August 3, 201014 yr these are looking great so far eddy, great stuff are there any other updates for the other ships?
August 3, 201014 yr Author not yet. want to finish the small ship first. have late shifts this week so time is limited. but i will update them asap. im already thinking about a spanish treasure galleon and a brig and a big modular port. alot of mocs found on EB are very inspiring.
August 3, 201014 yr not yet. want to finish the small ship first. have late shifts this week so time is limited. but i will update them asap. im already thinking about a spanish treasure galleon and a brig and a big modular port. alot of mocs found on EB are very inspiring. Hey there! Im new in this forum, and I love your ships... wonder how they would look with real bricks. I work with MLCad, and I'm making some official lego sets with it. Heres my incomplete Cross bone clipper: Hope you like it! It has missing some parts I couldnt find, like the plate with arm for the sail or the light things. Thanks!
August 6, 201014 yr I have to say that I am extremely impressed with all 4 of these ships. That pirate galleon for instance, just simply amazing. I do hope that you build these ships with real Lego bricks someday.
August 6, 201014 yr Author Thanx for the compliment :) The pirate galleon is finished. It received an old style Rigging and 4 custom cannons. Also changed some small parts but nothing substantial. Should be big enough for 8 to 10 minifigs. I painted sails into one of the pics to show how it should look under full sail. Ill do a pirate flagship at some point. Something similar but on a wide hull with 3 midsections and more cannons. here are the pics. :)
August 6, 201014 yr Ok the pirate vessel... Oh... My.. God! Thats just fantastic job mate. Everything is perfect and those custom cannons are just The Pirate flags are great detail and what about the rest of it? Fantastic job mate, ill hope the last ship will turn out as these two did. Keep it up and keep those ships coming mate. Captain Becker
August 9, 201014 yr I really like your ships and even more your general design style which is simple yet effective. It also greatly reminds me of the original pirate sets only that your design are way bigger and more detailed. As CGH has mentioned they also look similar to late 17th century warships; a period not often seen here on the forums. I have noticed you have used quite some inspiration from my two frigates; esspecially the masts and interior look familiar to me. I appreciate that, however if you use a lot of techniques and inspiration from one particular design it would be appropriate to give credit; actually giving credit is never wrong but sometimes a lot of work. I also noticed your gundeck is only 4 bricks and one plate high. That may improve the overall sleek appeareance, but it won't allow a minifigure with headgear to stand straight. It would be great if you would manage to make at least one of your ships (preferably the large frigate) in real bricks; I wish you the best of luck with it!
August 10, 201014 yr Author @Perfectionist. Yeah i took some insperation on the captains quarters and the interior and the capstan.And of cause the tiled deck. most other stuff was by observense and knowledge of ships. i did shipmodelbuilding in the past and im very interested in sailing ships in general. however youre right. you deserve credit for those ideas. i appologize for not mentioning it earlier. the gundeck hight is to low on the unfinished two decker seen on page one. on the pirate galeon and on the frigate they are exacly 5 bricks high. mlcad somewhat distorts the image bacause you only have 2 choices in 3d view : no perspective or a way to much perspective. On the frigate the the gundeck flour is lowered and the "roof deck is 1 plate thick and 2 plates thick at the sides to improve stability. so it looks like its lower when in fact it isnt. the pirate galeon does not realy have a fully enclosed gundeck. the part with the "hole" is open so minifigs can stand in there. below the quarterdeck where the ships whell is the deck hieght is 5 bricks. in the captains cabin deck hight is 5 bricks and 2 plates. so wherever there is a roof the common pirate or seaman with bandana can can comfortably stand in. a admiral with admiral hat however is a close fit. the common soldier with those high hats cand stand in there. for a pirate with a bandana 4 bricks and 2 plates is enough deck hieght to stand upright. i consider it a worthwhile compromise but its not without flaws. but considering the size of the ships with a norrow hull +2 midsections for the pirate ship and 4 midsections on a wide hull for the frigate, im pretty much happy how they turned out. the one thing im not realy happy with is the bow decoration. i realy love your solution with the flexible tubes but its not possible to do it in mlcad. i experimented with technik connectors and rounded fence parts and those litle bars with clip parts you used on your swivel guns. talking about swivel guns, i want to mention the mounting part is based on your design as well :)
August 10, 201014 yr Those vessels are very nice, probably also the best digital ones I've ever seen. Keep it up and keep us updated!!
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