February 13, 201114 yr This thread is getting hard to read again... Hey Moderators!! In the frontpage section the gallery that's linked only shows Star Wars sets, there are no images of the rest of this year's products at the NY Toy Fair ... Really lovely new Star Wars sets, nevertheless not interested in the new Millenium Falcon, i think the 2004 version was far detailed, although I must accept that the blasters and landing craft at the bottom of this year's is quite awesome... Millennium Falcon... and the bottom looks terrible because there's exposed Technic and the dreaded flick-fire missiles. (Oh well - at least they remembered the ventral quad laser cannon...) NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! THERES A HUGE GAP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GEONOSIAN STAR FIGHTER!!! Hopefully youll be able to slide the sides to clos it. If not, after I get it im gonna moc it to death. Loving the millemium falcon. A definate buy. New Luke hair is epic. After I get it im gonna be opening it all day . It's the Millennium Falcon. And what's wrong with the gap? Ki Adi Mundi looks like s***... I was hoping after all of these years we would get a good one and that gap in the middle of the Geonosian Starfighter is hideous/repulsive/ugly/eyesore/disgusting/IcantthinkofanymoresoIwillstopnow Need we use such crude language? And I believe the word you are thinking of is accurate. 7965 millenium falcon Great set! 3 redesigned figs,I'm the only one who loves the new Leia Fig If I get the MF i put the couch from the fire brigade in it like in the family guy version of epsode 4 love everything about it,except the price It's the Millennium Falcon. Putting in the couch from Blue Harvest would be hilarious. I'm happy that I'm not alone in my opinion for once. I know it may sound hard, but I kinda hope that the new Millenium falcon sells bad. Hopping that some people at lego will see that their sets are becomming to expensive and that new versions doen't mean better versions. It's the Millennium Falcon. And looking at what LEGO did with 10179 this new Falcon could have been a better version but LEGO refused to fix the terrible cockpit and as a result the whole ship suffers. On the other hand, with the exception of the Republic Frigate and the Sith Infiltrator, all the other sets seem to be just excuses to pack in new minifigs with an expensive but underwheming model. The "new" Millenium falcon looks actually worse than the previous version, IMO, and the Ewok Attack, Dathomir speeder, and Geonosian Starfighter are all nothing special. It's the Millennium Falcon, but you are right about the minifigures. ughh, for me this podracers are ....not as good as the old ones. Oh? Why? Why do you all say Leias ugly? I think shes a very pretty minifig. And to be honest I could care less about accuracy (sorry fellas). The last geonosian starfighter didnt have it. I will MOC it so that theres no hole but you really cant blame TLG. I blame the maker of SW. Well then just go buy a 6212 and be happy with it, because there's no way the real X-wing had all that Technic garbage in the back. Man, next thing you know we'll have people elongating the engines on their Y-wings and shrinking the troop sections on their AT-ATs.
February 13, 201114 yr Gee, it's being real busy eh ? Okay, for me the two smaller CW sets and of course.....what I'll be asking my wife and son to buy for my birthday in August....the Falcon ! But must say Leia looks like she belongs on the set of Glee ! Plus I'm also happy with the speeders from Battle Of Endor set of two years ago....why the redesign ? Ah, well.....as Yoda might say.....Buy these, you must !
February 13, 201114 yr NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! THERES A HUGE GAP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GEONOSIAN STAR FIGHTER!!! Hopefully youll be able to slide the sides to clos it. If not, after I get it im gonna moc it to death. *sigh* Accuracy seems to be an unknown thing nowadays. There's supposed to be a gap in the "middle". ~ General Magma Edited February 13, 201114 yr by General Magma
February 13, 201114 yr Man, that's an ungly Leia. Why did they have to redo her hair? The rest looks great, though. I really hope we get pics of the N-1 and Hoth Base.
February 13, 201114 yr Is it correct whe haven't seen pictures of two summer sets? The 7877 (Naboo Starfighter) and a big Hoth Base set? Love the Podracer and the Geonosian Starfighter. Hopefully the prices are acceptable at the end. Edited February 13, 201114 yr by deters
February 13, 201114 yr Is it correct whe haven't seen pictures of two summer sets? The 7877 (Naboo Starfighter) and a big Endor set? A big Endor set? Am I the only one that hasn't heard about this yet? Where'd you get this info?
