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Hey yeah, I never realized that if we get the podrace and Malastare sets, they'd both have Dugs in them.

Yes while you were doubting the information *He* gave us you did not think that the Malastare set might have Dugs in it. :wink:

Yes while you were doubting the information *He* gave us you did not think that the Malastare set might have Dugs in it. :wink:

I did? Don't remember that. It probably got lost in 20 pages of conversation about *him*.

Where were we?

Oh yeah, I'd think that TLG would use an existing piece for Anakin's hair, they've got plenty out there.

Come on, please stop talking about Jordan.

He promised pictures, he said his grandfather's job would be in no danger, but still he didn't manage to give pics...

It was fun to discuss his "information" as long as he still had some credibility; he failed to proove that he has the sets, so the whole Jordan thing is over.

I don't think they will use a new headpiece for Anakin; the last one was pretty accurate:



I think they will change the head, TLG seems to hate eyes without white reflection/"pupils"...

I hope Sebulba will have moveable legs and arms; I don't think a good Sebulba mini fig is possible without very piece of his body being a new mold. I don't think there are any pieces at which could be used for him, so I'm afraid because of the new mold(s) 10 pieces will be much more expensive than 1 € :hmpf_bad:

Come on, please stop talking about Jordan.

He promised pictures, he said his grandfather's job would be in no danger, but still he didn't manage to give pics...

It was fun to discuss his "information" as long as he still had some credibility; he failed to proove that he has the sets, so the whole Jordan thing is over.

I don't think they will use a new headpiece for Anakin; the last one was pretty accurate:



I think they will change the head, TLG seems to hate eyes without white reflection/"pupils"...

I hope Sebulba will have moveable legs and arms; I don't think a good Sebulba mini fig is possible without very piece of his body being a new mold. I don't think there are any pieces at which could be used for him, so I'm afraid because of the new mold(s) 10 pieces will be much more expensive than 1 € :hmpf_bad:

I don't really think people will stop discussing that. We have some information (true or not) and obviously people will be discussing the source as well as the sets themselves. Of course, I'm not saying we're meant to... :tongue:

As for Sebulba, the original "minifig" was one whole piece, right? If there will be a new version, I'm guessing it will follow the lines of Battle Droids and will be "built" (I can't really explain this in words, but think about it as being closer to the construction of a Battle Droid than a minifig).

I don't really think people will stop discussing that. We have some information (true or not) and obviously people will be discussing the source as well as the sets themselves. Of course, I'm not saying we're meant to... :tongue:

As for Sebulba, the original "minifig" was one whole piece, right? If there will be a new version, I'm guessing it will follow the lines of Battle Droids and will be "built" (I can't really explain this in words, but think about it as being closer to the construction of a Battle Droid than a minifig).

You mean more like Gasgano? I guess that'd be okay, but I don't see any way to articulate him and keep him looking like a minifig.

Come on, please stop talking about Jordan.

Yes I fully agree.

Please guys, I enjoy visiting this forum and posting now and again. Don't ruin it again with another 20 pages about the mysterious Jordan (and his grandad). I believe KimT has also patiently warned about this several times.

You mean more like Gasgano? I guess that'd be okay, but I don't see any way to articulate him and keep him looking like a minifig.

In my opinion it seems that recently Lego is going through a phase of re-releasing new molds for a lot of the old minifigures. Which honestly makes my day.

Let's end this talk about He Who Must Not Be Named(aka Nadroj) before KimT arrives again. He hasn't given us pictures and he probably won't give us pictures, and that's the reality of the situation.

*Attempts to change the subject*

What about the Geonosian Starfighter? Does anyone think that the Geonosians that must be included in this set will be a new mould, or maybe based off the zombie Geonosians in the episode of Season 2 of The Clone Wars before Brain Invaders? Also, what minifigs does everyone think will be in this set(minus Geonosians, they're guaranteed to be in the set)?

Lord Embo

In my opinion it seems that recently Lego is going through a phase of re-releasing new molds for a lot of the old minifigures. Which honestly makes my day.

But that old? I have seen some old ones recently, but nine years is a little much I would think. Not to mention a value-killer for the old ones.

*Attempts to change the subject*

What about the Geonosian Starfighter? Does anyone think that the Geonosians that must be included in this set will be a new mould, or maybe based off the zombie Geonosians in the episode of Season 2 of The Clone Wars before Brain Invaders? Also, what minifigs does everyone think will be in this set(minus Geonosians, they're guaranteed to be in the set)?

Lord Embo

I don't think we'll get the zombie Geonosians as we didn't see the starfighter in the episodes. I would think a new mold, though I can't guarantee that we'll get Geonosians.

But that old? I have seen some old ones recently, but nine years is a little much I would think. Not to mention a value-killer for the old ones.

I think there have been some even older than nine years, which isn't terribly long in the scheme of things. Lego broke out the Gungan mold for the first wave of 2011, the Sebulba one is the same age.

