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Posted (edited)

Here's the link to a .zip file containing several 3D models of some of my sugested parts (you need Solidworks 2010 or better to access these files): http://rapidshare.com/files/444393238/LEGO_Parts_Survey_3D_Models__Solidworks2010__by_Scorpion.zip Enjoy!

Part 1:

- Part name: Slope 45 4x4 Double

- Part description: This, only 4-wide. Perhaps with a cutout, like this?

- Part usage: Excellent part for building airplanes, helicopters, spacecraft, high-speed trains. Very good for roofs and the cutout would make it more minifig-friendly.

Part 2:

- Part name: Slope, Inverted 18 4x2

- Part description: This, inverted.

- Part usage: Complimentary piece to Slope 18 4x2, usefull for planes, spaceships and wherever you used a Slope 18 4x2 on the top and you want a symmetrical bottom!

Part 3:

- Part name: Wedge 4x2 Sloped Inward Left/Right

- Part description: This.

- Part usage: Like Wedge Sloped 4x2 facilitates the transition from a straight brick to an outward slope 45 brick, the Wedge 4x2 Sloped Inward would facilitate the reverse transition. Very useful for airplanes, helicopters, spaceships, submarines, more exotic designs, etc...

Part 4:

- Part name: Wedge Inverted 4x2 Sloped Inward Left/Right

- Part description: This, inverted.

- Part usage: Mainly the underside of boats, airplanes, spaceships, submarines, making the transition from a straight brick to an inward slope 45 inverted.

Part 5:

- Part name: Wedge Inverted 4x2 Sloped Left/Right

- Part description: This, inverted.

- Part usage: Mainly the underside of boats, airplanes, spaceships, submarines, making the transition from an outward slope 45 inverted to a straight brick.

OK, this is all for now. Expect me again soon!


Part 6:

- Part name: Windscreen 4 x 4 x 2 Canopy Extender with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 7:

- Part name: Windscreen 4 x 4 x 3 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 8:

- Part name: Windscreen 6 x 4 x 2 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 9:

- Part name: Windscreen 10 x 4 x 2 1/3 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 10:

- Part name: Windscreen 8x3 1/2x4 1/6 Half Octagon Aquanaut Sub Top with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 11:

- Part name: Slope 45/33 3x2

- Part description: Half of this.

- Part usage: Good for aerodynamic surfaces, and whenever you want to transition from a 45 slope to a 33 slope around a corner.

Part 12:

- Part name: Slope 45/33 3x2 Inverted

- Part description: Half of this, inverted.

- Part usage: Good for aerodynamic surfaces, and whenever you want to transition from a 45 slope to a 33 slope around a corner.


A most essential point:


My apologies, Bonaparte, if that isn't framed adequately, but I just wanted to get this point across.


My apologies again, I neglected to read the part of your post that said "one post per user only"...



A new idea I just had when I was MOCing. This would had come in handy...

Part 13:

- Part name: Plate ZxYx2/3

- Part description: Actually "parts". A series of square "plates", only two plates high. A mid-term between plates and bricks.

- Part usage: Oh, how this one would've come handy today! Basically, whenever two stacked plates are required, you use this part. Like a non-round... this part!


Yet another idea I just had when I was MOCing:

Part 14:

- Part name: Wedge Plate 6x10 Left & Right

- Part description: A 6x10 wedge plate with an angle similar to this. See the attached render.

- Part usage: Wings, canards, a complement to the other wedge plates in production now...


Part 15:

- Part name: Wedge Plate 8x14 Left & Right

- Part description: A 6x14 wedge plate with an angle similar to this.

- Part usage: Wings, canards, a complement to the other wedge plates in production now...

Edited by Scorpion
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Part 1:

- Part name: Round intersection brick.

- Part description: A blank round Lego head, grey, black, white, etc. It would have 4 studs on the front,back and sides, but still keep the stud on top.

- Part usage: You could build small droids with a rounded, clean look. a four-eyed, or cyclops alien.

Part 2:

- Part name: Bed.

- Part description: A bed with four legs, one piece, with a folding 'blanket' on top, much similar to the Han Solo's Carbinite in set 8097 Slave I.

- Part usage: It would be great for modular house/buildings. Any Town/City fanatic would want one.

Part 3:

- Part name: Heavy Laser Blaster

- Part description: A blaster much like the ones from the Star Wars theme. It would have a stock short enough to fit in a Minifigures hand. The scope on top would be square, the barrel would be round, and the mag clip would be square.

