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I trust Ms. Ching, and, by extension, Jolie. But if Sheila turns out to be innocent, be warned, Jadis, your luck will have run out. Unvote: Valerie MacArthur/Inconspicious, and vote: Sheila Bones/Matn.

How many hallowed convictions has this magical investigative power brought us. I believe the number you are looking for is zero. All I am hearing are lies. "I have a foeglass and a regular one, sometimes I get the truth, sometimes I don't, BS. Jolie has been running us in circles. I'm finally going to voice my vote to get rid of her.

Show me something she has told us that led to a hallowed conviction? Then I'll cancel my vote.

What? You are clearly confused about my foe glass. It always gives the truth. Also, no-one has led us to a hallowed conviction, but at least I am trying. Which is much more than you have been doing.

Isn't it intresting that those who vote for me are among those who have contributed nothing at all so far. They have remained in the background throughout this crisis, un-noticed and never taking sides. Only when we are so close to defeat do they give us opinions so suddenly.

What? You are clearly confused about my foe glass. It always gives the truth. Also, no-one has led us to a hallowed conviction, but at least I am trying. Which is much more than you have been doing.

Isn't it intresting that those who vote for me are among those who have contributed nothing at all so far. They have remained in the background throughout this crisis, un-noticed and never taking sides. Only when we are so close to defeat do they give us opinions so suddenly.

So you and I have helped with the American number of convictions, I just did it with out rambling on for days.

Just because I don't have any information to share, and no one has contacted me, doesn't mean I'm not going for the same goal, of helping the innocents win. That would be easy to see by my lack of voting for innocents over the course of the last few days. I too am not 100% sure about Sheila, but I feel your a bigger threat. You have everyone wrapped around your finger. Who's side are you on?

So you and I have helped with the American number of convictions, I just did it with out rambling on for days.

Just because I don't have any information to share, and no one has contacted me, doesn't mean I'm not going for the same goal, of helping the innocents win. That would be easy to see by my lack of voting for innocents over the course of the last few days. I too am not 100% sure about Sheila, but I feel your a bigger threat. You have everyone wrapped around your finger. Who's side are you on?

So you are content to sit around and occasionally give a non-commital remark over something?

I don't see how that's supposed to be benificial to us. I am on the innocent side, are you? Do you see how silly that question is? Of course you will reply that you are also innocent. I have not been running in circles Angela was suspicious to many, Nene was not innocent and Madame Kingston lead the Bulltoad vote.

So you are content to sit around and occasionally give a non-commital remark over something?

I don't see how that's supposed to be benificial to us. I am on the innocent side, are you? Do you see how silly that question is? Of course you will reply that you are also innocent. I have not been running in circles Angela was suspicious to many, Nene was not innocent and Madame Kingston lead the Bulltoad vote.

Yes, I am innocent.

I don't see how me not saying much is a problem. I'm been listening to all the conversations and forming my own opinions. If I have nothing new to ad or anything different, why waste everyone's time? This is a game of life, not a popularity contest. I'm trying to make sure I don't vote for someone who is innocent.

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Current vote tally:

Sheila Bones/Matn: 5 (Eskallon, Inconspicuous, Lord Arjay, sok117, CallMePie)

Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay: 3 (Dragonator, Big Cam, Matn)

8 votes are needed for a conviction. You still got about 20 hours to vote.

People, enough is enough, we have to make a decision now. I am putting my reputation and my own life on the line here, for I truly believe that Jolie is not the innocent student she has been making herself out to be. I've already stated my arguments, so I won't bore you all with them again, however I want you all to consider your votes today very, very carefully. Jolie has been playing us for fools, pretending to help us innocents while secretly setting us up for her own ends. If she was truly investigated and found innocent, which Mrs. Ching still hasn't confirmed for us, then I believe some other sort of trickery is behind it; it has happened before and is sure to happen again in life. I simply cannot see how Jolie could possibly be innocent with everything we have against her, and I'm willing to risk my life to say that she isn't, because otherwise we're all going to die. If I'm killed tonight, I think we'll all know why, however I do have a means of protecting myself from the killer, so I think I shall do that tonight. You see Jolie, I'm not scared of you and your cohorts, as unlike the rest of the innocents, I know you can't touch me tonight, so I know that we'll have a fighting chance tomorrow night. Mrs. Ching, if you want to investigate me tonight to confirm the truth of my words, then I certainly have no objection to this.

I am not lying. In truth last night I attempted to retrieve the antidote from the poisoner. You see, I believed that there was only one poisoner, another assumption I made. Truth is, there is every chance I was in your room last night but I can assure you it was not of my own free will. I have no idea what happened only that Crudo Alakhazam did something to me, causing me to fail to not even get to my intended target. Then, well I do not know, I can not remember anything else. Perhaps you are correct that I was in your room, I assumed I was simply blocked but now I am not so sure.

