September 29, 201014 yr It looks like the new windshield for the v-wing uses bar hinges to go up like right here
September 29, 201014 yr Well, it looks like a lot has happened in the short time I was out of it. Don't forget the Mon Cal cruiser. What Mon Cal cruiser? A new midi-scale/UCS set? The BARC should look like this: The new one is disproportionate and blocky, and that bar piece used at the nose looks nothing like an air intake. While the older one was also badly sized, at least it was grey. The white color of the new one alone is enough to drive me away. Although I haven't seen the CW episode, so I don't know what color it was there, this looks about as bad as the blue on the Sith Infiltrator and old TIEs to me. It appears I was right about this BARC speeder being the fattest one yet. It looks like this is another case of LEGO making a fair attempt to include detail on their set but screwed up the scale - not a very good decision in my opinion, especially in a vehicle like this where the size difference is clearly seen (as opposed to more closed-in starships like the Jedi starfighter, which LEGO also released a huge version of). I don't know what those orange clones are, but I definitely won't be buying any of these. I hope it is, but it might just be the camera angle distorting a standard short blaster. BTW, just how much trouble can you get into for posting these images online? Just wondering, since they happen to be inhabitants of my hard drive, now. Ah, well, no harm done. Personally, I think it's the best solution short of using some bulky Technic to fold them the 'real' way. Besides, it was realistic enough that I assumed the movement was accurately portrayed for a little while. What bulky Technic?? You don't need bulky Technic. Really, you don't. I see bar clips on that V-wing, so it's likely LEGO is doing the folding wings again. What's worse, LEGO appears to have replaced the click hinges on the inner panels with bar clips as well. (The inner panels also look smaller.) I wonder why? The droid carrier, I think, is the best of the lot, as seen from this screenshot: Of course, I think I would have preferred a longer rack and more droids over Gungans. The bounter hunter ship looks all right and has some neat play features, but it doesn't really look like Star Wars. Don't get me wrong, I like the look of it, but not in a way that's reminiscient of Star Wars. And the fact that they've altered Aurra Sing's character is a bit upsetting as well. That V-wing looks terrible. It's still too stretched out, and the piece LEGO has used to attach the cannons kills the look of the ship. The impression of being stretched out is enhanced by the fact that it's now fully rectangular at the rear and doesn't begin to taper out until halfway down the cockpit; strange, since the "real" V-wing fighter's cockpit is surrounded at the base by large red wedges. That cockpit is clearly oversized; I would have preferred this piece. I still think it's strange that LEGO would put one of these where there's supposed to be a hollow, and with a sticker at that. The sides are still flat stacked plates. I see some sort of printing or sticker directly in front of the Q7 dome, what is that? The roof tiles behind the cockpit have been omitted and replaced with stacked plates. The Mandalorians in the battlepack look so much like Jango Fett it's almost scary. Not too promising of a year so far; still hoping for more sets from the Original Trilogy (or the pre-'99 Expanded Universe, that would be nice too). Edited September 29, 201014 yr by fallenangel327
September 29, 201014 yr What Mon Cal cruiser? A new midi-scale/UCS set? The Fans Choice set with Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, an A-Wing, the briefing room, and the swivelling command chair.
September 29, 201014 yr Oh yeah. That bit of grass looked like another Battle Droid to me! Thats what I thought at first as well
September 29, 201014 yr The Fans Choice set with Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, an A-Wing, the briefing room, and the swivelling command chair. Oh. I thought Brickdoctor had meant that a Mon Calamari star cruiser was a rumored August 2011 set. A bit of a meh for me personally (warts don't look good in LEGO) but still good to hear.
September 30, 201014 yr It looks like the new windshield for the v-wing uses bar hinges to go up like right here to me it looks like it is part of the windshield.
September 30, 201014 yr The Fans Choice set with Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma, an A-Wing, the briefing room, and the swivelling command chair. Didn't we just have the Home One? Since when did TLG make the same set every other year?
September 30, 201014 yr Didn't we just have the Home One? Since when did TLG make the same set every other year? I think he means the ship itself. This one Home One
September 30, 201014 yr I think he means the ship itself. This one Home One I'm pretty sure he is talking about a set... I maybe wrong. I'm not sure.
September 30, 201014 yr I'm pretty sure he is talking about a set... I maybe wrong. I'm not sure. Your wrong I think he is talking about the playset with the A-Wing and I don't think there is a rumored Mon Cal cruiser for August
September 30, 201014 yr Has anyone noticed the change in the ARF helmet. The first pics we saw had lightning squadron printing on it. But now, it's blank. Why? I tried to compare the previous blurry pics and these clearer prelims, and nothing has changed with regards to the ARF. The difference is in the Clone BP box art the ARF has no printing while the minifig list on the other picture ,the ARF has the Lightning Squadron helmet print. We don't know which is right between the two versions, we just have to wait for the final versions. I personally prefer the unprinted ones, which is more flexible in terms of customization.
September 30, 201014 yr I'm a little slow here. Is the droid carrier on the Naboo set canon, and if so, what's its name? It's the best set of this wave IMO, just wondering. EDIT: Found it. It's a Platoon Attack Craft: Looks pretty accurate to me, with the exception of the droid rack. Edited September 30, 201014 yr by Lockon Stratos
September 30, 201014 yr I'm a little slow here. Is the droid carrier on the Naboo set canon, and if so, what's its name? It's the best set of this wave IMO, just wondering. EDIT: Found it. It's a Platoon Attack Craft: Looks pretty accurate to me, with the exception of the droid rack. Just buy five off them and then mod it thats what im going to do Edited September 30, 201014 yr by Darth Jar Jar
September 30, 201014 yr I'm a little slow here. Is the droid carrier on the Naboo set canon, and if so, what's its name? It's the best set of this wave IMO, just wondering. EDIT: Found it. It's a Platoon Attack Craft: Looks pretty accurate to me, with the exception of the droid rack. Accurate might not be the right term with regards to the length of the carrier. Darth Jar Jar is right, combining 2-3 of the upcoming sets one could approximate the proper length of the droid carrier.
September 30, 201014 yr Your wrong I think he is talking about the playset with the A-Wing and I don't think there is a rumored Mon Cal cruiser for August I think this "rumored" Home One won't be a playset, but the entire ship itself in some kind of UCS or scaled down ship like the venator
September 30, 201014 yr I hope not, there is enough UCS and big size OT ships, we need some more PT, like the invisible hand.
September 30, 201014 yr I think this "rumored" Home One won't be a playset, but the entire ship itself in some kind of UCS or scaled down ship like the venator Theres a rumored Home One
September 30, 201014 yr I do not know if the Home One rumor is true for the August wave but if it is I would wager that it might be a continuation of the midi line of ships. A UCS would be a sight to behold but a system set does not seem like a possibility IMHO.
September 30, 201014 yr There is no rumor of a Home One set in the August wave, unless we just started it right here. Someone a few posts up mentioned the set that was released in 2007? (someone verify that) in a poorly worded post, and others have run with the comment out of context. The only rumored set we have yet to see prelim pictures on is Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter, to my knowledge.
September 30, 201014 yr The only rumored set we have yet to see prelim pictures on is Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter, to my knowledge. That's all I know.
September 30, 201014 yr The only rumored set we have yet to see prelim pictures on is Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter, to my knowledge. And perhaps a Geonosis set? As hinted by KimT: Who says we're not getting a Geonosis set?
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