- Part usage: Any Sci/Fi theme. It would be perfect for Space Police fans, and other sci/fi theme fans.

- Part name: Headphones

- Part description: --> Pair of headphone that will fit around a minifigs head and hair.

- Part usage: --> Minifig customizing, music nut.

- Part name: Windscreen 1 x 8 x 3

- Part description: Like this one

- Part usage: Big trucks

- Part name: Tile 1 x 1, round with groove

- Part description: Well, a stud without a stud.

- Part usage: For finishing off round structures. Detailing - imagine a printed version for ventilations.

- a cheese slope with stud at bottom: allows to make inverted arches\mudguards\lots of more detailed decorations and buildings

- Part name: Double-sided 1x1 plate

- Part description: Imagine a 1x1 plate, with studs on both sides!

- Part usage: It would be revolutionary! I can imagine dozens of new techniques that will be invented that revolve all around this one piece.

-side door of the car with glass

- Part name: 1 x 2 Hinge Brick (180 degrees)

- Part description: Similar to this but with 180 degree rotation instead of 90.

- Part usage: For items such as see-saws, or anything that requires rotation on the spot.

- Part name: Slope, Inverted 18 4x2

- Part description: This, inverted.

- Part usage: Complimentary piece to Slope 18 4x2, usefull for planes, spaceships and wherever you used a Slope 18 4x2 on the top and you want a symmetrical bottom!

I vote for these great ideas!


Great thread

Part 1: Chicken animal mold with single stud on bottom

Description: A mold in the shape of a chicken/hen/rooster, about as high as the legs of a minifigure. A single stud on the bottom will allow for placement

Usage: We need more farm/forest animal molds. This could be used in the farm, castle, western and city sets.

Colors: bleys, white, reddish brown and tan

Part 2: Donkey animal mold

Description: A mold in the shape of a donkey; slightly smaller than the horse but still with the hole in its back so that a minifigure rider can be placed there. The features will be curvier, and the head a different shape.

Usage: A must have for castle sets, it could also be used for conquistador sets, and especially for farms

Colors: reddish or dark brown, dark bley

Part 3: coming soon

Posted (edited)

Part 1

Part Name: RC Train Track Crossing

Part Description: like this 32087.gif for RC trains

Part Usage: for better train layouts


Part 2

Part Name: Power Functions converter

Part Description: A 2x2x2/3 with a Power Functions on the top and the old connector on the bottom

Part Usage: To mix the old electric stuff with the new electric stuff


Part 3

Part Name: Double Stud

Part description: a stud that is double the height

so it would be a small cylinder the size of two studs end to end


according to this picture, the part will be a cylinder with the diameter of 3, and the height of 2


Part Usage: This would be good for adding pieces upside down in small areas, for example if you put this part underneath a 1x1 plate the the plat becomes a 1x1 plate with a stud on the top and bottom to use in SNOT designs

It would be revolutionary! I can imagine dozens of new techniques that will be invented that revolve all around this one piece.


Part 4

Part Name:Double sided headlight brick

Part description: a headlight brick with studded side on both sides


Part Usage:to add details in small places, small SNOT designs, lights, vehicles, ect.


Part 5

Part Name: Slope 45 1 x 1

Part Description: just like the Slope 45 2 x 1, just without the stud


Part Usage: used just like the Slope 30 1 x 1 x 2/3


Part 6

(still thinking)

-side door of the car with glass

-like this 12_modifer09.jpg

- Part usage: --> for auto transport. such as this model

this is a great idea i would also add the piece for the middle of the car, just the glass with no side walls-in 4 and 6 studs wide

Color 1

Color Code: 32328C

Color Sample: midnightblue.png

Color Usage: pleasing to the eye, can be used in cars, roofs, walls, trains, etc.

Edited by earthnite

Part name: Technic, Axle and Pin Connector Angled - 120 degrees

Part description: Like this 924.gif except 120 degree.

Part usage: for making hexagon, and other 6 sided objects.


Part 1:

- Part name: Technic Angle Connector #7

- Part description: http://tinyurl.com/28qlvjr

- Part usage: Same as any other flavor of angle connector.

Part 2:

- Part name: Technic Axle 1.5 Notched

- Part description: http://tinyurl.com/284h4fk

- Part usage: For connecting small stuff without the end of a normal 2L axle sticking out.