Oh, here we go, so now the truth is starting to come out, drip by drip. So you were sneaking around last night, yes? And now you admit you might have been in my room, but it is not your fault, and you just can't remember? You were instead trying to steal from a mysterious poisoner? Well that's very convenient, isn't it, very convenient that I caught you out when you weren't expecting to be, but now you have a magical cover for it. So first you thought I was lying because you "assumed" I didn't have a foe glass, but now that you know I have other ways of knowing you targeted me, suddenly the story changes. You've built yourself up on a foundation of lies, madame, and I'm not standing for it any more.

I hope the people who have voted for me have thought very good about it, and that they didn't get lost in all the rambling of Jolie Jadis. You are going to vote out an innocent if you do so. And let me remind you, although Jolie has revealed her informant and says she trust her completely, we still haven't heard the reasoning of Elloquence Malleus herself! We all know she's occupied by other matters at the moment and it wouldn't surprise me Jolie is just making use of that. Let us wait for this so-called real evidence against me, straight out of the mouth of miss Malleus, if she even knows anything about it.

I hope the people who have voted for me have thought very good about it, and that they didn't get lost in all the rambling of Jolie Jadis. You are going to vote out an innocent if you do so. And let me remind you, although Jolie has revealed her informant and says she trust her completely, we still haven't heard the reasoning of Elloquence Malleus herself! We all know she's occupied by other matters at the moment and it wouldn't surprise me Jolie is just making use of that. Let us wait for this so-called real evidence against me, straight out of the mouth of miss Malleus, if she even knows anything about it.

I see how this is working, perhaps a bit too late to do anything about it, or perhaps not. Yes, I told Jolie that I had reason to suspect and expected evidence against you because of a vision I had and a discussion with someone I trust, but it never turned out to be as conclusive as I had hoped. As I think upon the words of the past few days, I have to admit that maybe I have been too distracted, but I'm not for this minute, and it's all becoming clear to me.

Vote: Sheila Bones / Matn

This had better be right or I'm losing my mind.

Heyyo. Alright, I'm here. Sorry, was off doing... ghosty stuff...

Now, Mr Jingle, let me tell you with absolute certainty that Miss Jolie Jadis is not a Hallowed. I do believe her to be trustworthy, as she's been helpful and straight with me. She's the only person who I investigated where I wasn't blocked, or the target wasn't incapacitated, or I was just not doing well. So I trust what I found out about her and believe it to be true, especially since I managed to find out all her night actions as well. So you know, don't vote Jolie. She's helping me out.

Heyyo. Alright, I'm here. Sorry, was off doing... ghosty stuff...

Now, Mr Jingle, let me tell you with absolute certainty that Miss Jolie Jadis is not a Hallowed. I do believe her to be trustworthy, as she's been helpful and straight with me. She's the only person who I investigated where I wasn't blocked, or the target wasn't incapacitated, or I was just not doing well. So I trust what I found out about her and believe it to be true, especially since I managed to find out all her night actions as well. So you know, don't vote Jolie. She's helping me out.

You've been avoiding bluntly stating Jolie is innocent. Is she possibly the third Impartial you spoke of yesterday?

You've been avoiding bluntly stating Jolie is innocent. Is she possibly the third Impartial you spoke of yesterday?

Hang on, that would make a lot of sense. A lot of sense. Mrs. Ching, tell us truthfully now, is Jolie innocent, or is she the third Impartial? If you definitely found her to be Impartial, then that settles the matter, I would not suspect that sort of result as being wrong. And if she is Impartial, then that says a lot about why Jolie can both be supporting the innocents while also going behind our backs at the same time to make sure she herself is the one that benefits.

Tell me Mrs. Ching, has she truly helped you at all, or has she merely given the impression of helping? As a confirmed innocent your views on this matter are vital, for if Jolie is an Impartial, then she will definitely have her own agenda to follow.

I don't know, I was so certain I was on to something when I found she had been in my rooms last night. If Jolie is Impartial then that certainly not as bad as being Hallowed, and not as much of a threat to us, however she still isn't on our side then, so we should be weary. Mrs. Ching, if you could please elaborate a bit then I may consider a different direction for my course of investigation, as we must find a Hallowed today, and time is running out.

I am really confused by many evidenence flying all over the place. I really want to help too, to help to convict the right person. I must admit that I am not very useful in this investigation, but we don't have much time. I am willing to vote for either Jolie or Sheila as long we are able to more or less confirm the situation.

