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I ordered 4 service packs for my 8043 Excavators, and Lego botched up and only sent 1 of the 4 to me. They shipped on 9/27 and I received a partial shipment on 10/4 in the US mail. I immediately called Lego and they said it was indeed a screw up and they would ship the other 3 to me, that was 10/4. I called them today wondering where my 3 were and the woman I talked to and even somebody she consulted with couldn't figure out where they were at. They shipped 10/5 according to them, but geez, considering I got the others in a week and taking into account the Columbus Day mail holiday (I live in the USA), I rather expected them today. They couldn't even give me a definitive answer on when I would get them or how they were coming since they said it might be Fed Ex or the mail, I couldn't really get them to answer definitively, I think they were as perplexed as I am. Any of you in the USA have experience in how long it is taking from calling to receiving your service packs? Apparently they shipped from Denmark so I expected a bit of time, but considering I got my first service pack in a week's time, I expected they would be here today. I wonder if they are taking more time now because of possibly a huge run on them. I had pre-sold 2 of my excavators and had sort of given the 2 buyers a promise I would have the service packs and the sets shipped by the end of this week, but I might have put my foot in my mouth. The other 2 I was going to build myself.

Thanks for the feedback, Eric

I got my 8043 Service Pack (with the 4 replacement Linear Actuators) on September 27th. Being in Spokane, Washington, I live even farther from Europe than you do. Recommend keep telephoning Lego Customer Service.

I ordered 4 service packs for my 8043 Excavators, and Lego botched up and only sent 1 of the 4 to me.

Even worse : I ordered two packs and I get... 1 LA ! @_@

I called them yesterday to redo an order.

Edited by Anio

I just received my service pack today.

Shipped on Sept 27 from UK and arrived in Canada almost 2 weeks later, though we had a public holiday on Oct 11th (Thanksgiving).

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Yeah Anio - that was the same problem I had, what is up with the parts dept in Denmark? Are they just plain idiots??? It clearly said on the sheet that came in the envelope that I had requested 4 packs and I got 1!!! I called the idiots at Lego twice and have gotten nowhere with them, one said they shipped on the 5th, the next call the lady said they shipped on the 9th(Oct). Nobody can seem to get their stories straight at Cust Svc. I have 2 po'd customers from my Bricklink store who I promised the sets with the service packs included, because I was due to get them on the 13th, now I was told today it could be the 20th before I get them...I give up on Lego, I do believe this is the last set with LA's I buy...


Even worse : I ordered tow packs and I get... 1 LA ! @_@

I called them yesterday to redo an order.

Yeah Anio - that was the same problem I had, what is up with the parts dept in Denmark? Are they just plain idiots??? It clearly said on the sheet that came in the envelope that I had requested 4 packs and I got 1!!! I called the idiots at Lego twice and have gotten nowhere with them, one said they shipped on the 5th, the next call the lady said they shipped on the 9th(Oct). Nobody can seem to get their stories straight at Cust Svc. I have 2 po'd customers from my Bricklink store who I promised the sets with the service packs included, because I was due to get them on the 13th, now I was told today it could be the 20th before I get them...I give up on Lego, I do believe this is the last set with LA's I buy...

Selling the sets on Bricklink before you had the replacement parts in hand was a gamble. You probably should not have promised anything to your buyers that you could not guarantee you could deliver. I can understand how it would be frustrating, but LEGO did not promise any certain date for the delivery of the service packs other than "October".

I think it's harsh to call anyone at LEGO idiots. They are obviously trying very hard in a difficult situation. My initial request was also for two service packs (since I have two copies of 8043) but I only got one. Oh well, I'll handle it.

They are obviously trying very hard in a difficult situation.

Yeah, that's what I think too.

We mustn't forget that this problem is about excavators that are now all over the world !

And TLG fixed the problem in 2 months ! I think that's very quick. :)

So, even if was desappointed not to have my 2 packs, I can not blame TLG for this mistake.

I got mine today in the UK, ordered them about a week ago, strange thing is I have the service pack, but they have also included a seperate actuator on it's own?

Very strange?


