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Oh boy new pics! :cry_happy:

Naboo Pilot - Has a good generic expression for those army builders, though is he supposed to be red? :wacko: Can someone explain that to me? I thought they were brown in the film :look:

Anakin - Nice update, still looks the same as the older version's for continuity's sake. Good update on the pupils. :thumbup:

Green Ewok - Looks spooky! :laugh: Though its nice to have variation in the ewoks, so that's a good thing. But honestly, he's frickin badass :tongue:

Logray - Its good to get a named ewok in the set. Though is that white blob part of him or just something on the page? The tan looks great! :thumbup:

Savage Opress - its cool they gave him both his Axe and Lightsabre. His top head piece seems to work, I dont really mind having the break inbetween. Its the sacrifice for having his horns.

Geonosian - Is ok. The tan is silly, I thought they would choice a more accurate colour (but I dont really know what accurate is :laugh:. The torso doesnt really seem to make it look better either.

Ki-Adi Mundi - Is again ok. His head is ok and it being in two pieces means the head is reusable for you customizers out there. His torso looks average imo, but then again its not a super clear picture.

Darth Maul - Looks good for a remake! :thumbup: It is certainly tempting me to get the infiltrator again for sure. its good that the head piece is different than savage's head piece, and its not the same head as Savage's! So no CW eyes! :thumbup:

Padme - Looks fine. Its just good that we are getting her again. Im extremely greatful for that.

Captain Panaka - does he look like he crying? The torso and hat look superd definitely reusable for more naboo guards.

Qui-Gon Jinn - Its great they are using the same hair piece again, I dont think they could remake it. Its superb. His face looks fine, its good for a pupil remake and it definitely doesnt put me off getting him.

Watto - is very colourful :laugh:. Cant wait to pick him up! :thumbup:

Sebulba - Is hard to judge from this angle. At least he isnt one big piece. I wonder how he will sit in his podracer though? :look:

Anakin - The helmet is fabulous! :wub: Looks spot on and will be good for Rogue pilot customs. :thumbup:

Wald - Is awesome that we get another new Rodian head again!

Obi-Wan - Kinda looks too much like Han's smirk to me. But its recognizably Obi-Wan so Im happy about that.

New Clones - the blue looks bad megablocks. Its good they are still using the new leg print with the knee for these guys. Its good to see its here to stay :thumbup:

Eeth Koth - Has a good head piece, though it seems a tad oversized. Does anyone else find that?

Luke - the hair piece is good. I was happy with the long hair personally but I know others werent. It should do fine if they stick with this version from now on.

Han solo - Blue pants? :wacko: I thought they were supposed to be brown? Are they supposed to be blue in the sence? Its strange...

Oh boy new pics! :cry_happy:

Naboo Pilot - Has a good generic expression for those army builders, though is he supposed to be red? :wacko: Can someone explain that to me? I thought they were brown in the film :look:

Yea I'm also unsure about this, however they're supposed to look like this apparently


and it seems Ki adi mundi's head piece is on backwards...

Edited by ceroknight

Totally digging new Luke hair. And all the ALIENS! Oh my, so awesome. A great Watto (or generic Toydarian), an actually okay Dug, love the Genosian. So many new potential Jedi figs from this wave.

Downside: The Iridonian/Zabrak head 'cap', just looks weird. For minifigs of this scale, I don't think adding something like miniscule horns is going to matter.

Still not sure about Ki-Adi Mundi's head. Does he have a stud on top of that dome? Or is it just a head cap?

Logray - ...Though is that white blob part of him or just something on the page?

Han solo - Blue pants? :wacko: I thought they were supposed to be brown? Are they supposed to be blue in the sence? Its strange...

That's a skull on his headress. (think Mola Ram, in an innocent furry teddy-bearish way. Actually don't think that. It's giving me the creeps)

That's his Ep. 4 pants.

Thanks for these pics! Yet I'm not sure I could be more dissapointed, in almost all the figs.

Not to sound like a downer, but am i the only one whos going:

"Why is their a new cat mold in the podracer?(Sebulba) Why is Obi-wan flashing me a smile? Since when was maul cross-eyed, with a massive fore-head, Panaka breaking out into tears, and why is Qui-Gons face smushed into half a minifig head? Luke seems to be having a bad hair-day... The geonosian seems to be having trouble with his armor application. Ki-adis head has doubled in size. And ohhh my, my biggest dissapointmeant, why. is. Eeth koth. Using his a forehead to grow a sea-bed?"

Pass, pass, pa-pa-pa-paassss, pass. What Naboo starfighter made it onto my list, what? Those figs are just amazing!!! That pilot is just :wub: Anikan looks so much better, and, could it be? Yes! An accurate seceruty droid!

Oh, and BTW Tlg got served by darth yogi.

Told you so that it was Wolffe

We didn't doubt it was wolffe, we were just annoyed that repeatedly declared it as wolffe off sketchy prelims. Had it not been wolffe, you would be more humiliated.

Edited by brickartist

I love star wars lego and I can't wait a second to get these sets!

Lukes hair looks great but I would've used a different head, maybe Han's head from the latest Slave 1.

Other than that it is great!

Edited by Lord Of The Fries

So you want Luke to look exactly like Han?

I don't think it quite captures lukes hair. I sorta think Hans the one who really needs a new hairpiece, mot luke.

Incedible figures!!

I love Watto, Commander Wolffe, and Padme... but the Geonosian and Ki-Adi Mundi are disgusting! I'm not so sure about Darth Maul and Savage Oppress either :sceptic:

I don't think it quite captures lukes hair. I sorta think Hans the one who really needs a new hairpiece, mot luke.

