April 15, 201113 yr Just remember to start off the conversation with the Minifig-scale Tantive IV that you will build. Okay, back on topic. EDIT: Better link. That would save me drawing a picture!!! Opps! Topic...
April 15, 201113 yr EDIT: The Devastator WAS in Empire. The linear array between the scanner globes was modified for TESB; it was in a more upright position in ANH. The Star Destroyers in ESB are the Tyrant, Accuser, Avenger, and Stalker. The model itself might have been in there but it was likely used as the Tyrant instead since it's the only Imperial I-class Star Destroyer shown in ESB. The other three are the new, more detailed model they built for ESB. theforce.net is describing the model itself and not the name given to the ship in the movie. Otherwise there would be three Avenger's running around. Yep! I reckon so. I think the inclusion of the ISD really hammers the scale of the SSD home. Its great thing when you think about it! Imagine the dinner parties you could host where you'd place 10019, 10030, 10221 and 10143 on display all at once and educate trapped and hungry guests on their scale differences i.e. 'This my friend is the 'big version' of the Rebel Blockade Runner, there is its 'mini' hiding under that big Star Destroyer, whose own mini representative (with four others of course just to complete the fleet) is next to that huge model of the Super-duper Star Destroyer, whose mini is actually dangling off the side of that mammoth half completed Death Star (please don't touch that without first washing your hands)! And how large is a human being in relation to that Blockade Runner I hear you ask? Well let me draw you a picture and yes there will be a test on this before you leave...' Can't wait! A good ship scale site: http://www.merzo.net/
April 15, 201113 yr A good ship scale site: http://www.merzo.net/ Awesome! Thanks. Now my dinner guests are really in trouble... The Star Destroyers in ESB are the Tyrant, Accuser, Avenger, and Stalker. The model itself might have been in there but it was likely used as the Tyrant instead since it's the only Imperial I-class Star Destroyer shown in ESB. The other three are the new, more detailed model they built for ESB. theforce.net is describing the model itself and not the name given to the ship in the movie. Otherwise there would be three Avenger's running around. As far as this kind of conjecture is concerned I've only ever paid attention to what's scripted in the first three films as so called 'canon'. I'm only aware of one of the Star Destroyers in ESB being named at all (Avenger). Are the other names from the ESB novel or EU? 'Cause if this thread ends up being a discussion about that sort of thing then I'm not your man... Having got that off my chest then I think you've made a good point about theforce.net. Given also that the Tantive IV model was upgraded for scenes as multiple blockade runners in ROTJ then it is a bit of a stretch of the imagination to think that said 'christened' ship also attacked the Death Star II especially as it presumably remained Imperial property after its capture in episode IV. Edited April 15, 201113 yr by Aeroeza
April 15, 201113 yr I have an excellent idea for a display now, with the UCS Death Star II, with its mini SSD, then this set with its mini SD, the the UCS SD with its mini Blockade Runner, then the UCS BR, great line up.
