December 25, 201014 yr I would say that's Captain Panaka, not just any Royal Guard. I'm thinking it's okay that there's only one generic Ewok- it's not like they're that distinguishable and there were no generics in Battle of Endor. I see. Thanks for correcting me - but he is still a Royal Guard, after all. Well, Logray has a mask on top of his head - multiple Wickets, Paploos, Chirpas etc. are always good, but Logray has a shaman mask and thus it's hard for the figure to serve as a regular ewok. What are these sets? 7877 7879 Read what it says, and you'll find out they're a Naboo fighter and a Hoth echo base. Surprise! Nothing else is known about these as of now, yet. ~ General Magma Edited December 25, 201014 yr by General Magma
December 25, 201014 yr I see. Thanks for correcting me - but he is still a Royal Guard, after all. Well, Logray has a mask on top of his head - multiple Wickets, Paploos, Chirpas etc. are always good, but Logray has a shaman mask and thus it's hard for the figure to serve as a regular ewok. I suppose. I won't be buying multiples of any set with this wave, though. Do you think they'll make a new mold just for one Ewok, though? I'm thinking they might just print extra bones onto the current Ewok.
December 25, 201014 yr Oh yes, this is quite nice. Ki-adi Mundi! Why the megablocks is the geonosian green though!?
December 25, 201014 yr Oh yes, this is quite nice. Ki-adi Mundi! Why the megablocks is the geonosian green though!? One word: Preliminary. If they would make it green, then that'd be extremely stupid: they're clearly more like dark tan to dark bluish gray. Anybody else noticed the neck is also kinda long? And that he doesn't appear to have wings... hopefully all that will be fixed. ~ General Magma
December 25, 201014 yr I couldnt see but does anyone know which Luke, han and leia will be coming with the MF?
December 25, 201014 yr What a horrid, terrible wave. I'll have to buy them all. The Frigate is the least appealing, but it might be good, and my last Cruiser was delicate and is smashed. I'll wait for more detailed pictures, I guess. And the Dathomir speeder I may only get for Saavage, butif it's only 25$ then it might be worth it. But the rest are amasing! The Falcon is fantastic- and the best I have of the iconic ship is the midi model. And the Ewok attack is a ncie deal for a cheap price. Yhe two tatooine sets are outstanding! I skipepd out on the last two infiltraitors because I already had Maul, but this one is so much better! And although I have the old Ani's pod, this is also incredible. Same goes to the Geonosian starfighter.
December 25, 201014 yr Author I couldnt see but does anyone know which Luke, han and leia will be coming with the MF? You mean Luke Skywalker or Luke Darkwalker? I suspect OT ANH?
December 25, 201014 yr I couldnt see but does anyone know which Luke, han and leia will be coming with the MF? Farmer boy Luke (with a new hairpiece), just the regular Han Solo like we all know him with brown pants, and a black vest. Leia will just have the princess outfit. All of them from Episode IV: ANH. Not that hard to see. ~ General Magma
December 25, 201014 yr Anybody else noticed the neck is also kinda long? And that he doesn't appear to have wings... hopefully all that will be fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there are 2 types of Geonosians. The warrior drones and the workers. The warriors have wings and do a lot of the fighting, and the workers do not have wings and 'work'. To me it makes scene to have a Geonosian without wings in the fighter because he would fit better.
December 25, 201014 yr Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there are 2 types of Geonosians. The warrior drones and the workers. The warriors have wings and do a lot of the fighting, and the workers do not have wings and 'work'. To me it makes scene to have a Geonosian without wings in the fighter because he would fit better. Yes, but why wouldn't they just add a second one for the wings? Most Geonosians have wings, and the old wings are rare. ~ General Magma
December 25, 201014 yr I couldnt see but does anyone know which Luke, han and leia will be coming with the MF? All classic original ANH outfits. Yes, but why wouldn't they just add a second one for the wings? Most Geonosians have wings, and the old wings are rare. ~ General Magma Hopefully it's still a prelim and wings will be added, but cutting an extra minifig saves money.
December 25, 201014 yr New, better pictures everyone!! Falcon, Republic Frigate, Podracers, Sith Infiltrator and Geonosian Starfighter! Some of the figs look horrible, like Watto, Sebulba and the Geonosian The sets look very nice, though. Edited December 25, 201014 yr by commdr_neyo
December 25, 201014 yr Have you seen these: Falcon, Republic Frigate, Podracers, Sith Infiltrator and Geonosian Starfighter ? I believe not! Of course not! Those are definitely not what we've been discussing for the last few pages!
December 25, 201014 yr Of course not! Those are definitely not what we've been discussing for the last few pages! I edited the post, even before I saw yours Also: Dathomir Speeder and Ewok Attack!! Edited December 25, 201014 yr by commdr_neyo
December 25, 201014 yr Wow, thank you, everyone for posting new pics. The sets look great, however the forward mandables on the MF look small. The Sith Infiltrator is huge, love it. Likeing everything but the Ewok Attack and Podracers. The Podracers look great, but I just can't get a set that has a mini-figure of Jake Lloyds Anakin.
