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Fighting Edge 106 members have voted

  1. 1. Head Gear

    • Mandalorian Helmet (Boba Fett)
    • Oversized Fedora (Cad Bane)
  2. 2. Accessories

    • Jet Pack (Boba Fett)
    • Breathing Regulator (Cad Bane)
  3. 3. Weapons

    • EE-3 Carbine Rfle with silencer (Boba Fett)
    • Customized LL-30 twin blaster pistols (Cad Bane)
  4. 4. Uniform

    • Mandalorian Armour (Boba Fett)
    • Nashta-Hide tunic with heavy cloak (Cad Bane)

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Episode 1: Boba Fett vs. Cad Bane

Greetings Star Wars fans from across the galaxy, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the first episode of Deadliest Warrior: Star Wars Edition, Today we have two of the most feared bounty hunters spanning across two era's, competing over the title of Deadliest Warrior

First up we have The Fearsome Boba Fett

Boba Fett:A human cloned from the infamous Jango Fett, Jango Fett took the young clone as his son and taught him every thing he knew. It is belived that Boba Fett has become more widely known then his father, famous for always collecting bounties, Boba Fett is truly a worthy adversary.


Next up is the cold-blooded killer known only as Cad Bane

Cad Bane:A Duros who played a major role for the Sepratists during the clone wars, believed to be more efficient then the droid general himself, Cad Bane is known for always having a few dirty tricks up his sleeve.


Now we will take a look at each bounty hunters arsenal and find out...


First lets take a look at our warrior's choice of head gear


Boba Fett dawns the fierce and mysterious, battle-scarred Mandalorian helmet. Boba Fett is known to never take it off, to conceal his true identity. It begs the question of what sort of monster one might find behind the mask.

Cad Bane on the other hand wears a loose fitting wide brimmed fedora, reminiscent of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. It is definitely very stylish and is truly fitting for a mercenary.

Next up are the accessories


Cad Bane wears a breathing regulator, this allows him to breath freely no matter the levels of oxygen in the air, it also filters out toxic gases, making Cad immune to gas attacks.

Boba Fett wears his fathers Mandalorian jet pack, a reliable piece of equipment that gives him the high ground in any battle.

Next up we have weapons


Boba Fett doesn't go anywhere without his trusty EE-3 Carbine Rifle with silencer, truly a beautiful piece of equipment, burst fire with custom stock. You do not want to find yourself looking down the end of this blaster.

Cad Bane uses a pair of customized LL-30 blaster pistols with quick draw holsters. Able to quickly dispatch any enemy, and useful from close to long range.

Lastly we have Uniforms


Cad Bane wears a custom tailored Nashta-Hide tunic with a heavy cloak, which provides comfort and easy mobility, but a lack of defense against blaster shots.

Boba Fett wears his battle-scarred Mandalorian armour and his prized Wookie pelt, which provides defense for most blaster shots, but limited mobility.

Now you've seen all the facts, it is time for you to decide who is deadliest? Will it be the merciless mercenary that is Cad Bane? Or the walking weapon that is Boba Fett?



(After around a week of gathering votes, I will post a simulation to determine the winner)

You do realize that the sheer fact that Boba is OT makes him the winner? :tongue: Either way, even when you break it down into equipment, he's still got better stuff. And if you consider instincts and experience, Boba's better. And if you consider personal ships, alliances, and personal life- you guessed it- Boba's still better. :laugh:


Boba Fett's jetpack increases mobility, negating any possible clothing advantage Cad Bane could have.

Boba Fett's helmet is air tight, negating any advantage Bane's accessories have.

So if you fully consider equipment and their different advantages compared to other equipment categories, Boba is still better. :laugh: :laugh:

Easy: Boba Fett on all choices. :cry_happy:

Classic villan since episode V Empire strikes back.

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I have no idea why Boba has this gigantic fanbase around him, I like him as much as the next guy, but he didn't really do anything in the movies except for fly out of the garbage shoot and follow the millennium falcon, and get hit from behind and get flung into the sarlaac pit. Don't get me wrong, I still like Boba over Cad Bane. But I think it would be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm sure there is one person on EB who likes Cad over Boba.

^And then Boba escaped from the sarlacc pit, one of the few to ever do so. Lucas has since regretted the insulting end he gave to Boba and contemplated shooting a scene of Boba escaping from the pit.

