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Could there be any merit in adding subgroup to the town forum?

There are vehicles, modular buildings and friends discussions all mixed together.


And then what do you do when it's a Friends modular, or a firehouse with a really nice vehicle, or ... see the problem?

I think once people get more use to using the new tags feature, this sort of thing is exactly what it's for. If you are looking at a firehouse with a truck and it's tagged with "firetruck" as one of the tags, at the bottom of the thread the board will list other threads with same tag and you can easily see all the firetrucks!

That's just an example. :classic:

  • Governor

Sub-forums are the path to the Dark Side!

I've done all kinds of experiments with sub-forums over the years and my conclusion is: only use them when you absolutely have to.

  • 1 month later...

So this has crossed my mind about suggesting a new sub-forum for EB to have a dedicated section for non-LEGO branded building sets to maybe have some better organisation on the forum.

Right now all the clone reviews, discussions are in the community section which seem to me as a disorganized mess. there are birthday threads, clone brand threads, off-topic discussions all mixed into one forum and sometimes makes it difficult to search the mix of threads.

If there is a chance for a new sub-forum, I would not want it to be a bash section for the non-LEGO brands, but as an information section. Making people aware of new bootlegs out there, clone brands, moving the review threads into one organized section. Like having the Kreo, MB, Cobi, NanoBlock etc. threads placed in one section.

Also to use this as an ID forum for people who found off-brand bricks in mixed LEGO who need some help to ID them.

And I know I know, this is a LEGO forum and off-brands are not welcome, but these threads do come up and get mixed up in the community section. I also would not see this kind of section to be a hinderance to EB at all, these kinds of sections work on other forums too and do not take over the main brand loyalty of a forum. For example the Hot Wheels only forum does have one sub-forum for Matchbox, Jada, Maisto brands and it works for them. I think it would work for EB too.

My idea would be to keep these discussions in "Community" But just to make it a sub-forum, like "The Bazaar" sub-forum in the Buy, Sell, Trade section.

I'd like to hear a Moderator's or Admin's opinion towards this. :classic:

If it was anyone else I'd shout NO, but I know you have good intentions, and you know your stuff.

I think you have good reasons but I think it still comes down to the fact that we are a LEGO site and to expand even to one forum specifically for say clone brands or nanobricks or whatever will kind of change our purpose. They are allowed in the community forum because that's where everything non-LEGO goes. Although it's not called such, it is EB's off topic forum. All forums have one, and they are a necessity.

Ultimately this comes down to the Admins since they would have to actually create the new forum. Let's wait and see how this discussion goes but I'm afraid I think I know the answer.

They are allowed in the community forum because that's where everything non-LEGO goes.

Except all the non-LEGO stuff that end up on the Front Page each time they anounce something new.

Except all the non-LEGO stuff that end up on the Front Page each time they anounce something new.

Such as???

I assume you mean the latest brick warriors offering? An aftermarket add on designed specifically for LEGO. (Not a LEGO competitor)

What were you referring to?

I see both sides of the argument here. It is good to be able to find what you are looking for, however, we don't really want to "legitimize" non-LEGO brand threads as this is a LEGO community site.

My feeling is they are simply off-topic and don't deserve any special treatment.

I'll 'walk the plank' and second Polish Guy. My son and I just like to build and play with models. Legos are nice but very expensive here, so we sometimes go the clone route. Some of the models are worthy of discussion IMO.

That's my two cents anyway. Thanks for the outlet.

I feel dirty. Can I go wash myself of the non-Lego-ness. :laugh:

I like seeing that there's brands competing with Lego. Having a sub area within discussion area isn't a horrible idea. But you'll still never see me buying any of it. :blush::sweet:

Well, I consider myself as a purist and I am a huge fan of LEGO. But these days it came to my mind, that the competitors using LEGO-compatible bricks (and not copying the whole set design) may be good for us. They bring new ideas or they release useful parts. Buying these things would make LEGO thinking about producing such parts as well or coming with those ideas first. I think there is a name for this: competition. :wink:

That's why I think, a platform to discuss these products may not be too bad. But it may hurt the good relationships to TLG.

BTW, Big Cam: Its much harder to distinguish between after market addons and competitors. Brick Warriors produces minifigure accessiores that LEGO does not produce. Such as other competitors of LEGO as well. But BW does not produce parts that TLG produces as well (like MFs itself or bricks and parts). So rather not a competitor. But what about the train stuff? BB Wheels, all those tracks. They produce stuff, that TLG does not procude (tracks with larger radius, larger wheels) but in the same product range as LEGO produces. So they are kind of addon (additional tracks) and kind of competitor (as LEGO produces tracks itself). Just like other LEGO compatible train sets as well. :wink:

If it was anyone else I'd shout NO, but I know you have good intentions, and you know your stuff.

I've been trying to figure out what exactly you mean by "good intentions" because if I'm going to take sides in an argument, I'd like to know what it is we're debating? What bad intentions are you thinking of?

If it's not too much to ask and you've time, could you spell it out for me?

Thanks a lot, Joe

Edited by bjtpro

I've been trying to figure out what exactly you mean by "good intentions" because if I'm going to take sides in an argument, I'd like to know what it is we're debating? What bad intentions are you thinking of?

If it's not too much to ask and you've time, could you spell it out for me?

Thanks a lot, Joe

There is no need to take any side, nothing is at stake here. All I meant by that is that Polish Guy is serious. I know him in person and he is a big LEGO fan but also appreciates other brick brands. Sometimes we get requests for things from new people who are mad at how something works, or upset we don't have the exact forum they bare looking for. Polish Guy truly appreciates these non LEGO brands so I know he only has the best intentions with this request.