December 25, 201014 yr I edited the post, even before I saw yours Also: Dathomir Speeder and Ewok Attack!! Thank you commdr_neyo! Thise look great Is it just me or those the Dathomir Speeder looks like a brick built hail fire droid? Maul looks like he will have horns and we will get lots of neat figures in that set Is Watto holding a bomb? Can't wait for these
December 25, 201014 yr I edited the post, even before I saw yours You're still wrong though; those pics aren't better. In fact, they're just blurry close-ups of the pics we had before. Thanks anyway. Edited December 25, 201014 yr by Oky Wan Kenobi
December 25, 201014 yr These sets looks great, although I can not pay al these nice sets in such a small time. It looks like they want to push all the jedi's they didn't made yet in this year. I think the little rodian is not Greedo, but Wald, who was a friend of Anakin instead of Greedo. In a scene taken out of the Phantom Menace, Anakin had a fight with Greedo and Wald was with the other friend of Anakin at the race.
December 25, 201014 yr Woooohooooo! I'm so excited!!! Millennium Falcon - must-buy, haven't got a "small" one yet and it looks great! Republic Fregate - kind of meh, will probably buy Eeth and Quinlan off BrickLink Anakin's and Sebulba's Podracers - depends on the price but I'm looking forward to it Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator - YAY! I've been waiting for a proper Sith Infiltrator for a long time, and now there is one! And it even packs Padmé, Panaka and Qui-Gon in addition to Maul! Geonosion Starfighter - We are really getting Ki Adi? I can't believe it... Lego has evolved so very much! Must-buy also. Dathomir Speeder - Looks like a very cool set, and we're getting Savage Oppress! My thoughts about it are pretty much the same as the Podracers set. Ewok Attack - Now this is awesome too! I'll get at least two for sure! It's a grand foliage parts pack AND a lovely addition to the bunker. 2011 sounds like the best year ever for LSW! Enpaz Edited December 25, 201014 yr by Enpaz
December 25, 201014 yr You're still wrong though; those pics aren't better. In fact, they're just blurry close-ups of the pics we had before. Thanks anyway. Seriously? I couldn't see a thing from the Ewok Attack at first, but now it's really clear, and not 'folded'.
December 25, 201014 yr The Dathomir Speeder looks so bad , but I think its just an ugly vehicle, and therefore not TLC fault for making such a stupid speeder. If it didn't have Savage there would be no way that I would buy it.
December 25, 201014 yr Here are my Views on the sets Ewok Attack: As a CW Fan you might expect me to be unhappy but this is one of my Favourite Sets of this wave so far! I needed a way to get a cheap new way to get Ewoks and a Scout Trooper The Speeder bike looks good but I might just repaint it Republic Colours and the Ewok Catapault also looks highly useful to me Dathomir Speeder: As a CW fan you might not be suprised but because it has Ventress and Opress I reckon it is the joint best set so far in this wave. The ship itself is not great but we can't judge it until 1. We see Less Preliminary Pictures of it and 2. We get to see it in the CW. I love the fact we get both Savage's Lightsaber and Axe thing. I only hope before the set is released Ventress and Anakin are changed into New Outfits in this set Geonosian Starfighter: Geonosian= No doubt it will be changed but Ki- Adi Mundi and Cody are great and this will probably be the Second Summer set I get after Dathomir Speeder Sith Infiltrator: No offence to PT Fans but I just don't like the Ship. The Infiltrator always has great figures but I just don't like the ship however Padme makes that set a Must Buy Podracers= Will get it because I am planning a Podrace in my Lego Movies but Otherwise it would just be a pass for me. However can't wait for a new Watto Millenium Falcon: If it was ROTJ Styled I would get it but seeing as I have all the Figures in that gear anyway the set is A definite Pass for me. Sorry Doc and FallenAngel I know how much you like your OT Sets but it's getting a bit old with the Same figures in every Falcon Republic Frigate: I don't see the complaint. Even at Preliminary it looks Exactly like it should be and is one of the better CW Ships Lego has or will Released Recently. Especially Vos and Eeth Koth. I reckon its a normal Clone Commander because I don't recall any Clone wielding two Blasters like that. But I hope after Preliminary at Toy Fair its Thire.
December 25, 201014 yr yes, I don't like it to... But it can be a prototipe.... Savagg is so bad, I don't like this figure... And, I want to know if ventress is redesigned....
December 25, 201014 yr Seriously? I couldn't see a thing from the Ewok Attack at first, but now it's really clear, and not 'folded'. They're just zoomed in versions of the high quality scans we got yesterday.
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