February 13, 201114 yr Wow that's a lot of posts! Great new pics! The Millennium Falcon is a disappointment. And I was so excited for it. I had missed the last ones and was hoping for this one to be great. Too bad. The rest look decent. Podracers are a HUGE improvment along with the figures in that set. The Sith Nightspeeder is okay, but it's a must get (for those who like TCW) for the figures mainly. Eeth Koth still has a someone-dumped-pudding-over-his-horns look, Leia looks messed up, Quinlan Vos could use a bit of work although he's not bad, but the rest of the figures are amazing! I am so happy that Savage's yellow prelim horns turn back to black. Also, I believe that Captain Panaka has a two sided face, one scared (squiggly mouth) and one normal. Edited February 13, 201114 yr by Cad Bane
February 13, 201114 yr A big Endor set? Am I the only one that hasn't heard about this yet? Where'd you get this info? I think he meant the hoth set. And guys, can we just accept that the milnemium flocan is hard to spell? Also loving these sets, the only really overpriced one is the Geonosis one but It still looks great.
February 13, 201114 yr And guys, can we just accept that the milnemium flocan is hard to spell? 'What in the world is the Illuminum Falcon?' Actually, it's pretty easy to spell, if you know how to porperly spelling. So, there's no giant Endor set coming?
February 13, 201114 yr Finally, Sebulba looks cool, and Watto is a nice revamp. Hope it will help lower the price of their previous version on BL...... About the Millenium Falcon, I am a bit disappointed, i still don't know why.... Maybe because TLG is good at taking promotional pictures of their sets, and that reality is somehow disappointing Podracers are really nice, anakin's one is still much similar to previous ones, but the trans clear pieces help a lot on the display
February 14, 201114 yr Here's a presentation of the Millennium Falcon There are more videos of the new sets on the channel.
February 14, 201114 yr This topic is getting... NEW MEMBERS NOTE Sorry to be mini-mod, but it appears that we've got quite a few new members who joined to discuss theses sets. Which is good! But use proper spelling/grammar, proof-read your posts, and most of all don't make a pointless reply. Don't just say "podracers are bad" say why, explain what you don't like, and add to the discussion. Oh and spelling lesson: Mill-enn-ium Fal-con, If another person miss-spells it fallenangels head will explode. I think he may be copy and pasting the same post.
February 14, 201114 yr Great to finally see clearer and more up-close shots of these new sets. Thanks to grogall and to others who shared links to various photo and video sources! ...and that Geonosian is so ugly! They should have re-printed the old head! Like what I pointed out before, the representation of the Geonosians are expectedly ugly, and this one is clearly based on the CW version, not the PT one. See the difference --> CW version / PT version My only gripe: why is the frigate so small-ish? If that's 120 USD, then there must be something wrong. As brickdoctor previously said, the CW flagship sets in the past couple of years (RGS, Venator, CTT) have been on that same US$120 price range, so nothing really surprising here.
February 14, 201114 yr Sebulba's pod racer looks absolutely stunning. My goodness. And accurate, too! I love it. However, I'm disappointed with the Sith Infiltrator - not for the figs, not for the build, both of which look fine (and Qui-Gon spectacular), but just the fact that this is our second Sith Infiltrator in a very recent timeframe. With such a big universe as the Star Wars one, I think more variety in the way of subject matter wouldn't be too hard... -Nuju Metru
February 14, 201114 yr I dunno if this has been asked but what is Yoda holding? It looks like a hologram but I don't know.
February 14, 201114 yr I dunno if this has been asked but what is Yoda holding? It looks like a hologram but I don't know. It is - and it's printed.
February 14, 201114 yr Did anyone else see the nice new printed hologram Yoda is holding in the Republic Frigate? I really don't have a problem with the hole in the fighter. One it's accurate, and two at least the cockpit is sealed off. *sigh* Accuracy seems to be an unknown thing nowadays. There's supposed to be a gap in the "middle". ~ General Magma I dunno if this has been asked but what is Yoda holding? It looks like a hologram but I don't know. Does anybody read my posts? Yes Yoda is holding a nice new printed hologram.
February 14, 201114 yr Does anybody read my posts? Yes Yoda is holding a nice new printed hologram. I noticed it, wonder what fig is on it. Can't wait to find out!
