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The fifth night had the residents of Hogwarts taking a turtle position as most of them tried to cover up their backs. Unfortunately, the defenses were not impenetrable for all of them...


Harriet Pewter sat on the couch of the Slytherin common room, wondering where the others had went. She felt useless in helping out with this terrible mystery. It was the story of her life: she seemed to fail in everything she tried to do. And a plump, clumsy, geeky girl like her had no real friends, either.

Harriet swallowed the tears that she felt were on their way.


Suddenly she heard someone enter the common room. To her shock, it wasn't one of her classmates but a dark-clad figure.

"H-how did you get in here?" she asked, but before the figure could answer, she sprang up from the couch and made a run for it.


Unfortunately, she stumbled to the edge of the thick carpet on the floor. The dark-robed figure laughed menacingly.

"That's what you get for not doing your exercises", the figure mocked. Harriet sobbed in terror, knowing there was no escape.


"Avada Kedavra!"


The figure turned to look at the underwater windows that showed the scenery on the bottom of the lake.

"Ah, Slytherin... Had I been a student in this school, I would've been sorted into this house", the shadowy figure said, and left.


In the Hospital Wing, Stephanie Kingston woke up after having dozed off in her wheelchair, only to find a peculiar lump on her lap.

"My, what's this? Oh, could it really be a bezoar?! Some kindly soul must've left this to me in order to save me from this poisoning."


Not wanting to look the gift horse into the mouth, Madam Kingston swallowed the bezoar, and immediately felt the poison leaving her body.

"This is a miracle!" she exclaimed. This was the second time she had escaped death, so she felt like nothing could harm her anymore.


Unfortunately, the Dementor haunting Hogwarts begged to disagree. It had made its way into the Hospital Wing where it found the recovering librarian.


Not even the joy Stephanie Kingston felt could prevent the Dementor for giving her its fateful kiss. The librarian fell down lifeless with her wheelchair as the Dementor left the Hospital Wing to return another night.


The next morning was sinister indeed. The Death's Hallowed were gaining an upper hand on Hogwarts, and the Aurors had nothing but bad news.

"Our investigations have come to the conclusion that all three - Todd Bulstrode, Harriet Pewter and Stephanie Kingston - were innocent", Auror Potter said grimly. "Furthermore, from the librarian's possession we found a Foe-glass that had been tampered to give out false information. It seems we still have no clue who the Death's Hallowed are among us."


Then the headmistress spoke, weariness showing in her ancient face.

"Please, those of you who are innocent... Make a good choice today. We are running out of time, and so many of us have already died. I don't want to see another innocent soul being sacrificed for this great tragedy. Please..."

The crowd had a minute of silence before they started speaking.


1. There are two opposing sides in this game, the
Death’s Hallowed
and the
. The Death’s Hallowed win when they outnumber the others. The Innocent win when they’ve vanquished all of the Death’s Hallowed.

2. Each day, the players will vote out one amongst them with a majority decision. To vote or to draw back your vote, you must use the following sentence in your post:
vote: character/player
unvote: character/player
. If you want to change your vote, you must first unvote before the second vote is calculated.

3. During days, there is a 24 hour period before anyone can vote. Once the majority decision is reached, you cannot unvote the player in question anymore.

4. Every player will get a short list of items, spells and skills at their disposal. These can be used only at nights.

5. Each night, the players can use
of their items, spells, OR skills by sending the host a PM about it. Some items and skills have an automatic effect, which will be handled by the host. Items can be handed over to another player, but that will cost the giver the night’s action.

6. To give someone else your item, send the
a PM stating the item you wish to give, the name of the player you wish to give it to, and whether you want to remain anonymous or not. Items cannot be exchanged without the host acting as an intermediary.

7. The night abilities have a pre-specified order of effect. If you don’t send your night ability by the time limit I’ve given each day, you will miss your chance to use it.

8. The Day-topics are meant for active players only, so do not post in them if you are already out of the game. The Discussion-topic is open to everybody.

9. Do not edit your posts, because it is considered unfair to other players.

10. Do not directly quote
I’ve sent to you via PM. Use your own words, please.

11. All out-of-character discussion must be kept in the Discussion-topic. Likewise, all talk about game tactics and roles must be kept in the Day-topics and PMs.

12. Since this game deviates quite a lot from other Mafia-games, please ask any questions or doubts you might have directly from me, and you will be answered.