Still no Service Pack here in Germany.

I also ordered them in August.

No problem - I'm glad I built the Jurgen Krooshoop version and I'm very pleased with it.

I'm pretty sure I will never try the TLG version.

Thousands of service packs has to be sent to people waiting. It's not just a few more than the Technic people here on EB :tongue:

If you did not receive what was expected, make costumer service aware of it, and have patience.

Edited by Front

I guess it was a little strange for TLG when you requested 4 packs... Ok, if they said that they would deliver then they should do so, bu I'm afraid of one other thing: that also people which do not own 8043 will start ordering service packs. LA is still worth 7euro/10usd per piece and all you have to do is fill a form (as for now TLG is not requesting proof of purchase). That could be golden opportunity for some prosperous BL/E-bay dealer to make nice money.

I, as fair user and owner of one 8043 are still waiting for my service pack and I am afraid that TLG will start complicating things. Please, people, be fair...

Number of LA-s on BL:

April - 57

May - 129

June - 119

July - 197

August - 172

September - 462

On sale in October - 1330

Could you notice when service packs started to arrive?

Edited by Cwetqo

Are they just plain idiots???


I wouldn't exactly call anyone at Lego an idiot..:sadnew:

Yeah Anio - that was the same problem I had, what is up with the parts dept in Denmark?


I ordered parts from Lego Direct and they said the pieces would be shipped from Denmark. I believe I placed the order on Friday or Saturday this past weekend and I am expecting them in time for a build this weekend. I'm guessing it will not get here until next week so I guess another week before I can work on my project...

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Hold on Blakbird, I ordered 4 packs, received 1, invoice said 4. I called 10/4 and they said they would get them out. I hadn't received by 10/13 so I called to find out where they were at, that's all, where they were at and if I could obtain a tracking no/shipping method, they said they shipped 10/5 by FedEx which isn't subject to US holidays, then I was told to call back because they couldn't figure out where they were at. I called back later in the day, was told they shipped 10/9 and by Mail. Two different stories, two different shipping methods, and was put on hold later in the day for almost 15 minutes because the woman had to consult with somebody else, that I call poor customer service and not really knowing what is going on.

As far as my Bricklink store, I made it KNOWN that I had 2 for sale and had inquiries about whether they came with the updated LA, I said yes I was waiting and based on the fact that the original LA's shipped 9/27 from Denmark and I received 10/4, I assumed I would get them in at least a week and a half, and I gave myself an extra couple days leeway in case of shipping delays since they were coming overseas. I notified my 2 customers that I would ship by end of the week, no promises, just good estimates, but now I called today and they are saying I probably won't get the LA's until 10/20, now that seems pretty poor on Lego's part, they screw up my order, I call them on 10/4, and they can't get the service packs until possibly 10/20, that is piss poor. It also seems rather poor that Lego hasn't stocked a bunch of the service packs here in the US since the demand for the 8043 was high here and sold out so quickly in local stores, at least around my area. I'm not bashing Lego so much, they tried to make the problem right with this set, but their cust svc has got to get their communication straight with all facets of distribution. I know others have had similar experiences with sets/replacement parts.

Selling the sets on Bricklink before you had the replacement parts in hand was a gamble. You probably should not have promised anything to your buyers that you could not guarantee you could deliver. I can understand how it would be frustrating, but LEGO did not promise any certain date for the delivery of the service packs other than "October".

I think it's harsh to call anyone at LEGO idiots. They are obviously trying very hard in a difficult situation. My initial request was also for two service packs (since I have two copies of 8043) but I only got one. Oh well, I'll handle it.

Having signed for the service pack back on august 31st and still not received it here in DK today, I decided to call TLC.

The CS rep was certain they had sent out all the service packs that was on the list so far, but when I told him I had contacted TLC by mail he said they had a huge backlog of emails to go through and that it might be why they hadn't gotten around to mine yet.

After that, he proceeded to make sure I got the service pack ofc.

So I would reccommend calling them if you only contacted them by email.

Received my service pack today.

SP was complete and in good shape, it came with all four LA 's.