If Lego must give us the old Sebulba, I hope it's painted, because it is basically a stiff figurine as far as I'm concerned. :hmpf:


Edited by Derek

Guys,I am so sorry for off topic,i will put on-topic in the post later. I do not know which set should i buy. 1.Droid TRI-Fighter or 2.Corporate Alliance Tank droid? I prefer 2. but i have snowtrooper battle pack who is lonely .

On - topic : Sorry i forgot,but what are the pricings if someone can see?

I think there's a thread for such decisions in the General Forum. Everyone, please take note.

They would clonewarsatize him.


He already has pupils and a CW-style hairpiece. Besides, young Anakin isn't a CW character.

Neither were Luke and Han, but that didn't stop LEGO from giving them the eye treatment in the 8129 AT-AT.

Oooooooooo, creepy! I was just thinking the same thing about those short legs!

I wouldn't mind them if they did 'child size' torso and head pieces, too but, those legs with 'standard' bodies and heads just looks freakin' EERIE!

I object. 'Child size' torsos would just kill the LEGO minifigure concept completely. Besides, they haven't made an R2-D2 to scale with regular minifigures yet; shouldn't that come first? If LEGO is going to go crazy with the molds, start with a new body for Artoo!

Yes while you were doubting the information *He* gave us you did not think that the Malastare set might have Dugs in it. :wink:

Wouldn't a Malastare set contain Grans? Or is there something I'm missing here? Oh wait, Grans aren't native to Malastare while Dugs are...(LEGO Grans would increase the chance of a remake of Jabba's Palace, since we already have Gamorreans, Twi'leks, Weequays, Rodians, Duros, Sullustans, a new Han Solo in carbonite, Tauntauns, and 2-1Bs - all of which were not present at the time of the original.)

*Attempts to change the subject*

What about the Geonosian Starfighter? Does anyone think that the Geonosians that must be included in this set will be a new mould, or maybe based off the zombie Geonosians in the episode of Season 2 of The Clone Wars before Brain Invaders? Also, what minifigs does everyone think will be in this set(minus Geonosians, they're guaranteed to be in the set)?

Lord Embo

It looks to me like LEGO is just painting the old molds, so I would expect any new Geonosians to use the same mold in a different color with printing. I'm hoping that LEGO doesn't decide to make molds for those ugly squinty-eyed Neo-Clone Wars Geonosians.

I wouldn't be surprised if LEGO decided to throw in Anakin and Ahsoka. A new droideka would also be nice. I had always wondered why LEGO didn't include them in 7654. (A couple droidekas would have been loads better than that troop carrier ripoff.)

I wouldn't mind if LEGO decided to give us the old Sebulba mold, just for laughs.

I think I may know why "he" was saying that there were new BIG Clone Wars sets. Every year that LEGO Star Wars releases a video game there are new sets that go with that new video game.

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (2005)

*Droid Tri-Fighter, AT-RT, Jedi Starfighters, Grievous v. Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan v. Vader, Vader Transformation, ARC-170, Turbo Tank

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006)

*Imperial Star Destroyer, TIE Interceptor, A-Wing, X-Wing, B-Wing, Slave I, Jabba's Sail Barge

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007)

*Clone BP, Droid BP, Republic Cruiser, Hoth Rebel Base, AT-AT, Naboo Starfighter

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011)

*Maybe what "he" said?!?

Edited by DarthR2-D2

I think I may know why "he" was saying that there were new BIG Clone Wars sets. Every year that LEGO Star Wars releases a video game there are new sets that go with that new video game.

LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (2005)

*Droid Tri-Fighter, AT-RT, Jedi Starfighters, Grievous v. Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan v. Vader, Vader Transformation, ARC-170, Turbo Tank

LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006)

*Imperial Star Destroyer, TIE Interceptor, A-Wing, X-Wing, B-Wing, Slave I, Jabba's Sail Barge

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007)

*Clone BP, Droid BP, Republic Cruiser, Hoth Rebel Base, AT-AT, Naboo Starfighter

LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011)

*Maybe what "he" said?!?

Very nice observations, :thumbup: yet if another person says the "J" word without posting pictures should be banned in my opinion. Anyways, i cant wait for the summer wave, seems like a ton of fantastic sets. I think they will do the sebulba with a similar approach as the 2005 grievous, a scrawny little runt with big goggles. :tongue:

But that old? I have seen some old ones recently, but nine years is a little much I would think. Not to mention a value-killer for the old ones.

I don't think so; the old ones should retain their value for collectors, who are pretty much the only people buying them. I go to my local LEGO store and always hear kids talking about how they wish TLG would make a set never made before that I know was actually released some 8-10 years ago, so most of the non-AFOL/TFOL community probably isn't even aware those minifigs exist and their parents would never BL them anyways.