February 14, 201114 yr LEGO is doing the best they have ever done in all history (at least in my book). The models are beutiful, and even if its not, the figs make the set a %100 sell. To Brick Artist- Well Im sorry but not everyone can be perfect. Im sure your not exactly a prince so please people arent robots, theyre people. Im ESPECIALLY not programmed to spell good. Im a huge mess. Dont ask for stuff like that, for some reason my body takes that as an insult but I have no idea why... Im strange... I love the figs LEGO is making. LEGO realized how important the figs are to people. You can build a ship, but with no characters, its boring. The Republic Frigate is a definate buy for me. If I end up not liking the ship when I get it, the figs will totally make up for it. I NEED THAT YUMMY YODA (I also love the funny christmas yoda ). The wolf pack troopers dont look great for me, they look like they just put a ton of random prints on it (I dont watch clone wars a lot so I have zero idea what the heck wolf pack troopers are ) Im getting Milleminum (did I spell it right?)Falcon cus I love the ship (I havent completed watching star wars yet, Im up to episode 5) from the movies but I never got to buy it because I havent been a Star Wars fan since it came out. My mom thinks that the characters (aliens) are "discusting". I think the Falcon (Ill call it that cus I CANNOT spell it no matter what)(sometimes I wonder how I passed english)looks nice despite peoples hate of the bottom. I love the figs (Leia looks hot!!! [opinion]) (Luke is plain epic no questions asked) (Han is the same) (Obi-Wan I could really care less) (... and... Darth Vader... Yeah... Im wondering why hese there but what do I care I never had him as a fig so this is great for me). The bottom doesnt concern me in any way. The interior look slightly boring but I can always spice it up ( no removing floor boards like in the movie) The engines disappoint me because in the last Falcon (not giant one the reg. opening one) had a pretty engine but this one is a bit boring. People despise flick missles when you can just *pluck* *pluck* them off with your fingers- problem solved. That clone wars speeder thing looks trashy so Im not getting it. I love the Ewok attack, I get 2 Ewoks, a biker scout, a speeder (yummmmmm), and a cool tree with traps (time to build LEGO me a tree house with a few Tricks *MUAHAHAHAHAHA* (Im thinking of the kids that used to pick on me at middle school, gonna make minifigs of them and make a war!!! ) Is that it? No? Ok the pod racers, they look nice but they seem expensive and all those technic peices? They turn me off. But the figs are incredible. Loving the Geonosian Starfighter and its a definate buy for me. The "movie accurate hole" bothers me to the extreme but who cares? Just add a few bricks and *gasp* *shocker* problem solved. Mauls ship looks great but Im not getting it. Edited February 14, 201114 yr by Bricker
February 14, 201114 yr This is one of the best waves in a while. The podracers, geonosian speeder, and sith infiltrator give me the same feeling I got back in '99 looking at the little catalog that came with other sets and wishing I could have them all. I never minded the tan bars on the old podracers, it gave me something to hold onto and have fun with, and didn't look that bad. I also really liked the first infiltrator, all the old sets had this simplicity to them that was really endearing. I had the geonosian ship that had the crappy gun and was really disappointed but I liked the figs, and now I really like the ship but don't like the geonosian :/ ki-adi-mundi is cool though. I don't understand the people complaining about the gap in the side... for years SW LEGO fans would moan about the movie innacuracies, and now that they have it they don't like it and are gonna mod it to be different from the movie. Whatever, they're not my bricks.
February 14, 201114 yr I'm really liking all of the new sets except the Sith Nightspeeder and Sith Infiltrator. The Sith Nightspeeder seem a little too wide for my taste and there's something about the Sith Infiltrator that's unappealing to me, I just can't pinpoint it at the moment. The two sets I'm most looking forward to are the Podracers and the Geonosian Starfighter. Both sets look really well designed and I missed out on the earlier releases of both.
February 14, 201114 yr I can't believe those pod racers are going to be close to $100! The old one had 3 podracers, three pit-droids and a pit stop for close to the same price! They better fix the price or I wont be able to afford it.
February 14, 201114 yr thank you! Wow those look fantastic! Really happy with the little extras every where, gray helmet for luke, hood for maul.. I don't know what to except get most of them.. However my feelings about the new lei stays the same..
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