Must say tho, that I wasn 't greedy and ordered just one :tongue:

And I want to say that I am very satisfied with the services from LEGO!

Send the email two weeks ago and made a phone call after sending.

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My, my what a flurry of activity this has created. I wasn't calling Lego 'idiots' per se, only that I got so many differing opinions on when my additional LA's were shipped and by what method, so I would sort of know when to expect them. It seems really odd that I requested the initial ones in late September, they were immediately shipped on 9/27, the following Monday and I received them on 10/4, exactly 1 week later. According to the 2 calls I made, one said they shipped Fed Ex on 10/5 and I would receive by 10/14, the other lady I called later in the day said they shipped 10/9 by Global Mail and I would receive by 10/20, that prompted my frustration over communication between Lego Cust Svc and their distribution operations. And both times the 2 people I talked had to put me on hold to check with yet another person to find out because the first lady I talked to said there was no record of my order, period, except for the 1 service pack. Since these aren't trackable on their website like all other S@H orders are, I am sure 'some' might see my frustration and general pissed-offness at Lego in general. I realize Lego has gone out of their way to produce these packs as quickly as possible and I commend them for that, but their cust svc people need a bit more education or training or whatever in looking up orders. Had I known from the first person I talked to that I would not receive them until possibly 10/20, I would not have pre-sold the 2 sets I had listed on BL, I have since pulled them from my inventory on BL until I have the service packs in hand. I hadn't actually received money for them, only told my 2 interested customers that I would most likely be getting them by the end of this week, didn't happen, I still have not received the additional service packs, and it appears if I do get them it 'might' be next week, but I'm sick of calling, being put on hold, and then not getting any real straight answers, or differing answers than the last call. All I wanted to know is when they ACTUALLY shipped, WHAT method, that's it, period. Now you tell me, wouldn't one of you be a bit perturbed by this? 2 different answers from 2 different people, one of which couldn't even find my order.

As far as gouging and trying to stockpile additional new style LA's as some might suggest, I don't even sell loose parts on BL, only new, sealed sets. And I legitimately did buy 4 each of the 8043 set at TRU here in the USA in late July before this problem arose in mid-August. The packing slip for the 1 SP I did receive clearly said 4, but I am guessing whoever was picking product at their Denmark warehouse mistook it and shipped me 1 pack, which contains 4 actuators, not 4 packs as I requested, 1 for each set I own.

Received my service pack today.

SP was complete and in good shape, it came with all four LA 's.

Must say tho, that I wasn 't greedy and ordered just one :tongue:

And I want to say that I am very satisfied with the services from LEGO!

Send the email two weeks ago and made a phone call after sending.

Okay. About the shipping from Denmark.. I ordered a couple of pieces using Lego Direct through the internet. When they gave me the prices I placed the order. That was through the phone on Saturday morning of 10/09/10. They said give 7- 10 business days to ship a relatively large package, which still fits in a standard mail box. Today, after arriving from school, I got my package in the mail in less than 7 DAYS, FROM DENMARK, AND WE, the U.S, HAD A HOLIDAY THIS WEEK. That, I say, is pretty good service. I live in East Coast of as I mentioned earlier the U.S. which makes me, I guess, closer to Denmark...:thumbup: !!!LEGO ROCKS!!

Here's something weird....

I received another service pack today, even though I ordered 1. Now I got 8 actuators (4 new, 4 old)...

  • Author

Exactly my point, I should have had them by now for sure considering the first part of the order shipped 9/27 and I received it 10/4. I called immediately to report the error in picking the pieces and supposedly they shipped on 10/5 and I'm in the USA and of course took into consideration the Columbus Day holiday on Monday thus my call to Cust Svc which got me no answers, heck one lady couldn't even find my order. Where are my parts? Sorry to beat this one to death, but seems to I should have had them by now. I know this is a Lego fan user website, and I love Lego, but if I could have found these things locally I surely would have gotten them. When ordering from Amazon.com or Lego S@H, never an issue, granted they are in the USA, but still Cust Svc should have at least been able to give some more answers. One lady said she could track them when they crossed into the US, one today said that was not true, it wasn't possible. I get so many conflicted stories from their staff that I have no faith unless I can place the order myself online and track it myself.

