June 1, 201113 yr Here we go! http://starwars.lego.com/de-DE/Products/7879.aspx As a base this is great but it does not say HOTH to me. i liked the old one with the outside shown. I am sure this will go for about 120$ as the price count and premium.
June 1, 201113 yr As a base this is great but it does not say HOTH to me. i liked the old one with the outside shown. I wonder how the two will integrate? Could this sit nicely beside #7666?
June 1, 201113 yr It looks as if the bridge can extend upwards because it has the extending pieces like on the legs of the separatist cannon set! I think it can come off the top of the building too cause if it extends upwards maybe it's for an x-wing!
June 1, 201113 yr I was expecting the big cannon that takes down star destroyers but it looks awesome. Edited June 1, 201113 yr by DarthR2-D2
June 1, 201113 yr i like this set, however i definetely feel underwhelmed by the design there is nothing large or substantial from the film that is easily recognisable (with perhaps the exception of the bacta tank facilities) i want this set because it will coplement all my other hoth sets perfectly (the only star wars sets i get these days)and i like the way lego has tried to do the interior, something it hasnt done before as opposed to more rehashes that will make me want to replace my old components due to a lack of continuity (im talking about turret and snospeeder design) They have successfully done the exterior with the many turrets, wampa cave, trenches and main gate etc so i am glad that they are addressing the interior and personally this is perfect for my layout as the exterior is fine and i do need more of these details such as the bacta tanks and hanger walkways to fit out the interior. having said this i can understand perfectly how many lego star wars fans may be dissapointed by this as without a decent collection of previous hoth sets this is almost useless. hopefully a few minor improvements will be made before its release but thats mainly wishful thinking as its almost certainly too late now :( lego should have made a playset similar to the endor one, centering around the rebel shield generateor, with perhaps some turrets trenches troops and maybe some other vehicle, or... a semicircular hanger and ice tunnel leading into it with vader and the snowtroopers fighting off the last of the rebels only to find the falcon has already escaped, this would be perfect to complement thenew mf being released and being semi circular be not too large and expensive hoth set yet allow the option of making a larger build by combining two of the set... anyway that was bit off topic but yes overall i feel that lego have missed an oportunity here
June 1, 201113 yr I’m not too sure what to make of this; the Bacta tank & Medical area look really good, although it reminds me of Home One (7754) which I bought & really regretted! I appreciate that it’s a play set, but I had really high hopes; perhaps they were a little too high. I guess that’s Brickplummer’s fault! I’m not too sure about R-3PO, I was hoping that they would re-issue K-3PO as I missed 7666 (and I refuse to pay the current Ebay price for a sealed set!)
June 1, 201113 yr The new Hoth base doesn't look that remarkable to me... the only reason I'd be get it would be for the droids. How unfortunate it must be to be a bright red protocol droid in a blinding white landscape...
June 1, 201113 yr to the left of that is a double radar dish, which looks really lame IMO That's a shield generator.
June 1, 201113 yr What a lack of imagination, a lot of Eurobricks members have better and more ideas for a Hoth set, Luke in Bacta Tank is good, K-3PO and the Medical Robot but the rest is not according with the Movie, did Lego Crew see the Empire Strikes Back? There is a huge potential sets in a few scenes. Anyway, thanks for the pictures, now we have a better idea for what we expect.
June 1, 201113 yr Sry Oky Wan, but i couldn't help. Kudos for this great fun pic. The bottom line is that in this set we see what 7666 did lack. IMO TLG went some risk when deciding to do a new Hoth Base. They tried to appease many customers by meeting their expectations. The idea looks like this: offer what's not there yet. Some want a medical bay with a bacta tank, some a command center, some a bunch of turrets, some a big set, some a vehicle, some want new figs/molds/prints, some another Taun-Taun, some long for much playability and so on. In this set all these things are packed together. They even appear a little much stashed together and the set does not look very familiar at the very first glance. But it also rewards collectors who have other Hoth sets by compatibility with existing ones. Together they certainly create an awesome and huge Hoth diorama for a multitude of battle scenarios. It fits TLG's policy to offer a versatile collection of playing features and certainly makes for a good toy (primary customer target group). Kids will loke the Taun-Taun, hero minifigs and funny droids. The overall combination might not be perfect but is a fairly good compromise i think. I can always hear people complain on what a set does not have - here we find quite a lot it actually has. And that sounds good to me. I would have felt deeply disappointed if the set were little more than an Ion cannon or a shield generator. These are good but only had seconds of screen appearance. Probably beautiful but effectively pointless. This base promises way more fun and MOCers will find plenty opportunity to optimise the interior. There are entrances so you have the option to play/admire from in- and outside. The set can be folded out for play and display alike. I already hold my breath for the brick count and piece/price ratio. Depending on this i will get it sooner or later, respectively. But this one does belong to a LEGO SW collection, IMO. Yes, it might not meet everyone's heightened expectations and does not beat 8038 - the single best playset so far - but it really isn't any bad. This set closes one crucial gap on LEGO Hoth and combined with the gate set, turret/wall set, cave set and an AT-AT, there is little left for TLG to make for the planet.