Hogwarts Faculty:

hm-ava-brigelda.jpgBrigelda Hearth, nurse (WhiteFang)

hm-ava-crudo.jpgCrudo Alakhazam, teacher of Charms (Big Cam)

hm-ava-eloquence.jpgEloquence Malleus, teacher of Transfigurations (Shadows)

hm-ava-jingle.jpgJingle the House-elf (Dragonator)

hm-ava-neville.jpgNeville Longbottom, teacher of Herbology and Head of Gryffindor House (professor flitwick)

hm-ava-rhubarb.jpgRhubarb Uxley, teacher of Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Hufflepuff House (Escape the Fate)

hm-ava-sicilia.jpgSicilia Bathory, teacher of Potions and Head of Ravenclaw House (Eskallon)

Hogwarts Students:

hm-ava-desiree.jpgDesiree Jackson, Gryffindor (badboytje88)

hm-ava-jolie.jpgJolie Jadis, Slytherin (Lord Arjay)

hm-ava-loki.jpgLoki Malfoy, Slytherin (ILikePi)

hm-ava-prion.jpgPrion the Centaur, Hufflepuff (Forresto)

hm-ava-rocky.jpgRocky Broomwell, Gryffindor (sok117)

hm-ava-sheila.jpgSheila Bones, Ravenclaw (Matn)

hm-ava-valerie.jpgValerie MacArthur, Ravenclaw (Inconspicuous)

hm-ava-xander.jpgXander Lovegood, Gryffindor (CallMePie)


hm-ava-dementor.jpgDementor #2

hm-ava-tea-ghost.jpgTea Ching, teacher of Divination and a ghost (iamded)

The Deceased & The Confined:

hm-ava-brandon-dead.jpgBrandon Townsend, Hufflepuff (Oky Wan Kenobi) - Impartial (killed on Night One)

hm-ava-oraman-dead.jpgOraman Furbad, caretaker (JimButcher) - Innocent (slain by a monster on Night One)

hm-ava-angela-dead.jpgAngela Weasley, Gryffindor (Burman) - Innocent (voted out on Day Two)

hm-ava-francis-dead.jpgFrancis Rowan, Ravenclaw (ADHO15) - Innocent (killed on Night Two)

hm-ava-nene-dead.jpgNene Grandstaff, Hufflepuff (Millacol88) - Impartial (voted out on Day Four)

hm-ava-tea-dead.jpgTea Ching, teacher of Divination (iamded) - Innocent (killed on Night Four, now a ghost)

hm-ava-bulltoad-dead.jpgTodd "Bulltoad" Bulstrode, Slytherin (Roncanator) - Innocent (voted out on Day Five)

hm-ava-harriet-dead.jpgHarriet Pewter, Slytherin (YG-49) - Innocent (killed on Night Five)

hm-ava-stephanie-dead.jpgStephanie Kingston, librarian (Zepher) - Innocent (kissed by a Dementor on Night Five)

There are 15 players left in the game, so it will take 8 votes to convict someone. Voting starts 24 hours from now.

I don't have much time for a long speech. YOU IDIOTS!! I HAD MORE AGAINST SHEILA THAN BULLTOAD!!

I will explain a lot in full later but today please follow my advice and vote out Sheila! The female canine must leave!!

Oh my, a complete waste of last nights action for me. I had 1 single bezoar in my stock and used it on stephonie.

However we are certainly going to be overun soon by Hallowed if we can't get anyone tonight, I will do some serious analysing once I have my real notepad(computer). I think now is the time to reveal what we know, here is what I know:

I am 100% sure who is the third impartial but I will not reveal whom, though they are certainly working with us innocent.

There is at least 1 hallowed killer.

There is a hallowed who can poison people.

I think we should believe Jolie as there surely cannot have been 2 incorrect foe glasses so hers must be giving good correct information. I am also willing to follow her myself.

Oh my, a complete waste of last nights action for me. I had 1 single bezoar in my stock and used it on stephonie.

However we are certainly going to be overun soon by Hallowed if we can't get anyone tonight, I will do some serious analysing once I have my real notepad(computer). I think now is the time to reveal what we know, here is what I know:

I am 100% sure who is the third impartial but I will not reveal whom, though they are certainly working with us innocent.

There is at least 1 hallowed killer.

There is a hallowed who can poison people.

I think we should believe Jolie as there surely cannot have been 2 incorrect foe glasses so hers must be giving good correct information. I am also willing to follow her myself.

Why would you not reveal them? It makes it sound like you have a reason to hide this information, or you don't have it?

