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All things must come to an end.


Minister of Magic Hermione Granger-Weasley was already waiting at the door when her friend Auror Harry Potter and husband Auror Ronald Weasley returned to Hogwarts to bring news from New Azkaban.

"It's not good", Auror Potter said grimly. "It turns out Loki Malfoy was innocent as well. What's worse is that he's dead now, and so are all the other kids we sent to Juvenile Azkaban: Angela Weasley, Nene Grandstaff and Todd Bulstrode. All found murdered to their own beds."

"Oh, that's horrible!" the minister gasped.

"We suspect the elf killed them, but we found no evidence", Auror Weasley said.


"This means that Hogwarts is in deep trouble now", Minister Granger-Weasley said sadly. "We should go warn the others, even though we cannot trust them."


The Death's Hallowed had donned their black uniforms again, and prepared for another night of terror.


"The horcrux has reacted more strongly each passing night", said Brigelda Hearth, the Master of the cult of the Death's Hallowed. "I have a gut feeling we only need one more kill to activate the resting soul of the Hallowed Rising."

"With the Time-turner and my new Dementor at hand, it should be no problem", Eloquence Malleus agreed.

Both women had been members of the cult long before they infiltrated the Hogwarts faculty along with Crudo Alakhazam. They had spent years searching for the horcrux that they knew had been in the possession of Albus Dumbledore, the former headmaster of Hogwarts, preparing for the day that their true ruler would rise again.


"It's almost midnight. Let's not mess up, and maybe our years' work will be fulfilled this very night", Brigelda Hearth said.

"You must mean you shouldn't mess up. The others don't even suspect me", Eloquence Malleus boasted. Then the two split into opposite directions.


Brigelda Hearth first went to the Hospital Wing, where the poisoned Xander Lovegood was bed-stricken.

"Oh, Madame Hearth! *Cough* Have you finally come to heal me? *Cough*" But why are you dressed up so *cough* oddly?" the Gryffindor boy asked meekly.


"So I could better kill you, my dear", Nurse Hearth laughed. "Avada Kedavra!"

The curse hit the adoptive son of the Lovegood family, killing him instantly.


But as soon as Brigelda Hearth had left the Hospital Wing, the Phoenix feather that Xander had gotten after Angela Weasley was convicted started to glow brightly.


In a flash the feather transformed into a full-grown Phoenix, that let out a single, heart-wrenching wail before burning to ashes again.

The ancient revival magic did its trick, and Xander Lovegood lived again, healthier than ever.


"So Madame Hearth is the killer! I've got to tell the others! But not before retrieving my wand..."


In the corridor Xander bumped into Rocky Broomwell.

"Hey, Xander, you're looking swell! Listen, I'm looking for the Time-turner, because I think it's the hor-whazzamacallit everybody's jammering about. Do you happen to know where it is?"

"Behind you!"

Rocky turned, taken by surprise.


But it wasn't the Time-turner he saw, but its owner, Brigelda Hearth.

"Avada Kedavra!" she screamed, but at the same time Xander cast a spell of his own. "Protego!"

The curse bounced from the magical shield without any effect.


"Run for it!" Xander yelled at his housemate. Brigelda Hearth was left gritting her teeth.

"Oh well, there's always Plan B..." she said.


Back at the Hospital Wing, Sicilia Bathory was looking for Nurse Hearth as well.

"I can't believe I'm doing this, but if she really is the killer, this Amortentia will prevent her from harming me."

The Potions teacher was oddly fascinated about the thought of the good-looking nurse worshipping the ground she stepped on. Sicilia Bathory felt a blush spread on her cheeks.

That blush was quickly taken away by a sudden chill she felt.

"Oh my, I didn't know you had such inclinations, Sicilia-darling", said the voice of Eloquence Malleus behind her. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, we might have had some fun."


Turning around, Sicilia Bathory saw the teacher of Transfiguration dressed in black robes, accompanied by a dreaded Dementor.

"Alas, I have brought someone else for you to kiss", Eloquence said sweetly, pointing at the Dementor. "Get her!"


As the Dementor gave Sicilia its deadly kiss, Eloquence Malleus couldn't help but to laugh.

"Get a room, you two!"


When the Death's Hallowed and the Dementor had vanished, Jolie Jadis removed the invisibility cloak she had been hiding under. She had sneaked into the Hospital Wing to steal something that belonged to Madame Hearth, but the horrible scene that she had just witnessed had made her frozen in place.

"I have to tell the others about Miss Malleus!" she said to herself.


The Minister of Magic and the Aurors had made their way to the Great Hall, where they had been joined by Headmistress McGonagall, Valerie MacArthur and the ghost of Tea Ching.