Okay. About the shipping from Denmark.. I ordered a couple of pieces using Lego Direct through the internet. When they gave me the prices I placed the order. That was through the phone on Saturday morning of 10/09/10. They said give 7- 10 business days to ship a relatively large package, which still fits in a standard mail box. Today, after arriving from school, I got my package in the mail in less than 7 DAYS, FROM DENMARK, AND WE, the U.S, HAD A HOLIDAY THIS WEEK. That, I say, is pretty good service. I live in East Coast of as I mentioned earlier the U.S. which makes me, I guess, closer to Denmark...:thumbup: !!!LEGO ROCKS!!

Here's something weird....

I received another service pack today, even though I ordered 1. Now I got 8 actuators (4 new, 4 old)...

Lucky you. Maybe TechnicFreak can buy the new ones off you. Sounds like he needs them quickly and badly.

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Ah, I kind of gave up waiting for them and the 2 Bricklinkers that I had been saving the sets for decided just to wait until the re-release of the 8043 which I understand should be soon, can't blame them really, I have no real idea of when or if I'll get the SP's, called them again today as they instructed me to and I was told by a 3rd person that I really should have had them by now and there must have been a shipping messup and they offered to re-order them, I said nah, I'll just soak the original LA's in olive oil to reduce friction that I found in another part of this site, which I understood to be the problem anyway. Heck, the re-releases will probably be out before I get my 3 additional SP's. Still haven't gotten them and I notified them of their error 2 full weeks ago.

Lucky you. Maybe TechnicFreak can buy the new ones off you. Sounds like he needs them quickly and badly.

Contacted TLC on august 25th and just got my service pack today by mail. Order was well packed. Package was shipped on September 27th (well what waswritten on the accompagning letter) All 4 LAs and small parts were included.

Don;t know when i'll re-build my excavator to test it out...

Edited by Countdown

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They finally arrived today, gonna see if my Bricklink customers are still interested or I'll relist on my BL store with the new SP's included for free.

Ah, I kind of gave up waiting for them and the 2 Bricklinkers that I had been saving the sets for decided just to wait until the re-release of the 8043 which I understand should be soon, can't blame them really, I have no real idea of when or if I'll get the SP's, called them again today as they instructed me to and I was told by a 3rd person that I really should have had them by now and there must have been a shipping messup and they offered to re-order them, I said nah, I'll just soak the original LA's in olive oil to reduce friction that I found in another part of this site, which I understood to be the problem anyway. Heck, the re-releases will probably be out before I get my 3 additional SP's. Still haven't gotten them and I notified them of their error 2 full weeks ago.

Please, people, be fair...

Number of LA-s on BL:

April - 57

May - 129

June - 119

July - 197

August - 172

September - 462

On sale in October - 1330

Could you notice when service packs started to arrive?

I agree with your plea - people, be fair. But lets not be too judgmental, it seems to me that most new LA's listed on Bricklink actually come from sets. This becomes evident once you check the explosion of number of LA 'end' parts:


April - 69

May - 134

June - 152

July - 130

August - 302

September - 150

On sale in October - 2453

For the sake of full disclosure, my BL id is: nk4002r and I don't have LA's for sale and not planning to sell them in the future. :)

@ nk4200r: With the 20-fold increase in the number of sales of Linear Actuators, it seems that folks are DUMPING their old/damaged/undesirable LAs onto unsuspecting customers. Without knowing that the NEW, LUBRICATED LAs have "36X0" stamped on them, Bricklink customers would not know if they had a "New" or "Old" LA. Heck, neither Bricklink nor Peeron have distinguished between two versions of LAs in their parts catalog, and the LA advertisements don't say anything about the "36X0" lot number.

I'm keeping my old LAs, since they're perfectely adequate for all of the other sets EXCEPT for the 8043 Motorized Excavator. I lubed them with Olive Oil, and don't have any trouble with plastic shavings, poor performance, burned-out motors, etc.

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