Neither were Luke and Han, but that didn't stop LEGO from giving them the eye treatment in the 8129 AT-AT.

Wouldn't a Malastare set contain Grans? Or is there something I'm missing here? Oh wait, Grans aren't native to Malastare while Dugs are...(LEGO Grans would increase the chance of a remake of Jabba's Palace, since we already have Gamorreans, Twi'leks, Weequays, Rodians, Duros, Sullustans, a new Han Solo in carbonite, Tauntauns, and 2-1Bs - all of which were not present at the time of the original.)

Good point. And if we got Gran(s?), we'd pretty much get Mawhonic too since TLG rarely differentiates supporting aliens who aren't drastically differently colored than the rest of the species.

Very nice observations, :thumbup: yet if another person says the "J" word without posting pictures should be banned in my opinion. Anyways, i cant wait for the summer wave, seems like a ton of fantastic sets. I think they will do the sebulba with a similar approach as the 2005 grievous, a scrawny little runt with big goggles. :tongue:

So now we have a 'J-word'? :tongue:

  • Author

So now we have a 'J-word'? :tongue:

The hell we do :angry:

People, it's time to move on to more important matters.

Let's keep this on track and stop lingering.

"Stay On Target!"

Please don't make me have to repeat myself once too many.

I think there's a thread for such decisions in the General Forum. Everyone, please take note.

Thank you.

Why no one is talking about jan 2011 sets? I find them nice.

I think that sebulba will be poseable it would just be wrong if it wasn't :sadnew:

They will almost certainly make a new mould for Sebulba, though like someone else has already said, it may be built in a similar style to a Battle Droid, but still be recogniseable. :wink:

Lord Embo

They will almost certainly make a new mould for Sebulba, though like someone else has already said, it may be built in a similar style to a Battle Droid, but still be recogniseable. :wink:

Lord Embo

As long as he's recognizable as a non-CW character, that's pretty much all that matters to me.

I apologize greatly for going back to this but it is the last time (I hope).

I myself now have no doubt that *You know who's* Information is wrong. The information is just so wrong (Well to tell the truth not as wrong as MasterWindu's information.)

I mainly got doubtful of *His claimed pictures* when I once again asked him and he refused to even answer which was the first time.

I realized myself that I had become very sceptic of *That guy on Facebook's information* so I realized I had to sort it out, So I asked Greg Hyland to tell me in a way that would not be saying whether it was the truth or a lie by *That guy on Facebook* and Greg Replied:

Sent: Wed Dec 01, 2010 8:50 am

From: GregHyland

To: anakinskywalker4

Can't answer. But that list makes me laugh.

Why no one is talking about jan 2011 sets? I find them nice.

I find them nice too (Especially Bounty Hunter Gunship :wink:) but before we got the summer rumors all we did was discuss the January sets so I guess it got kind of boring.

Edited by commanderneyo

I don't think we'll get the zombie Geonosians as we didn't see the starfighter in the episodes. I would think a new mold, though I can't guarantee that we'll get Geonosians.

Those would be cool, but probably non-existent... But there is a Geonosis set coming out, so there might be even more, with more Geonosians!

As long as he's recognizable as a non-CW character, that's pretty much all that matters to me.

I agree. I don't want TLG to Clone Wras-itize every character that they put into a Lego set. For some characters, it is perfectly fine for TLG to do this to. But for a character like Sebulba who hasn't even been mentioned in The Clone Wars, it really is essential that they don't Clone Wars-itize his upcoming minifig. If they don't do that, all will be well.

Lord Embo

I agree. I don't want TLG to Clone Wras-itize every character that they put into a Lego set. For some characters, it is perfectly fine for TLG to do this to. But for a character like Sebulba who hasn't even been mentioned in The Clone Wars, it really is essential that they don't Clone Wars-itize his upcoming minifig. If they don't do that, all will be well.

Lord Embo

Well, who said he is in a CW set?(Unless I missed something...) But yes, if he was "Clone Warsized" he wouldn't be as good. Unless they decided to have him be in the Clone Wars..... But hopefully they will at least give him a design, something that is more minifigure like!

You don't think they'll just use the one from '07?

No way, they can't be so stupid to use 4 years old minifig. :wacko:

In 2010 they've made few remakes on minifigures, why not in 2011?

I would like to have him with short legs. :tongue:

I don't care does Jordan is what he claims he is or not.

I will wait for pictures.

So, does this means that we aren't getting new Padme in Naboo Cruiser? :cry_sad:

Edited by Stardusty


I for one hope that TLG turns its back on pupils on figs I don't like them they make the figs too detailed and not Legoie enough. I might have mentioned this once or twice (13 times that I can remember :blush: ) but I much prefer old Lego SW (1999-about 2002) and pupils (along with technic, endless amounts of characters, and some CW) are responsible for the 'megablockification' of Lego IMO.

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