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Does any else notice that the droid carrier looks red. At least it looks different color than the MTT

I think it's dark red. I guess they wanted have something to the countless other BD carriers. :thumbdown:

I am deffinantly buying two of the attack on Naboo especially since it comes with 7 BDs and two pilots. That would be 14 BDs and 4 pilots for two which is a pretty decent deal fo building an army.

The MTT had 16 droids and cost $100. The Battle of Naboo has 7 or 8 droids (I'm not sure how many there are), two pilots AND Jar Jar and gungan soldier. Pretty good deal. :sweet:

Slow down Sonny.

You look like you're on a posting rampage and that wont end good.

Are you talking to me? Sorry. (Sonny? really :tongue: )

Yeah Jack, I'm talking to you.

Slow down and take it easy.

KimT means that you've already made 7 post here and 18 total posts and you've only joined today. I'm not trying to offend you, but it helps everyone out if you could please try and compile your thoughts into fewer posts, it keeps the board cleaner. :classic: Thank you.

Wow, and after making this post he's in the brig. Fare ye well.

Edited by ThatGuyWithTheBricks

I am deffinantly buying two of the attack on Naboo especially since it comes with 7 BDs and two pilots. That would be 14 BDs and 4 pilots for two which is a pretty decent deal fo building an army.

On that website where the pictures are it says 8(???) Battledroids. But in the picture, I see 4/5 on the back, a droid pilot driving, another droid pilot along the side and another droid near the top. Some might be hiding.

Speaking of the droid carrier, who else thinks the rack on the back looks a lot like the one from the MTT. Perhaps it will be interchangeable?

Another thing I noticed with the mandalorian battle pack regarding jetpacks. It looks like on the minifig list. The Mando has a jet pack, but the neck part isn't as visible but his head does seem higher than normal. Personally on the box I can only see a jet pack on one. But if there was only one of them with a jet pack, it would show two figs on the list.

As always you are right. I'm sure most of us would be glad some of the figs are going to change.

Wow! I'm loving the new sets - the T6 Shuttle is a must have! Thing is, I don't have Sky Movies, so I can't see S2 till the DVD comes out October ( :sad: ), but hey, who cares? Here are my thoughts on the minifigs:

Quinlan Vos - Nice! He looks cool (other than Bobas face with a yellow line through it), but (nitpicking here) the line needs to be higher up.

Saesee Tinn - Hopefully a new mould will be used for his face, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Not really liking the Clones head, hopefully it's a placeholder, but on the whole, he doesn't look bad.

Shaak Ti - Good mark for Lego here, looks awesome! Hopefully next to no changes will be made from prelim image to offical set.

Sugii - I honestly have no idea.

ARF Trooper - Awesome, loving the new helmet mould! Great to add to my Clone army, looks awesome!

Aurra Sing - Nice, but too similar to Ventress. I like the new guns though! Hairpiece looks... awkward on the picture though.

Assassin Droid - Great new head, much more accurate than old ones. Other than that, not much to say.

Embo - Once again, no idea.

Jar Jar Binks - I like the new head! Other than that, not too differant from the old one.

Gungan Soldier - There is NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever between that and the old one. Hopefully it's very prelim.

R2-Q2 - Awesome, but I'm not sure about accuracy. Who cares, it looks awesome!

Imperial Pilot - A cross between TIE Pilots and the Winter 2010 ARC Pilots, it looks sweet!

Bomb Squad Trooper - No idea about accuarcy, but it looks like a fantastic army builder!

Clone Tropper Commando (Yes, this is how it's spelt on image) - Looks nice, but nothing like a commando. Great army builder - blimey, I'll have a huge army by the time the years out!

Mandalorian - Put it like this - Jango Fett's price on online auction sites is going to be Dropping...

Thanks for reading! The sets look awesome!

I count eight battle droids because the rack can seat four so I would think that it would come with eight, and I can see all off them :tongue:.

It looks like this battle off Naboo will be a great army building pack,I really like Jar Jar's new printing he looks amazing :wub: so simple but effective.

I can see a bit off green on the BARC speeder in the clone battle pack.

Edited by Darth Jar Jar

The MTT had 16 droids and cost $100. The Battle of Naboo has 7 or 8 droids (I'm not sure how many there are), two pilots AND Jar Jar and gungan soldier. Pretty good deal. :sweet:

The MTT had 21 droids, counting the Droideka, and let's not forget that it passed the 10-cents-per-part ratio.

Don't panic.....[Hondo] flew off in his giant space ship !

You mean his Martian flying saucer?

