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That pilot wasn't all that accurate though, a naboo pilot has that weird helmet, it looks a little odd, and requires A new mold.

hmm, I don't see a single mark at all *huh* Maybe it's just me, does anybody else see a mark? Obviously a command skirt on him, though.


I can't see anything since I don't use Facebook.

hmm, I don't see a single mark at all *huh* Maybe it's just me, does anybody else see a mark? Obviously a command skirt on him, though.

I mean I used this photo got my Enhancement/Zoom in and zoomed in on that image to which I got "Commander Wolffe" :classic:

Yeah, but a lot of us already have an AT-ST. It's one of those sets that's been rereleased so many times with fairly cheap prices that it's hard to miss. Though yes, more Imps would be nice, it's pretty cool that we're even getting two Ewoks for this cheap price anways.

But I have to agree about Wave 2. More and more I'm seeing what a sad wave this is. There really aren't a whole lot of sets here that I want for the vehicle instead of the figs. I'd pass up on the Ep.1 sets if it weren't for the figs. And I'll definatly pass up on the Cruiser and Dathomir speeder.

And I certainly have some AT-STs to donate to the cause. I'm just not a big minifig guy, and outside of the minifigs, there isn't much substance to the set. Still, I am a collector, and the price is reasonable, so I might pick it up just so I don't have to pay through the nose after it goes out of print.

Funny, the Dathomir speeder is one of the sets that DID catch my eye. :laugh:

Probably not, as it has a 7xxx number and not a 10xxx.

We got a pilot and a ladder in the 2007 one.

And a Trade Federation Vulture Droid. One can't forget that. I'll be REALLY disappointed if the new N-1 is just a rehash of the previous version, unless it has been re-designed from the ground up. The Sith Infiltrator has enough changes from the previous version, though I don't know if the demand is there for a new version. I certainly didn't see a burning need for it. Perhaps LEGO is giving us many Ep. I sets to entice those that don't like the CW sets.

I mean I used this photo got my Enhancement/Zoom in and zoomed in on that image to which I got "Commander Wolffe" :classic:

CTRL+SHIFT+= stifels pixels, is that what your using? It has the same effect as right click, and then 'Zoom In'. I'm anxious to see if anybody else see's a thing, it might be my computer. :hmpf_bad:

AT KOVAKS: Tlg seems to be doing a PT a year, last year was ROTS, this year it's episode I. So I presume they'll do AOTC next year!

Edited by brickartist

And a Trade Federation Vulture Droid. One can't forget that. I'll be REALLY disappointed if the new N-1 is just a rehash of the previous version, unless it has been re-designed from the ground up. The Sith Infiltrator has enough changes from the previous version, though I don't know if the demand is there for a new version. I certainly didn't see a burning need for it. Perhaps LEGO is giving us many Ep. I sets to entice those that don't like the CW sets.

I didn't see a need for either to be remade as well. I guess the N-1 will probably just get the flick-fire treatment and an updated 'fig, plus whatever little things they want to change. I don't see TLG doing a complete redo, even if that's what I'd want.

I didn't see a need for either to be remade as well. I guess the N-1 will probably just get the flick-fire treatment and an updated 'fig, plus whatever little things they want to change. I don't see TLG doing a complete redo, even if that's what I'd want.

I don't think they'll totally redo anything, sets have to kind of "evolve" :laugh: My guess is a little more accuracy, and a more accurate size. Kinda like what they did with the sith infiltrator.

Funny, the Dathomir speeder is one of the sets that DID catch my eye. default_laugh_new.gif

It might've caught my eye more if I hadn't gotten the RGS. The same goes with the Proton Cannon, seeing as a bought the AT0ST a few months ago mainly for Rex, but Luminara and the cannon are still a msut-have.

I mean I used this photo got my Enhancement/Zoom in and zoomed in on that image to which I got "Commander Wolffe" :classic:

So, can you post a picture of the zoomed in/enhanced image so the rest of us can see what you claim to see? Can't be that hard to take a screen shot in the enhancement program you use, right?

So, can you post a picture of the zoomed in/enhanced image so the rest of us can see what you claim to see? Can't be that hard to take a screen shot in the enhancement program you use, right?

