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  On 9/19/2010 at 7:59 PM, legomilk said:

Here the pics of the 16 minifigure series 3


You can not post images that are confidential and are preliminary, and also, we have already seen them. We do not need another pic. :sceptic:

uhmmm some is good some is bad...uhmmmm... :grin::sing::oh3:*huh*

I know these are preliminary, but a lot of them, to me, are just okay. Not even close to being as cool as S1 and S2, but still welcome. I do like the elf, fisherman, and mummy, but the rest just seem mediocre in comparison to what we've been treated to.

These sets keep getting better and better!

Hula Girl - Love it! Hope that hair is dark brown but looks black compared to maracas. Wonder if the skirt is the same material as the capes.

Tribal Chief - Nothing too fancy here. Need to compare his headdress to my old one.

Samurai - Awesome! Can't wait to see the print on the torso and legs. Wish he would have at least one new mold. Glad these parts are coming back out so new people can get them.

Ace Pilot - Kinda meh. Face is cool, and so is a tan (?) backpack.

Fisherman - SHORT BEARD!!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Cyborg - Interesting. Looks cobbled together though. Guess he is an older model cyborg.

Snowboarder - Can almost start a winter games with her and the skier.

Race Car Driver - Meh. Glad to get that hair in tan.

Rapper - HA! Hilarious. Boom box looks sweet!

Elf - Hmm. Not sure how I feel about the ears. Would love a clear look at the torso. Stinks there is no quiver for his bow. Love it though.

Sumo - Boring. Cost saving minifig. At least he has a new hair mold. Could look cool with samurai.

Alien - Just not a fan.

Mummy - Kinda meh.

Tennis Player - Nurse hair in red, sneering female face? Sweet!

Baseball Player - Looks cool! Glad the cap is printed. Baseball bat looks good too.

Gorilla - Hahaha! Go bananas!

@ Legomilk please don't deeplink your pics, Just provide links!

Lego going to go Bananas tomorrow!

My thoughts on series 3:

HULA GIRL: Love the new skirt, hopefully made of cloth & hopefully we'll see these in a lot more female sets. All figs having trousers regardless of whether they're male or female is a bit of an odd one (either that or the strange slope piece as with the witch!)

TLG have missed the boat though, this would've been the perfect opportunity for them to mould a new guitar/ukelele piece.

INDIAN CHIEF: Like the headpiece & outfit. Rather than use the Spartan's spear, TLG could have moulded a new Native American Chief staff, this could've then be used in the future for any Western themed items should they revive the theme.

SAMURAI: Like the armour, this will be S3's Spartan in that it will be the most popular with people building up armies.

FLYING ACE: Love it :laugh: Typical British flying ace, leather jacket, big moustache, biggles goggles, backpack & I REALLY hope that's a rigid scarf going back over his shoulder! That really would make this figure perfect! Tally ho pip pip! One of my favourites.

FISHERMAN: New shorter fishing rod piece is excellent, the last one was a little bit too long. Love the oilskins the fig is wearing & love the blue cap. Also like the new beard piece.

CYBORG: Just plain weird, looks like a parts bin mish mash! Won't be overly fussed if I don't get hold of this one!

SNOWBOARDER: Love the new snowboard mould, would go well in an extreme sports MOC. Like the pink helmet ( :laugh: ) too (So many jokes...)

RACING CAR DRIVER: NOT Ferrari as this would have to be done under license, just another Octan racer. Nothing really new with this one, just a smug look on the figures face! Not even a trophy (May change with the final version), just a plain figure TBH.

FLY GUY: Love this figure too, the cap & the vest top are pretty good, the face is funny & the ghetto blaster is great! Microphones will end up in the parts bin though

ELF: Pretty cool fig. Who's going to be the first to build a Zelda MOC? Shield's pretty well decorated.

