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Oh yea, do you guys think that the Mandalorian helmets will at least have holes to put in rangefinder equipment and stuff?

I think so, since the Mando helmets will be based on the new Boba helmet.

EDIT: Sorry for the double answer, prateek beat me to it. :)

Edited by KielDaMan

Sorry if there are, but have we seen any pictures yet? I'd check for myself, (I did a little bit) but there's seven pages of comments, and I'm very tired. If someone could please say who's posted pictures, or quote them, that's be VERY helpful. Thanks!


I think the Mandalorian Battlepack is one of the few ones having only one figure, the other one was the rebels one I think. This is going to be awesome for army building, compared to this year's horrible Snowtrooper battlepack. I think TLG learnt their lesson from this year's battlepacks, no?

On the contrary, i loved this years BPs. They finally corrected those dumb rebel helmets, it included some new faces, torso and molds, and was great all-round.

Sorry if there are, but have we seen any pictures yet? I'd check for myself, (I did a little bit) but there's seven pages of comments, and I'm very tired. If someone could please say who's posted pictures, or quote them, that's be VERY helpful. Thanks!


Here ya go (It's Navy Trooper Fenson's original post) :wink: :

Sadly I have to admit, the Clone Trooper Commando is just a green marked normal trooper, probably LEGO wanted to pepper up the name instead of calling him 1337th Company Clone or whatever he is part of. Also, we do get four figs (woooooohoooo) with two Bomb Squads for the clones and a fourth Mando, sadly no sign of Pre Viszla.

And to finally confirm everything: Pictures! http://www.imperiumdersteine.de/showthread.php?t=20804 (Scroll down and click on the small images to enlarge)

Here ya go (It's Navy Trooper Fenson's original post) :wink: :

Wow, thanks! These look...amazing! Those new Mandalorian pistols look great! I'm excited for next year, even though my interest for Star Wars is diminishing lately. Oh well, there goes my budget. :sweet:


On the contrary, i loved this years BPs. They finally corrected those dumb rebel helmets, it included some new faces, torso and molds, and was great all-round.

Yea, the Hoth Rebel pack was great, but the Imperial one was not, even though it was a cheaper way to obtain an ATAT pilot, given the fact that most people would want to army build Snow Troopers, but they diluted it with 2 figs that are kind of...

Moving back to topic, thanks for the reply, really do hope they add in the equipment, but I think Mandalorians only need the Rangefinder right?

Wow, I'm late. (What a great time to miss out! I was moving into my dorm)


Mando BP

Nice. Looks like there's a mini speeder, like in the episode. The Mandos look good, although I can't say I'm sold yet on the new pistols. They look too rounded off. Maybe it's just the prelim mold.

Clone BP

Urgh, it's not a commando. Still it's nice to have Eeth Koth's trooper. I'm dissapointed that there are two bomb squad troopers- I don't want an army of bomb disposal experts. I'd rather have more ARF or Eeth Koth troopers.

Imperial V-Wing

No comment on the set- I really can't tell much. The minifig and droid, however, look amazing.

Battle of Naboo

Sweet. I've always wanted that droid carrier. It looks like we have a new Jar-Jar, as well as that captain that with the hood thing over his eyes- he's on the box art.

Bounty Hunter Gunship

Sweet. Finally, Aurra Sing. With Embo and Sugi, to boot. Interesting that the image shows a picture of that clawdite in the first episode. The ship looks good, too- I'd like more anonymous ships in my SW universe. I have far too many starfighters.

T-6 Shuttle

Also great. Not a big ship, as most of it is wing, but at least there's a cockpit. I can't comment on any of the figs, as they're all prelims- Even Vos- his head is just Boba Fett's with a yellow sticker over it.