I'm sorry, but there is Boba Fett, and then there are other bounty hunters that are not Boba Fett. That's just how it is.

Edited by StoutFiles

I have no idea why Boba has this gigantic fanbase around him, I like him as much as the next guy, but he didn't really do anything in the movies except for fly out of the garbage shoot and follow the millennium falcon, and get hit from behind and get flung into the sarlaac pit. Don't get me wrong, I still like Boba over Cad Bane. But I think it would be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm sure there is one person on EB who likes Cad over Boba.

I have to agree with Sok here. I just don't understand why Boba is so loved. Yes he had an aura of awesomeness around him in the two films, but he still did NOTHING in said movies. At least Cad Bane is seen accomplishing some of his goals. Note that I have never read anything in the EU that deals with Boba.

And Boba can't hit the broadside of a barn with his Carbine. He missed luke in Cloud City, and misses everyone on Tattoine. Bane doesn't miss that often (unless it's a Jedi :grin: ).

Also, Bane has to contend with Jedi. Many Jedi. Boba never has to face one down until RotJ, where he meets his end, sort of.

As far as equipment goes, though, Boba Fett has Cad Bane beat on every front.

I have to agree with Sok here. I just don't understand why Boba is so loved. Yes he had an aura of awesomeness around him in the two films, but he still did NOTHING in said movies. At least Cad Bane is seen accomplishing some of his goals. Note that I have never read anything in the EU that deals with Boba.

And Boba can't hit the broadside of a barn with his Carbine. He missed luke in Cloud City, and misses everyone on Tattoine. Bane doesn't miss that often (unless it's a Jedi :grin: ).

Also, Bane has to contend with Jedi. Many Jedi. Boba never has to face one down until RotJ, where he meets his end, sort of.

As far as equipment goes, though, Boba Fett has Cad Bane beat on every front.

It doesn't matter that Boba doesn't do much and has bad aim. Cad Bane is quite simply, worse than Boba. If it was, say, Boba vs. IG-88, than I'd pick IG-88. I'd also pick Jango Fett over Boba any day.

Besides, Boba's not the only one who can't aim:


Edited by Brickdoctor

It doesn't matter that Boba doesn't do much and has bad aim. Cad Bane is quite simply, worse than Boba. If it was, say, Boba vs. IG-88, than I'd pick IG-88. I'd also pick Jango Fett over Boba any day.

Besides, Boba's not the only one who can't aim:


Boba didn't have bad aim. He wasn't trying to hit Luke, he was trying to cover himself.

Think about it. He knew that Vader wanted to catch Luke and was part of the process to lure Luke to the carbon freezing room. Had he killed Luke there...well, wouldn't Vader be a little pissed? But had he kept walking like normal, he might have been shot by Luke. So he shoots in the general direction of Luke as cover fire to avoid being shot and keeping Vader's prize intact.

I'm pretty sure Boba underestimated Luke on Tatooine (who at that time was looking like a pretty poor Jedi) when his gun was cut in half and shots were blocked when he had Luke tied up. He was about to kill Luke though with a missile before Han hit him with a fluke swing. Not his greatest moment, but he recovered from it. Let's not forget that Luke turns out to be one of the greatest Jedi ever.

As for IG-88, we have to reference all four to be fair.

IG-88A: Destroyed by Lando and Wedge when Death Star II blew up.

IG-88B: Destroyed by Boba Fett on Bespin. Boba 1, IG 0.

IG-88C: Destroyed by Boba Fett in space. Boba 2, IG 0.

IG-88D: Destroyed by Dash Rendar of the Rebel Alliance.

While IG-88 was awesome (most people don't know that if the Death Star hadn't been blown up, IG-88's robot revolution would have been much worse then the Empire was for non-droids) he fought Boba twice and lost twice. Therefore, not as good as Boba.

Jango was indeed awesome, but Boba had all of Jango's weapons and skill sets, and made improvements on everything. He became better then Jango which is noted in the EU. I understand if people like a certain bounty hunter over another, but the characters in the SW universe acknowledge that Boba is the deadliest and he proves it time and time again. The movies downplay his greatness because most of Boba's lore is established in the EU.