SUMO: Never seen an anorexic Sumo wrestler before :laugh: TLG could've made a new "fat" torso for this figure. Like the hairpiece. The trophy looks bronze in the picture, is this just the light or will it be a bronze one instead of gold? Would be cool if this fig had a bronze one & the racing car driver had a silver one, then we could have a full set :thumbup:

ALIEN: Was expecting something similar to the Toy Story alien head or your stereotypical alien with pointy chin & big eyes. Not really a fan of this one & again is another that I wouldn't be too upset if I didn't get hold of one. Doubt I as a City/Classic Town builder would find a use for it so would just be purchased to complete the set.

MUMMY: Like the green face but for an ancient Mummy, the bandages are a little too clean for my liking! Would've looked much better off white/cream/dirty grey.

TENNIS PLAYER: Could've benefited from a skirt like the Hula girl, maybe this will be added to the final product. Like the tennis racket mould, pretty good mould & could also be used by a longhaired male wannabe rockstar as a guitar! :laugh: Hope it comes with balls too, what good is a tennis player with no balls?

BASEBALL PLAYER: Like it, nice top, nice cap & love the new baseball bat piece. Might have to get a few of these.

MONKEY: Headpiece looks to be an odd shape, maybe the picture has been taken from an angle but it just looks odd. Wonder if the eyes are part of the head or if there's a black head underneath.

Planet of the Apes MOCs will be plentiful come January I reckon.

Conclusion: Some fantastic figures, some good-great figures, some average figures & some pretty strange/poor ones

Edited by escortmad79

I'm not very impressed with these. Given, they're still preliminary, but they just don't have that "wow" factor. I'm a big fan of the tennis and baseball players, and I like the elf, rapper, and hula girl, but the rest are mediocre or poor. I really hope these improve a lot before the final version.

I'm a sucker. :tongue: I came in wanting to give individual criticisms to each fig but I like em all too much.

I do have to say I'm waiting for some of the ones that were reported in error:

Painter with brush, beret, and pallete




Much in the vein of the mexican wrestler fig, the sumo is just a zany fixture of pop culture (i think the appeal is combination of the aggression of a fighting sport but looking too silly to intimidate anyone), but also classical - definitely worthy of the line. I only wish they had done a fat body mold. :cry_sad:


I know there's a lot of reuse, but li'l samurai here deserved it, more so than the ninja and explorer. Epic perfection.

Native American Chief:

Not sure about him. I already have the classic Chief - this one seems like the face and headdress are much cleaner than the torso design - detail discrepancy.


I love the way he turned out to be a commercial fisherman. perfectly done, real Jaws-y - and I like that we're getting an official midlength beard :thumbup: :thumbup:

Tennis Player:

Adorable. If you like any of the other female collectible figs, this girl is just your type :laugh: My favorite hair returns, awesome racket. the print is outstanding.


Love it lots. the shirt and hat are actually the highlights for me over the bat, but that'll come in great too. Arm the town to fight my single zombie :tongue:


I love the body. the head isn't great but it does the job. We do need a fig in a banana suit to complement


don't tell me that wouldn't make a great lego fig.


He's nothing special.


I dig her. I was worried in series 2 about the sports figs dominating the line, when we'd had an amazing variety in series one, with little theme recurrence. However the series two sports figs quickly took a place in my favorites. this is not a favorite, not nearly, but solid enough.

Hula girl:

A fig that needed to be, but man, a ukulele would have cinched it.


The cyborg and the alien have way too much Lego trademark. Hardly iconic, which has been the strength of this line - very lego, yet more archetypal than specific. Neither of these figs has that, it's kind of a waste of space in this line.

SCRATCH THAT, changed my mind.

I love this one. that's some mean battle damage. a halfway between the spaceman and the robot is fine with me.


Yeah the reuse of the squidman head is depressing. From the time I was a kid, I wanted a Lego green man - standard lego face, green eyes and antennae. that's not a tall order, is it? And I think the idea of doing a "Grey" (:alien:) like everybody around here wants is just such an obvious choice. Hopefully in a later series...