I know someone out there, has also told me about Jolie's support to us all, and I know this person trusts her a lot, like what I trust this someone. I am still doubting the fact, is mainly because if Jolie is impartial stated by some of you in this conversation, we could be betrayed anytime when she choose to be on and that's my number 1 concern.

How can we be even assured that Jolie is not approached by the Death Hallowed's later on and being able to strike a deal between them? Can I have the vouch and assurance from my fellow friends that she won't betray us? If so, I will be glad to go after Sheila in this case.

Don't forget, being impartial is all about his/her winning condition. The person can choose to align with the Death Hallowed or Innocents anytime in this game of life.

Now, Mr Jingle, let me tell you with absolute certainty that Miss Jolie Jadis is not a Hallowed. I do believe her to be trustworthy, as she's been helpful and straight with me. She's the only person who I investigated where I wasn't blocked, or the target wasn't incapacitated, or I was just not doing well. So I trust what I found out about her and believe it to be true, especially since I managed to find out all her night actions as well. So you know, don't vote Jolie. She's helping me out.

Madam Ching, I trust you completely. And, if you said she is not a "Death Hallowed". I believe in you, but I hope I can believe you that she won't betray us eventually, based on your words. After all, you are now a ghost and victory is no longer of your concerns anymore and I really really hope we are able to get this right once and for all.

Lastly, if you can promise us to vouch for Jolie as being "innocent" for sure, I will know whom to vote for at this stage. Please help us all.

I realise now that I didn't actually explain why I believe Sheila to be bad, and that might prevent some of you from coming to the right decision, so I shall explain as much as I can.

She's a werewolf. It's just that simple. My vision showed her ripping someone to pieces and I was told by another that they had found evidence of her lineage being prone to such a disorder. I initially tried to imagine that it didn't automatically make her guilty of anything since no one here had been killed in that manner, but I realise now that it means she's a danger we can't predict, and as such, she must be stopped before she does something terrible.

I am struggling with the fact that she could be innocent, but why else would I have experienced that terrifying vision if it wasn't likely that she would kill someone?

My vote from earlier still stands, even if I see the potential for it being wrong. I said I would follow the group today, and given my own suspicions anyway, it seems reasonable to continue on this path.

I would still like to hear what Sheila has to say on the matter, but I don't think I'll be changing my vote.

She's a werewolf. It's just that simple. My vision showed her ripping someone to pieces and I was told by another that they had found evidence of her lineage being prone to such a disorder. I initially tried to imagine that it didn't automatically make her guilty of anything since no one here had been killed in that manner, but I realise now that it means she's a danger we can't predict, and as such, she must be stopped before she does something terrible.

Oh my, I had forgotten about that werewolf! Sheila, what do you have to say in your defence? I've ignored you mostly so far as I've mainly been focusing on Jolie, but with Madame Ching's assurances and this new evidence, I think you have a bit more explaining to do now.

For the moment I'm going to unvote: Jolie Jadis (Lord Arjay). We need to get to the bottom of this matter first, and I really want to make the correct decision today. While I am confident in my own evidence, and I'm still not satisfied with many of Jolie's answers, I'll put that aside for now until first Mrs. Ching clarifies the situation for us, and this new evidence is dealt with.

She's a werewolf. It's just that simple. My vision showed her ripping someone to pieces and I was told by another that they had found evidence of her lineage being prone to such a disorder. I initially tried to imagine that it didn't automatically make her guilty of anything since no one here had been killed in that manner, but I realise now that it means she's a danger we can't predict, and as such, she must be stopped before she does something terrible.

Ok, this situation is getting complicated as the minute goes by. Sheila as a "werewolf"?? Jolie as the 3rd possible "impartial"???

I will love to hear what else could be gathered from this visionary?

It's late, the night is nearly out. If we can convict someone today, it would lead to a lot of clues and explanations.

Anyway, Ms. Ching also stated that she had discovered the 3rd Impartial's night actions on day 5, and she also mentioned she had discovered Jolie's nearly minutes ago. It all fits in, to me, and I agree that she may just be turning us against each other to reach her own victory.

Jolie, I don't think you're any better than Nene.

Sheila, a werewolf... I had forgotten all about her. But even if she is a werewolf, that doesn't mean she's bad. If I remember correctly there was once a DADA professor here in Hogwarts who was a werewolf and he was a member of the resistance against 'He who must not be named'. So If she really is a werewolf that doesn't make her a bad guy. Plus werewolfs can only transform during full night. She has transformed once during this week, so that would mean we have at least 3 weeks before it is full moon again and she transforms again. At least according to the HP theory about werewolves. If you believe in the Twilight theory about werewolves, that means we're in a whole lot of trouble. If that's true she can transform just by getting angry...

Maybe headmistress McGonagall can inform us about werewolves.