Part 3:

- Part name: Bar 2L

- Part description: Bar 4L Light Sabre Blade but only half as long

- Part usage: Does what the regular one does but smaller.

Posted (edited)

Part 1:

- Part name: Nunchucks

- Part description: Something like this with flexible chains. Colors of the chains and/or rods can be different.

- Part usage: Heard there might be more ninja sets coming out, and I got thinking that it would be awesome if they used Nunchucks.

Part 2:

- Part name: Sai

- Part description: Originally a tool that was originally used by farmers to make seed holes, but later used as a weapon to ward off bandits since swords were outlawed.

- Part usage: Ninjas again. I love’em.

Part 3:

- Part name: Gasmask visor

- Part description: A mask like this, but one that completely covers the face and looks like a gas mask.

- Part usage: Miners deep underground in gas filled tunnels, or a hazmat team cleaning a chemical spill.

Part 4:

- Part name: Night vision goggles

- Part description: A part like this, but that is flipped, covered, and looks more like night vision goggles.

- Part usage: Rescue personal looking for stranded civilians, or policemen searching for an escaped convict.

Part 5:

- Part name: Pitchfork

- Part description: Just like the one from those 80’s sets, but revised for our more modern farmers.

- Part usage: Used by farmers in farm sets for moving hay.

Part 6:

- Part name: Chainsaw

- Part description: A chainsaw that can be held by one and/or two hands maybe with a stud or two on the side to attach it to something and/or to attach something to it.

- Part usage: Used for felling trees, cutting logs, or on the Minifigure Series 1 zombie if need be.

Part 7:

- Part name: Guitar

- Part description: A holdable guitar like the ones from Lego Rock Band.

- Part usage: Used for rocking by bands.

Edited by Zechariah Legio
Posted (edited)

Part 1:

-Part name: slop, inverted 30 1 x 1 x 2/3

-Part description: something like this but inverted, of course there would be a stud at the top.

-Part usage: various, mudguards for example or just smoothing shapes.

Edited by Lutin
Posted (edited)

Part 1.

- 1x1 round tile.

- the part name says it all.

- Lots of potential, detailing, finishing etc.

Part 2.

- goat.

- animal, same scale as the pigs. Could use viking/animal horms on it as well for detail.

- more critters for the farms, or for clearing minefields.

Part 3.

- sheep.

- animal, same scale as the pigs.

- more critters for the farm.

Part 4.

- chicken/pigeon.

- animal, different type of bird from the existing ones. Not poised like they are perched on somthing, but walking/sitting on the ground.

- more variety for wildlife.

Part 5.

- bird, spread wings.

- animal, different from the existing one. Wings spread to enote flight, or stretching as if getting ready to fly.

- more variety for wildlife.

Part 6.

- 8x8 baseplate.

- a baseplate that is 8x8. Square 16 and 32 ones exist.

- allows for more geometry with buildings, and for big kids with larger visions much better floorplans.

Part 7.

- 3x3 quarter round brick.

- same as the existing 4x4 ones only 3x3.

- allows for different size pillars, curved steps etc.

Part 8.

-3x3 quarter round plate.

-a matching plate for the above described brick.

-same as above, but allows for height variance.

Part 9.

-3x3 quarter round tile.

-a matching tile for the above described parts.

-allows for finishing off/tiling off the above described parts.

Part 10.

-4x4 quarter round tile.

-a matching tile for the existing 4x4 round bricks and plate.

-allows for finishing off/tiling off of existing parts.

Part 11.

-2x2 tile round, macaroni.

-a tile to cap the exisiting macaroni parts.

-allows for finishing off/tiling off of existing parts.

Part 12.

-4x4 tile round, macaroni.

-a tile to cap the exisiting macaroni parts.

-allows for finishing off/tiling off of existing parts.

Part 13.

-3x3 brick round.

-same as the existing 2x2 ones, just 3x3.

-allows for different size pillars, curved steps etc.

Part 14.

-3x3 plate round.

-same as the existing 2x2 ones, just 3x3.

-allows for different size pillars, curved steps etc.

Part 15.

-cylinder hemishphere 3x3

-same as http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=86500 only 3x3

-will go well with the new 3x3 round parts, or can be used for smaller half spheres.

Part 16.

-slope 45 deg 2x2x2/3

-this part http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2875,'>http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2875, only 2 long, not 6

-allows for flush tiling for roofs or SNOTed facades. Alllows for more geometry than the existing 6 long ones.