Another all around winner. no new pieces but definitely not a repeat. The colors are very appealing, anyone would be proud of that mustache :grin:


Probably not even a rapper as much as a rap enthusiast, but absolutely perfect. nearly as perfect as the collectible figs series has gotten so far - he's in good company :grin: Kanye glasses, bling, and thin thin beard. mm, mm, mm.


Probably a fig that was in development for Castle that didn't get to see the light of day - very glad that didn't go to waste. the print is gorgeously detailed, the ears are great , who doesn't like pointy ears? :laugh: Sad that the accessories are standard - He deserved a new longbow as much as the spartan deserved a new spear.


Love the nasty green skin peeking out. If the vampire got his remake, the rest of the monsters deserve it too :classic: (cough frankenstein cough)

  On 9/19/2010 at 8:36 PM, Inconspicuous said:

I'm not very impressed with these. Given, they're still preliminary, but they just don't have that "wow" factor. I'm a big fan of the tennis and baseball players, and I like the elf, rapper, and hula girl, but the rest are mediocre or poor. I really hope these improve a lot before the final version.

I'm pretty sure they're 100% final. maybe not nominally, but that's very final style presentation.

Edited by SpiderSpaceman

Lego could have done better with their "elf", if they even wanna call it that.


  On 9/19/2010 at 8:34 PM, escortmad79 said:

Rather than use the Spartan's spear, TLG could have moulded a new Native American Chief staff, this could've then be used in the future for any Western themed items should they revive the theme.

I thought so too - or at least a more cobbled looking spear. the spartan spear is far too advanced in make for a tribal civilization.

  On 9/19/2010 at 8:34 PM, escortmad79 said:

Tally ho pip pip!

Haaaaaaaaahahahahahaha :laugh: yes.

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:00 PM, Omicron said:

Lego could have done better with their "elf", if they even wanna call it that.


What's your idea of an elf? I thought this was a great quality design...

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:04 PM, SpiderSpaceman said:

What's your idea of an elf? I thought this was a great quality design...

Ears, and very noticeable ones too. Can't even see a slight possibility of them being printed on the head. Also elves are graceful looking. This guy here looks like he is about to take a dump.

If anything this guy is just a simple castle warrior/archer. Everyone is so willing to jump on the bandwagon when they see a fig clad in green with blonde hair and a bow and call if an elf with examining the actual elf features.


Series 3 is rather awesome. A Spiffy Airman, a Boom Box! A Cyborg! An Elf! well, you get the idea. I am once again going to seek a box as soon as they are sighted. :thumbup:

Ideas for vigs will be started now! (I haven't even finished posting the series 2 one yet!)

Yeah im not particularly overwhelmed by these figures either. None of them really standout and grab my attention in the way that some of the serie 1&2 figures did. Also without the barcodes means its going to be harder to pick the few i wouldnt mind getting. I might just avoid this series all together. I will keep up to date with them and maybe some clearer pictures of the finalised figs will change my mind.

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:10 PM, Omicron said:

Ears, and very noticeable ones too. Can't even see a slight possibility of them being printed on the head. Also elves are graceful looking. This guy here looks like he is about to take a dump.

I think the ears might be more noticeable than you're giving it credit for. It is your opinion so I don't wanna say I know better - but in my experience, waiting for some more angles pays off. I didn't like the spartan until I saw a review of him - the helmet was much better and entirely different from how i'd been seeing it. There are definitely ears on that, I thought they seemed proportional and everything.

But I agree entirely on the face - should be more serene.

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:17 PM, SpiderSpaceman said:

I think the ears might be more noticeable than you're giving it credit for. It is your opinion so I don't wanna say I know better - but in my experience, waiting for some more angles pays off.

True and you're right. Just wish Lego would have gone out of the way to make a seperate head with ears like I did with my Link.


