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Oh! I almost forgot! Young Loki Malfoy sent me a message late last night requesting I investigate him to prove his innocence. Now, I can derive two things from this: 1) He genuinely wanted me to investigate him to prove his innocence, or 2) He took a risk, and figured (correctly) that since it was late in the night, I'd have already commenced my actions and so it would be too late to investigate him, but he'd still look good for requesting investigation. A sneaky trick if he's a Hallowed.

Everyone around you seems to be blocked! So if I am correct, at first you though that you could protect someone from being blocked and protect them from harm. But then you found out that aswell as that you also block them and anyone using a night action on your target. What? Is this your claim to a night action? However, we mustn't forget Crudo tried to get suspicion of Loki Malfoy yesterday and all Slytherin so far have been innocent (or impartial) and he has yet to vote a hallowed. One of you three (Hearth, Valerie and Loki) are hallowed but it is very difficult to determine who. :sceptic:

(I'm having personal problems pertaining to my internet bandwith, so I haven't been able to completely read the opening post due to the pictures, and I might have skimmed through what everyone was saying too quickly. Please excuse me if I make any mistakes...)

Loki: I suspect him a lot. However, he gave me luck potion when it seemed I needed it. He then confessed to it when that was being used against me. Doesn't seem like something a hallowed would do. On the other hand he is the only one yet to vote hallowed.

To clarify on the potion, the reason I gave it to you was because I thought Nene was a Hallowed due to her behavior, but when it was revealed that she was an impartial and that you had her voted out for your own purposes, but now you've really proven yourself by performing a hat trick in terms of removing three of the Death's Hallowed!

As for the fact that I have not voted out a Hallowed yet, I was only available on the day that Sheila was voted out. My predicament is, for example, similar to one that a Muggle would have while playing one of their 'online Mafia games' on their 'computers'. If they couldn't use their computer for two days, and two 'Mafia' members were voted out, would it mean that the Muggle was also a Mafia member?

However, we mustn't forget Crudo tried to get suspicion of Loki Malfoy yesterday and all Slytherin so far have been innocent (or impartial) and he has yet to vote a hallowed. One of you three (Hearth, Valerie and Loki) are hallowed but it is very difficult to determine who.

I don't see how Crudo attempting to raise suspicion of me shows that I could be a Hallowed. Since Crudo is a Hallowed himself, why would he try to raise suspicion of another one of his own? If he was innocent, it would make sense, but even if he was, he could have just told everyone that he was suspicious of me and what he knew. I don't think I've even spoken directly to him yet since this ordeal started.

I've also made an arragement with a fellow Hogwarts member Professor Ching, which should prove my innocence by tomorrow if everything goes through. Never mind, Professor Ching has revealed that I spoke to her yesterday.

Feel free to talk to me in private later, Jolie - I've got nothing to hide.


And I'm having suspicions that Horcruxes could be involved, based on what Jolie was told in private. Didn't 'Bulltoad' have a basilisk's fang in his possession, one of the few items that could destroy a Horcrux?

Finally, may Professor Longbottom and Prion rest in peace.

(Oh, please ignore the first quote in my post. I must have pasted it again by accident.)

Here it is again! We score a victory and then we take two losses. I told you people to try to work together to create the safest situation possible, and instead we end up with this! Dammit, no one listens, and we're running out of time. It's obvious that some people were mislead into doing the things they did last night, and I'd really like to know how, that would probably give us the answer to this whole terrible situation once and for all.

2. Ahem, anyone seen a crazy dagger killer? Weird how I happen to have been told this:

Sounds like someone played your game (anyone recall that whole "someone is controlling my vote" nonsense?).

I told someone (who will remain unnamed at this point in hopes that their cheating was an innocent mistake) that I was assigned the task of seeking out an impartial killer who used a dagger. The story was half true, with the method of killing being an intentional lie to protect myself. I had been told something that led me to believe that the person I was speaking to was capable of killing and I needed to try to determine their method to see if it aligned with what I was looking for, without arousing their suspicion. I thought they passed the test, especially when the real killer was identified by their death, but now it seems they have revealed themselves to be at least dishonest enough to directly quote private communications to another. I can't be sure if it was through malice or stupidity, but it certainly shakes my confidence in them.

