February 13, 201114 yr Thanks for the pictures Grogall, we can rely on you ever time. This summer line-up is probably one of the best yet. The Millennium Falcon looks really good and the figures show a great improvement on previous versions of the craft. The geonosian speeder is a must have. The new mold for the pilot looks brilliant in my opinion and the figures are great, not too sure on Mundi's head though . The Endor set is really good. A nice inclusion to the Battle of Endor set. The Ewoks look great and different to previous versions. Really pleases with these.
February 13, 201114 yr Grograll, awesome in-depth pictures! I am definitely going nutty and in fact it is truly incredible for me to acquire some of the older re-released sets like the Millennium Falcon and the Podrace!
February 13, 201114 yr Flick-fire missiles... on the Falcon... You can always 'flick' them into the fire!
February 13, 201114 yr Oh man, Christmas came early this year! The Podracers were already at the top of my list for this wave, but after seeing those photos, WOW! I would move it higher up the list if I could! I mean, just the fact that they are including STANDS for displaying and HANDLES for swooshing! They didn't have to do that at all. It's little touches like that that are going to make this the perfect set. Ewok Attack, just amazing! Might be one of the first sets I'd get multiples of to add to my growing Endor display. Logray just might be THE figure of 2011. Glad they included a hood for Maul, so people who think the horns look silly (or want to be accurate to his appearance on Tatooine) have that option. After seeing these pictures, the Falcon and Frigate traded place on my list (the Falcon moved UP, and the Frigate moved DOWN). I think it's the little touches on the Falcon that moved it up on my list (Luke's training ball, helmet, & double-sided face, secret smuggling compartments, etc). Still going to try and get both the Falcon AND the Frigate in the long run though. The only pass for me on this list is the Sith Nightspeeder (or whatever they are calling it these days). To me the ship is just too darn ugly. The only good parts are the amazing figures. But since these three characters are super important in the show, I'm sure down the road we'll see more (and hopefully better) sets with them in it. I might get this one if I found it on clearance. But it would only be for the figures. Over all, this is an AMAZING wave! Probably the best wave I've seen since coming out of my Dark Ages. I'll most likely be getting six out of the seven sets, and also the Naboo Fighter and Echo Base. Speaking of which, hoping we'll uncover pictures of those two sets soon! Ok, now back to drooling over these pictures!
February 13, 201114 yr Thanks to Grogall for the new pics! Found a Youtube video of the new MF presentation but has background showing the boxes with the dreaded confidential stamp so I'm not sure if I can deeplink. Video can be found here: link to blog post Since I do not have any of the earlier playable MFs, I'm definitely going to get this one.
February 13, 201114 yr These sets are awesome! The sets themselves are superb, but this year is for the minifigs. They are just too damn awesome! All the details, from double sided heads to fantastic headpieces! I feel very sure now that the green blades are a new shade of green. My only problem with any of these figs: Why does Darth Maul have a hole on the top of his head?! Overall, this is gonna be a great year for Star Wars!
February 13, 201114 yr http://jediinsider.com/index.php?catid=8&itemid=13407 Different/more pictures Edit Also - at bottom of page http://i.toynewsi.com/g/index.php?mode=album&album=2011_Toy_Fair%2FLEGO%2F&dispsize=600&start=0 Edited February 13, 201114 yr by Muddy
February 13, 201114 yr This is a really great wave, pretty much all the sets are appealing. I'm still not a huge fan of the genosian starfgighter or the sith infiltrator but I think the minifigs that come with those sets more than make up for it. The Falcon and the Podracers are definitely my favourites. :)
February 13, 201114 yr Those sets look amazing! The Geonosian Starfighter looks like a good ship, but the minifigures have really improved! Ki-Adi-Mundi's head looks a lot more natural than it did during the preliminary stage, and the Geonosian looks extremely accurate! The Millennium Falcon is even more attractive than before! I love what I've seen of the interior, and Luke's double sided training head is . The only thing I'm not happy about for this set is Leia's new hair. I can't wait until FBTB starts their coverage!