Part 17.

-slope 45 deg 2x1x2/3.

-this part http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2875,'>http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2875, only 1 long, not 6

-allows for flush tiling for roofs or SNOTed facades. Allows for more geometry than the existing 6 long ones.

Part 18.

-slope 45 deg 2x2x2/3 double concave.

-a cross of http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=3046a with http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2875

-allows for flush tiling of roos and SNOTed facades. I need a few thousand of these in white for a project!!!!

Part 19.

-wedge triple 3x2 left and right.

-these http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43710 only 3 long not 4.

-allows for more variety and different geometry. I need these in dark green.

Part 20.

-wedge inverted triple 3x2 left and right.

-these http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43710 only 3 long not 4 and inverted.

-allows for more variety and different geometry, and for undersides of various creations. I need these in dark green.

Part 21.

-wedge inverted triple 4x2 left and right

-these http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43710 only inverted.

-allows for more variety and different geometry, and for undersides of various creations. I need these in dark green.

Part 22.

-plate modified 2x2 with studs on both sides.

-a plate with studs on both sides and no bottom tubes.

-Perfect for SNOTing. Must be 1 plate thickness to ensure precise height matching. In the Eighties one of the clone brands hasd a part like this, Tyco I think. Can also be made into 1x1 plate, 1x2 plate and 1x1 plate round. Vast potential here.

Part 23.

-plate modified 2x2 with tubes on both sides.

-similar to the above described part, but with no studs, just tubes on both sides.

-Perfect for SNOTing. Must be 1 plate thickness to ensure precise height matching. In the Eighties one of the clone brands hasd a part like this, Tyco I think. Can also be made into 1x1 plate, 1x2 plate and 1x1 plate round. Vast potential here.

Part 24.

-minfig utensil, drum.

-a simple single drum, snare drum and/or a bass. Leave a stud hole on one side to mount onto a minifig neck bracket http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=42446 Might need a new neck bracket that extends lower. Drums will require drumsticks too, at least he snare. The new microphone utensil can doulbe for a bass drumstick.

-I'm going for a band here. Marching one, but can double for a rock band too.

Part 25.

-Minifig guitar.

-something suitable that can be held by a minifig.

-Would go well with the Lego Rock Band game.....

Part 26.

-Minifig trombone or tuba.

-something suitable that can be held by a minifig.

-I'm going for a band here.

Part 27.

-Minifig baby

-The microfigs from the new board games could work, but there has to be a way for a minifig to hold them. A stud hole on the back side would allow it to attach to a minifig neck bracket http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=42446.

-for all the detail going into the City and Town Plan themes, this seems a no brainer to me.

Part 28.

-1x1x1 panel.

-http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=4865 only 1 long, and not the corner.

-will allow for far more geometry with the existing parts.

As for Colours, no new ones I can think of. But I would appeal to revive Bricklink sand red, sandstone to TLC I beleive. By far the best colour ever produced in brick.

I'm going to leave it at this for now. Need to go to bed......

A few more parts now tht I'm rested....

Part 28.

-1x1 plate mod with wheel holder.

- similar to http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2926 but with only 1 pin on one end. Can also be a 1x2 plate with 1 pin on one end or 1 side.

-While this might make for a weaker attachment for a wheel on a vehicle, it will allow for far more geometry when trying to build vehicles. At the meoment ther are only 2 types, the one referenced above and http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=4488 Both are very liiting in what you can do, especially when one wants to make a veh wider that 4 studs, or with any detail. I don't like having a city with everyone driving go carts.

Part 29.

-1x1 brick modified with grille.

-A 1x1 counter part for http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2877

-Will allow for more detail and better structural integrity when building with the 1x2 bricks. 2 types should actually be made. One with the groves on opposite sides for walls, and one with the vertial can horizontal groves on adjoining sides, all sides will have groves. This will allow for doing corners with the 1x2 bricks.

Part 30.

-2x2 tile corner.

-a tile counterpart for http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2420

-it will allow for more structural strength than using a 1x1 and 1x2 tile.

Edited by Bricklord

I agree with the 1x1 cheese slope with a stud, with the inverse stud, the 1x1 plate with a longer stud and the 1x1 round tile...these are great for greebling!The longer stud would add more stability to connections to 1x1 bricks or anything of similar mould.