Given that you also cheated by repeating it here, I'm beginning to suspect what I did when it first came out that you are impartial: you need everyone dead to win. It's a common goal of impartial/neutral people, and you've certainly lead and mislead us enough to get some of each side killed, yet never enough to achieve a victory. I wish you could provide some kind of evidence to contradict that suspicion, it would make this entire situation a lot less tricky.

Add to that the whole "magic mirror" thing and this person slowly becomes a suspect to me.

The mirror is real, and either you or another thief took it. Since it will kill any scum who looks in it, I don't care who the thief is, they aren't scum. The important part, since you've chosen to reveal this information openly, is to make sure that the thief understands what they can do with that mirror. Give it to someone you suspect and if they are scum, they will die instantly, I guarantee it. If you give it to someone and they die, then are reported as innocent, kill me, but it won't happen, I have absolute faith in that mirror.

I know I am innocent and will give my proof of this later but I advise you Madame Hearth and you Malleus to provide us proof that you are innocent.

I know that I am innocent, I also know of at least two others who are very likely to be, but I can't prove my own, or theirs, and honestly no one can in this game of life without resorting to quoting private communications and cheating. I do hope you aren't suggesting anyone do that, it's clearly happened enough already, and it's a dangerous ploy as it can easily be faked to indicate anything anyone wants it to through editing or quoting out of context. It's why there is a rule against it. :hmpf:

Oh! I almost forgot! Young Loki Malfoy sent me a message late last night requesting I investigate him to prove his innocence. Now, I can derive two things from this: 1) He genuinely wanted me to investigate him to prove his innocence, or 2) He took a risk, and figured (correctly) that since it was late in the night, I'd have already commenced my actions and so it would be too late to investigate him, but he'd still look good for requesting investigation. A sneaky trick if he's a Hallowed.

Third possibility is that he had someone cast a spell to cause an incorrect result on your investigation, but needed it to happen on the same night for it to work (naturally).

I don't know where I stand on Loki. At this point, I don't know where I stand on several of you. At least a few I trust aren't currently doing anything to make me doubt that trust.

Evidence people, please. Innocent until proven guilty. Prove someone guilty, then we can vote and maybe bring this horror to an end. There can't be many scum left, we just need to get this right. If you have such evidence, we can probably figure out a way to protect you, so don't be afraid. Fear is what is getting us in so much trouble, and fear is what we must first overcome if we are to be victorious.

Pfeh! I haven't said a word today until now! It was Xander who said that, and you, just then! Just because I told you in confidence, doesn't mean I went and told everybody.

Who told Xander that Miss Bathory could poison then? :wacko: Also, just because I suspecct someone is no reason to vote them out. I was wrong before remember.

Given that you also cheated by repeating it here, I'm beginning to suspect what I did when it first came out that you are impartial: you need everyone dead to win. It's a common goal of impartial/neutral people, and you've certainly lead and mislead us enough to get some of each side killed, yet never enough to achieve a victory. I wish you could provide some kind of evidence to contradict that suspicion, it would make this entire situation a lot less tricky.

A fair enough point, I am impartial which means that by default I am not on anyones side. I suppose I can't deny that as I can't back myself with evidence, however if my goal was to kill you all then surely I would have started to kill by now? No, that was Brandon's aim, not mine. I simply survive. As for repeating the quote, I see no rule against it - I found what you had said to that person odd so I revealed it.

The mirror is real, and either you or another thief took it. Since it will kill any scum who looks in it, I don't care who the thief is, they aren't scum. The important part, since you've chosen to reveal this information openly, is to make sure that the thief understands what they can do with that mirror. Give it to someone you suspect and if they are scum, they will die instantly, I guarantee it. If you give it to someone and they die, then are reported as innocent, kill me, but it won't happen, I have absolute faith in that mirror.

I did try to steal the mirror but I found nothing. So, if you are being truthful then there is another thief out there, an innocent one at that. It's hard to believe that especially since there is most likely a hallowed thief running around aswell.