Rocky Broomwell and Xander Lovegood came crashing in, hurriedly warning the others of Nurse Hearth's treachery.


Soon after them came Jolie Jadis, informing that Eloquence Malleus was a Death's Hallowed too, and that Sicilia Bathory was now dead.


"This has to stop now!" Auror Potter said fiercely. "We now know who the enemies are, so we can get rid of them once and for all. You all wait here while me and Ron go hunt them down."

"Please be safe, you two!" Minister Granger-Weasley said.

"Don't worry, my love", Ron Weasley said with a big encouraging grin. "Me and Harry are Aurors after all, we can handle a few Dark Witches."

"Remember to lock the doors behind us", Harry Potter adviced.


As they searched the castle, the Aurors found the Time-turner lying on the floor of the entrance hall.

"Look! The Hallowed killer must've dropped this here" Ron said, picking up the device.


"Hey, I can use this to go back in time to midnight and save Miss Bathory!" Ron thought out loud.

"It's risky, but if anybody can do it, it's you, Ron", Harry encouraged.


But of course it was a devious trap set up by the Death's Hallowed. The second Ron Weasley appeared in the past, Brigelda Hearth aimed the killing curse at him.


It turned out that the Auror's soul was the last one needed to activate the black grimoire that was the horcrux of the Hallowed Rising. The book started to glow eerily.

"Ah, it is time at last!" Brigelda said.


The nurse made her way down to the Chamber of Secrets that had once been sealed but was recently reopened by the cultists. Eloquence Malleus had arrived there some time before her, having successfully unleashed the Dementor on Sicilia Bathory.

In the middle of the old Basilisk's pond was a stone chair, and bound to it was Professor Qubert Lastrada, who had been abducted nine days ago, and had been held captive in the chamber ever since. For nine days and nights the teacher of Defense Against Dark Arts had pleaded, begged and cried for his captors to either let him go or kill him, but the Death's Hallowed wanted to use him for something.

"Your suffering ends here, Qubert", Brigelda Hearth announced regally. For a moment, his hope lit up.

"You will get an honour incomparable to anything else. You will be the vessel to which the Hallowed Rising will settle into. Your body will be his, while you yourself will finally be relieved of this world."


Qubert wanted to scream, but his throat was too dry. Then the Hallowed began their spell. They carved something into his chest, and his insides boiled and froze both at the same time.


The last thing Qubert Lastrada ever saw was a brilliant green light bursting out of his chest as the soul captured into the horcrux took over his body. Then he was Qubert no more, but the Hallowed Rising.


The two women quickly released him from the bounds.

"Master Grindelwald? Is it truly you?" Brigelda Hearth asked as the man stepped out of the chair and streched his limbs.

"Ah, you must be my loyal followers", Gellert Grindelwald said. "And what a fine body you found me. In this shape I can finally get back at that novice Voldemort who dared to kill me."

"Actually, he's dead already", Eloquence Malleus remarked.

"Oh... Well, that leaves me more time to cause havoc and mayhem to this world that treated me like a worthless worm. I need a wand."


"Here, Master", Eloquence said, quickly giving Grindelwald the Elder Wand that they had taken from Albus Dumbledore's grave. It was one of the most powerful magic wands ever created, and it had belonged to Grindelwald once. Like all wands, it chose who could use it effectively, and as soon as the resurrected dark wizard took it into his hand, the wand chose him again.

"Where are we now, by the way?" Grindelwald asked casually, measuring the wand.

"Underneath Hogwarts, Master", Nurse Hearth answered.

"Good. I've always dreamed of destroying it, just to piss off Albus."

"Umm, Albus Dumbledore is dead as well", Eloquence quipped in.

"Damn it. There must be someone I can kill!" the dark wizard cursed.

"Oh yes. Just follow us", Brigelda Hearth said, with an evil grin spreading to her lovely face.


After his friend and employee had vanished back in time, Harry Potter returned to the Great Hall. Much to his shock, he found the others gathered around Ron's lifeless body.

"What?! What happened?" he asked.

"We found him like this from the trophy room", Headmistress McGonagall answered. "He had been there the whole time. I am so sorry, Harry."


"Sorry doesn't cut it! I've lost my best friend to this damned school! I wish we never agreed to your foolishness, Minerva! Voting, discussing, waiting... Look where it got us!"

Trembling with anger, Harry Potter turned his back to the others.


Suddenly a loud bang came outside the Great Hall. Then the main doors that were supposed to be locked swung open.


A barechested figure entered the hall, sending the long tables and benches flying against the walls with a flick of his wand.

Sensing danger, Jolie Jadis quickly threw her invisibility cloak over her head and vanished.