Boba Fett wins in every aspect. Only little 9-year-old kids would vote for Cad Bane :grin:

Boba Fett wins in every aspect. Only little 9-year-old kids would vote for Cad Bane :grin:

Does that mean im a 9 year old :wacko:

Nah I like Boba more :classic:But secretly Bossks the best


I prefer cad bane rather that boba, because I find it more see nastier , while boba without are armament, him na not much (has part an enormous charisma)


Cad Bane. Boba may have cooler equipment, but we've seen Bane do so much more butt-whooping. Like holding Senators hostage in the Senate building, and breaking into the Jedi temple.

I like Boba yes but I mean Cad Bane is way too good for Boba.

Reason 1: Cad has fought many Jedi and won every time, Boba faced one and was lucky to survive.

Reason 2: What did Boba do in the films or TCW? He brought Han Solo in carbonite on slave 1 and in ROTJ he was easily defeated and in TCW he was scared of Aurra and what she was doing and what was happening around him.

Result: Cad victory all the way :tongue:

Various 'I don't get why Boba Fett is popular' posts

Because he's the star wars equivalent of batman (although 'evil'). In a film where someone chokes someone through a computer screen and a frog lifts up a ship out of the swamp, he's just a badass normal with cool armour and a rocket in his backpack. Don't forget if it wasn't for Boba tracking down han to cloud city, Han wouldn't have been frozen in carbonite and luke would have finished his training and not lost his hand.

Plus Darth Vader, the most horribly awful bad guy to exist in the universe, who force chokes officers for fun, singled him out as being too brutal. “No Disintegrations!” He also had the balls to ask Vader (successfully) for compensation if Han dies. When Lando did this, Vader completely ignored him.

His death was rubbish and i don't really read the EU although he falls in the same sarlacc TWICE :hmpf_bad:

Edited by simonjedi

Personally, I like Cad Bane better because of his ruthlessness and good strategic mind, but then again, I haven't seen or read much of the adventures of the grown-up Boba outside of the movies and Christmas Special, so I don't really get all the Boba love either. Heck, I have seen many clones who are both more interesting and much cooler than Boba. Bane has been shown to be much more badass than him, holding his own against Jedi, successfully stealing from the Jedi archives, and shooting anyone who doesn't cooperate. He'll do whatever it takes to get the job done, and unlike Boba, he occasionally assembles a team to carry out a job successfully. Plus, you just gotta love that desperado look of his. However, I can't deny that when it comes to deadly accessories, you can't beat a quality armor with armed jetpack, so I had to vote for Boba for the first, second, and fourth questions. Number 3 still got my vote for Bane, though, since dual wielding is simply cooler than having just one gun.

By the way, you forgot to mention that Bane has jet-boots, so he has flight capability too. I think this should be included under Question 2.

Personally, Boba was better just in terms of acting and direction. Boba said next to nothing in the movies. That can be bad, but here it leads to this air of secrecy, and of a 'don't bug me' additude. Also, you never see his face. You have absolutly no idea what this guy's past was in the original movies, which made him very different. Me and my friend absoultly love the acting in the Palace scene of ep.6 where he's just leaning against the wall. He's doing nothing... but the moment danger arises, he's got hisgun out before anyone. And then when it's settled.... he just leans back. Leia- as Boush- walks by... and he nods in recognition. Personally, Boba is so much better than Bane.

Boba has a cooler ship than Cad Bane, Slave 1 vs. ermm... One of those magnaguard ships?

Bane has been shown to be much more badass than him, holding his own against Jedi, successfully stealing from the Jedi archives, and shooting anyone who doesn't cooperate. He'll do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Cad bane has had much more screen time than Boba Fett did in the OT so it isn't really fair to compare the two achievemts on screen.

unlike Boba, he occasionally assembles a team to carry out a job successfully.

He worked with dengar once, but why have a team of bad megablocks mercenaries one one i just fine :P

By the way, you forgot to mention that Bane has jet-boots, so he has flight capability too. I think this should be included under Question 2.

But did he have rockets in his shoes? :tongue:

But did he have rockets in his shoes? :tongue:

Or rockets in his knee pads?

Or rockets in his wrist armor?

Or a rocket in his jetpack? :laugh:

EDIT: Just who voted for the oversized fedora over the Mando helmet? Come on!

Edited by Brickdoctor

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