Evidence people, please. Innocent until proven guilty. Prove someone guilty, then we can vote and maybe bring this horror to an end. There can't be many scum left, we just need to get this right. If you have such evidence, we can probably figure out a way to protect you, so don't be afraid. Fear is what is getting us in so much trouble, and fear is what we must first overcome if we are to be victorious.

There is at least two hallowed remaining and they have a total of three votes between them. So, three more non-hallowed deaths and it's over. Since two will probably die tonight we really are in need of a hallowed conviction. I don't know who to believe any more but if I had to choose right now then I would say that Valerie and Hearth were the remaining hallowed. However there is very little to back this up. Someone must have something that can help. Was Valerie blocked on Night 7? If not who did she protect/block? The remaining hallowed have done a good job a staying hidden. I suggest we instead try to figure out who is most certainly not hallowed and work from there:

Not Hallowed, there can be no doubt here :

Miss Bathory

Jolie Jadis

I believe these people to be innocent, but I have no proof to back that up:

Rocky Broomwel

Xander Lovegood

Who I suspect, with varying degrees of suspicion:

Miss Hearth

Valerie Macarthur

Miss Malleus

Loki Malfoy

Since there is at least two hallowed left Valerie and Hearth are most suspected to me. Valerie having told us that Miss Hearth cannot be the killer. It fits that the remaining hallowed would want to cover their allies whereas Loki has not displayed trust to anyone, neither has Miss Malleus.

Also, Miss Hearth appeared in my foe glass on the one night there were no killings. Did anyone protect me that night?

  • Author

Voting starts now (a bit early, I know, but we're going out for the evening), and lasts for 48 hours unless a conviction is reached before that. Remember, it takes only 5 votes to convict at this stage of the game.

Who told Xander that Miss Bathory could poison then? :wacko: Also, just because I suspecct someone is no reason to vote them out. I was wrong before remember.

It was Tea *Cough* Ching.

I believe these people to be innocent, but I have no proof to back that up:

Xander Lovegood

Ask Ms. Ching and Bastardroy, *Cough*, both of our confirmed innocents.

Also, Miss Hearth appeared in my foe glass on the one night there were no killings. Did anyone protect me that night?

It could have been *Cough* Prion.

Oh! I almost forgot! Young Loki Malfoy sent me a message late last night requesting I investigate him to prove his innocence. Now, I can derive two things from this: 1) He genuinely wanted me to investigate him to prove his innocence, or 2) He took a risk, and figured (correctly) that since it was late in the night, I'd have already commenced my actions and so it would be too late to investigate him, but he'd still look good for requesting investigation. A sneaky trick if he's a Hallowed.

Third possibility is that he had someone cast a spell to cause an incorrect result on your investigation, but needed it to happen on the same night for it to work (naturally).

I don't know where I stand on Loki. At this point, I don't know where I stand on several of you. At least a few I trust aren't currently doing anything to make me doubt that trust.

I assure you, the first statement is the reason why I contacted you, Professor Ching. I hadn't even thought about the other two derivations while asking. And about the third statement...is there even a spell like that that would work on ghosts? :look:

Also, Miss Hearth appeared in my foe glass on the one night there were no killings. Did anyone protect me that night?

Does your foe glass only show people who want to harm you? I'm confused as to what it actually does because you said this two days ago:

Rhubarb Uxley - Targeted me during the night, I did not die. There were killings that night. Not Hallowed Killer.

Crudo Alakhazam - Targeted me during the night, I did not die. There were killings that night. Not Hallowed Killer.

Rhubarb was innocent, but Crudo was not. Did you use your foe glass to find out that they both targeted you on the night of Day 6?

A fair enough point, I am impartial which means that by default I am not on anyones side. I suppose I can't deny that as I can't back myself with evidence, however if my goal was to kill you all then surely I would have started to kill by now?

As I know I've said before, I just have a natural distrust of impartials, and unfortunately I may have allowed that to cloud my judgment, so I can see why you may have some doubts about me. I can tell you that I wouldn't be stupid enough to support the deaths of multiple allies. I can imagine trying that once, but continuing to let your own die would be insanity, and I have tried to be as supportive as possible in the successful kills (time has been a problem for me).

No, that was Brandon's aim, not mine. I simply survive. As for repeating the quote, I see no rule against it - I found what you had said to that person odd so I revealed it.

