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Wow, the box art for Angler Ambush is beautiful with that dark blue background! It's one of the best box arts I've seen. default_wubnew.gif

I'll be eagerly waiting for your review!

You can't miss the temple in the background default_blush.gif

Little Note:

Chaps, I know you are all rather excited, but can the quoted picture posts be limited? The many copies of the images make things rather cluttered. If you do want to quote a post full of images, and are adressing all of the pictures (not just a specific set) could you delete the images? If you want to talk about one set, fine leave the one image, otherwise *snip* them all out 'kay?

It is friendly to those with slow browsers and limited bandwidth.

Thanks Guys!

Now that is out of the way: Looks like the £10 and under sets are now on my list (*peppermint has a long list, it is not quite her fault*) but the larger sets look like a Bricklink for the figures job. Atlantis has the merit of cool parts, but as a theme, underwater just doesn't really grab my attention enough.

I really like these sets, much better than the first round. I'm not a huge fan of the huge sub, but still really nice mix of sets.

BTW - The pictures probably should be posted in the first topic, so everyone doesn't keep quoting pictures.

Looking at them more the helmet should be dark grey, it looks very weird with the dark grey suit.

Edited by The Green Brick Giant

nice to see that the skellie shield in the hammerhead set was preliminary, though the atlantis style shield looks a tad bland.

I'm REALLY happy to see a new Atlantis key in the Temple set. It looks like it's dark blue and gold with a symbol that looks suspiciously like a letter A on the front. All in all, the Temple set looks more that affordable.

And I cannot wait to see the review for the angler set!

Yikes! That is exciting that atlantis sets are appearing. Does anybody know the price of the temple in the U.S? I hope that it is cheaper than $100.

Yikes! That is exciting that atlantis sets are appearing. Does anybody know the price of the temple in the U.S? I hope that it is cheaper than $100.

Oddly enough right now 58 Euro, someone here said the temple cost, is $80, which is what I think it will be. The "big" sub $40-$50, then the big fish set for $20 and then $13 for the mech and $6 for the tiny set. Just guesses.

Hmmmmm,im not liking the trans yellow pieces,i'll be replacing those with the trans bright green of the earlier sets methinks to keep them looking the same,otherwise they look great!

the suits are now light gray! I like that the second wave has taken this opportunity to add more colors for the new parts :)

Oddly enough right now 58 Euro, someone here said the temple cost, is $80, which is what I think it will be. The "big" sub $40-$50, then the big fish set for $20 and then $13 for the mech and $6 for the tiny set. Just guesses.

Well, $80 sounds reasonable. I might want this set if I can get some Christmas money...

7978 Angler Attack

$19.99 at Toys R Us

201 pieces, 2 minifigures



Measures 10 inches tall, about 11 inches wide, and a little over an inch deep. Opened by slicing the tape on the back at either of the sides. (If you do both, the box collapses nice and flat.)



Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3

For the contents, you get three plastic bags full of pieces, an instruction booklet, and a sheet of decals. The parts are split amongst the bags, so you can’t open one and get to building. You have to empty out all three. As far as new pieces go, I'm kind of behind on Lego system sets, so I'm not actually sure what's new. The parts I haven't seen in any of my sets is the shark teeth, and Doc's camera.

I've opted to forgo placing the stickers on the set, but I might place them in the future. The gritty texture on the Angler's stickers are neat, though. (Not a fan of the bubbles on the undersea vehicle stickers.)


You get Doc, and who I've been calling Fishman. Doc has a dual-print head (one plain reaction, the other frightened), and Fishman has a mouth on his belly. (Guess he doesn’t like to wait to digest.)

The mouth print isn't really needed, it's really obscured by the Fishman's headpiece.


Display / Playset:

I really like this part of the set. Just looks neat with the tipped over column. You can also set it back up.

The Trunk holds two jewels (1 blue, 1 green), the guard helmet (which has a really neat aged look and feel to it), and a few of the remaining pieces left over.


The undersea vehicle, is a quick and simple build. The propeller spins, manually, it has a harpoon launcher and robotic arm on the sides.


Now, onto the meat of the set, the Angler.

For some reason, I was expecting a really complex build for this guy, but he wasn't. He was pretty simple and straight forward. It's interesting that Lego gave him some really colorful guts.

normal_7978AtlantisAnglerAttack26.JPG It's pretty well hidden once you've finished building the body, though. normal_7978AtlantisAnglerAttack27.JPG

I also found the way the eyes were built to be pretty interesting: normal_7978AtlantisAnglerAttack28.JPG

As for the finished fish:


Ain't it a beaut? Looks almost like you could mount it on your wall. (Though, I'm not sure you'd want to. Kind of hard to play with that way.)

The only things that really knock this set for me is the gold tooth, and the peg on the jaw, that's used to trigger the opening and closing mouth. The peg keeps the Angler from resting flat, and leaves it tilted to a side.

Here's the finished components all together: normal_7978AtlantisAnglerAttack34.JPG You'll notice you'll have a few parts left over. There's a few parts you can drop on the angler, like the clear 1x1 studs can give him a jeweled belly, and the rest can be dropped into the trunk.