Of course there is a hallowed iller, we've known that for 5 nights.

ALthough I almost postitive you are right on the hallowed being able to poison, it could have been an innocent who was forced to poison another innocent via a spell cast by the hallowed. So unless you have concrete proof that there is a hallowed who is able to poison, lets just be weary.

Why would you not reveal them? It makes it sound like you have a reason to hide this information, or you don't have it?

Well the person would rather not be named and if they do want to come out and admit that they are impartial then I am sure they will. I trust them for the facts they have told me and as they have proved they are dedicated to the innocents.

Oh this is a disaster! That's three more of us gone in the space of an evening, we have to lynch a Hallowed today people! This cannot be allowed to go on.

We need something solid to go off today people, all this guessing and too many slippery half-truths are getting us absolutely nowhere. Too many people have died, we'll all be dead at this rate if we don't act now.

So, first of all, does anyone have some real proof for us today? Something substantial that we can make a clear judgment off? If so, then that's our starting point, people. Myself, I've got nothing, much to my frustration...

Oh no! What a night, I thought for sure Bullstrode would be Hallowed, he did have a rather evil appearance about him, don't you think? I wonder why the foeglass targeted him with malicious intent? Harriet, poor Harriet, I feel bad because I was beginning to suspect that she was Hallowed herself, And our beloved Mrs. Kingston, she wasn't Immortal, so I think we all knew that If the Deathly Hallowed couldn't succeed in finishing her off the first time, they would surely try try again.

I think that today, we should see about he teachers, the figure who killed Harriet said that they were not a student at Hogwarts, I doubt it was jingle, though I can't be sure.

Jolie seems pretty confident that Sheila Bones is Hallowed, now that I think about it, that name sounds familiar, Bones, hmmm, are you perhaps related to Amelia bones who was murdered in 1996? Or are you related to Edgar Bones and his family from the order of the phoenix, who died during the first wizarding war? There seems to have been a lot of death in your family, If you are truly a descendant of these great wizards, perhaps you are seeking the Hallows for revenge?

I don't have much time for a long speech. YOU IDIOTS!! I HAD MORE AGAINST SHEILA THAN BULLTOAD!!

I will explain a lot in full later but today please follow my advice and vote out Sheila! The female canine must leave!!

Hmm.. really. Everyone knew Madam Kingston was innocent, so when her Foe Glass showed Bulltoad as evil, we all pursued him. And further more, here is your so called 'argument' for voting for Shelia.

Now then, Sheila is hallowed. I cannot reveal to you how I know this but I am quite sure that my suspicions are correct.

-She defended Nene yesterday thinking it would make her look good.

-She blocked me on night three with malicious intents.

Why would anyone take the word of someone yesterday was revealed to be a lier? Your someone I highly suspect.

Further more, the killer had stated not to have been a student at this school. This rules out the students and myself. Obviously, Jingle never received an education here, so it seems he could be the killer. Unless other members of the faculty have something to say...

Also Bulltoad appears to have been carring a Balislisk tooth. These are used to destroy Horcux's, like my friend Harry Potter did to defeat Voldemort. It would appear that someone has a Horcux's (only made upon taken someones life, so they must be Hallowed. That means there is someone invincible to harm until that Horcuxs it destroyed.

Also, Professor McGonagall, I don't suppose you could tell us if any of the staff didn't attend Hogwarts? Just to prove the stories.

We've lost seven innocents so far, and still we haven't caught a Hallowed! This is a disaster. :cry_sad:

So it seems that Horcruxes - I believe that they are parts of your soul embedded in objects that protect you from dying, even when your body is gone, and that can only be made when you kill a person - are part of the Hallowed's arsenal now. The question is...how do we find the items?

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Also, Professor McGonagall, I don't suppose you could tell us if any of the staff didn't attend Hogwarts? Just to prove the stories.

Headmistress McGonagall takes a moment to ponder, but she cannot remember any of the staff members attending Hogwarts in their youth except Professor Longbottom. The current faculty is surprisingly international per origin.

Headmistress McGonagall takes a moment to ponder, but she cannot remember any of the staff members attending Hogwarts in their youth except Professor Longbottom. The current faculty is surprisingly international per origin.

Great. So many bloody options. So much for leads.

Actually Professor Longbottom, I know that Uxley, Bathory, Alakhazem and Malleus each have actions unrelated to killing. Though all that proves is that they are not the killer. I only have Miss Malleuss' word on the subject but she seems to be truthful. The others are fact. We can rule out you as well. Which leaves Miss Hearth and Jingle.

