't lying, then there is no advantage to letting ourselves be misdirected into worrying about them at this point. Still, I don't trust impartials in general, so anything said will be taken as an unconfirmed source until outside confirmation comes.

Well, this is very likely my last shot at voting, so I'll give my mistrust a try. Vote: Bulltoad/Roncanator.

Positive thinking, Miss Kingston! There is no sense in giving up hope now. As for your vote, it's hard to turn down a potential deathbed vote, but for now I think I'll wait for some corroborating evidence or at least a general sense of agreement before jumping into that.

Right now, I suspect almost everyone, so it's hard to narrow things down enough to accuse anyone.

What the hell!?

Well, I've still got to catch up on the happenings of today but first I have some explaining.

A few of you called me out yesterday on being a bit desperate about voting out Nene. This is very true, I was struggling for survival. You see, when I first came to Hogwarts I was a bit of a hooligan. I stole a locket of Nene and well.. lost it. How was I to know it carried the only picture of her dead mother. My diary informed me that if Nene should find out that I was a thief then she would kill me in the night. I must have accidently mentaly scarred her for life leading her to torture ect. I didn't bring it up in case you disregarded my arguements as desperate ramblings. I suspect she did not for the same reason.

Now, I know who has poisoned Madam Kingston. This is a bit of a pickle as I cannot see reason behind it. However, Madam Kingston this person also has the antidote. Maybe you can convince them that you are innocent?

Now then, last night I exposed one person as a liar. What about that magic mirror? This is honestly very confusing.

Right, I have caught up on the days events. Yes you cannot vote me out today.

The one who poisoned Madam Kingston is innocent, I am sure! Just a bit stupid. If they do not give you the antidote then I will get it myself! You have three nights to live at the least so don't waste them.

Now then, Sheila is hallowed. I cannot reveal to you how I know this but I am quite sure that my suspicions are correct.

-She defended Nene yesterday thinking it would make her look good.

-She blocked me on night three with malicious intents.

Okay these are not the best of reasons but currently I am tired due to the stress of yesterday. Look at how she acted yesterday though and you will see the truth. I also have someone who contacted me about this matter.

Vote: Sheila Bones/Matn

Yes I regained the ability to vote freely. In fact, I never lost it! Trust me, I had good reason for the charade. I can't explain in full for now but I will as soon as I have the chance.

I'm afraid you will have to be MUCH more open than that Ms. Jadis. Though i myself trust you, this is what your last few commments sounded like:

-I only got Nene killed becuase she was after me, and for good reason too.

-I am aware of who poisoned a clear innocent (I am honestly confused as to how they don't think I'm innocent)

-I have extremely sketchy details that conddemn yet another person.

-Oh, by the way, I lied to you all.

Now, I trust Ms. Jadis, but at least bring us a little more into the loop then that. As for whoever poisoned me, well, why? I was most obviously attacked by the Hallowed yeesterday. I have been completely open, I have no hidden abilities at this point. I can honestly see little reason to susspect me. i did not vote out the innocent we voted out.

hmmm,very interesting indeed. We can either vote out "bulltoad" or we can vote out Sheila Bones, or if there is another known enemy among us, one must bring it up. Lets see, Mr. Bulltoad has been accused by Mrs. Kingston since day three is it? or perhaps day two, well either way, it was for a while. Now as she is so close to death we may just have to trust her, she said, I believe, that her foeglass, the working one, saw Bulltoad in it. That means that Bulltoad was up to no good. I say thats as good as any reason to vote him out. As for Sheila Bones, she has this evidence against her as well, another good reason to vote someone out. But since Mrs. Kingston may not be with us much longer, I shall take her word for it and vote:Tood "bulltoad" Bullstrod/Roncanater, And Sheila, I would get prepared for tom tomorrow, I hope that you can find a way to ensure your innocence.

I'm afraid you will have to be MUCH more open than that Ms. Jadis. Though i myself trust you, this is what your last few commments sounded like:

-I only got Nene killed becuase she was after me, and for good reason too.

-I am aware of who poisoned a clear innocent (I am honestly confused as to how they don't think I'm innocent)

-I have extremely sketchy details that conddemn yet another person.

-Oh, by the way, I lied to you all.

Now, I trust Ms. Jadis, but at least bring us a little more into the loop then that. As for whoever poisoned me, well, why? I was most obviously attacked by the Hallowed yeesterday. I have been completely open, I have no hidden abilities at this point. I can honestly see little reason to susspect me. i did not vote out the innocent we voted out.

Ms. Jadis has none of my trust left, if she knows who poisoned you, why on earth would she keep that to herself? Although I'm not sure I would even be able to believe her at this point if she did speak up.

The one who poisoned Madam Kingston is innocent, I am sure! Just a bit stupid. If they do not give you the antidote then I will get it myself! You have three nights to live at the least so don't waste them.