That's all I was saying.

I don't think it's that bad of an idea, just my two cents.

As much as I love Lego i thing better organisation is always... better!

I'm against organizing the threads into a sub-forum because it would promote the interest and sale of clone brands. I do not see bootlegs and competition as analagous with Hotwheels and Matchbox. Those are two companies who make toy versions of existing cars. LEGO is an original system of construction toy play. The size, dimension and mechanics were invented by the LEGO company and copied by the competitors. I am especially against bootleg companies that put LEGO graphics on their boxes and cover the LEGO logo, replacing it with their own and putting inferior product into the box. I do not wish to dedicate any space or effort to the discussion of clone brands on this site. I am only one of the five administrators here and this is just my opinion, but I do not see us putting in the effort on this subject. I appreciate the discussion and the way it has been presented and I know your intentions are good, but I do not wish to see it happen here.

There is no need to take any side, nothing is at stake here. All I meant by that is that Polish Guy is serious. I know him in person and he is a big LEGO fan but also appreciates other brick brands. Sometimes we get requests for things from new people who are mad at how something works, or upset we don't have the exact forum they bare looking for. Polish Guy truly appreciates these non LEGO brands so I know he only has the best intentions with this request.

That's all I was saying.

Ahem, don't tell me you are talking about my Modulex are you? :poke: Because Modulex is a LEGO brand.

And also just to add to my reasoning for a new section is that sometimes people, like me, who buy mixed LEGO lots find obscure off-brand bricks and a place to post an ID thread would be helpful. I feel that if I were to post them in community, the thread would be buried amongst all the rest of the discussions in there. There are also lots of vintage non-LEGO brands (not Modulex, Modulex is LEGO) out there that would be interesting to have a database of.

*** As I typed the above Hinckley has spoken! Looks like the decision is made and off-brands will just stay in community ***

MegaCr#@p has its own fan-forum, as the Knex community too.

Old glorious (and sadly, because it was not a clone, defunct) Exin TENTE has at least two Spanish language communities, as the both defunct Exin Castle and West lines have got their one.

The only subforum we need is the one for LEGO's little brother, MODULEX.

Edited by Plastic Nurak

The only subforum we need is the one for LEGO's little brother, MODULEX.

I like the sound of this idea! :excited:

And I'd like to have some Modulex brick, asd .

The ideal to beginning with should be the presence of official Ldraw Modulex parts. Then, the original ones.

Edited by Plastic Nurak

There is no need to take any side, nothing is at stake here. All I meant by that is that Polish Guy is serious. I know him in person and he is a big LEGO fan but also appreciates other brick brands. Sometimes we get requests for things from new people who are mad at how something works, or upset we don't have the exact forum they bare looking for. Polish Guy truly appreciates these non LEGO brands so I know he only has the best intentions with this request.

That's all I was saying.

Ok cool, I just wanted to make sure that I'm not turning myself into some sort of a pariah for supporting clone brands. They're so cheap here in China, especially if you can read Chinese and buy them online. I'd be foolish not to take advantage of it. There's an Enlighten pirate ship on its way to me now, I can't wait!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I was wondering what the general consensus would be on an Area Finds/Sightings section. Alot of other sites have these types of sections where people can post about what they've found specifically in their region so that they could help others in those areas. For example, I can post in the general forum sections about finding somewhat rare items, like polybags for example, but since users on this board are from all over the world, very few people could take advantage of that information. Now if there was a section devoted to finds in each state, then that same post about polybags might be useful to others in the state that I'm in.

Now, I understand that for the most part Legos aren't something that gets stocked and then disappears quickly, like action figures or collectibles. However, from time to time there are items like polybags or even regional sales or clearances where opportunity can come and go quickly. I would like to be helpful and provide people with information that they could then use immediately.

Hope that makes sense. I'm trying to think of the best way to contribute.

While not speaking for the whole staff, I have the feeling that threads for individual US states would 1) swamp the BSTF forum, and 2) be underused except perhaps for a few states. As you know, we already have a few country-based threads to post this kind of information:

USA: Latest updates on LEGO set sales

Canada: Canadian Eh? (in Community)

UK: UK Sales

Australia: Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!

And I may be forgetting some. I don't get the feeling that the general USA thread is too busy for members to also post very local findings if they wish to. Most sales are country-wide, but local findings are welcome there. Creating threads for individual US states or regions would greatly increase the numbers of topics that are of no interest to our non-US members, and I don't think the number of local findings warrants such subdivisions.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I was wondering what the general consensus would be on an Area Finds/Sightings section. Alot of other sites have these types of sections where people can post about what they've found specifically in their region so that they could help others in those areas. For example, I can post in the general forum sections about finding somewhat rare items, like polybags for example, but since users on this board are from all over the world, very few people could take advantage of that information. Now if there was a section devoted to finds in each state, then that same post about polybags might be useful to others in the state that I'm in.

This won't change if we make a separate forum for them. The problem is this is a global site with members from literally everywhere on the planet. In order to cater to each state, province, country or city is not possible. Even if we did, it's very unlikely there are more than a handful from any one region close enough together to take advantage of the finds.

If we had something like 100,000 active users then it might be a different story. For the time being if you know there are other AFOL's in your area and you know they are on EB it would he perfectly fine to create a "finds" thread for your specific city in the buy/sell/trade/finds forum and update it as you find new deals.

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