Without venturing too far out of character, I can admit that the "survive" type of neutrality does exist, so I can't really argue that. As for the quoting, it's a generally accepted rule, but it's also just a bad idea as it can be easily abused and cause a lot of confusion. The last thing we need right now is confusion or we'll never manage to stop the scum. Fortunately, it didn't reveal anything harmful, so I'm not going to be overly annoyed by it.

I did try to steal the mirror but I found nothing. So, if you are being truthful then there is another thief out there, an innocent one at that. It's hard to believe that especially since there is most likely a hallowed thief running around aswell.

In this game of life we've had an innocent killer, a neutral killer, and a scum killer. Maybe two scum killers using different methods. We've had more investigators than I've ever heard of in my life. There seem to be all kinds of overlapping roles from different alignments. I'm not the least bit surprised to think that there could be an innocent thief (though I sincerely hope they take my advice regarding the use of the mirror).

Also, Miss Hearth appeared in my foe glass on the one night there were no killings. Did anyone protect me that night?

That's good thinking. Anyone able to clarify that?

On the same note, what are the most likely remaining scum roles and how many people would it take to control all of them? If we can figure that out, maybe we can get a better grip on how close we are to winning or losing this situation and try to coordinate our current information to identify them. If, for example, someone knows they blocked someone else on the night of a killing, they can be sure it wasn't the killer. That sort of thing.

is there even a spell like that that would work on ghosts? :look:

I assume that even ghosts aren't all-powerful and that some things would work on them, but maybe she can clarify that herself, I'm not overly versed in such things.

Does your foe glass only show people who want to harm you? I'm confused as to what it actually does because you said this two days ago:

Rhubarb was innocent, but Crudo was not. Did you use your foe glass to find out that they both targeted you on the night of Day 6?

My foe glass always causes confusion. I'll try my best to clear it all up by providing you a list of who appeared when:

-Night One: The foe glass was still in possesion of Madame Kingston thus I have no knowledge of what happenned this night. Presumably nothing as it wasn't mentioned.

-Night Two: Madame Kingston sees Bulltoad in the foe glass. She then believes he was hallowed and chases him for the next few days. Bulltoad's appearance can be explained as he cast Confudo on her, which makes all night actions used on her be randomly diverted to another. (Hence he is a blocker of blockers in a way (Oddly enough I told Madame Kingston this but maybe she forgot)) It was at that point I stole the foe glass from her, after she had seen Bulltoad's image. In some sort of coincidence another thief targetted her that night, one who's method is to replace an item with a broken version. They are hallowed.

-Night Three: My first night with the foe glass, I was tortured (by Nene), stupified (by Sheila) and investigated. The investigator did not appear in my foe glass so they contacted me to let me know who they were. The found out that I was impartial but agreed to keep it a secret. This investigator is still alive. I then went after Nene (obviously) and planned to go after Sheila the next day. Intrestingly enough Sheila was my target for theft that night, I was suspicious of her even back then.

-Night Four: A quiet night for me, I tried to steal the mirror from Elloquence but found nothing. Uxley appeared in my foe glass, I wonder why? I was not blocked, nor was there a second me wondering around. Now though I realise he must have tickled me that night. I now believe he was a naive investigator. The tickling probably caused me to reveal I was innocent (even though I wasn't) and my belief is backed up by this:

Thirdly I can confirm that at least at one point Jolie was not hallowed

At least, that's how I interprit it. Miss Ching investigated me that night but did not appear in my foe glass, she found me impartial.

-Night Five: Crudo appeared and I suffered memory loss, Jingle claimed I was in his room so I believed Crudo used the imperius curse on me. This may have been some hallowed trick though.

-Night Six: This was the night I stole the broom from Rocky, Madame Hearth appeared and no killings happened. She has told me that she was protecting me from poison that night, I don't know whether that would come under malicious though.

-Night Seven: I gained the invisisbility cloak from Prion, no-one appeared this night.

-Night Eight: I used the invisibility cloak and no night actions were successful on me if any were used. I plan to do this every night from now on.