Even though im not much of a fan of the CW sets, I just may have to buy that Mandalorian BP...or two...or three :wub: . I'm glad it has four of the same figures, making it better for army building. This year's battlepacks, while i liked the rebel bp, i thought were pretty diluted. Instead of having an army of snowtroopers/rebels, you'd have an army of some rebels and a bunch of Zevs/a few snowtroopers mixed with AT-AT pilots and officers.

I may also have to buy the Battle for Naboo set. It doesnt look like too much of a battle, since there's only two gungans and one vehicle, but i do like Jar-jar's new head design. Some kaadus would make it better, but you can't have everything. :grin:


On that website where the pictures are it says 8(???) Battledroids. But in the picture, I see 4/5 on the back, a droid pilot driving, another droid pilot along the side and another droid near the top. Some might be hiding.

Speaking of the droid carrier, who else thinks the rack on the back looks a lot like the one from the MTT. Perhaps it will be interchangeable?

Another thing I noticed with the mandalorian battle pack regarding jetpacks. It looks like on the minifig list. The Mando has a jet pack, but the neck part isn't as visible but his head does seem higher than normal. Personally on the box I can only see a jet pack on one. But if there was only one of them with a jet pack, it would show two figs on the list.

I count nine or ten battle droids! I'm pretty sure it's not just wishful thinking either.

There seem to be four standard droids on the rack and two of those droids with blue bodies. Looking under the confidential watermark, though, I'm pretty sure I can spot another three battle droids. One seems to be directly behind the pilot, and the other two are on the left side of the carrier. Behind the one which is behind the pilot, I think there may be a tenth, but I'm not sure.

I was thinking that it might have been interchangeable as well. One thing's for sure, though, it's definitely larger than the version in the MTT. As for the colour, I don't mind too much but it does deviate quite a bit from the Trade Federation brown I'm used to.

On your other point with jetpacks, the Mandalorian on the minifig list is not wearing a jetpack (I don't really see how the head is higher, either). On the battle pack, I think the Mandalorian on the speeder thing has a jetpack because I think I can see something behind his back.

On a separate topic now, I didn't know the T-6 Shuttle could switch wing modes like that. I must be severely behind on my Clone Wars knowledge. Unfortunately, due to its large wingspan, I get the impression that it will be rather inflated. The Halo seems a bit short, and the shade of green isn't exactly right. The top part of the cockpit could also do with some more green. Finally, the V-Wing is pretty good. Although I might prefer a Republic version, this is good too. I like especially how there's a full Astromech droid instead of just the head, as with last time. This may mean that the ship is a bit larger (or at least thicker).

the neu pics look good.

I hope the mando pack is just a prelim.

It would be better to get different mandos instead of 4 x blue/silver deathwatch.

Much CW in the first wave next year.

Hope to get more OT rest of 2011.

I really don't get all this "we have not seen this stuff" comments. By the time these sets hit the shelves the 3rd season win be nearly half way though! Plenty of time to see episodes these sets are based on. If not then the few months of episodes after christmas might show the sets!

I think TLG learnt their lesson from this year's battlepacks, no?

Which is why the Clone BP will have an ARF, a green Cammando and two Bomb Desposers. Wait, what? :wacko:

Overall I like what I've seen so far. I'll reserve final judgement until I see some finalized images. Getting three new Jedi in one set is almost a dream come true. The price will likely put this set out of reach, though, which is a shame.

Both BPs look like must haves in my book. I'll probably pick up one Mando pack. While they would make a nice independant army (and they have a history of animosity toward the Jedi), I just can't see myself throwing my limited resources towards a large collection of them. On the other hand, the clone BP looks great to me. I'll find a way to integrate these alternative clones into my army, gladly. And if the vehicle is a good looking BARC, more's the better.

Battle of Naboo looks decent, but I need better pictures before deciding on it. I really have no need for more Gungans. I'm not a PT guy, although I love the CW era. Try and work that one out.

The V-Wing looks good, from what I can actually see. I'll buy one of those.