My closing thoughts on this set:

I wasn't actually sure about picking it up, due to it not being 2011 Hero Factory, I'm glad I did. It was an enjoyable, non-frustrating, and relaxing build. If you're a fan of undersea critters, themes or Atlantis in general, I recommend it. :thumbup:

So, how'd I do for my first review here? How were the pictures? (They were taken with my iPhone4. My digital camera has to be plugged into the wall. I t guzzles batteries like batteries are going out of style, and I wasn't sure I could snake (fish?) everything over to the coffee table. :laugh: ) Thanks for looking and reading!

Edited by Taaron

Great review! You might want to retake pictures with a proper camera and post this in a separate topic.

Thanks for the review! :classic:

Sad to see that you didn't find any 2011 Hero Factory: At this point, I'd settle for simply finalized pictures!

If I wasn't saving up for Pharaohs Quest and Hero Factory, I'd say I would definitely get this set. But seeing as I'm short money-wise anyways, I probably won't be picking this up. :sceptic:

Does anybody know the price of the temple in the U.S?

I'm pretty sure the US prices will be the same number as the Euro prices except with dollar signs as usual, so about $60 for the temple. :thumbup:

Aside from the undeniably awesome temple, there's nothing that interests me really, though I might get the walker just for the hammerhead guy and that neat shield.

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

I really like that new fish minifig, the face on his torso makes him extra creepy. I love that the Atlantis creatures get stranger and stranger the further the explorers go. The new diver suits look cool too, only I wish they would've used a different shade of yellow for the arms. When I look at regular yellow I can't help but think of it as minifig flesh.

Thanks for the review Taaron! :thumbup:

Nice review. I didn't see the mouth print coming, and it's a little strange considering that the head already has a jaw.

I just thought of something. Since most sets have a gold collectible in them (in this case a helmet), there should be a kind of buildable minifig that you can make from the collectible parts, similar to that statue. There is also gold armour in another set, so it would probably be logical. Unfortunately, they seem to only be for decoration.

I'm pretty sure the US prices will be the same number as the Euro prices except with dollar signs as usual, so about $60 for the temple. :thumbup:

There is no way the temple is $60.

The fish set is $20 and 16 Euro. So if we do the bath for that the set will be a very nice $70.

If it's $60 I will be the happiest one here. :laugh:

The set is nice, but comparing it to the $20 PQ set this set should really be $15.

There is no way the temple is $60.

The fish set is $20 and 16 Euro. So if we do the bath for that the set will be a very nice $70.

If it's $60 I will be the happiest one here. :laugh:

The set is nice, but comparing it to the $20 PQ set this set should really be $15.

The Euro prices that we have seen so far in the threads seems very cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be somewhat higher. I don't know where the prices were found but if it was on the online-shop that the pictures appeared at, I believe it could be that that shop has prices under the normal price. 16€ for this would be really cheap...

The Euro prices that we have seen so far in the threads seems very cheap. I wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be somewhat higher. I don't know where the prices were found but if it was on the online-shop that the pictures appeared at, I believe it could be that that shop has prices under the normal price. 16€ for this would be really cheap...

It's one of the cheapest Dutch web shops with prices around 20% under S@H prices.

It's one of the cheapest Dutch web shops with prices around 20% under S@H prices.

Thanks for the confirmation, Rick!

It seemed to good to be true and it's better to expect higher prices then to get dissappointed when the real prices becomes known.

But even with a 20% higher price I could see myself getting that temple :wub:

Thanks for that great review! Not very great pics, but we can see them. :classic:

Nice review! :thumbup: Can't wait to get my hands on that temple! It's too bad my Toys"R"Us didn't have anything. :cry_sad::hmpf_bad:

All of the new Atlantis sets look great, and I'll surely attempt to collect as many of the new sea creature minifigures as possible. I agree with statements about the yellow transparent canopies and will likely switch them for the traditional green from the 2010 Atlantis sets. However, those yellow canopies will be great parts for future Blacktron I MOCs.

Angler fish looks a lot better than on Lego pics!

The gold tooth is one of the cuttest details I ever saw in a lego set. And Mouthfish (yay a name!) is amazing. I would never expect that he will have mouth there! Im so going to mix this torso with orcs!

Also I noticed you get 2 pairs of bonus flippers- AWESOME!

I just thought of something. Since most sets have a gold collectible in them (in this case a helmet), there should be a kind of buildable minifig that you can make from the collectible parts, similar to that statue. There is also gold armour in another set, so it would probably be logical. Unfortunately, they seem to only be for decoration.

I am going to put them all on one of my Octopuspeople. He should look great!

Wow, the new atlantis set really sounds like fun in perspective ... There are two new key ! Did someone got those, already (the key, i meant)?

I can't wait to put my hand on those yellow flippers ... they'll be perfect for my current guardian creation .... *HA HA HA HA HA, IT'S ALIIIVE* Oh, sorry.

I soo want an army of those new hammer-head shark, too ! The first shark soldier was good, but it's too bad he's in a box ""that costly"" (i meant that we could easyly do a mantis army with 40$, while for the same amount you would get 3 sharkey, either new or old, i guess).

Breeef, i can't wait for january ^^

Wow, the new atlantis set really sounds like fun in perspective ... There are two new key ! Did someone got those, already (the key, i meant)?

Are there two new keys? I can only see the one in the temple set.

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