I can't see if that would be any use but most people involved are dead so the hallowed can't gain any knowledge from that. As I've said I wouldn't know if Prion protected me but if he did then Miss Hearth is most likely hallowed. Hope this clears up some of the confusion. :sweet:

Ask Ms. Ching and Bastardroy, *Cough*, both of our confirmed innocents.

Yep, I know that Xander is innocent. There is no reason for anyone to suspect him.

We cannot vote out Hearth otherwise Xander will die so that leaves 4 others who could potentially be voted out not including me, jolie, Hearth and Xander.

Also prove to us Hearth tonight that your night action is what it is and heal Xander for the 2 night poison one. DO NOT use the bezoar as I believe that to be tampered with. If you successfully do that then I will know that you are not the killer and if we don't vote out malleus today then we know that he would be the most likely hallowed.

I assume that even ghosts aren't all-powerful and that some things would work on them, but maybe she can clarify that herself, I'm not overly versed in such things.

Well, I've been blocked and diverted since I became a ghost, so I assume all the spells work the same. I wasn't given a ghost's rule book or anything, so I only know as much as anyone else on that topic.

I sort of trust Professor Malleus on *Cough* the basis that she helped reveal Sheila as a werewolf. That leaves Loki, *Cough*, Valerie, and Rocky. Jolie says she trust Rocky, and Valerie has voted for all the Hallowed, I believe, so I'm *Cough* leaning towards Loki.

The problem *Cough* is, is that we have no more evidence to back this up. Should we take the risk and vote anyway. or *Cough* wait for another day, when surely someone will die in the night?

I sort of trust Professor Malleus on *Cough* the basis that she helped reveal Sheila as a werewolf. That leaves Loki, *Cough*, Valerie, and Rocky. Jolie says she trust Rocky, and Valerie has voted for all the Hallowed, I believe, so I'm *Cough* leaning towards Loki.

The problem *Cough* is, is that we have no more evidence to back this up. Should we take the risk and vote anyway. or *Cough* wait for another day, when surely someone will die in the night?

If we take a risk then 2 more people will die tonight. Vote:Loki Malfoy/ILikePi.

I am willing to change my vote if needed.

If you vote me off today, it could spell the doom of you tomorrow. It would mean a loss of three innocents, so tomorrow could be the day the Hallowed take over.

Also, Miss Hearth appeared in my foe glass on the one night there were no killings. Did anyone protect me that night?

Hold on, I hadn't responded to this because I thought you were referring to the night of Day 3 - there were no killings that night either.

It looks like I have no other choice but to reveal my night actions before the votes start coming in (I have to go somewhere later on in real life).

I was the one who had cast Protego on you. It's the only spell I've completely mastered, and the only other item I had in the beginning of this ordeal was that bottle of Felix Felicis I gave to you.

It looks like I have no other choice but to reveal my night actions before the votes start coming in (I have to go somewhere later on in real life).

I was the one who had cast Protego on you. It's the only spell I've completely mastered, and the only other item I had in the beginning of this ordeal was that bottle of Felix Felicis I gave to you.

So, you protected me on night 6? If this is true Madame Hearth is the hallowed killer.

That ties into our suspicions of her on the day we convicted Jingle. We thought Jingle was the killer, but that's clearly not true. I'll unvote if Madame Hearth can defend herself satisfactorily, but this seems damning as we'll get.

Vote: Brigelda Hearth/WhiteFang

Rocky, do not *Cough* do that. I need her to use her healing abilities on me. If you vote her out, I'm *Cough* doomed. And if she doesn't give up the Bezoar, I'll have Jolie take it for me. *Cough* Hearth needs to be allowed one more night.

Anyway, there's still probably another *Cough* Hallowed out there. And I think it may be you. Vote: Rocky Broomwell/hewkii9.

Sorry, wrong person. :blush: That would've been an intense *Cough* twist, though. Unvote: Rocky Broomwell/hewkii9 and Vote: Loki Malfoy/ILikePi. Anyone can lie about their night actions, not to mention I believe Prion was the one who protected Jolie.


The bezoar may have been tampered with and I am not taking any chances with you Xander. Madame Hearth it is the poison that kills someone on there second night so use the corresponding spell to that. The bezoar may speed up the process of death and after all I am the potions teacher so trust me.

