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Hey all,

I'm just wondering about this.... That's especially meant for all those AFOLs out there (including kids that are "too old" for Legos, too...) What are your experiences? Are there any people that don't accept your hobby? Make they fun about you? Are they interested in it, though they aren't into Lego themselves? What about your parents / relatives, girl/boyfriends, husbands, wives or even about your children?

And maybe I should even ask: Do you show all the world what you are doing? Or are you hiding your bricks under your bed or whatever? ;)

I made very different experiences.... On the one (negative) hand, there is just one guy, a good friend of mine... He doesn't say bad words, but he doesn't understand it. But if he's drunk he often teases me because I'm "playing with Lego bricks".... It's not really a negative experience, but sometimes its annoying...

On the other hand its nice to see that there are some people that are really interested (or at least they pretend it to impress me... ;)) in what I am doing. Maybe because its really something "special" (Lego is a common thing, but knowing adults playing with Lego is something different), maybe they just think its "cute" or whatever...

I know two girls (my pen pal and my best friend) who both think this way... Especially the second had even said that she wants to build with me one day... And she promised to visit one of the two Lego stores that are close to here...

My parents are very cool in this thing, too... My mom sometimes say things like "don't spend too much money and too much time on Lego" and such things, but only because she want's me to do my studies in a fine way.... But nonetheless she always gives me Lego (The Falcon at christmas!!! :D) as presents.... And she likes that I am able to improve my English by my lovely hobby.... ;) (Thanks to all you guys.... :D)

Now, lets finish the last point: How do I act in public? Hm... I don't tell anybody I meet "I play with Lego" as the first thing. To be honest, I don't tell from it in public (e.g. at university) very much. Its another thing when I talk to people that know about my 'obsession', then I have no problems talking about my hobby, wether its in public or not... I talk to people in toy shops about Lego (Hehe, always nice to see the faces of them if I ask for upcoming products they never heard about... ;)) and I really like to look at the peoples faces when they see me happily buying a lego set... ;)

Now, what about you?


Well when i first told a friend he to would make jokes about it, nothing nasty just the usual ribbing that mates give each other. However he soon stopped when i showed him on ebay that an old m falcon went for so much money.

Now he buys sets to sell, however over the last few weeks i have noticed that he has in fact built a few and put them on display. My girlfriend loves to look at the lego sets that i have, only problem is that she moves them around alot especally the ewoks, girls just love teddy bears dont they.

The way i look at it is that there are loads of people out there that spend time doing things like jigsaw puzzles, model plane building etc and to me thats like the equizalent of me building with lego, it helps me to relax and it can be good at releving stress and its just a hobby which is somethink that everybody has.

Overall there is always going to be people who will Criticize you for what you like but that dosent just apply to collecting lego it applys to most things in life. If you do find someone thats really negative then challenge him to build something like the star destroyer after 30 mins theyll have a whole new respect for building lego sets.

Its really up to you how you act in public, if you feel Comfortable talking about your collection then just go with it. And remember theres alot of us out there that feel just the same way you do about lego, thats why im grateful that we have websites like this one.


I don't go around telling everyone about it, but it's more because that's boring. I know from experience (i.e. listening to others) that people constantly telling everyone who will listen about there hobbies, whatever they may be, soon labels them a bore!

However being 31, people just see it as fun and a little eccentric. I think the tough age is late teens, when you 'should have grown out of such childish things'. When you get older you are somehow allowed to fall back as long as the rest of your life is adult and in order I guess!

Everyone should have a hobby, I have LEGO and now photography.

Pleanty to do, both far to expensive though ;-)


I am almost 16 now (3 days!) and I have been playing with lego since I was about 5, I have not had a "dark age" as so many people speak of, as of yet.

My close friends know about my hobby. They understand about it but they also think I am crazy! Anyway, they all have hobbies of their own, one of my friends has lots of warhammer so we are quite similar.

Alot of people at my school do not know about my hobby, I guess the people I do not tell are the people who would over-react and make fun at me.

My parents support me in my hobby. Before I was 12 they used to buy me sets but when I got a bit older and I found Bricklink and eBay I started to get things myself. Still, they buy me Lego for my birthday and christmas.

I don't think I would pack it all in becuase one person saying something to me. I don't want to ever stop playing and buying Lego, I have so much fun building with it and talking about it on websites and forums, here being the best! I would hate to put it all in a box and sell it because I would love fond memories as well as some great sets.



People knows that I'm lego addicted. they know Icreated a website about it, they see when i'm playing with my x pod in class and they can read it because a lot of studies I'm doing concern lego.

I'm not hidding it.

Most of the guys don't react that good. Girls are more pleased to know about this. Some are going here and watch what I've done. Mot of them are impressed by the creativity we AFOLs can have.

My familiy is ok. Only my mum definitly suck on this point.

Otherwise lego are great ! Even my teacher always like when I give a report to them about TLC. It changes from IBM DELL and the Car industry *satis*


My mom thinks.... no she doesn't think, my mom is annoying.

Other freinds know I'm not that crazy, after I show them what freaks online biuld.

My "ex" didn't care, for the simple reason he never saw any of them except for the planes. Then when we "broke up" he brought them up and I started laughing before he never saw them before.

My current doesn't care, I even got him to buy a bucket, and then he got me a bucket for my birthday. :)


LOL, thats the very best case: If your boy / girlfriend doesn't care about Lego (so he / she won't take it from you) BUT give you Lego at birthdays and so on... ;) THIS was one of the advantages of my ex-girlfriend... ;)


My current one does like Legos, the "ex" never even saw them or mension them, nor did I, until we "broke up". But in the end he was a lieing sack of megablock, sluty female canine, whore.

You need a Lego gun icon too.

You need a Lego gun icon too.

Whilst battling with Apo a while back, I made a gun, an axe and a lightsaber. Maybe we could create some icons with these.

Plus it is a good way to use the attach image button! :)



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