I would like to suggest the following:

Part 1

Part name: 1x1 round plate with double sided open studs

Part description: for connencting parts with small diameters (e.g. a lightsaber hilt to another part with a similar diameter, like the ones used for flick missiles<not the nose cone>)

Part usage: For producing longer parts or parts of desired length (i.e., not too long)

I was building a double turret using lightsaber hilts and nose cones but the part I wanted to connect it to has the same diameter as the ends of the hilt. If I used the technic pin from the flick missiles, it would make it would make it as long as the mounted cannon I was making.

A modification would be 1x1 round plate with an open stud(I really don't know if it's already made)

Part 2

Part name: 2x2 round brick with double sided axle hole

Part description: as above, that could fit an axle in the x and y axes

Part usage: For making connections to other parts using axle pins.I asked our local seller, he said there are no such parts.

Part 3

Part name: a spring loaded hinge brick

Part descrition: a hinge brick that has a twisted wire under tension that would allow it to spring out from it's original position but with the studs facing each other or away from each other, if the other connection has no studs, depending on the intended use.

Part usage: Imagine hidden cannons that would jump out from it's compartment once you remove the lock or holding mechanism (like a from a trap door)

Part 4

Part name:Cellular phone

Part descrition: as mentioned

Part usage: to partly keep up with the times! :wink:

I also wish they could make extra arms for the robot of the 8683 collectable minifigs.

I'm really not well versed with the existing LEGO parts, please feel free to point them out! THANKS!!!

Posted (edited)

Part name: 1x1 -> 1/4 dome 2x2

Part description: 1/4 dome 2x2 like on picture, use with 6191.png or 6081.png or 6091.png

Part usage: For architecture or vehicles


Edited by JnQ
Posted (edited)

Part 1

Part name: Slope Brick 30 1 x 1 x 2/3 Inverted (Inverted Cheese slope)

Part description: Cheese slope, with the stud reciever replaced by a stud. Inverted cheese slope.


Part usage: Extending the possibilities for SNOT building where, e.g. the back side of headlight bricks or the bottom of sideways parts can also be finished of with sloped angles. This would simplify creating certain shapes in small constructions by better using the underside of parts.

Part 2

Part name: Technic Beam 2 x 3 Rectangular

Part description: Small thick Technic liftarm with six round holes in a 2 x 3 rectangular pattern.


Part usage: A lot of small Technic constructions could benefit from this part, similar to what happens with the new 3 x 3 T beam. It would replace the "double perpendicular joiner + axle 2 + double split perpendicular joiner" construction by one simple part that also has two additional holes.

Part 3

Part name: Technic Pin Extender Round

Part description: A pin (with or without friction, doesn't really matter) of length 1 connected to half of a "Pin Joiner Round".


Part usage: This could be used to "lengthen" pins by one stud without having to resort to all kinds of new pin types. This could be useful in both aesthetic and structural constructions, and would be useful in a lot of the places that the current Pin Joiner Round is now used and in combination with this part and with various Technic pins.

Part 4

Part name: Technic Axle 11

Part description: Technic cross axle of length 11 studs. Color coded, only available in Medium Stone Gray


Part usage: For the same reasion axles 5, 7 and 9 are gradually introduced: to further extend the possibilities of studless building with its odd stud nature. Even in sets (8265 comes to mind), axles 12 are used where an axle 11 would have fit better (last half stud lengths are currently unused). Also, adding the axle 11 would make the array of axles complete up to 12.

Part 5

Part name: Technic Liftarm 1 x 2.5 x 0.5 with Hole and Axlehole

Part description:Thin liftarm of 2.5 studs with hole and axle hole at a distance of 1.5 studs from each other.


Part usage:Currently there are very few parts that can create half-stud axle distances; one usually has to resort to the Technic Cam which it usually too large and has an unsuitable shape to fit in small spaces, or the Engine Crankshaft End piece which has very bad clutch power. A simple liftarm like this would resolve that problem and extend the possibilities of Technic half-stud constructions further. One thing this would be useful for is for mating 8t or 24t gears with 16t gears, or 12-t or 20t double bevel gears with each other (in the same plane).

,The reason for having an axle hole and a round hole is to avoid confusion with existing thin liftarms, and to have two different orientations due to asymmetry, extending the possibilities even further.