The MTT had 21 droids, counting the Droideka, and let's not forget that it passed the 10-cents-per-part ratio

That was probably one of the best STar Wars sets they've ever made. Not only did it giveyou so many battle droids but had a lot in it and also had 20 or so of the new blaster mold the year those premiered.

I'm happy with the way the sets are looking. Everything looks really good, can't really make out the vehicle with the Clones BP, but still. I'm surprised with how much I'm liking the Jedi Shuttle and Imperial V-Wing. The Halos colors don't look quite right, but a good looking ship, IMO.

I think my clone sare going to be overrun by Mandalorians, very soon. :grin:

Looking a little bit closer at the Naboo set, it looks like Jar Jar has gotten some detail added to his ears along with the obvious details made around his eyes. Also the set for the Jedi Shuttle shows Anakin and not Quilan Vos. Sugi's torso looks very plain so there are obviously going to be some changes made from what these images show and what will be released. The gungan soldier will get some printed eyes and maybe other print around his head much like Jar Jar's and also his torso is wayyyy too plain. Speaking of Quinlan Vos, as some mentioned before me it looks like he has Boba's new head with a yellow line painted across his face.. He'll get his own head I'm sure. I think Aurra's face should be more along the lines of the Barriss Offee look and not the cartoony looking CW style (just my opinion). One the Mandos will surely take the place of many collector's Jango. Saesee's head looks a little too much like something I've seen released before in the CW series. Looks like an exciting start to 2011! I can't wait to see what will come out in the wave.

I am deffinantly buying two of the attack on Naboo especially since it comes with 7 BDs and two pilots. That would be 14 BDs and 4 pilots for two which is a pretty decent deal fo building an army.

I didn't notice that there were 7 or 8 Battle Droids! I only thought there were four. This makes me want the set even more now! I also notice that the pilot droid has blue printing on his torso, not just a plain blue torso. The gungans are looking good too.

Also, I really hope that the clone commando in the battle pack gets a new helmet mold. Or mabye TLG meant for it to be a normal clone commander?

I'm sorry KielDaMan for criticizing the sets without actually not knowing anything about the starships they're based on. It's just that as Rufus pointed out these sets all seem obscure (not unlike 'Cad Bane's speeder this year but at least Cad Bane was in more than one episode) and the only thing I can really recognize in the Clone Wars based sets are Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti, and even then we only see them briefly. The number of new molds is almost disturbing and I can only think of how much the price will go up.

The thing is, as much as the Mandalorians have appeared in the new Clone Wars series (they seem quite popular) I don't like the concept of like 1000 people with Boba Fett's armor organized in a near-fascist state. It just doesn't seem like Star Wars.

And I also don't like the fact that LEGO would make a nice big model of a ship that has only appeared in like one episode as well as nice expensive new molds for the characters. (I speak here of the "Bounty Hunter Ship".) I don't think either the ship nor characters have reached (or will ever reach, for that matter) the comic book and video game awesomeness that has led LEGO to release a third Slave I (another bounty hunter ship) with a new Boba Fett mold. In other words, LEGO is unnecessarily making things too expensive.

To be honest, I've changed my mind about the T-6 shuttle (the Star Wars galaxy needs to advance, after all). I hadn't realized that Quinlan Vos has had as much an extensive pre-Sith comic book history as Shaak or Saesee (or the fact that he was actually in a Star Wars movie) - I apologize. And the shuttle's design looks fairly accurate and thought out.

The amount of clone variations they've managed to release in a year is ridiculous. The fact that they have ARFs when they already have the awesome ARCs is kind of pointless isn't it? Contrary to others, I don't like this year's battlepacks too much - the Mandalorian mold shortens the number of minifigures that can be include in one battlepack and the inclusion of the newer green-painted clones as opposed to the older red and blue "clone trooper commandos" leads me away from the other one. We can only hope that LEGO will truly wow fans of the older stuff in the fall with the UCS and exclusives.

I'm sorry KielDaMan for criticizing the sets without actually not knowing anything about the starships they're based on. It's just that as Rufus pointed out these sets all seem obscure (not unlike 'Cad Bane's speeder this year but at least Cad Bane was in more than one episode) and the only thing I can really recognize in the Clone Wars based sets are Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti, and even then we only see them briefly. The number of new molds is almost disturbing and I can only think of how much the price will go up.

The thing is, as much as the Mandalorians have appeared in the new Clone Wars series (they seem quite popular) I don't like the concept of like 1000 people with Boba Fett's armor organized in a near-fascist state. It just doesn't seem like Star Wars.

And I also don't like the fact that LEGO would make a nice big model of a ship that has only appeared in like one episode as well as nice expensive new molds for the characters. (I speak here of the "Bounty Hunter Ship".) I don't think either the ship nor characters have reached (or will ever reach, for that matter) the comic book and video game awesomeness that has led LEGO to release a third Slave I (another bounty hunter ship) with a new Boba Fett mold. In other words, LEGO is unnecessarily making things too expensive.