Except for the tiny detail which is I don't know how to take ScreenShots or ScreenGrabs :sad:

Except for the tiny detail which is I don't know how to take ScreenShots or ScreenGrabs default_sad.gif

It's simple, hit the print screen button- or PrtSc- and go to Paint, click edit, and then paste.

It's simple, hit the print screen button- or PrtSc- and go to Paint, click edit, and then paste.

I know how it works but it doesn't work on my Computer. :sadnew:

Hey there, I'm new and haven't posted much on here yet, so I decided I would share my thoughts on the new sets coming out for Star Wars in the summer of 2011. I have been reading this topic since it started and finally joined the site. Anyway, here are my opinions as follows:

Ewok Attack: This set seems like it will be a good add on to the Battle of Endor set that was released in 2009, but as a stand alone set, it isn't very strong. This being said, it seems like TLG has started to release separate sets that, when put together, make one scene. As for the figs in this set, it is nice to see more variety in colours for the Ewoks, and another scout trooper can't be bad, but from the looks of the size of the set, I think we should have been given at least one other fig, either an Imperial or Rebel.

Dathomir Speeder: I can't say much for the speeder itself yet, because it has not appeared in the show, but the figs are great. I read earlier that the Asajj and Anakin figs were going to be redesigned to look like they do with their new outfits on, and if that is true, I am glad to get another Anakin. Savage Oppress looks simply awesome. The fact that TLG is giving him both his vibro axe and his lightsaber is great, and hope that his armour is a new piece (most likely).

Geonosis Fighter: I missed the last one from 2004, so I am pretty excited for this set. The fact that the Geonosian is made of regular LEGO minifig parts is disappointing. I think the Geonosians should be done more scrawny, like the battle droids. It is nice to see Cody again, although I already have him, and it is too bad his visor is grey not black. Ki-Adi Mundi! Everybody has been waiting for this great Jedi Master, and finally we get him. He looks great, but you can only get so much out of a prelim pic. He will be a great addition to my ever expanding group of Jedi Generals. (Also, like I said before about the Ewok set, put this set and the Battle for Geonosis set together and you have the battle)

Republic Frigate: This set looks pretty good, and a pretty good size too. I missed the last one from 2007, and am glad they are re-releasing, although in a different colour. The colour scheme doesn't bother me. It fits in with many of the other Republic vehicles we have been given. The figs look interesting. Eeth Koth and Quinlan Vos look nice and will be good to add too any Republic force, Yoda we have seen before, and as for the clones, I can't tell who they are, but from the prelim pic it looks like we get one plain clone and another plain clone with armour like from the Clone Walker Battle Pack. Maybe this clone with the armour is commander Wolffe, witch would be great.

Darth Mauls Sith Infiltrator: Another one. I got the first one and missed the second one, but this one looks most appetizing of them all. The ship looks way bigger than before, and the figs are fantastic. Finally a Maul with horns! And a redesigned Qui-Gon! AMAZING! Padme is great also, after going through 11 Padme-less years, its nice to see her again. Panaka looks cool. I like that they are giving him a new hat.

Anakin's and Sebulba's Pod Racers: Again, I missed the last one. I got the single Anakin's pod but missed the big Boonta Eve set. The pods look nice, but by now you can probably tell I care most about the minifigs. This set has great figs, and I'm glad that they are all pretty much redesigns of old figs, except Wald. I just have to ask here, ha s anybody else noticed the fact that with this set, the Sith Infiltrator and the Battle of Naboo set, TLG is giving us all the key characters from episode one. It seems interesting, and I hope they do the same for episodes two and three.

Millenium Falcon: YES! I got the first minfig scale Falcon, but missed all the other renditions (except the midi-scale). This ship looks like it will be the best version of the ship yet, and I love how it comes withall the key Star Wars characters from A New Hope. The only thing I think this set is missing is 3P0 and R2. Other than that, this set looks awesome.

So there are my thoughts on the new summer wave for 2011. Sorry about the length, but I wanted to get my thoughts down. I think i will be getting all of these sets in the summer because they are all so great (and I can't think of missing a set). So anyways, pretty long first post in this topic, and I hope that people tell me their thoughts n the figs as well. May the Force be with us all!