Part 6

Part name: Technic Gear 28 Tooth Double Bevel

Part description:Technic Gear with 28 teeth the same style as the current 12t and 20t double bevel gears. Color coded to be available in only one color. Suggested color: Dark Stone Gray

Part usage:To extend the possibilities of Technic gears and complete the range of double bevel gears up to 36. Right now one has to refer to the 36 tooth gear where a smaller one would save space. Also, this would be the only gear to have a number of teeth divisible by 7, which is sometimes needed in combination with the Technic Turntable which has 56 teeth.

Part 7

Part name: Technic Gear 32 Tooth

Part description:Technic Gear with 32 teeth the same style as the current 8t, 16t and 24t gears. Color coded to be available in only one color. Suggested color: Black

Part usage:To extend the possibilities of Technic gears and complete the range of spur gears up to 40. Right now one has to refer to the 40 tooth gear where a smaller one would save space. Also, this gear would be the only one that could quickly create a 1 : 4 gear ratio which is sometimes needed to line up movements with each other.

Edited by Erik Leppen

Part name: 1x1 -> 1/4 dome 2x2

Part description: 1/4 dome 2x2 like on picture, use with 6191.png or 6081.png or 6091.png

Part usage: For architecture or vehicles

I like this!


Part 2:

- Part name : 2 upsidedown studs.

- Part description : This part is made of only 2 studs in opposition

- Part usage : This is THE missing part (and I'm suprised is has not been mentioned yet) that would allow to have 2 bricks connected upside down

Part 3

Part Name: Double Stud

Part description: a stud that is double the height

so it would be a small cylinder the size of two studs end to end

Part Usage: This would be good for adding pieces upside down in small areas, for example if you put this part underneath a 1x1 plate the the plat becomes a 1x1 plate with a stud on the top and bottom to use in SNOT designs

Part 1:

Part name: Double Stud.

Part description: One stud with twice the height.

Part usage: Upside down snot.

Part 2:

Part name: Hen.

Part description: A female domesticated fowl.

Part usage: Livestock.

Part 3:

Part name: Deer.

Part description: Ruminant mammals

Part usage: Hunting.

Part 4:

Part name: Sheep.

Part description: Quadrupedal, cloven-hooved, ruminant mammal.

Part usage: Livestock.

Part 5:

Part name: Ox.

Part description: Castrated male beef cattle.

Part usage: Livestock.

Part 6:

Part name: Pitchfork

Part description: A long-handled tool with sharp, widely spaced prongs.

Part usage: Lifting and pitching loose material such as hay.

Existing part of other colors. I do not think that the following parts are made in respective color. Correct me if I am wrong.

Part 7:

Part name: Ridged Tile 2X4/25°.

Part color: Dark stone grey, Medium stone grey.

Part usage: Castle wall, rock formation.

Part 8:

Part name: Ridged Tile 2X2/25°.

Part color: Medium stone grey.

Part usage: Castle wall, rock formation.

Part 9:

Part name: Ridged Tile 2X2/25° (Corner, Double Convex/Double Concave).

Part color: Dark stone grey, Medium stone grey.

Part usage: Castle wall, rock formation.


Part name: 2x2 -> 1/4 dome 4x4

Part description: 1/4 dome 4x4 like on picture, use with 6191.png or 6081.png or 6091.png

Part usage: For architecture or vehicles



Part 1

Part name: Cone 4 x 4 x 1 Hollow No Studs

Part description: like Cone 4 x 4 x 2 Hollow No Studs 4742.png but only 4 x 4 x 1

Part usage: spacecrafts, rockets (saturn V), engines

Part 2

Part name: Cone 6 x 6 x 1 Hollow No Studs

Part description: like Cone 4 x 4 x 2 Hollow No Studs but 6 x 6 x 1

Part usage: spacecrafts, rockets (saturn V), engines

Part 3

Part name: Cone 6 x 6 x 2 Hollow No Studs

Part description: like Cone 4 x 4 x 2 Hollow No Studs but 6 x 6 x 2

Part usage: spacecrafts, rockets (saturn V), engines...

Posted (edited)

- Part name: Windscreen 2 x 6 x 2

- Part description: Like this windscreen 57783.gif only 6 studs wide.

- Part usage: All kinds of 6 wide vehicles

- Part name: Windscreen 1 x 8 x 2 !!!

- Part description: Like this one 64453.jpg

- Part usage: Big trucks

-- Part name: Windscreen 1 x 8 x 3

- Part description: Like this one 64453.jpg

- Part usage: Big trucks

Edited by JnQ

Part 6:

- Part name: Windscreen 4 x 4 x 2 Canopy Extender with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 7:

- Part name: Windscreen 4 x 4 x 3 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 8:

- Part name: Windscreen 6 x 4 x 2 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 9:

- Part name: Windscreen 10 x 4 x 2 1/3 Canopy with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 10:

- Part name: Windscreen 8x3 1/2x4 1/6 Half Octagon Aquanaut Sub Top with Hinge

- Part description: This, with hinges.