"Professor Lastrada! You're alive!" Headmistress McGonagall gasped. Then she saw the dark-robed Brigelda and Eloquence following him. "What is this?"

"You must be the headmistress of this school. My followers told me you are a persistent woman."

"How did you get in?" the minister wondered.


"Oh, you didn't know? It turns out I had a third follower among you", the man who used to be Qubert Lastrada answered.

Valerie MacArthur stepped in, and waved at the others. "Hi guys! Bye guys!"

"She's quite correct", the man said. "Now you all get the honour of dying in the hands of Gellert Grindelwald!"


Grindelwald raised the Elder Wand, and conjured a whip of Fiendfyre from its tip. In a blink of an eye it engulfed Minerva McGonagall, Xander Lovegood and Rocky Broomwell.

"Run, Hermione!" was all Harry Potter managed to say before he was swallowed by the enchanted flames as well. His body shielded the Minister of Magic enough for her to make an escape.


"Our job here is done", Grindelwald announced, and motioned the three women to follow him.

Leaving the smoldering remains of the Great Hall behind them, the Death's Hallowed left Hogwarts to continue spreading their reign of terror elsewhere.


The ghost of Tea Ching observed the carnage below her. She had been unable to help the other innocents to vanquish the Death's Hallowed, but this was one kind of a resolution as well, as terrible as it was. Tea knew she had done everything she could for Hogwarts, so her conscience was finally clear, and she was able to move on.


At the entrance, Jolie Jadis took off her invisibility cloak.

"Oh no, am I the only one left alive? All I ever wanted to do was survive through this ordeal, but now I almost can't believe I've done it."


Suddenly she heard running steps behind her, but instead of the Hallowed she saw the Minister of Magic.

"Miss Jadis, you made it out too!"

"Where are everybody else?" Jolie asked.

"They're... gone. But we must move quickly, my car should still be parked in the driveway. Come, before the Hallowed get here!"


Together Jolied Jadis and Hermione Granger-Weasley ran out to the morning light to spread the news of the destruction of Hogwarts and the rise of a new evil.


Those nine days of terror and suspicion lead to a long and bitter war against the resurrected Gellert Grindelwald and his cult of Death's Hallowed. Eventually peace returned, but Hogwarts was damaged beyond repair, and the legendary School of Witchcraft and Wizardry never opened its gates to children with magical talents again.


Congratulations to WhiteFang, Shadows, Inconspicuous and Lord Arjay for winning Hogwarts Mafia!

A huge thanks to all 25 players, I hope I managed to host a fun, exciting, flashy and innovative game for you guys. Sorry for the long conclusion, I just wanted to bring the story to a proper finish.

After two months and nine game-days, this is really the end of Hogwarts Mafia. Please, share your thoughts, comments, strategies and feedback in this topic. The word is free to everybody.

  • Author

Here are all the characters with their alignments and roles.



Brigelda Hearth, nurse (WhiteFang) - Death's Hallowed - The Master


Eloquence Malleus, teacher of Transfigurations (Shadows) - Death's Hallowed - The Fearmonger


Jolie Jadis, Slytherin (Lord Arjay) - Impartial - The Thief


Valerie MacArthur, Ravenclaw (Inconspicuous) - Death's Hallowed - The Apprentice



Brandon Townsend, Hufflepuff (Oky Wan Kenobi) - Impartial (killed on Night One) - The Beastmaster


Oraman Furbad, caretaker (JimButcher) - Innocent (slain by a monster on Night One) - The Key


Angela Weasley, Gryffindor (Burman) - Innocent (voted out on Day Two) - The Prodigy


Francis Rowan, Ravenclaw (ADHO15) - Innocent (killed on Night Two) - The Bookworm


Nene Grandstaff, Hufflepuff (Millacol88) - Impartial (voted out on Day Four) - The Outcast


Tea Ching, teacher of Divination (iamded) - Innocent (killed on Night Four, turned into a ghost that was released on Night Nine) - The Seer


Todd "Bulltoad" Bulstrode, Slytherin (Roncanator) - Innocent (voted out on Day Five) - The Bully


Harriet Pewter, Slytherin (YG-49) - Innocent (killed on Night Five) - The Dummy


Stephanie Kingston, librarian (Zepher) - Innocent (kissed by a Dementor on Night Five) - The Squib


Sheila Bones, Ravenclaw (Matn) - Death's Hallowed, originally Innocent (converted on Night One, voted out on Day Six) - The Werewolf


Jingle the House-elf (Dragonator) - Death's Hallowed (voted out on Day Seven) - The Dark Elf


Rhubarb Uxley, teacher of Care of Magical Creatures and Head of Hufflepuff House (Escape the Fate) - Innocent (killed on Night Seven) - The Jokester