Coming from me this probably means little to you though. :grin:

Actually Professor Longbottom, I know that Uxley, Bathory, Alakhazem and Malleus each have actions unrelated to killing. Though all that proves is that they are not the killer. I only have Miss Malleuss' word on the subject but she seems to be truthful. The others are fact. We can rule out you as well. Which leaves Miss Hearth and Jingle.

Coming from me this probably means little to you though. :grin:

If only they can back up what you say. And after admitting yesterday you where lying to all of us, do you really expect everyone to believe it right of the bat?

No, I don't. That's why I added that last remark. Never the less it's true. Though I do know some actions others are because they appeared in my foe glass and I did not die. They'd all probably appreciate me shutting up now.

We MUST vote for staff members now!

The shadowy figure said: "Ah, Slytherin... Had I been a student in this school, I would've been sorted into this house"

So this means that this Hallowed (there might be more than one) is NOT a student, thus he must be a member of the staff. The only staff member who was a student at Hogwarts is Prof Longbottom. So I say lets vote off a staff member no matter how much ‘convincing arguments’ Jolie Jadis has for whatever student she is suspecting to be Hallowed.

At first I suspected Jingles after I found out that the Hallowed was never a student at Hogwarts. Since he is the only one who could have never attended Hogwarts. But after Headmistress McGonagall told us that the current faculty is surprisingly international per origin I have absolutely no idea which staff member to suspect now, except Prof Longbottom.

Let’s ponder about what the staff members had to say in previous days.

Well, If jollie knows something then well let's follow her, it is either that or we take a random guess at any old staff member.

It is unlikely to be jingle as there have never been elves in this school learning magic so there would not even be a thought that if the came to this school...

So Miss Hearth, I haven't heard much at all from you through public discussion or private, nor have you done anything to spark up any interest. This makes me feel like you are purposely avoiding the spotlight. Feel free to drop me a POTATO MESSAGE( yeah it would be hard for me to select the B button on this Ipad) if you want to talk.

Then you Mr Malleus, you have been helping privately and although there is no proof which says you are not the killer you are an unlikely candidate compared to our nurse.

So if we are putting it down to these 3, like jollie says, then I say that we vote out Miss Hearth.

It is unlikely to be jingle as there have never been elves in this school learning magic so there would not even be a thought that if the came to this school...

Elves are very much capable of wand magic, and now creatures are getting equal rights (for expample, see Piron, the first centaur student here), it could be Jingle wishing that the rights had came in during his childhood.

So Miss Hearth, I haven't heard much at all from you through public discussion or private, nor have you done anything to spark up any interest. This makes me feel like you are purposely avoiding the spotlight. Feel free to drop me a POTATO MESSAGE( yeah it would be hard for me to select the B button on this Ipad) if you want to talk.

So we'd go from having her word, to having hers and yours? I'd rather have it out in the open.

Then you Mr Malleus, you have been helping privately and although there is no proof which says you are not the killer you are an unlikely candidate compared to our nurse.

Eloquence is a woman. Furthermore, why draw on her as opposed to all the other teachers mention? Not trying to clear anyone, are we?

Elves are very much capable of wand magic, and now creatures are getting equal rights (for expample, see Piron, the first centaur student here), it could be Jingle wishing that the rights had came in during his childhood.

So we'd go from having her word, to having hers and yours? I'd rather have it out in the open.

Eloquence is a woman. Furthermore, why draw on her as opposed to all the other teachers mention? Not trying to clear anyone, are we?

No not really, I am using these 3 as they are the ones whom jollie is not yet aware of there night actions. Anybody else have any ideas though?

Hello there, my lively friends. So, unsurprisingly, I was blocked from investigating Sicilia Bathory. I hear it was one Valerie MacArthur who was responsible for this. So, young Valerie, care to share why you impair my investigations? I don't much appreciate it.

Also, it's a great shame about Kingston. She was a good ally, and a friend. Just as things were looking up for her...

is there only one Hallowed killer? I feel as though only one person does something each night. The dementor is something else all together though, is someone controlling it? How was cuddles killed? can that give us a clue as to how to stop the dementor? theres so many questions that I don't understand, and to whomever keeps stupifiying me at night, I would ask you to kindly stop, as you are wasteing your time.

As for suspects, I think that Crudo is looking suspitious to me, I wouldn't mind knowing what hes been getting up to.