- Part usage: Subs, airplanes, cars, helicopters... Everything that needs sleek cockpits. Why not bring back and update the hits of yesteryear?

Part 11:

- Part name: Slope 45/33 3x2

- Part description: Half of this.

- Part usage: Good for aerodynamic surfaces, and whenever you want to transition from a 45 slope to a 33 slope around a corner.

Part 12:

- Part name: Slope 45/33 3x2 Inverted

- Part description: Half of this, inverted.

- Part usage: Good for aerodynamic surfaces, and whenever you want to transition from a 45 slope to a 33 slope around a corner.

Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,

I registerd today just to write this message.

So, here are the parts I would like to have :

- many clutch gears such as 24t, 20t, 12t. It were even more convenient if these gears could work with a driving ring.

- a new 16t clutch gear (just like the white 24t clutch gear)

- a servomotor or at least a motor which could easily return to center. It were very useful to motorize the steering of a car.

Thanks for this topic, it's very insteresting !

Edited by Durian

Part 1

PF servo motor

Rotates a limited distance at slow speed with very high torque. When used with the current pf system it should return to centre automatically when the control lever is returned to centre (may require a new kind of reciever but i'm not sure).

It's uses include, but are not limited to, steering, train point control, pneumatic switch control, etc.

Part 2

Longer pneumatic cylinder.

In all respects apart from the length it would be identical to the current pneumatic cylinder with a stroke at least twice as long as the current one. A range of lengths would be better (from 2 studs [point control] to 32 studs [forklifts, telescopic booms]) but if I could only have one length of stroke then a stroke of 8-12 studs is my most prefered length.

It's uses would include anything that requires a powerful linear movement (such as moving an excavator arm). It would provide greater reliability, speed, strength, realism and FUN than linear actuators and the current stubby pneumatic cylinders.

Part 3

Synchromesh gears



It's uses are for making transmission stronger, more realistic and more efficient, transfering more of the power from the motor to the wheels, istead of the current setup where most of the power is wasted overcoming the internal friction of the gear box.

Part 4

Improved pneumatic motor pump.

The existing part is great but not without it's flaws. For instance, you have to off-set one end half a hole or place it at an angle to make use of the full stroke. Making a compressor out of more than one is also very difficult to make compact enough to fit into a medium sized MOC whilst having them maintain efficiencey and constant flow by offsetting thier working cycles. So what if we were to have something like these three engine parts...




...in a complete assembly with a closed top containing valve and outlet, a little ridge around the bottom to stop the piston coming out and appropiately sealed piston. now i'm not sure but I would guess the surface area of the piston is roughly double that of the piston inside the current pump. This dimention could be tweaked to give double (or slighly more) surface area of the one in the current pump. This means that with a stroke of only one stud (like you get in the current standard technic engine), you achieve the same capacity (or slightly more) as the current motor pump. However the main gain is that it it could be motorised in a much more intuative way, and you could have many of them, for example in a very compact V4 configuration giving as much power as 4 motor pumps! It would also look way cool, like an engine with the pneumatic tubing looking like exhaust ports or HT leads. :wub:

This + longer cylinders = *oh2*:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub::cry_happy::cry_happy::cry_happy::cry_happy:

Part 5

PF-L motor

A powerful/high speed PF motor with NO or very little internal gearing.

It's uses are for reducing the stress on many gears while maintaing power by having them spin at high speed and having greater freedom and control over how different parts of the gear trains are stressed and also the output speed. (Personal note: I feel that having the gearing down done for you kinda spoils the fun and undermines the whole point of technic)

Part 6

Spline shaft

A hollow shaft with friction to holt it onto an axle at one end and no friction on the other allowing the axle to easily slide in and out whilst maintaing rotational movement.

It's uses would inlude drive to a live axle

Part 7

Double ended pneumatic

Pretty self explanitory, it's uses would include pneumatic power steering.

Part 8

Making all axels notched (like the current two long axle) and a female balljoint housing that fits onto the notch (similar to the flex system ball joint coupling but stronger).