As well as that too many stupid children in this school have lied which has lead to bad things and I think you know that if we get this wrong and even 2 or even 3 innocents die from the killer and the Dementor this could be our last night.

Interesting. From evidence we've *Cough* seen, there may be an item-tampering theif. Please use some kind of healing spell on me. If not, and I die, we all *Cough* know who to blame.

That ties into our suspicions of her on the day we convicted Jingle. We thought Jingle was the killer, but that's clearly not true. I'll unvote if Madame Hearth can defend herself satisfactorily, but this seems damning as we'll get.

Vote: Brigelda Hearth/WhiteFang

HEY! I've not said my bit on her yet!

As I was going to say, today we have three options: Loki, Valerie and Hearth. It is still possible that Hearth is being truthful, if she is then voting her out could result in all of our deaths. Anyway, just because Loki says something doesn't make it true. Her story seems true to me as it is a bit spectacular. A hallowed would surely make a more believable claim. One such as Loki's perhaps... It really is a question of trust, out of Loki and Valerie one is hallowed. If Valerie is hallowed then so is Hearth, if Loki is hallowed I would look to Malleus. It's hard for me to believe Loki over someone who's votes have been consistantly correct and helpful. Also, Longbottom suspected Loki yesterday, now he is dead. I am not too sure of this one but it seems like the best option.

Vote: Loki Malfoy/ILikePi

Sorry Loki. :sad:

Also, Loki said this:

I've got nothing to hide.

Anyone who says that classicly do have something to hide. You wouldn't say it otherwise. :grin: Oh and here's proof that Longbottom suspected Loki:

I'm also not fond of Loki. The mystery killer teacher said they Hallowed like Slytherin, and as Jodie is out of that equation, is should be Loki.

I think we should honour him by voting for the person he suspected most (of those who remain).

Professor McGonagall, I noticed that the poisons used on Kingston and Xander looked different [while consistently lime green]. Is this significant, or just artistic license on your behalf?

Xander, do we know for sure that Madame Hearth even could use a healing spell on you? The poisoner struck once before, on Night Four. On Day Five, Madame Hearth only said one thing -

As for Madam Kingston, I am very shocked that she was poisoned and I am very certain it was done by those nasty Death Hallowed again. I will try my best to see what I can do to salvage the situation tonight. At this stage, I don't know the extend of this poison and I don't want to risk to induce the wrong administration. Right now, Madam Kingston please rest in the Hospital Wing. I will try my best to find a cure for you.

Judging from the happening last night, I suspect you were poisoned by your drink. I noticed your red mug has a strong dosage of bright lime green poison substance. If there is anyone whom is knowledgeable on poisons among us, I really hope you are able to advise on this situation. Time is running short and I don't know how much time I have to save Madam Kingston.

If you read between the lines, she doesn't say a single thing of note - everything is completely obvious just from having woken up that day. She does not mention a healing spell or a bezoar, and for another thing, shouldn't she know about potions? I don't know if she can save you, Xander. Jolie said some things on the same day, though, which may help you -

Now, I know who has poisoned Madam Kingston. This is a bit of a pickle as I cannot see reason behind it. However, Madam Kingston this person also has the antidote. Maybe you can convince them that you are innocent?

The one who poisoned Madam Kingston is innocent, I am sure! Just a bit stupid. If they do not give you the antidote then I will get it myself! You have three nights to live at the least so don't waste them.

Jolie's consistently said Bathory was innocent, which matches up. Bathory poisoned you, Xander, so it's likely that she poisoned Kingston as well. Sadly, she's lost her bezoar. I believe that Brigelda Hearth can be pursued as a suspect without endangering you, because I don't even think she could save you. On Day Six, she said some more suspicious things.

First of all, I have been in Hogwarts ever since I was a child and I was taught healing magic and brought up by Madam Poppy Pomfrey in Hogwarts. She was the matron of the Hospital Wing and our job is to save our people from being harmed.

Really? Didn't the Headmistress say that beyond the late Professor Longbottom, no staff had attended Hogwarts?