Not sure about the Halo. The figs are nice, which would make it worth it. But the ship is kind of bland (but better than the T-6). Justifying paying for both the T-6 and Halo is going to be tough. I might jsut have to buy the MF off of BL. Or wait for the inevitable magnet packs.

Which is why the Clone BP will have an ARF, a green Cammando and two Bomb Desposers. Wait, what? :wacko: ...

Both BPs look like must haves in my book. I'll probably pick up one Mando pack. While they would make a nice independant army (and they have a history of animosity toward the Jedi), I just can't see myself throwing my limited resources towards a large collection of them. On the other hand, the clone BP looks great to me. I'll find a way to integrate these alternative clones into my army, gladly. And if the vehicle is a good looking BARC, more's the better...

I agree, I at first was glad that there was two bomb squad troops, seeing as I kind of *gasp* liked that episode, not knowing that the commando was one of Eeth Koth's guys. I was happy NOT to have two commandos, but now, I wish it was: one bomb squad, two "commandos", and one or two (replaces the commando) ARF's. I guess you could pretend the bomb squads were 212th Airborne (Cody's troops) but they have too much orange.

As for the Mandos...well, don't expect any stores near me to have them in stock. :wink:

-Santhor the Mandalorian

Edited by Santhor

Wait, is Sugi included with the Bounty Hunter Ship? From the photos I see Aurra Sing, Embo, a Assassin Droid and Cato Parasitti (named Sugil).

I really hope the Mando BP have Jetpacks for at lest 2 of the figures. And does anyone know if that vehicle is a new BARC Speeder with the Clone Trooper BP?

Wait, is Sugi included with the Bounty Hunter Ship? From the photos I see Aurra Sing, Embo, a Assassin Droid and Cato Parasitti (named Sugil).

I really hope the Mando BP have Jetpacks for at lest 2 of the figures. And does anyone know if that vehicle is a new BARC Speeder with the Clone Trooper BP?

A few answers:

Yes, I believe "Sugi" will be included with the ship, seeing as he's on the box art,

I agree, the Mandos should have jetpacks,

I think it is some sort of speeder in the Clone BP, probably BARC.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's my observations.


Wait, is Sugi included with the Bounty Hunter Ship? From the photos I see Aurra Sing, Embo, a Assassin Droid and Cato Parasitti (named Sugil).

I really hope the Mando BP have Jetpacks for at lest 2 of the figures. And does anyone know if that vehicle is a new BARC Speeder with the Clone Trooper BP?

Sugi will most probably be included in the Bounty Hunter Ship. It would be just plain wrong if she wasn't included in her own ship.

Regarding the BPs, from what I can make out of the blurry photos, it seems only one Mando has a jetpack. And I think the BARC speeder will be a new design based on some new elements I see in the photo.

The Halo will probably appear in Season 3, but otherwise, TLG's done sets of past seasons before.

ARFs do appear in Ep. 3, so they're not one of the new CW clones.

I've seen Sith at least 5 times. In the scene where Obi-wan is talking to Cody in the Venator you can see the tip of a V-wing fighter on the right. Show me a scene with "ARFs" in it; the closest thing I can think of are the Kashyyyk troopers or the clones on the BARC speeders during Order 66. Where are these "ARFs"?

More battle droids make the Naboo set, but I don't see them. Could someone point them out? (By the way, I think the color of the new carrier looks about the same as that of the engine area seen on the 2006 Slave I.)

Just curious... in the older Clone Wars, the Eta-2 Actis interceptors made their debut around the same time as the ARC-170s. Apparently there have been ARC-170s in the new series, so where are the Eta-2s? We haven't had a new one since '07, and even then Obi-wan's blue one wasn't nearly as applicable as Anakin's yellow one. Is there anyone here who thinks LEGO might release an Eta-2 anytime this year? Even though I'm hoping for a primarily OT-based line in the fall, I've been expecting new Eta-2s for a while. The same could be said for droidekas.

