Evaluate Your 8043's Problems & Fixes 18 members have voted
1. Please evaluate your 8043's PERFORMANCE (select one or more answers):
It performs all of its operations fine, and I'm satisfied.
It has some problems with raising the main arm with its two Linear Actuators (like moving your entire arm at the shoulder).
It has problems "slewing" (moving the entire arm sideways on the excavator's turntable).
It has problems "curling" the bucket up and down (similar to moving your cupped hand at the wrist).
It has problems moving the upper arm in and out (like moving your lower arm only at the elbow).
It has problems rolling forwards and backwards on its Technic Treads ("tracks").
The two Linear Actuators at the base of the arm don't seem to be balanced.
The two Linear Actuators at the base of the arm seem to be flexing too much when fully extended.
The two Linear Actuators at the base of the arm are making unusual scraping noises.
The two Linear Actuators at the base of the arm are producing visible plastic dust.0
The Power Functions Medium motors don't seem to be balanced (don't operate evenly).
The Power Functions Medium motors are straining to lift the main arm, even with fresh batteries.
I am using fresh 6 ea. AA alkaline batteries.
I am using Rechargeable AA batteries.
I am using the small, Rechargeable Power Functions 8878 Battery Box (instead of the larger, stock PF Battery Box that came with the set).
The bevel gears at the base of the main arm are producing visible plastic dust.0
At the base of the arm, it makes no difference in performance when I move the Gray Idler Gears to the SAME SIDE of the two Linear Actuators.
Moving the Gray Idler Gears to the SAME SIDE of the Linear Actuators improved performance.
2. What do you SUSPECT is the problem (if any)? (Select one or more answers)
The Linear Actuators are defective.
The Linear Actuators are missing lubrication entirely, or need additional lubrication.
The Power Functions Medium motors are not all built the same.
The DESIGN of the model uses a bucket that is too big and too heavy to lift.
The DESIGN of the model has reached the limits of Power Functions Medium motors and Linear Actuators.
Incorrect building by the purchaser, who may have failed to follow the Building Instructions correctly.
A design flaw that could be improved with a "Fix", similar to what The Lego Group issued for the 8275 Motorized Excavator set.
Abuse by the owner of the model.0
3. How much TIME did you play with your model before problems arose?
1-15 minutes
15-30 minutes
30-45 minutes
45-60 minutes
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
3-4 hours0
4-5 hours0
More than 5 hours
4. I bought my model from this country [NOTE: I used the results of the "TECHNIC Forum User Demographics" poll; I can only list 40 countries maximum):
Czech Republic0
New Zealand0
South Africa0
The Netherlands
United Kingdom (UK)
United States of America (USA)
5. My follow-up actions (select one or more answers)
I will contact Lego Customer Service to get replacement Linear Actuators.
I will contactLego Customer Service to get replacement Power Functions Medium motors.
I will contact Lego Customer Service to report my 8043's problems.
I will be taking the main "A-Model" apart and building the alternate, "B-Model" instead.
I will be placing the model on a shelf and not playing with it anymore.
I want to keep my 8043 set in original, "stock" condition and don't want to make any alterations or modifications.
I am willing to make some modifications to my 8043, in order to make it perform better.
I am willing to permanently attach a rubber band to the base of the main arm, in order to take some load off of the two bottom Linear Actuators.
I am willing to add lubrication (such as Olive Oil) to the Linear Actuators to reduce friction.
I have taken care of my model, and have not "abused" it by playing in a sandbox or lifting unnaturally-heavy objects in the bucket.
I may have "abused" my model, and thus caused it to start having problems.0
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