I have try to cast a healing spell and it actually takes a little longer than what I have expected. An antiode like this will helps to speed the healing process up for Madam Kingston

So Kingston was afflicted with the two-day poison. You found out about it, and cast your healing spell on the first day. Are we supposed to believe that your healing spell takes longer to cast than the poison it's used on takes to kill?

If anybody can save you tonight, Xander, I doubt it's Madame Hearth.

Bathory said Hearth has a Bezoar and a *Cough* healing spell. She didn't know what kind of poison was given to Kingston, but Bathory gave her Bezoar to Kingston. I think Jingle was the other poisoner. Bathory could not have poisoned Kingston, because *Cough* she gave her Bezoar to her.

Professor McGonagall, I noticed that the poisons used on Kingston and Xander looked different [while consistently lime green]. Is this significant, or just artistic license on your behalf?

Xander, do we know for sure that Madame Hearth even could use a healing spell on you? The poisoner struck once before, on Night Four. On Day Five, Madame Hearth only said one thing -

If you read between the lines, she doesn't say a single thing of note - everything is completely obvious just from having woken up that day. She does not mention a healing spell or a bezoar, and for another thing, shouldn't she know about potions? I don't know if she can save you, Xander. Jolie said some things on the same day, though, which may help you -

Jolie's consistently said Bathory was innocent, which matches up. Bathory poisoned you, Xander, so it's likely that she poisoned Kingston as well. Sadly, she's lost her bezoar. I believe that Brigelda Hearth can be pursued as a suspect without endangering you, because I don't even think she could save you. On Day Six, she said some more suspicious things.

Really? Didn't the Headmistress say that beyond the late Professor Longbottom, no staff had attended Hogwarts?

So Kingston was afflicted with the two-day poison. You found out about it, and cast your healing spell on the first day. Are we supposed to believe that your healing spell takes longer to than the poison it's used on takes to kill?

Well I know that it was not me who poisoned Kingston so there must have been another poisoner. Jolie originally thought it was me that poisoner her as she knew I was in possession of poison. That is why she kept saying the poisoner is innocent. I did however heal her with my one and only bezoar. Then last night I used poison for the first time on Xander.

I doubt that the poison was the one which kills in two days for Kingston as I own the one that kills in two days. I know that each poison takes different times to kill so what hearth says about healing taking longer is because she has guess what degree of poison it is and make the right spell according to that. The Bezoar was apparently handed to her on one of the nights and I am aware that there may have been a previous hallowed which gives out faulty items. This person handed her the bezoar which if they had planned it right would have healed Kingston. I ruined the plan though and used my own bezoar first.

With such an elaborate action of Madame Hearth it makes me believe that what she says could be true as if she was Hallowed then she may have picked a more simple useless role, but then as a hallowed she may have also picked a complicated role to pretend she has if she was the killer and wanted to say she had another role. Then again she could also be a killer with poison as well as her wand, this would mean she could always pretend to be a healer but never have to heal. Then I have just ruined my plan as I also have poison.

If I die tonight and Xander is not healed then I beg of you to vote off Madame Hearth.

As for the fact that I have not voted out a Hallowed yet, I was only available on the day that Sheila was voted out. My predicament is, for example, similar to one that a Muggle would have while playing one of their 'online Mafia games' on their 'computers'. If they couldn't use their computer for two days, and two 'Mafia' members were voted out, would it mean that the Muggle was also a Mafia member?

This reminds me of the fictional character named Ambassador Ralf Simnel in a book I read about a different castle. Every time a scum was voted out, he claimed to have been napping because of so called 'time zones'. He turned out to be scum.

Anyway, just because Loki says something doesn't make it true. It's hard for me to believe Loki over someone who's votes have been consistantly correct and helpful. Also, Longbottom suspected Loki yesterday, now he is dead. I am not too sure of this one but it seems like the best option.

I agree with everything you've said Jolie. Prof. Longbottom was suspicious of him too, so let's honor his wish.

Vote: Loki Malfoy / ILikePi

While I distrust Madame Hearth completely, I distrust Loki as well, and Jolie hasn't led us astray yet. Unvote: Brigelda Hearth/Whitefang

Vote: Loki Malfoy/ILikePi

I believe that's five votes. Xander, if this is your last day, I'm glad we've been in the same house.

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