Well the person would rather not be named and if they do want to come out and admit that they are impartial then I am sure they will. I trust them for the facts they have told me and as they have proved they are dedicated to the innocents.

I guess its good they have prooven themselves to you, but for the rest of us, we have yet to see any proof. If you have anything that can help us innocent, please don't hold it back.

Actually Professor Longbottom, I know that Uxley, Bathory, Alakhazem and Malleus each have actions unrelated to killing. Though all that proves is that they are not the killer. I only have Miss Malleuss' word on the subject but she seems to be truthful. The others are fact. We can rule out you as well. Which leaves Miss Hearth and Jingle.

Coming from me this probably means little to you though. default_laugh2.gif

If only they can back up what you say. And after admitting yesterday you where lying to all of us, do you really expect everyone to believe it right of the bat?

No, I don't. That's why I added that last remark. Never the less it's true. Though I do know some actions others are because they appeared in my foe glass and I did not die. They'd all probably appreciate me shutting up now.

I have nothing to hide, you in fact are right about me, I certainly do not have any type of spell that could even harm anyone. To be honest mine are pretty useless and I have not made a whole lot of use out of them.

We MUST vote for staff members now!

The shadowy figure said: "Ah, Slytherin... Had I been a student in this school, I would've been sorted into this house"

So this means that this Hallowed (there might be more than one) is NOT a student, thus he must be a member of the staff. The only staff member who was a student at Hogwarts is Prof Longbottom. So I say lets vote off a staff member no matter how much ‘convincing arguments’ Jolie Jadis has for whatever student she is suspecting to be Hallowed.

At first I suspected Jingles after I found out that the Hallowed was never a student at Hogwarts. Since he is the only one who could have never attended Hogwarts. But after Headmistress McGonagall told us that the current faculty is surprisingly international per origin I have absolutely no idea which staff member to suspect now, except Prof Longbottom.

Let’s ponder about what the staff members had to say in previous days.

Now you are just jumping to conclusions, lets not forget what Headmistress McGonagall just said.

Headmistress McGonagall takes a moment to ponder, but she cannot remember any of the staff members attending Hogwarts in their youth except Professor Longbottom. The current faculty is surprisingly international per origin.

Damn, we are in a pickle.default_sceptic.gif

is there only one Hallowed killer? I feel as though only one person does something each night. The dementor is something else all together though, is someone controlling it? How was cuddles killed? can that give us a clue as to how to stop the dementor? theres so many questions that I don't understand, and to whomever keeps stupifiying me at night, I would ask you to kindly stop, as you are wasteing your time.

As for suspects, I think that Crudo is looking suspitious to me, I wouldn't mind knowing what hes been getting up to.

I'll tell you exactly what I've been up to. Nothing, I'm as scared as the rest of you, you may have noticed I ahvent been extremely vocal, this is because the only time I did have the nerve to contact someone, they were killed the next day. No one has contacted me, so I have just been doing my best to megablocks each situation and I try to NOT vote off innocents, which my record will show.

Well I'm certainly not the killer, I can't tell one end of a wand from another! I don't think I'd have the magical ability to be placed in Slytherin, let alone make it to the sorting hat. That Slytherin lot isn't particularly accepting of anybody not of pure blood anyway, let alone a house elf! :sceptic:

As for who it could be, I'm really not sure, it could be anyone other than Prof Longbottom, yes? I think we should also remember that while this particular killer isn't a student, that doesn't mean the rest of the wretched lot aren't. Thus I've been interested to see which of the students is eager to accuse which of the faculty, as it makes it very clear where certain individuals' loyalties lie.

I want to know why Valerie would want to block our newest resident ghost. This seems to be our biggest lead so far. Why would anyone who is innocent block our ally? These are important times, and we don't need someone playing games and blocking our allies.

I want to know why Valerie would want to block our newest resident ghost. This seems to be our biggest lead so far. Why would anyone who is innocent block our ally? These are important times, and we don't need someone playing games and blocking our allies.

I'm agreeing with you on that. There is 0 reason to block an Innocent from invesitgating. I can't see any way to slide out of this one, Valerie. :hmpf_bad:

Indeed! We know miss Ching is innocent so why would you block her from investigating anyone. At first I was all for voting of a staff member, but it doesn't look like we got any solid leads on who to pic. So if Valerie can't explain her behavior and we don't find out which staff member to vote off, Valerie will be getting my vote.

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