A bit stupid? A BIT stupid? I don't buy that. It's pretty...well, COMPLETELY obvious Madam Kingston is innocent, considering she was nearly killed on night 3 by what is almost totally a Hallowed. I think the Hallowed probably would have had another way to kill someone, and apparently posioning is one of them.

Tell us who this person is. We can force the antidote out of them, or, vote for them.

No, listen folks. If we have a poisoner on OUR side, we don't want to give that away to the Hallowed. And I myself can actually think of a very complicated way that I'm Hallowed. I *cough* think the person may in fact just be stupid. Just as I with-held evidence (the people I saw in the foe-glass that I don't trust), Ms. Jadis has decided to withhold evidence. That being *cough* said, if she does not maake sure that antidote gets to me soon, I will not be pleased.

And don't vote Bulltoad for my sake alone. I want people to give things thought, I have shared my evidence, and it is ppersonally, to me, enough evidence to make an educated guess on. If you think it's not, then please, please, don't just vote. I think it's the best bet we have today, but we have not been very sucessful so far, and I think it's time to step things up.

I cannot reveal to you how I know this but I am quite sure that my suspicions are correct.

Okay these are not the best of reasons...

One moment you're confident, the next you're unsure? Good luck getting people to vote with you.

Yes I regained the ability to vote freely. In fact, I never lost it! Trust me, I had good reason for the charade. I can't explain in full for now but I will as soon as I have the chance.

YOU LIAR! :angry: You claimed I controlled your vote just so you could blame me if you ended up getting an innocent voted off. I'll listen if you say otherwise, but you're starting to turn from clueless to scummy in my mind.

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Current vote tally:

Bulltoad Bulstrode/Roncanator: 2 (Zepher, sok117)

Sheila Bones/Matn: 1 (Lord Arjay)

There are a little over 24 hours left to vote at this point.

I can't deny those two 'arguments' of yours. I defended Nene because I truly thought she was innocent. And you thought she was hallowed (and you kept pushing everybody to vote for her), but she was neither one. But, in the end of the day, it was a good choice to get her voted off though.

And, yes, I blocked you. We already discussed this together. And to tell it to everyone, I explained that I thought you were up to something that night with all the replies you made in the day topic. As I said, people who are saying too much and pointing fingers at others, get my attention. You replied you were aware of bringing the attention to yourself, you even said many people used their action on you that night.

And now, you are rambling again and accusing a random person as a Deathly Hallowed, even after you said you voted off Nene to protect yourself?! You admit bringing down people for saving yourself. And now, what? You went crazy because someone controlled your vote, and now it's just a lie? Why do keep lying and rambling so much? We aren't able to trust you after all these 'explanations'. It makes you look bad, not me.

YOU LIAR! :angry: You claimed I controlled your vote just so you could blame me if you ended up getting an innocent voted off. I'll listen if you say otherwise, but you're starting to turn from clueless to scummy in my mind.

I can't deny those two 'arguments' of yours. I defended Nene because I truly thought she was innocent. And you thought she was hallowed (and you kept pushing everybody to vote for her), but she was neither one. But, in the end of the day, it was a good choice to get her voted off though.

And, yes, I blocked you. We already discussed this together. And to tell it to everyone, I explained that I thought you were up to something that night with all the replies you made in the day topic. As I said, people who are saying too much and pointing fingers at others, get my attention. You replied you were aware of bringing the attention to yourself, you even said many people used their action on you that night.

And now, you are rambling again and accusing a random person as a Deathly Hallowed, even after you said you voted off Nene to protect yourself?! You admit bringing down people for saving yourself. And now, what? You went crazy because someone controlled your vote, and now it's just a lie? Why do keep lying and rambling so much? We aren't able to trust you after all these 'explanations'. It makes you look bad, not me.

Those are some viable points.

Personally I don't believe that Sheila is a Hallowed, because she defended me on the first day. She also hasn't shown any signs of being a Hallowed during the day, and there's no way to confirm what anyone is saying about what happened during the night (Jolie saying that she was blocked with malicious intents).

And for Jolie, I don't see why you would need to make up a huge lie about how your vote was being controlled. Does that mean you suspect Valerie of being a Hallowed, because you made it very obvious that she was the one who was "controlling" your vote? I still don't think you're a Hallowed, but the aforementioned lie is confusing me. :sceptic:

Ms. Jadis has none of my trust left, if she knows who poisoned you, why on earth would she keep that to herself? Although I'm not sure I would even be able to believe her at this point if she did speak up.

I concur. I would'nt trust her as far as I could throw here, with or without magic. I believe Miss Jadis should be a likely candidate for lynching, unless her excuse is very well thought out, and has substantial evidence to prove it.

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