I know how it works but it doesn't work on my Computer. :sadnew:

Well, if you're using something like photoshop you could just save your zoomed-in image and then post it on flickr.

The ewok attack would be much more interesting of the "generic" ewok was black, but I still think it's Pabloo, the site where all the sets are explained probably has the same pics as we do, so they could be wrong too. People who don't have the Battle of Endor would like to get Pabloo, so I guess that's what TLG is going to give us.

E: I don't think the Qui-Gon fig is redesigned, at least I can't make out his name in the "New!" box.

Edited by Emperor

The ewok attack would be much more interesting of the "generic" ewok was black, but I still think it's Pabloo, the site where all the sets are explained probably has the same pics as we do, so they could be wrong too. People who don't have the Battle of Endor would like to get Pabloo, so I guess that's what TLG is going to give us.

I believe that if our generic ewok was given main character status, it would be teebo if anything because of the similar colour scheme.

I know how it works but it doesn't work on my Computer. :sadnew:

Can somebody else zoom and screenshot please? I don't know how either, but we need more minds thinking about this 'wolffe' ordeal. :thumbup:

Well, if you're using something like photoshop you could just save your zoomed-in image and then post it on flickr.

The ewok attack would be much more interesting of the "generic" ewok was black, but I still think it's Pabloo, the site where all the sets are explained probably has the same pics as we do, so they could be wrong too. People who don't have the Battle of Endor would like to get Pabloo, so I guess that's what TLG is going to give us.

E: I don't think the Qui-Gon fig is redesigned, at least I can't make out his name in the "New!" box.

OK, I have no clue why you think that is Paploo, but it's definitely going to be a differently colored ewok: black fur, with a hood that looks like it's going to be dark tan. Doesn't look like Paploo at all.

I think it would be a strange choice to throw away the possibility of 2 new ewoks, to dump another figure we have already had into the set.

I zoomed into the frigate, didn't see any marks. It could turn into any clone commander now:

Greg Hyland had a Commander Cody on his desk, but he's most likely just from the Geonosian starfighter.

It could be Wolffe, of course, but it could also turn out to be Thire.

~ General Magma

Edited by General Magma

Sorry to be off topic, but how do I quote other people's posts? Thanks, and may the Force be with you.

Sorry to be off topic, but how do I quote other people's posts? Thanks, and may the Force be with you.

Click reply under the post that you wish to quote rather than at the bottom of the page.

Hope this helps.

On topic I don't think I will get any of the new wave except the Sith infiltrator or the podracers(for the figs).

Can somebody else zoom and screenshot please? I don't know how either, but we need more minds thinking about this 'wolffe' ordeal. :thumbup:

I tried on all the non-Facebook pics, and I can't tell what color the clone is, let alone read the name. Could someone repost that Facebook pic to Brickshelf and link to it?

The clone in the Frigate can probably be only one of two things: a plain clone with some armour, called a 'clone commander', or it is commander Wolffe. What I would like to see is a close up of Eeth Koth and Ki-Adi. If anybody would be able to get better zoomed in pics of those guys, that would be great.

The clone in the Frigate can probably be only one of two things: a plain clone with some armour, called a 'clone commander', or it is commander Wolffe. What I would like to see is a close up of Eeth Koth and Ki-Adi. If anybody would be able to get better zoomed in pics of those guys, that would be great.

I hope you guys realize these aren't pictures of the sets directly; they're scans of a product catalog. They can only get as big as the originals, and judging from the video done, that's only around 2-5 inches wide. You aren't going to get detail from that.

The clone in the Frigate can probably be only one of two things: a plain clone with some armour, called a 'clone commander', or it is commander Wolffe.

Or it could be Thire, who was on that cruiser the same times as Yoda.

The clone in the Frigate can probably be only one of two things: a plain clone with some armour, called a 'clone commander', or it is commander Wolffe.

OR, it could be a preliminary picture, and we will get a photo with a properly printed torso and helmet when the official wave pictures come out (in May?). So it could be anyone at this point, and could change before the set is released. Look what happened with Quinlan Vos.

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