HEY! Just realized-- no circus-related fig this round.... Guess they're not leading up to something after all.

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:27 PM, Mr. Elijah Timms said:

HEY! Just realized-- no circus-related fig this round....

Gorilla maybe? :P


Okay, my two cents worth now, the sports stars are too COOL, as too the home boy with his sound system and our pretty hula girl - SWEET ! :sweet:

Another series I can't wait for.....they can keep them comming especially with more and more new accessories....do we need them or what......a tennis racket and baseball bat - AWESOME !

I'll able to do a proper sports store MOC in the future ! :wink:

I'm a conformist! ! :sweet:

I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but if you look at the Cyborg and zoom in, it looks like there is a Blackron "B" on his upper chest. A Blacktron 3 minifig, perhaps? The black, red and yellow present seems to indicate such. If that's the case, I'm looking forward to seeing more finalized pictures of him! :thumbup:

The rest of the figures look great! And now once again, the waiting ensues. :cry_sad:

Edited by Mac-K

Hm... Well, at first glance, these seem a bit disappointing. Not bad, but not as great as some of them could have been. The hula girl would have been better with a ukulele as pointed out so many times before, the angler would have looked much better with this kind of hat, the "cyborg" doesn't have any facial implants as I was hoping, the mummy just looks like one of the Toy Story army men wrapped in TP since it's white, and the gorilla is too unrealistic and really just looks like a guy in a costume, and the Sumo is just plain boring at this point, and I don't think that's gonna change much. The Chief, samurai, and pilot look just like the figs I already have from the 90s, so they are not of interest to me, and the sports people don't do it for me either even though they are very nice and detailed. That said, the highlights of this line for me are the Alien (with his awesome color scheme and steampunkish raygun :wub: ), Rapper (gotta love the hat, glasses, and boom box), and Elf (very nice and detailed, and WITH pointy ears!). The fact that the alien's head and the boom box should be very easy to feel make them even better! And despite my disappointment about the head, the Blacktron Cyborg (I'm pretty sure that's a Blacktron 2 symbol on his chest) is a useful fig too. I'll probably end up getting only half of these at the most. My wallet will be grateful.


If you zoom in on the pic, I believe there is some cyborg detailing on the face. The right eye definitely looks like an eyepiece, or something along that line.

  On 9/19/2010 at 9:10 PM, Omicron said:

Ears, and very noticeable ones too. Can't even see a slight possibility of them being printed on the head. Also elves are graceful looking. This guy here looks like he is about to take a dump.

If anything this guy is just a simple castle warrior/archer. Everyone is so willing to jump on the bandwagon when they see a fig clad in green with blonde hair and a bow and call if an elf with examining the actual elf features.


I couldn't disagree more than that, and take it from a 15 years experienced D&D player. Elves do not carry NOTICEABLE ears, apart from japanese reinterpretation. And not all elves are graceful, if you take it from LOTR, which is everyone's source for elves, Noldor are not rough, but nor that graceful indeed!

I just keep on looking at that picture because TLC couldn't make a better Elf, I think, and I was really really surprised by your comment.

I agree these are quite disappointing. I'm actually not all that sad anymore that these wont be coming ton stores near me. The mummy is very disappointing I was expecting a sinister dark green mummy covered in dk bley wrappings a damaged headdress and red soulless eyes. :hmpf_bad: Oh well hopefully "Pharoah's quest" will have more of what I'm looking for. The cyborg looks very nice though. :classic: It looks like he has a robot eye or goggles under his mask unlike what Oky said. But i do see a blacktron logo there.

  On 9/19/2010 at 10:25 PM, Mac-K said:

Oky - If you zoom in on the pic, I believe there is some cyborg detailing on the face. The right eye definitely looks like an eyepiece, or something along that line.

Hm... the pics are rather blurry, but I think you might be right... but still, it's nothing as cool as the Agents villains had.

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