Eh, I sorta agree. New hair molds are always good. But Han looks good with either the CW Anakin hair or the City Small Car minifig's hair. He doesn't need a new mold.

i think he means Han should have gotten that hairpiece

I hope not. That hair piece doesn't match Han at all. Han has short hair.

In Rising Malevolence yes but then their Colours were changed to mark the deaths of so many Comrades in that episode.

I didn't know that, but I much prefer this blue colour over red. Red is a bit generic I think.

Is that part of Eeth Koth's head? Oh! I thought it was some kind of helmet or something. It doesn't look that bad if you think about it that way. :tongue:

Finally... how are we going to fix our current lightsabers with the neon green/yellow colour and light blue? Oh noes! Looks like there may be a degree of lightsaber colourism in my collection. :laugh:

I love that new minifigs!

The head of Padmé is like the head of Hermione....

Savagg Opress is realy good, and I love the hair of luke.

But, where is ventress?

  • Author

Kim, he took a picture of the Naboo starfighter figs, so you can remove that as a rumor.

So I guess there was no Echo base? Did you get close up pictures of the sets at all?

What are you talking about?

Remove the Naboo Starfighter as a rumor? *huh*

I have no idea what you're getting at - sorry about that.

The Naboo Starfighter has been in the list in the first post of this topic for ages.

Feel free to doubt what we list there - but we're usually "spot on" when it comes to what reaches being added to the first post :wink:

I think he meant its not longer a rumour set, so should be made officially a set coming out.

Think he confused about this thread.

I hope they rename the trooper, it makes it seem like wolfpack is a trooper not a company.

  • Author

I think he meant its not longer a rumour set, so should be made officially a set coming out.

Think he confused about this thread.

Must be.

The N1 Starfighter has been on the 'confirmed' set list for a looooong time, so I have no clue as to why it should be a surprise now.

It seems that plenty of members don't view the first post regularily or even visit the closed news topic which is always up-to-date... :sceptic:

Their loss :laugh:

With Cad Bane and the new Quinlan and Eeth, we can now play cow boys and indians. _dare_.gif


Told you so that it was Wolffe

I just have to say, amazing you got that right. Either your a really lucky guesser or have really good eyesight. Anyways nice one that you spotted that so early one and sorry for doubting you.

Though I think I would have preferred dark red since I honestly say can't even remember them in light blue. Nice to have another newly colored commander in the clonetrooper ranks.(though it does make the Clone army look even more like a carnival and less like an army). The Jedi in the set don't thrill me as much as I expected, they look a bit ugly at first glance.

Ewoks are a definite yes on getting, Now also re-thinking about buying Battle of Endor before it goes off-market just so I can make an awesome little ewok army. Logray definetly seems to be aiming for the minifigure of the year award. (if there was one)

The Geonosian I think is really awesome with what I presume can only be a new printed mold. He'll look great amongst his older versions.

I'm not so sure about those headpieces of Maul, Savage and Ki. I just wonder if the seem between head and headpiece will be too noticeable in real, because on the picture it's very noticeable(and ugly). Must say though that the armor of Savage looks very interesting.

Last but not least, podracer minifigures all look very good. Wonder how many parts Sebulba will consist of cause it looks like his arms can come off. Watto is just amazing and must be a definite improvement over his older version.

All in all I do notice that the summer wave is going to be the wave of shorties, I don't think they ever used as much short legs as in this wave. Now just to wait and see how the vehicles will look.

Does it just seemy to me or Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber (Yoda's, Quinaln's And Koth's too) is trans-green, not neon green?

Minifigures are great.

Biggest dissaopointment: Padme. Why can't they make her in other clothes

I like how headgears on Maul, Savage and Ki Adi are separated from heads.

New clones are awesome.

Frigate is now must-buy. :cry_happy:

New Jedis are great.

This is not year of the rabbit. Tt's year of the Jedi. :laugh:

We get all those Jedi, and clones, and Ewoks, but somehow I'm concerned about the direction TLG is going with the new themes. The question is, when is there enough detail and variety?

I mean probably they really do look awesome in person and I'm excited, but I can't feel the unconditional enthusiasm that most or some of you feel.

Let's see how it all turns out when they're on the shelves.


Edited by Enpaz


So many new figs, so many new pages.

Most are looking good, but some (new qui-gon) look stupid, the one in the old rep cruiser was fine. Also too many characters and not enough armies :angry: (Maul looks stupid now well done TLG you managed to ruin a perfectly good fig with idiot horns :thumbdown::thumbdown::thumbdown:)

Lego it appears is at it again, putting figures in sets that don't really match....like Obi Wan was no where near the pod-racers....my guess is to save money Ep.1 has all it's main characters in just two sets.....I guess each set needs a Jedi eh ? :wink:

Keep on using the force.....Luke ! :laugh:

and it seems Ki adi mundi's head piece is on backwards...

I think it's about right, the protruding enlarged binary brain forehead is in the front side. The main inaccuracy is the distinct lack of goatee. It would also be interesting to see if there is hair on the tip of Mundi's head.


I think it's about right, the protruding enlarged binary brain forehead is in the front side. The main inaccuracy is the distinct lack of goatee. It would also be interesting to see if there is hair on the tip of Mundi's head.

Can't wait to put a different flesh head on him, and a sage beard. :wub:

Must be.

The N1 Starfighter has been on the 'confirmed' set list for a looooong time, so I have no clue as to why it should be a surprise now.

It seems that plenty of members don't view the first post regularily or even visit the closed news topic which is always up-to-date... :sceptic:

Their loss :laugh:

Unknown 2011

7958 Star Wars Advent Calendar

7877 Naboo Fighter (Brickset Rumor)

7879 Hoth Echo Base (Brickset Rumor)

Or just be a jerk, whatever. I was referring to the Rumor part, and how it's not a rumor anymore since we have a pic of the set's figs.

Edited by StoutFiles

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