To be honest, I've changed my mind about the T-6 shuttle (the Star Wars galaxy needs to advance, after all). I hadn't realized that Quinlan Vos has had as much an extensive pre-Sith comic book history as Shaak or Saesee (or the fact that he was actually in a Star Wars movie) - I apologize. And the shuttle's design looks fairly accurate and thought out.

The amount of clone variations they've managed to release in a year is ridiculous. The fact that they have ARFs when they already have the awesome ARCs is kind of pointless isn't it? Contrary to others, I don't like this year's battlepacks too much - the Mandalorian mold shortens the number of minifigures that can be include in one battlepack and the inclusion of the newer green-painted clones as opposed to the older red and blue "clone trooper commandos" leads me away from the other one. We can only hope that LEGO will truly wow fans of the older stuff in the fall with the UCS and exclusives.

The Halo will probably appear in Season 3, but otherwise, TLG's done sets of past seasons before.

ARFs do appear in Ep. 3, so they're not one of the new CW clones.

Someone's being a Debbie Downer.......now beingnew to the site I'll keep my other opinions to myself. I'm going to assume that maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, these ships and figs will have some presence in season 3. Just sayin......

I'm sorry KielDaMan for criticizing the sets without actually not knowing anything about the starships they're based on. It's just that as Rufus pointed out these sets all seem obscure (not unlike 'Cad Bane's speeder this year but at least Cad Bane was in more than one episode) and the only thing I can really recognize in the Clone Wars based sets are Saesee Tiin and Shaak Ti, and even then we only see them briefly. The number of new molds is almost disturbing and I can only think of how much the price will go up.

The thing is, as much as the Mandalorians have appeared in the new Clone Wars series (they seem quite popular) I don't like the concept of like 1000 people with Boba Fett's armor organized in a near-fascist state. It just doesn't seem like Star Wars.

And I also don't like the fact that LEGO would make a nice big model of a ship that has only appeared in like one episode as well as nice expensive new molds for the characters. (I speak here of the "Bounty Hunter Ship".) I don't think either the ship nor characters have reached (or will ever reach, for that matter) the comic book and video game awesomeness that has led LEGO to release a third Slave I (another bounty hunter ship) with a new Boba Fett mold. In other words, LEGO is unnecessarily making things too expensive.

To be honest, I've changed my mind about the T-6 shuttle (the Star Wars galaxy needs to advance, after all). I hadn't realized that Quinlan Vos has had as much an extensive pre-Sith comic book history as Shaak or Saesee (or the fact that he was actually in a Star Wars movie) - I apologize. And the shuttle's design looks fairly accurate and thought out.

The amount of clone variations they've managed to release in a year is ridiculous. The fact that they have ARFs when they already have the awesome ARCs is kind of pointless isn't it? Contrary to others, I don't like this year's battlepacks too much - the Mandalorian mold shortens the number of minifigures that can be include in one battlepack and the inclusion of the newer green-painted clones as opposed to the older red and blue "clone trooper commandos" leads me away from the other one. We can only hope that LEGO will truly wow fans of the older stuff in the fall with the UCS and exclusives.

No problem fallenangel327, I understand most of your sentiments. Maybe that's the strategy of TLG for 2011 - less remakes and more new ones (even if they are only based on 1-2 episodes of the CW series). We just have to somehow accept the fact that this might be the direction LSW is going and we'd just have to 'happily' embrace these changes.

It's a good thing we'd be getting the Vos as an MF, I think he's really an interesting character even if he has not appeared yet in the series. He, Shaak, and Saesee are three reasons enough why the T-6 shuttle is a must-buy for fans. With regards to the BPs, I really don't mind a couple (or 4) of blue Mandos, and the ARFs are always a welcome addition to any clone armies, as they have appeared significantly in CW Season 1, Season 2, and will appear in Season 3 (and the new molds are really great IMO).

I think the Mandalorian Battlepack is one of the few ones having only one figure, the other one was the rebels one I think. This is going to be awesome for army building, compared to this year's horrible Snowtrooper battlepack. I think TLG learnt their lesson from this year's battlepacks, no?

Oh yea, do you guys think that the Mandalorian helmets will at least have holes to put in rangefinder equipment and stuff?

Edited by Sajer

Oh yea, do you guys think that the Mandalorian helmets will at least have holes to put in rangefinder equipment and stuff?

I'm pretty sure since they look like the same molds as Boba's new helmet. I just want a pack of those accessories to be included.

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