It's uses would include linkages for live axles, steeling, gear shift levers, etc

Part 9

Improved transmission ring shifter part.

It's main use is to provide an improved and more intuative way to slide the transmission ring

Posted (edited)

Nothing new, but why not:

Part 1:

- Part name: Tile 1 x 1, round with groove

- Part description: Well, a stud without a stud.

- Part usage: For finishing off round structures. Detailing - imagine a printed version for ventilations.


I agree with this. I've been pushing this for years. It is essentially a greebling piece for space, architactural detail, stone pathways, and headlights/tail lights. I'd love this for space greebs and such.

I would also like to see these:

- Part name: Brick, modified, 1 x 1 with open studs on sides AND top

- Part description: like the existing part, but with the top stud open

- Part usage: Easier for a lot of our unconventional connections.

- Part name: minifig torso with chest bump/belly bump

- Part description: standard minifig torsos, but with a slight breast bump for female figs, or belly bump for those overweight figs.

- Part usage: For minifig variation, the drawback is that TLG would need very different equipment to do any kind of printing on the torsos, so this is a huge longshot.

- Part name: Any variation in car fender type part

- Part description: self-explanatory

- Part usage: Again, self-explanatory

- Part name: inverted 1x1 tile with clip.

- Part description: this, but upside down and with a stud on top 2555.png

- Part usage: Again, better and more clever building fospace and architecture, as well as sculptural pieces.

Edited by ThePaleMan

-Part Name: Fence 1x4x5 (or 1x4x6)

-Part Description: A taller chainlink fence. Just like part 3185, but taller, and possibly with a couple studs on top to attach barbed wire, security cameras, lights, leaves, birds, etc.

-Part Usage: This part could be used for many types of scenes: prisons, zoos, urban city scenes, banks, impound or junk yards, etc. The shorter fence doesn't have quite the same effect when minifigs can so easily look or climb over them. The piece can also be used in SNOT creations, just like the shorter version.

-Part Name: New flowers on sprue

-Part Description: Tulips, Roses, etc.

-Part Usage: We have had the standard six-petal flowers (part 3742) that fit on the flower stem (part 3741) for decades. Isn't it time for some new flowers to diversify our gardens? These new flowers would come on a sprue just like their older relatives (four to a sprue, to compensate for loss, of course).

-Part Name: Reverse Arch 1x4x1

-Part Description: An arch, like an upside-down version of part 3659.

-Part Usage: With a couple 1x1 plates, and used with the standard upright arch, this would make the perfect round window opening (see next suggested part). We have had square and rectangular windows forever, so why not round ones?

-Part Name: Round Window 1x2x2

-Part Description: Just like its name suggests, a round window (with "glass" that snaps in, of course), that fits perfectly inbetween an arch coupled to an upside-down arch (see above).

-Part Usage: Once again, round windows are notoriously lacking from our part repositories.

-Part Name: Ham

-Part Description: A new mold, comprised of a delicious-looking ham with a grippable ham bone handle on one end, and a stud "bone" leaving the ham on the other end.

-Part Usage: Many of my minifigs are getting tired of turkey all the time. Now that we have pigs, I think my medieval feasts need a ham.

-Part Name: Brick-contoured 1x2 Brick

-Part Description: We currently have a couple contoured bricks: the "wood" brick (part 30136), the corrugated metal brick (part 2877). What about a 1x2 brick with its face contoured to look like a portion of a brick wall? (Including, of course, grooves for the mortar.) This piece would have portions of four or so bricks.

-Part Usage: Many of them could be put together for an entire brick wall, fireplace, house foundation, etc. Or, you could just insert the random one into a regular wall to indicate that the plaster has fallen away (thus exposing the brick underneath).

-Part Name: Shopping cart

-Part Description: A wheeled shopping cart, like the ones used in grocery stores.

-Part Usage: Minifigs have a way to get merchandise into the stores (using the minifig hand truck, part 2495), but what about the shoppers? They only have two hands like the rest of us.

-Part Name: In general, more animals (deer, sheep, tigers, lions, zebras, giraffes, bears, birds, etc.) and more accessories, containers and food (dishes, silverware, vases, cell phones, cupboards, refrigerators, milk cartons, egg cartons, bottles, etc.)

-Part Description: As noted above.

-Part Usage: Details, details, details. Most LEGO fans love details. Besides, the more these new molds have points of attachment to other LEGO pieces, the more they can be used in new and interesting ways, perhaps unrelated to their original intent.

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