April 15, 201113 yr Well, i am fairly sure that an SSD features quite a bunch of tractor beam projectors. According to the old RPG (WEG, Imperial Sourcebook) an SSD has 40 tractor beam emplacements. The newer iteration, (wotc, Starships of the Galaxy) tells it to have 8 tractor beam batteries. Starwars.com does not offer precise data on the ship. In consequence, i am convinced to believe that arrays/installations near the bridge are sensors and the shield generators - as a specific SD design feature. Regarding the news on the UCS SSD, i followed the thread for a bunch of days but was unsure whether to post or not. At first, i could not believe into the boldness of TLG to create this huge ship - for most or at least pretty many people a dream has finally come true. After the source indication i believed the news and was evermore impressed. I congratulate TLG on this bold move. The set will undoubtedly become an unique alltime classic. Not only for hardcore collectors... Will i definitely buy this? Not sure on that. Spending an estimated 400 to 500 bucks on a single item is hard to swallow. If the ship will be cheaper by a feelable margin - chances do rise significantly. For as long as i don't know more details, i would not make a first (which most often also is a final) decision on something this big. Admittedly my interest would be appetized a lot if there were some interior with small details to admire and to recreate famous scenes. I' be a little disappointed if my unique Bossk would get a twin. A new figure (bounty hunter as so many others have said) instead would preferrable to me. Overall, i find it hard to say a final judgement this early. As a StarWars fan since a full two decades - it will be as hard to say NAY as to say YAY! BTW, an announcement on an UCS but still nothing on 7879? It was pretty clever a move on the part of TLG to spread rumors and deliberately leak out a pic to get us community into trembling motion. I love such kind of excitement and anticipation. Edited April 15, 201113 yr by Ki-Adi-Mundi
April 15, 201113 yr I'd love to know what TLG's sales projections are for this set... it goes without saying that they've done the marketing for it prior to greenlighting its release, and they must have concluded that they're going to sell enough to turn a tidy profit despite all of the initial bricks value plus production and packaging costs. BUT, we're easily looking at a $300+ USD set, so how many units does TLG expect to move?? The fact that they're cranking out one of these enormous SW sets every year should be all the proof you need that TLG recognizes the AFOL as a primary source of its business. A set like this is neither designed, released or even promoted as a set for kids-- and if they weren't sure they'd sell enough, they'd have never released it in the first place. Personally, I've given up on the big ticket sets-- that money's better put to use for home and family. But even if I wasn't, I'd probably still pass on this one. It just doesn't have the 'worth even that much money' quality that the Death Star has. But, on the other hand I guess my entire argument is entirely speculative until we get the actual price tag.
April 15, 201113 yr Maybe they'll open the pre-orders in a matter of weeks to have an estimate on how many sets they should produce in the long run. If not even the hardcore Lego fans are willing to pay for it (and I'm quite sure they'll throw in some papers like the MF's certificate just to sell some extra copies), they'll cease production of the ship one or two months after its release. [and will roll on the floor laughing as its price skyrockets on Bricklink mere minutes after the last one is sold] Edited April 15, 201113 yr by kamigawa
April 15, 201113 yr The big sets make a lot of money for the Lego retail stores and are the "Flagship" items and WOW pieces that get people (who may not initially know about or be interested in Lego) to come into the hobby. I know that the local Lego store near me sells some 30 Lego Death Stars per week, generating nearly $48K/month in sales alone for that one item.
April 15, 201113 yr The Star Destroyers in ESB are the Tyrant, Accuser, Avenger, and Stalker. The model itself might have been in there but it was likely used as the Tyrant instead since it's the only Imperial I-class Star Destroyer shown in ESB. The other three are the new, more detailed model they built for ESB. I realize I'm being really nerdy here, but... is this intended to be the Tyrant? If so, the rounded lump and rectangular indents on the bridge tower clearly identify it as an Imperial II, as do the presence of eight heavy turbolaser turrets (as opposed to Imperial Is, which have six). A good ship scale site: http://www.merzo.net/ Unfortunately, that site uses canon dimensions as the basis for scaling, so... Well, i am fairly sure that an SSD features quite a bunch of tractor beam projectors. According to the old RPG (WEG, Imperial Sourcebook) an SSD has 40 tractor beam emplacements. The newer iteration, (wotc, Starships of the Galaxy) tells it to have 8 tractor beam batteries. Starwars.com does not offer precise data on the ship. In consequence, i am convinced to believe that arrays/installations near the bridge are sensors and the shield generators - as a specific SD design feature. The 'canon' information supplied by West End Games tends to be completely off the mark, so it's not a reliable source when it comes to things like this. Frankly, I don't know how many tractor beam projectors there are, and since they are not evident from the studio model it's safe to assume that any number is fabricated. I do think, though, that the domed structures on the bridge are sensor arrays, because that's what they are on 'real' naval craft. Edited April 15, 201113 yr by fallenangel309
April 16, 201113 yr Personally, I've given up on the big ticket sets-- that money's better put to use for home and family. But even if I wasn't, I'd probably still pass on this one. It just doesn't have the 'worth even that much money' quality that the Death Star has. But, on the other hand I guess my entire argument is entirely speculative until we get the actual price tag. Well it's all a bit speculative till we get prices and clear pictures, but I'm expecting it'll be roughly around the same price point as 10188 or 10212. As to the appeal, I guess it depends on what you like. I'm a complete sucker for the big sets, having most of them from the past few years (not just the Star Wars ones either) and 10030 is my absolute pride and joy. It's often commented on by door to door salesmen, as it's positioned such that it pretty much faces straight towards the front door. This is possibly the only set that could usurp that position, I've always wanted a UCS SSD. Oddly the one 'big set' I haven't got and have no intention of getting is the Death Star playset, which just leaves me cold. Swings and roundabouts I guess.