Desiree Jackson, Gryffindor (badboytje88) - Innocent (kissed by a Dementor on Night Seven) - The Lovelorn


Crudo Alakhazam, teacher of Charms (Big Cam) - Death's Hallowed (voted out on Day Eight) - The Mindbender


Neville Longbottom, teacher of Herbology and Head of Gryffindor House (professor flitwick) - Innocent (killed on Night Eight) - The Herbalist


Prion the Centaur, Hufflepuff (Forresto) - Innocent (killed on Night Eight) - The Healer


Loki Malfoy, Slytherin (ILikePi) - Innocent (voted out on Day Nine) - The Teachers' Pet


Sicilia Bathory, teacher of Potions and Head of Ravenclaw House (Eskallon) - Innocent (kissed by a Dementor on Night Nine) - The Alchemist


Rocky Broomwell, Gryffindor (sok117, replaced by hewkii9) - Innocent (outplayed on Night Nine) - The Quidditch Star


Xander Lovegood, Gryffindor (CallMePie) - Innocent (outplayed on Night Nine) - The Dreamer

I know you all must be dying to know what the heck happened during this game, but I'll get back to that later. All I will say now that there was a total of 49 different items, skills and spells at play.

Oh, what a great ending for a great game. Im really happy at those four peapole who were innocent made it out alive.. but still i wish they could have stopped those Death hallowed. But oh well.. Great game and you were a great hoster Sandy, (Even at i wished at it could still last a couple of nights).

These comics were very well done and the photography and pics editing is just great. Once again Congrazulations to the winners of the Hogwarts Mafia and big thanks to Sandy who hosted this great game

Captain Becker


Well, first, I would like to say that this was one hell of a game, even just to watch (for the most part). You did a spectacular job hosting, Sandy. All of the roles, items, etc. must have taken a while to figure out, but in the end the results were perfect. And like I said before, the multitude of sets with nice editing adds to the experience greatly. I hope this serves as an inspiration for many EB games to come. default_thumbup.gif

Also, all of the players did an excellent job. I would like to particularly congratulate Lord Arjay, who played a stunning game not only as a first-timer, but as a whole. I really look forward to seeing you in future mafia games.

As for the Hallowed, I must say you all were very sneaky indeed. While I did highly suspect Inconspicuous/ Valarie on the last day (I was yelling at my monitor, no, vote her! Vote her!!), she, along with the others, flew under the radar (I know Shadows has been wanting to do this for a long time, alas, he can barely keep his mouth shut default_tong.gif ).

All of the other players did great, too.

Sandy, can we expect a night actions list at all? If not, it's quite understandable with everyone having more than one night action, but I would be interested to see what went on behind the scenes. Also, I would like to know what I could've unlocked with my Alohamora.

Again, this was a real treat for EB mafia players.

EDIT: Would it be okay to share character profiles (PMs from you) here?

  • Author

Sandy, can we expect a night actions list at all? If not, it's quite understandable with everyone having more than one night action, but I would be interested to see what went on behind the scenes. Also, I would like to know what I could've unlocked with my Alohamora.

Again, this was a real treat for EB mafia players.

EDIT: Would it be okay to share character profiles (PMs from you) here?

Thanks for the compliments, Jimbee! :wub:

I can post everybody's list of actions tomorrow, now I need to get to sleep.

You can of course share everything I PM'ed to you during the game now that it's over.

Here's a list of all the 49 different items, skills and spells (I just remembered writing it down once):

1. Alohomora

2. Amortentia

3. Anti-Magic

4. Avada Kedavra

5. Basilisk’s Fang

6. Bezoar

7. Brew Potion

8. Broomstick

9. Clumsiness

10. Confundo

11. Convert

12. Crucio

13. Disapparition

14. Elf Magic

15. Expecto Patronum

16. Expelliarmus

17. Felix Felicis

18. Foe-glass

19. Full Moon

20. Grimoire

21. Grow Mandrake

22. Haze

23. Imperio

24. Invisibility Cloak

25. Learn Spell

26. Legilimens

27. Lingering Spirit

28. Mandrake

29. Phoenix Plume

30. Petrificus Totalus

31. Poison

32. Polyjuice

33. Protego

34. Rictusempra

35. Scarf

36. Sealed Box

37. Sealed Chest

38. Sectumsempra

39. Spectrespecs

40. Spellbook

41. Steal Item

42. Stupefy

43. Sword of Gryffindor

44. Tampered Foe-glass

45. Teach Spell

46. Time-Turner

47. Unleash Dementor

48. Unleash Monster

49. Veritaserum

Remember that several roles shared most of the spells and some of the items. As for their effects, you'll just have to wait and see... :wink:

Wow!!! Unebeleiveable ending! Just unbelieveable! It seems the Hallowed are not above killing their own members to keep their cult secret. At least I was able to save Rocky. Before we all died. :laugh:

I may have only been in 2 mafias, but I've read all of them, and I can tell that this one was one of the best so far. Thanks for the great game Sandy! :classic: And god job to you manic Hallowed and sneaky theif.