As far as I know, my night action is the ability to protect. I'd done this with no issues the last few nights. However, I knew someone was going to block Ms. Ching from investigating last night, since her action was revealed, so I decided to step in. I cast the spell 'Protego' on her, thinking I was doing good. However, she ended up blocked somehow. Ms. Ching, would you care to explain exactly how you found this out? For if it was me who truly blocked you, I fear that I'm a Paranoid Protector (I block my target in addition to protecting them). If that's the case, I need to be more careful about my targets. :look:

Thanks for telling the truth, Valerie!

It's late, the night is nearly out. If we can convict someone today, it would lead to a lot of clues and explanations.

Anyway, Ms. Ching also stated that she had discovered the 3rd Impartial's night actions on day 5, and she also mentioned she had discovered Jolie's nearly minutes ago. It all fits in, to me, and I agree that she may just be turning us against each other to reach her own victory.

Jolie, I don't think you're any better than Nene.

Well, even if we voted off Jolie and she was an impartial, it would be a stupid move as the Hallowed would be one person less from outnumbering us.

So...Sheila is a werewolf. How are we going to be sure which side she is on, though? No one was attacked on the fifth night (and Desiree brings up a good fact from Voldemort's time about the late Remus Lupin, if I recall his name correctly), but a werewolf could be a major threat in the nights to come.

So...Sheila is a werewolf. How are we going to be sure which side she is on, though? No one was attacked on the fifth night (and Desiree brings up a good fact from Voldemort's time about the late Remus Lupin, if I recall his name correctly), but a werewolf could be a major threat in the nights to come.

By the way, I know I have defending Sheila throughout this day, but I was not aware of her being a werewolf. She failed to tell me that minor detail. I hope headmistress McGonagall can clear things up about how often a human transforms into a werewolf. Is it once a month during full moon or every time this person gets angry? Either way if she is innocent it might just come in handy to have a werewolf on our team. If he/she has any control over who she kills.

Well, even if we voted off Jolie and she was an impartial, it would be a stupid move as the Hallowed would be one person less from outnumbering us.

Not quite true actually, an Impartial doesn't count in terms of them outnumbering us, as an Impartial is on neither side; "neutral". Thus at worst voting her out would simply not effect the count at all. It's happened in the past, however, that an Impartial teamed up with the scum and counted for them, so it could very well happen again!

Vote: Sheila Bones/Matn I don't trust werewolves. Secondly I know a blocker who is innocent and its not Sheila. I see no reason why we would have two blockers. Thirdly I can confirm that at least at one point Jolie was not hallowed

Anyway, Ms. Ching also stated that she had discovered the 3rd Impartial's night actions on day 5, and she also mentioned she had discovered Jolie's nearly minutes ago.

Oh. Woops. I forget what information I've disclosed about whom...

Okay, so yeah. Jolie's the other Impartial. But listen! This doesn't mean she's out to turn us against each other. I know I'm not the only one to trust her, or the only one she's helped. We can make this mutually beneficial. If we treat her like an one of us, she can help us as if she's one of us. Give her a chance.

Jolie, I don't think you're any better than Nene.

Well I disagree. Nene was troubled. Jolie's just here to make it through. And to help us, if we'll let her.

Lets play nice, shall we? We've got Hallowed out there that are an actual threat to us, that we have to stop. They take priority over this girl who isn't even a threat.

Yes, it's true. I carry the darken burden of being a werewolf. Just like Remus Lupin I was bitten by one as a little child... It was full moon that night and I was still playing outside, all alone. I still hear my father shouting my name... I was walking to our mansion, when all of sudden I heard a wolf growling. I turned around, and then everything went fast... I... I can't explain more how I got bitten...

I didn't ever tell anyone this... because I was afraid of losing friends, of being looked at and pointed at. People would hate me, just because I got bitten by one. And now, my fear has become true: people are judging me solely because I am a werewolf. It wasn't my choice! I can't do anything about it... Being a werewolf doesn't make me disloyal, I still can defend the innocent and fight for the good side!

I know enough about being a werewolf to explain everything about the transformation. It's not when I get angry, those are just tales. Every fourth night, with full moon, I transform in a werewolf. The pain... The pain is just indescribable... I have to lock myself up in an old classroom, just out of fear I would hurt someone. There's only one good thing about being a werewolf: on that night, I can defend myself against any evil that approaches me.

And, sorry, Desiree Jackson. I was going to explain it all to you, but I still wasn't sure if I could tell you something this heavy. You never know who could be standing behind the door and listening, and then later misusing the information. I hope you understand it.

Sorry Jolie!

I wish I could have withheld this information until you wanted it revealed, but let's see how things pan out.

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