April 16, 201113 yr I admire this.521 pages in 4 months.I'm glad to come back here on this forum,forgot about it By the way... Anyone has clutched dathomir's speeder in his/her hands? Edited April 16, 201113 yr by Gile (SRB)
April 16, 201113 yr I admire this.521 pages in 4 months.I'm glad to come back here on this forum,forgot about it By the way... Anyone has clutched dathomir's speeder in his/her hands? What? Are you asking if the Dathomir set is out yet? It isn't to be out until August.
April 17, 201113 yr What? Are you asking if the Dathomir set is out yet? It isn't to be out until August. You mean June, it comes out along with the rest of the sets (Ewok Attack, Geonosian Starfighter, Sith Infiltrator, Podracers, Republic Frigate and the Millennium Falcon) in June, said so at Toy Fair.
April 17, 201113 yr You mean June, it comes out along with the rest of the sets (Ewok Attack, Geonosian Starfighter, Sith Infiltrator, Podracers, Republic Frigate and the Millennium Falcon) in June, said so at Toy Fair. What are you talking about?? My store has it sold out.Ah,internet store.But i saw it few days ago that it could be bought... That's whats bothering me.But I know the prices already , so here they are : Ewok Attack : 25-30 bucks Dathomir : 25-30 Sith Infiltrator : 80-90 bucks Podracers : 110-120 Millenium Falcon : 200-300 :( Republic Frigate .... : 200 So there you have it...I had no time to look did anyone put prices for it already on this forum...Sorry if someone wrote this before and i multiplied the same post. Edited April 17, 201113 yr by Gile (SRB)
April 17, 201113 yr Sorry if someone told you this already. The number of people that don't bother to check the first post is staggering.
April 17, 201113 yr Haven't been on in several weeks. I believe the imperial officer (this may have been already mentioned) Admiral Piett. Btw, it looks great.
April 17, 201113 yr Haven't been on in several weeks. I believe the imperial officer (this may have been already mentioned) Admiral Piett. Btw, it looks great. Yes it has 4 or so pages back I think . Hopefully if it is Piett, He looks better than Tarkin, or Viers.
April 17, 201113 yr Author The number of people that don't bother to check the first post is staggering. Yeah, which is actually quite disturbing.
April 17, 201113 yr Yeah, which is actually quite disturbing. Oh , sorry.I haven't been couple of months here and I didn't know that you people edited the page.
April 17, 201113 yr Oh , sorry.I haven't been couple of months here and I didn't know that you people edited the page. Why wouldn't the staff edit a page with key archives on all the sets of this year? Sorry, it just sounds like a crazy thought to me.
April 17, 201113 yr Sorry, it just sounds like a crazy thought to me. Seems like there have been an awful lot of "crazy thought" lately ( the Executor was retconned into Empire?!)
April 17, 201113 yr Why wouldn't the staff edit a page with key archives on all the sets of this year? Sorry, it just sounds like a crazy thought to me. Well , how could i know? I just checked the last page . EDIT:Ah,nevermind...Lets just talk about SW here. Edited April 17, 201113 yr by Gile (SRB)
April 17, 201113 yr You mean June, it comes out along with the rest of the sets (Ewok Attack, Geonosian Starfighter, Sith Infiltrator, Podracers, Republic Frigate and the Millennium Falcon) in June, said so at Toy Fair. Although August is the US release date; maybe that's what he's talking about. Seems like there have been an awful lot of "crazy thought" lately ( the Executor was retconned into Empire?!) I agree.
April 17, 201113 yr Let's recall the image. Via Brickset I only can say a thing for that UCS, amazing!
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