Edited by CallMePie

:oh: Wow! What a brilliant game!

Bravo, Sandy! :thumbup: You've been a terrific host and you've kept giving excellent twists and turns throughout.

Congratulations to the winners as well. :sweet:

Welcome to play Hogwarts Mafia! Here's your role:

Francis Rowan (Ravenclaw) – The Bookworm (Innocent)

Everybody knows you love to study and read, but despite of that, you aren’t a very fast learner. Your mind is always on the next book or interesting topic, so you tend to forget things quickly. To help you, your parents gave you an enchanted spellbook that can teach you a new spell every night, and you’ll learn it so well you can teach it to others as well.

You win if you live after all the Death’s Hallowed have been vanquished.

Night actions (please choose one every night):

• Item: Spellbook – allows you to learn spells as long as you have it in your possession (automatic effect)

• Skill: Learn Spell – spend the night studying your spellbook and learn a new spell by the morning (you have to have the Spellbook)

• Skill: Teach Spell – teach a spell you’ve learned to all those you wish to by sending a list of names along with the name of the spell you wish to teach to the host

Learned Alohomora on Night 1 and Avada Kedavra before I died on Night 2.

Edited by ADHO15

What an ending to a game, it has to be the best I have ever seen :cry_happy:. I really wasn't expecting all of what happened to happen at the end. Sandy throughout you made this game enjoyable with the photography and the storyline was really good and well thought out.

I hope that you host another mafia game soon because if it is anything like this then it will be excellent. :thumbup:

P.S. Maybe you should all have listened to Lord Arjay after all :tongue:

Wow. Thanks, Sandy, for hosting an absolutely magnificent Mafia game, and for letting me be a part of it. Something I really liked about it was that everybody seemed to have an item, night action, or skill of some sort.

To the Hallowed - Grr! I thought we had it in the bag! I knew we shouldn't trust you, WhiteFang! Inconspicuous, well, you certainly lived up to your name. And haven't we learned that the first thing to do in any Mafia game is to vote off Shadows? :grin:

My actions through the game were Expelliarmus and the Broomstick, which I had until Night Six - on the last Night, I was given the Basilisk Fang as well.

At least I was able to save Rocky. Before we all died. :laugh:

You saved me! You wonderful man :wub:

Pity that nobody actually got Fiendfyre as a night action...

What an amazing end to an amazing mafia game. And I survived! :wub:

Thank you so much for doing this Sandy, it has been an exceptional ride. I was so thrilled when I so my name on the list and I couldn't be happier that this game has served as an introduction to online mafia gaming. Everything about it, the sets, the narrative, all of your effort has really paid off.

I would like to particularly congratulate Lord Arjay, who played a stunning game not only as a first-timer, but as a whole. I really look forward to seeing you in future mafia games.

Aww, shucks. :wub: Thank you for the compliment, it means a lot coming from a veteran such as yourself. I'll give a more detailed explenation of all my plans later as I need some rest but I'll give you a brief look at what I intended.

First, I needed knowledge and allies. Knowledge was easy to get. Allies was more difficult, when your impartial the basic role is that you are on your own. The innocents could be open and gain allies that way and the hallowed were a group. So I went around so that I could be investiagted, bring attention to myself and investigators would check on me. It worked, then I had to make sure the hallowed wouldn't get me. So I brought suspicion onto myself until they couldn't resist and attacked me, I knew iamded would let slip my impartiality and then everyone would lose suspicion.

That wasn't enough, they needed to trust me blindly so I set about getting out the hallowed who I was sure about. Then at the last moment I would turn and make sure not to vote out a hallowed and the game would be won.

I figured Whitefang and Inky, Shadows I had a distrust for so the safest option was to go for ILikePi. I did consider going against the hallowed, I would have still won. But in the

end the evil Arjay came out I guess. :devil:

But in the end the evil Arjay came out I guess. :devil:

It's not evil if you're running like hell. :laugh: You did a good job, an impartial has only won one other time.

So what happened to stealing that Bezoar? :angry::tongue:

Woohoo! What a stunning conclusion! Beautiful sets and beautiful prose to go with it! It's a shame that a whole bunch of main characters had to die, but oh well. :laugh: Sandy, your presentation throughout the game was amazing! Thanks for letting me play. :sweet:

I'd like to congratulate my fellow winners, Shadows, WhiteFang, and Lord Arjay. Although I went along with the ride and followed orders from Shadows a lot, I did have to get myself out of trouble a few times, and am surprised I did! Also, congrats Arjay. You really gave us scum a run for our money and you deserve to win. Being Impartial is one of the harder roles.