June 1, 201113 yr I'm gonna be upfront and say it, but I don't like this. I'm losing faith in LSW. Hopefully they can turn things around in 2012
June 1, 201113 yr The bottom line is that in this set we see what 7666 did lack. Hmm... reminds me of what another AFOL said: LEGO are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.If they don’t reissue older sets they are criticised because some iconic ship is unavailable to new collectors. If they do then they are being unimaginative and are disregarding all the other ships that they have not made. If they don’t significantly redesign the ship then they are just being lazy. If they do then they are making problems because the new speeder bike / snowspeeder / whatever does not match the last one. If they don’t create a minifig for a certain character we complain. When they do release it we complain that the set it is in is too expensive. If they design minifigs that are too detailed then people complain that they don’t seem like real LEGO. If they stick to simple designs and don’t revise existing minifigs people complain. The conclusion is that we AFOLs whinge too much. Guilty as charged. But hey, what are MOCs for...
June 1, 201113 yr That's a shield generator. Duh! Now why didn't I notice that? Not that it's that great of an idea. A proper P-Tower would've made better use of those pieces.
June 1, 201113 yr I just realized something about the Hoth Han in this Hoth set! He has the new winter hood that is coming with the next series of collectable minifigs! Yay! He is (kinda) new!
June 1, 201113 yr Duh! Now why didn't I notice that? Because it looks nothing like a proper shield generator? Personally, as has been said- if you look at it as an inside view combining several different parts of the movie, it looks great. I wasn't expecting perfection to begin with, and I think this is okay. Combine it with a few more hoth sets, and you've got yourself a decent base.
June 1, 201113 yr After seeing these pics, I'm actually pretty excited for this set. I certainly agree that the overall design/recognizability of the set is a bit lacking, but it will no doubt provide a huge amount of play value (let's not forget the intended target audience). The real winners are people who already have the 7666 Hoth Rebel Base, but lack an actual base/command center to put behind the wall/door. The Echo Base looks like a lot of fun.
June 1, 201113 yr The new Hoth base doesn't look that remarkable to me... the only reason I'd be get it would be for the droids. How unfortunate it must be to be a bright red protocol droid in a blinding white landscape... He was deliberately left behind on Echo Base by a smuggler as he was annoying and irritable. Sounds like he deserved his fate. The real winners are people who already have the 7666 Hoth Rebel Base, but lack an actual base/command center to put behind the wall/door. I agree with this. I was disappointed with 7666 because it lacked anything behind the door (aside from a couple of tiny fold-out sections with limited detail), but this makes having it worthwhile. Should fit nicely together, in my humble opinion.
June 1, 201113 yr This is a very interesting looking set. I am not really overjoyed with the figures they included. A rebel officer or two would have been nice. We already have enough Chewbacca's. The set itself looks kind of cool. Its definitely more of an extension of the previous Hoth set than anything else. It's interesting that Lego decided to make a set that by itself isn't super exciting. It's only really cool when combined with the 7666 Hoth Rebel Base. Usually Lego just rehashes old sets.
June 1, 201113 yr This is a very interesting looking set. I am not really overjoyed with the figures they included. A rebel officer or two would have been nice. We already have enough Chewbacca's. The set itself looks kind of cool. Its definitely more of an extension of the previous Hoth set than anything else. It's interesting that Lego decided to make a set that by itself isn't super exciting. It's only really cool when combined with the 7666 Hoth Rebel Base. Usually Lego just rehashes old sets. I have notice this year that LEGO has gone with this idea of extension sets with two sets, this one and the Harry Potter Hogwarts set. I love how TLG is doing this! It could be a really good way for them to pull off a Geonosis Arena set. Also, I agree that we need some more basic troops for the Rebels. Replace Chewie and give us... maybe just a trooper. Someone to be killed off. I mean, kids will unlikely have two Snowtroopers kill all the four main SW characters. The would blow up the droids, but the heroes would win. If there was one soldier, then it would be cool. Plus, I would like to get one more basic Hoth Rebel troop. I have 5 of the new versions, and I hate having my armies in odd numbers...
June 1, 201113 yr Most people won't even know that R-3PO is canon but had a grand total of 3 or 4 seconds on screen. I do hope some BL reseller aren't retarded and part out R-3PO just to sell the head for $100 based on 6 months average. When the set comes out, the price for red head will probably be worth no more than $5 each. Now if only LEGO would release red Darth Vader :)
June 1, 201113 yr Duh! Now why didn't I notice that? Knowing that you've played Empire at War I was admittedly a bit surprised. It's interesting that Lego decided to make a set that by itself isn't super exciting. It's only really cool when combined with the 7666 Hoth Rebel Base. Usually Lego just rehashes old sets. Hmm... From The LEGO Group's recent efforts to include rare minifigures whenver possible, I was very much expecting General Rieekan to be featured in this set, but instead we get a red 3PO. Hmm. I'm not usually one to focus too much on the minifigures in a set, but if instead of Luke, Han, and Leia (who are already available in 6212) the set had included, say, Rieekan and some Rebel troops, this would have worked nicely as a companion set with 6212 and the upcoming 7965. (Which reminds me - can 4504 fit through the doors in 7666?) TLG is not thinking, 'People should have other sets and this set is an opportunity to add the minor characters'; they're thinking, 'People will expect to see these characters in this scene.'
June 1, 201113 yr There are many things to complain about, but is lack of Hoth Rebel troopers really one of them? Go get a battlepack!
June 1, 201113 yr Here we go! http://starwars.lego.com/de-DE/Products/7879.aspx OH MY GOD... OH MY GOD... I love it! Thank you sooooooo much!! Looks super cool... I need to make room on my shelves for it!
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