I've seen Sith at least 5 times. In the scene where Obi-wan is talking to Cody in the Venator you can see the tip of a V-wing fighter on the right. Show me a scene with "ARFs" in it; the closest thing I can think of are the Kashyyyk troopers or the clones on the BARC speeders during Order 66. Where are these "ARFs"?

Just curious... in the older Clone Wars, the Eta-2 Actis interceptors made their debut around the same time as the ARC-170s. Apparently there have been ARC-170s in the new series, so where are the Eta-2s? We haven't had a new one since '07, and even then Obi-wan's blue one wasn't nearly as applicable as Anakin's yellow one. Is there anyone here who thinks LEGO might release an Eta-2 anytime this year? Even though I'm hoping for a primarily OT-based line in the fall, I've been expecting new Eta-2s for a while. The same could be said for droidekas.

Eh, never mind, I was thinking of the driver of this AT-RT:


However, he's definitely not a Swamp Trooper or an ARF Trooper.

According to Wookieepedia, the Eta-2 Actis was released after the ARC-170, in 20 BBY, with the first prototype being flown by the Jedi in 21 BBY at the Battle of the Veil Nebula. The ARC-170s were released in 22 BBY, while the Alpha-3 Nimbus wouldn't be released until 19 BBY. Interestingly, that means the ARC-170s were released in the first year of the war, the same year the Delta-7 made it's appearance.

Edited by Brickdoctor

Yep, trust pictures to surface while I'm on holiday.

Everything is looking decent, but Sugi looks terrible and the Clones included in the BP are ridiculous. :wacko:

Meh, atleast my predictions were right for the awesome V-Wing. :tongue:

Oh, I didn't see Sugi on the box. Now I'm confused, the box shows one but the blown up figures show a charater named Sugil that looks like Cato Parasitti. Sorry, but Sugi, or any other figure doesn't have a head that big. Unless it's a helmet, and I don't remember Sugi wearing a helmet that looked like that.

Is it possible that Cato is included with the BHS, or in another set. A exclusive maybe?.?.

Eh, never mind, I was thinking of the driver of this AT-RT:


However, he's definitely not a Swamp Trooper or an ARF Trooper.

According to Wookieepedia, the Eta-2 Actis was released after the ARC-170, in 20 BBY, with the first prototype being flown by the Jedi in 21 BBY at the Battle of the Veil Nebula. The ARC-170s were released in 22 BBY, while the Alpha-3 Nimbus wouldn't be released until 19 BBY. Interestingly, that means the ARC-170s were released in the first year of the war, the same year the Delta-7 made it's appearance.

Is that so? Because Wookieepedia also cites the first appearance of the ARC-170 in the Star Wars: Obsession series, which takes place in 20 BBY. And I'm sure that the Eta-2 Actis appears in the first issue of this series (piloted by Obi-Wan). The Eta-2 should therefore have been around the same time as the ARC-170s. Since the Obsession series ran in 2004, and the Clone Wars comics which you cited having been released a few months ago, your information could be considered a retcon.

EDIT: Never mind, my post doesn't make sense at all.

Edited by fallenangel327

Everything is looking decent, but Sugi looks terrible and the Clones included in the BP are ridiculous. :wacko:

Well, of course she looks terrible, she is comprised of only a few pixels! :tongue: But what's wrong with the clones?

The ARFs are clearly seen on Kashyyyk. One of them gets decapitated by Yoda.

That was a Scout trooper not an ARF. The best place to see an ARF trooper is episode 21 Season 1 of The Clone Wars series.

Back on topic,

I think we will see Sugi in her ship and Cato in an upcoming set/exclusive/or not at all.

I really do hope Shaak Ti and Saesee change from these prelims as although Shaak Ti is hard to get right, her head is too long as half of it is printed on her head-tails which is a little annoying. I'm pretty positive that Saesee will change as that mould on the top just looks unfinished.

Thanks for reading,


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