I still can't believe everyone bought my 'Paranoid Protector' lie. My night actions were a one-time-use convert, Expelliarums, and Protego. So yes, I blocked iamded several times and got away with it. I feel lucky to not have been voted out! But in the end, I got my first win. :thumbup:

Again, thanks for hosting Sandy, and thanks to everyone for a great game!

Remarkable ending. You put a lot of passion into this, Sandy.

Out of curiosity, were there any conversions?

Wow, I didn't expect that! The best thing about this mafia was the stage, and I would love to see pictures of all of the MOCs you made for this. :thumbup:

Now that's an ending! :grin: Wow, and what an ending it was. Great story-telling Sandy, not just here but throughout the whole mafia game. :thumbup: And congratulations to the four winners, WhiteFang, Shadows, Inconspicuous and Lord Arjay!

Well, I've certainly learned a good lesson about who to trust. Comparing the behaviours of the Hallowed posing as Innocents to the genuine Innocent players, you begin to notice a few ways to tell them apart. I must commend Shadows on having me completely fooled almost from the beginning, and Inconspicuous for managing to keep my trust near the end. You guys are so sneaky! :devil::thumbup:


I can just say that Shadows had me fooled the whole time.......the entire time he was hallowed :angry::laugh:

Man what evil have we failed to destroy this night? Well great game everyone! Very good game indeed :classic:

Sandy you rocked this one out of the park.

Great job, and I think of myself as a winner for being on the winning team.

Hey CallMePie, high five for not technically being killed - I noticed we're listed as "Outplayed on Night Nine".

Aha, here's my PM. At least I took a dementor down with me. default_laugh_new.gif

Welcome to play Hogwarts Mafia! Here's your role:

hm-char-oraman.jpgCaretaker Oraman Furbad – The Key (Innocent)

You are the caretaker of Hogwarts, and as such you have access to just about every nook and cranny of it. The students call you “Eagle-eye” since you seem to spot even the smallest misbehaviour and you’re almost always there to catch those who break the nightly curfew. You have dedicated your life to your job, and you love it.

You win if you live after all the Death’s Hallowed have been vanquished.

Night actions (please choose one every night):

• Spell: Alohomora – open a magically sealed item (you must specify what item you wish to open)

hm-patronuscat.jpgSpell: Expecto Patronum – banish a Dementor by summoning a spiritual white cat

Right, the role PM.

hm-char-valerie.jpgValerie MacArthur (Ravenclaw) – The Apprentice (Death’s Hallowed)

You have been infatuated with the Dark Arts for as long as you’ve studied in Hogwarts. The forbidden arts draw you like moth to a flame, and when some of the teachers approached you, offering to join a dark cult called the Death’s Hallowed, you immediately took the offer with delight.

You win if you live when the Death’s Hallowed outnumber the innocents.

Night actions (please choose one every night):

• Skill: Convert – once during the whole game, you can recruit one of your fellow students to join the Death’s Hallowed (used once)

• Spell: Expelliarmus – knock the wand out of the target’s hand, preventing casting spells

• Spell: Protego – protect the target from harmful spells and curses

Wow, what an ending! I have to say, the Death's Hallowed really fooled me with all they did - especially voting against their own members! :oh:

Congratulations to WhiteFang, Shadows, Inky, and Lord Arjay! I was especially impressed with how well you were playing the game, Lord Arjay - you would make a fine addition to any future mafia game! :thumbup:

Here's a quick list of how I used my night actions:

  • Day 1 - cast Protego on Sheila Bones/Matn
  • Day 2 - cast Protego on Eloquence Malleus/Shadows
  • Day 3 - cast Protego on Tea Ching/iamded
  • Day 4 - used Felix Felicis on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay, conspicuously
  • Day 5 - cast Protego on Brigelda Hearth/WhiteFang
  • Day 6 - cast Protego on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay
  • Day 7 - cast Protego on myself
  • Day 8 - cast Protego on Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay (no effect as she disappeared during the night)

Oh, and my role PM:

hm-char-loki.jpgLoki Malfoy (Slytherin) – The Teachers’ Pet (Innocent)

Unlike your relatives in the Malfoy family, you are the essence of politeness and good behaviour, and that makes you a favourite among the Hogwarts faculty. Unfortunately, the other students don’t think as highly of you.

You win if you live after all the Death’s Hallowed have been vanquished.

