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Let’s go cosplay! - Minifig customisation Contest

Eurobricks Staff in co-operation with BrickArms is proud to announce the Minifg Customisation Workshop Contest 2010


The prizes awarded for the best 3 entries are:

Grand Prize (1st place)


- An incredibly large assortment of accessories that spans the entire BrickArms line-up!

- 3 BrickArms Trans Packs: Trans-Clear, Trans-Blue, and Trans-Red

- An assortment of BrickArms prototypes of designs currently in development

- A selection of electroplated Chrome BrickArms accessories

- 3 custom printed BrickArms minifigures:


2nd Place


- An larger assortment of accessories that spans the entire BrickArms line-up!

- 3 BrickArms Trans Packs: Trans-Clear, Trans-Blue, and Trans-Red

- An assortment of BrickArms prototypes of designs currently in development

- A selection of electroplated Chrome BrickArms accessories

- 2 custom printed BrickArms minifigures:


3nd Place


- An large assortment of accessories that spans the entire BrickArms line-up!

- 3 BrickArms Trans Packs: Trans-Clear, Trans-Blue, and Trans-Red

- An assortment of BrickArms prototypes of designs currently in development

- A selection of electroplated Chrome BrickArms accessories

- A custom printed BrickArms minifigure:


Many thanks go to BrickArms, who strongly wanted and supported this contest, and offered us this awesome range of high quality and very valuable prizes.


(Click on the logo to go to the BrickArms homepage, browse their shop and see the variety and quality of their products)


How generous of Brickarms, such great prizes!

Very nice. Thanks to BrickArms for these great prizes.

Indeed, the prizes are very very generous. I received the package this morning, and I can grant you the winners will be feeling really happy when they'll get them :thumbup:

I look forward to seeing who wins these because who ever does will be very lucky.

Let's hope they will be good customisers, too :laugh:


I hope to enter, but I don't know ANYTHING about cosplay. If someone could explain, show me what this is, that would be great. (I hope this is the right place to post this)

Anyway, those prizes are amazing, I hope I get at least 3rd!

Oh, and good luck to everyone entering.


I hope to enter, but I don't know ANYTHING about cosplay. If someone could explain, show me what this is, that would be great. (I hope this is the right place to post this)

Anyway, those prizes are amazing, I hope I get at least 3rd!

Oh, and good luck to everyone entering.

You can find a link to the meaning of Cosplay in the contest discussion thread :wink:


I know that, but I want some examples of them. Like, what stuff falls under this category, etc...

Well, I though this line was clear enough about it:

It can be anything, from anime, manga or films/movies.

From now on, please refer to the discussion thread for any further question concerning the organisation and rules of the contest. Thank you.


Here are some more pics, just to make you 'taste' the size of these incredible prizes.

First Prize:


Second Prize:


Third Prize:


Each of those piles contains hundreds of BrickArms items, in various colours, spanning all the BA line! *oh2*

Now get customising!


Very generous indeed! Thanks BrickArms a lot! All participants will have to show a real master-level class of their abilities! Can't wait to see first entries! )

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:


Incredibly generous, our thanks goes out to Will and Badger of BrickArms for their generous donation of the prizes, truly something every customiser (and the rest of us too! :laugh:) would be most happy to win.


Holy minfigs! Even 3rd prize contains more minifig weapons — custom and TLG — than I have ever collected over all my years enjoying this hobby.

Hats off to Will, Badger, and Brickarms for really upping the stakes. I am looking forward seeing some excellent entries up until the close of this competition.


normally i don't take part to contest,i want only to show one thing:

look aside,there is my avatar,

now take a look on this photo

i think is no possible to call this man for cosplay. *huh*

happy contest to all and win the best!!



All this for an 8x8 diorama?! Whoa, this must be something extremely special... I hope I can stay motivated, so I don't forget to enter, like so many other contests. But with two or more pounds of BA products and prototypes, I doubt ANYONE would pass this up. Good luck to all of us, and may the best hero win. :wink:

-Santhor, the nerd in the Spider-Man 'jammies'


Just wanted to say thanks for all the folks who like what Will donated for this contest! Eurobricks has been such a wonderful, fun place for me both as a member and in my work for BrickArms, I really wanted to express my gratitude to both the EB staff and the whole EB community by making the prizes for this contest extra special, especially for the fact its the first of its kind of Eurobricks!

Good luck to every in their entries!


Do you, perchance, know if these are assorted piles of BA, or a clump of leftovers? i.e. if there's an ammo chain link (prototype, loose in pile), there'd probably be more, and bronze/extra U-clips? Thanks!



Do you, perchance, know if these are assorted piles of BA, or a clump of leftovers? i.e. if there's an ammo chain link (prototype, loose in pile), there'd probably be more, and bronze/extra U-clips? Thanks!


As I said previously, these are all assortments of accessories that span the entire BrickArms line-up. This means that every single item BA has in the store right now (and then some) is represented in multiples and in a variety of colours.

No 'leftovers' here, just pure BA bounty for the lucky winners to take home :thumbup:

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