February 13, 201114 yr Look at those controls , and the secret smuggling area Oh and are some of those control prints new, the two on black slopes but without screens?
February 13, 201114 yr I am very disappointed. The sets are great, but just look at those prices! Take out a second mortage on your Lego houses Oh wait this economy has gone to pieces...
February 13, 201114 yr I'm defiantly picking up the Endor set, seems like a cheap and easy way to get some otherwise expensive figures. On a slightly unrelated note, does anyone know if the backpack will fit on the Scout Trooper? I see it attached to the back of the speeder, but Storm Troopers and Clone Troopers helms are too big for the pack.
February 13, 201114 yr On a slightly unrelated note, does anyone know if the backpack will fit on the Scout Trooper? I see it attached to the back of the speeder, but Storm Troopers and Clone Troopers helms are too big for the pack. It's not supposed to be an actual backpack, but some detailing on the speeder bike itself.
February 13, 201114 yr These new sets totally make up for the horrible wave we have right now. All i've currently bought are the battle packs and the wampa cave. But this wave is going to be great, and expensive. So many new fig's. I can't wait.
February 13, 201114 yr Man, am I happy that they didn't change Darth Vaders helmet, the picture made it look so. Don't really understand why they changed Leia's hair, it was good, same goes for the regular Ewoks BTW. It's also kinda disapointed they didn't paint the horns on Darth Maul and the other guy (I can't remeber his name). If you do sush a change, you must do it right from the start. But the good side, Darth Vader stays the same Chief chirpa is also very good.
February 13, 201114 yr After looking closely at the Sith NightSpeeder I think that most of the pieces we thought were stickers are printed with the exception of a few.
February 13, 201114 yr Who is Takkat in the 7956? It is the black ewok with the green hood; he does appear in the movie: The Falcon's play features are amazing, even though the design hasn't changed much I like it much better than the 04 set; the figs are great and there are so many details I just have to buy it Edited February 13, 201114 yr by Emperor
February 13, 201114 yr I am very disappointed. The sets are great, but just look at those prices! To express how we all feel go to this link. Seriously though, what is TLG thinking?! If this doesn't change my purchases will drastically decrease. The sets do look nice though but a line must be drawn somewhere.
February 13, 201114 yr To express how we all feel go to this link. Seriously though, what is TLG thinking?! If this doesn't change my purchases will drastically decrease. The sets do look nice though but a line must be drawn somewhere. The prices in the US are great, here in Germany every set is about 10 € more expensive; the Falcon, for instance, costs 150 €... Still, you get 1200 pieces so it isn't that bad.
February 13, 201114 yr Thanks grogall for the pics! Hmmm... I think they could have done a better job on the Falcon. It's very similar to 4504; they've clearly fixed a few issues (the new hinge mechanism for the folding roof pieces is a plus - the previous ones were rather weak), but it's still far from perfection. The exposed Technic beams on the underside are hideous! I appreciate the interior features, but the floor is now a mass of bley... I think I preferred the 8x8 dark bley grille plates they used on the earlier one. I'm not sure I could justify getting the new one just for a few minor improvements. I probably will though The Endor set is a nice expansion on 8038. I'm hoping the front end will have a removable section so Luke can do his lightsaber thingy on it; the new Ewoks are looovely I'm very impressed with the podracer set - normally I wouldn't bother with this, but the design (especially of Sebulba's pod) is gorgeous! It looks like the bars connecting the pod to the engines might be made of trans-clear Technic liftarms, which would be a great touch - but possibly a little fragile?
February 13, 201114 yr Hey Moderators!! In the frontpage section the gallery that's linked only shows Star Wars sets, there are no images of the rest of this year's products at the NY Toy Fair ... Really lovely new Star Wars sets, nevertheless not interested in the new Millenium Falcon, i think the 2004 version was far detailed, although I must accept that the blasters and landing craft at the bottom of this year's is quite awesome...
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