Night actions (please choose one every night):

hm-item-felixfelicis.jpgItem: Felix Felicis (Luck Potion) – make the target lucky enough to avoid all harm targeted at him or her for one night and one day, getting voted out included (used once)

• Spell: Protego – protect the target from harmful spells and curses

Sandy, thanks for being such an outstanding mafia game host. You have been a great host and dedicate your time and effort into delivering this best mafia game experience ever. All of your presentation right from the Day Openings and down to the back-end coordination work to ensure that the schedule is being met. Although this mafia game experience is a complete new platform, but it offers lot of fun and dynamic unexpected twists in this game like Tea Ching turning into a ghost, having different levels of spells and items, and the complex coordination of night actions.

Next, I will like to thanks my Death Hallowed team, Shadows, Dragonator, Big Cam, Inconspicuous and Matn for being such great team players to cause a deadly confusion among the innocents for the first few days. Of course, things went to our disfavour, when our new impartial player, Lord Arjay kicked a hat trick by leading 3 success conviction of our comrades. You are really good in this and for the fact that you are an impartial, you could actually join us together to rid the rest. Next, I must admit that I supposed my cover is almost going to be revealed by today if we fail to finish at least one of you, it's all over for me and being the Master, my team have done their best to protect me and I am so glad our dear Shadows is the only person remains undetected. Apologises to Eskallon, as you are the only person whom I reveal my fiction role as a healer and explaining further to Lord Arjay. I had no choice but to come out with this to keep myself alive at this critical stage.

To share with all of you on my character, apart from using my speciality "Avada Kedavra", I have acquired many skills and items. I should have acquired the time turner at the midst of the game, but I am glad I still have it in my possession eventually. This is what I have mastered and acquired in the very end,

• Item: Sealed Box – magically locked box that can only be opened by a spell (holds the Grimoire)

• Item: Grimoire – the horcrux of Grindelwald, keeping his spirit alive; destroying will result in the immediate defeat of the Death’s Hallowed

• Item: Bezoar – a lump that can be used to heal a poisoning (used once)

• Item: Poison – makes the target sick, eventually killing him or her on the second night after poisoning unless healed (used once)

• Item: Time-Turner – allows you to use two actions per night and vote twice during a day (send the second vote via PM to keep it a secret; automatic effect)

• Item: Polyjuice (Transformation Potion) – use it on a target to make him or her look like another specified character for one night; all actions aimed at the person who looks like the target will have a 50% chance of being aimed at the target instead; any actions aimed at the target will not connect (specify the target and who you want him/her to look like; used once)

• Item: Spellbook – allows you to learn spells as long as you have it in your possession

• Skill: Learn Spell – spend the night studying your spellbook and learn a new spell by the morning (you have to have the Spellbook)

• Spell: Avada Kedavra – kill the target if the spell connects; you get all the items the victim possessed (if you die, the spell will move to another Death’s Hallowed; Unforgivable Curse)

This is my character biography,

hm-char-brigelda.jpgNurse Brigelda Hearth – The Master (Death’s Hallowed)

Your white-clad nurse’s outfit belies the powerful dark sorceress that you are. Your parents were dedicated followers of the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald, and your life’s quest is to resurrect him and restore his reign over Europe. For that, you founded a cult called the Death’s Hallowed. You and your fellow cultists worked in Hogwarts for years, trying to recover Grindelwald’s horcrux from the belongings of the former headmaster Dumbledore. After finally getting your hands to it, you had to wait for the school to be as empty as possible and find a suitable host for Grindelwald’s spirit to enter.

The D.A.D.A. teacher Qubert Lastrada proved to be a perfect vessel for the Dark Wizard, but knowing he wouldn’t join your cause by free will, you kidnapped him. In order to transfer the soul from the horcrux to Lastrada’s body, you still have to perform a dark ritual that involves killing one person each night.

The other Death’s Hallowed are Crudo Alakhazam (Big Cam), Eloquence Malleus (Shadows), Jingle the House-elf (Dragonator) and Valerie MacArthur (Inconspicuous). Feel free to contact them to plan your uprising.

You win if you live when the Death’s Hallowed outnumber the innocents.

Night actions (please choose one every night):

hm-item-box.jpgItem: Sealed Box – magically locked box that can only be opened by a spell (holds the Grimoire)

hm-item-grimoire.jpgItem: Grimoire – the horcrux of Grindelwald, keeping his spirit alive; destroying will result in the immediate defeat of the Death’s Hallowed

hm-item-bezoar.jpgItem: Bezoar – a lump that can be used to heal a poisoning (used once)

• Spell: Avada Kedavra – kill the target if the spell connects; you get all the items the victim possessed (if you die, the spell will move to another Death’s Hallowed; Unforgivable Curse)

These are the stuff that I have done for the past few nights,

Night 1 - Killed Brandon Townsend/Oky Wan Kenobi (Acquire item, Poison)

Night 2 - Killed Francis Rowan/ADHO15 (Acquire item, Spellbook)

Night 3 - Tried to kill Stephanie Kingston/Zepher but there is no effect

Night 4 - Killed Tea Ching/iamded and she transformed into an almighty ghost.

Night 5 - Killed Harriet Pewter/YG-49

Night 6 - Tried to kill Jolie Jadis/Lord Arjay but she was protected by magic.

Night 7 - Killed Rhubarb Uxley/Escape The Fate (Acquire items, Timeturner and Polyjuice)

Night 8 - Killed both Prion/Forresto and Neville Longbottom/professor flitwick (Acquire items, Bezoar and 2 x Mandrake)

Night 9 - Tried to kill Xander Lovegood/Callmepie and Rocky Broomwell/hewkii9

I will share more thoughts later. Now, don't come and metagame me in the next mafia game. Whatever strategy played here, will remains here. Don't want you guys to bring it over to the next game. :wink:

First and foremost: Great hosting Sandy. From the plot and game mechanics to the sets and photography, it was amazing, and I've played one or two of these before.

I still think the ghost investigator is an overpowered role since he's guaranteed to be innocent and people will naturally trust him. It's just a good thing he trusted me. :grin:

It'll be interesting to see how you balanced out the night actions/items. I know from my limited experience with PoP mafia that any game that steps outside the traditional bounds automatically becomes much more complicated, but this ran so smoothly that it was impossible to spot any problems at all.

Seriously, great job! :thumbup:

flew under the radar (I know Shadows has been wanting to do this for a long time, alas, he can barely keep his mouth shut default_tong.gif

It's true! I've said it before but never had the chance to actually do it. It's a fine tribute to my teammates, both those who survived and those who didn't, you all did a great job. :thumbup:

And haven't we learned that the first thing to do in any Mafia game is to vote off Shadows? :grin:

But then you could have missed this lovely conclusion, full of death and lost love. Oh Miss Bathory, why couldn't you have said something sooner? :wub:

Shadows I had a distrust for so the safest option was to go for ILikePi. I did consider going against the hallowed, I would have still won. But in the

end the evil Arjay came out I guess. :devil:

Early on I knew your alignment and win conditions and almost recruited you directly. Matter of fact, if you check back in our running PM, you'll see where I refer to that as what I would normally do if I was scum and knew you were neutral. I was hinting. Imagine, I was being too subtle for once. :laugh:

You did a good job, an impartial has only won one other time.

Twice, actually. I won in Imperial Soldier's Mafia as a neutral, and I recruited the neutral in Prohibition Mafia (dannylonglegs) and he won with us. You could even argue that a neutral won Galactic Paranoia, really, though he was converted to it through a weird game device I created for the occasion. Neutrals are actually very powerful in some games. I should know, they've messed up my entire game more than once as well. I was expecting it in this case, but we squeaked by. :wink:

Sandy, what can I say, this was a fantastic game and your hosting is to be commended. Very well done, and the conclusion was almost cinematic! I just can't get enough of all your detailed editing effects, very cool. :grin: The revelation of the whole story arc was really great too; even as a member of the Hallowed I wasn't entirely certain of the objective we were trying to achieve, so it was really interesting and exciting to be able to view and read it all at the end. I'm glad I got those pesky kids. :devil:

I was pleasantly surprised at how well the night actions all went, I can tell a lot of thought went into them. It's really good to see people building off the traditional Mafia format and experimenting with their own ideas occasionally, and I think this was a particularly fine example of how it worked out favourably. There were a lot of opportunities for all sorts of different things to happen, yet still within the structure of the game, so very well done on that part. Night actions are quite notoriously the hardest thing to balance and get right in any Mafia game.

I really enjoyed playing in this game, and I am only sorry I wasn't so active in the first couple of days. I'd like to thank all my fellow Hallowed for playing a superb game, I had a fun time working with you guys. Good job all around. :thumbup:

First off, great game Sandy. It appeared to run very smoothly and all the graphics and story-telling were excellent. Amazing how much time you must have spent on organizing it over the past weeks. All the roles and especially the items still have me confused, but from the outside, until the last days when the Hallowed where clearly gaining the upper hand, things seemed pretty well-balanced.

I can't imagine Inky wasn't voted off though. I almost couldn't resist commenting on it in the discussion thread :grin: . Fangy was becoming suspect half-way through the game, but he managed to avoid heavy suspicion a couple of times. And Shadows was just a little too 'Oh, I know nothing, please use your evidence wisely' in the day threads, which was arousing my suspicion. I didn't expect the Hallowed to be so faculty-dominated though...

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