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I believe we will see next year some forestman sets (like Robin Hood). This theme would with the actually castle theme to match very well. No big line, just three or four sets. One big set (maybe two trees with treehouses), one middle (for example a ambush set with horse carriage and a tree with two hidden forestmans) and one or two small sets.

I think the best time for this theme is now. Many people would like this.

And I think, I too. :laugh:

I believe we will see next year some forestman sets (like Robin Hood). This theme would with the actually castle theme to match very well. No big line, just three or four sets. One big set (maybe two trees with treehouses), one middle (for example a ambush set with horse carriage and a tree with two hidden forestmans) and one or two small sets.

I think the best time for this theme is now. Many people would like this.

And I think, I too. :laugh:

Nothing wrong with positive, wishful thinking. Forestmen would be a tricky theme to bring back with its current colour scheme as it is very similar to the Dark green of the Dragons. I guess we will just have to wait and see. I can't imagine the introduction of a third faction in the second wave.

one more medieval set is an option. In the advent calender, we get two citizens and a pig, similar to the castle line where we also got a civilian just before the MMV. Additionally, the MMV is still one of the top 25 sellers even one and a half year after its release. Hence, there is clearly some demand for it, though may be not amongst children there is at least a sufficient demand amongst the AFOL's for a decent mediveal village set.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! Our member Ferdik posted this in the 2011 City thread and I didn't see anything about it over here so I thought I would start a thread for 2011 Kingdoms rumors.

Alright! Yesterday at a Brickevent I was lucky to get preview of junorized pics of some new city sets.


Kingdom. A medieval windmill! New paint on animals. Dots on grey horse and on white pigs. Great Looking!

A windmill seems interesting, as well as new printed animals.

I like this type stuff better than outposts and drawbridges :thumbup: .

-Derek :classic:

How exciting! :cry_happy: Can't wait to see pictures of it. Sounds like it will go really well next to my MMV

The Windmill sounds very interesting, I can picture it in my head now default_wubnew.gif Packed with Medieval details

I hope it look likes a windmill. I like it that Lego gives us more civilian sets last years :thumbup: I don;t know or I will buy it but we'll have to wait for the pictures of it

2011 is going to be a great year! I just can't wait! :classic:

That's simply amazing news! :sweet: This will be a great addition to my medieval village.

I hate waiting for next years set pictures,tis exiting but i want to see it NOW!!! :laugh: Should go nicely with my MMV that my unsuspecting wife will be buying me for my birthday next week!

Neat :classic: A windmill sounds great! I just hope the animals are not chinese plastic.. :sceptic:

Thank you very much for this new set information, Ferdik, and for posting it, Derek! :classic:

A medieval windmill sounds amazing! :oh:

I bet that they build it with a lot of hinges and cliffy roof bricks. The vanes are surely built with the Pirates "big ropes" and cloth.

I even wouldn't be surprised to see a PF motor included.

A medieval windmill will be a great addition to MVV!

Hopefully it'll include some sort of farm building and a small field, too!

I bet that it'll be the spring Exclusive (this year: Space Shuttle Adventure, last year: Emerald Night) since I doubt that this will be sold that much in regular toy shops.

Plus I highly doubt that it'll be the only Kingdoms set for 2011.

Btw: Ferdik, do you remember whether there were any other buildings or a field included in this set, too? Do you remember whether there was a carriage included in which minifigs are part of this set?


Wha... I can Belive in this! I need pics! This sounds too good to be real! :cry_happy:

Yay! I thought that there might not be kingdoms next year. I am really excited for the windmill and the new animals!

It seems a tad early for 2011 summer rumours to pop up. Usually these things hit around late November or mid December. As this is a rumour for a single set, perhaps this will be a S@H exclusive like the MMV. If so, maybe we'll see a winter release along with Diagon Ally. Either way, this set sounds wonderful. The possibility of painted animals sounds quite exciting. With luck this set will also feature some new peasant torsos as one can never have enough variety when it comes to townsfolk.

Anyhow, 2011 is looking to be another great year for LEGO fans. It's good to know that we Castle fans still have something to get excited about!

Ooh, a windmill. :wub: So glad to hear that Kingdoms hasn't completely dried up yet... Maybe there's hope for next year. Hopefully it will be in a similar scale to MMV, so it can make a good add-on.

That's freaking awesome news! :cry_happy: This is the kind os stuff i'm waiting to show up in the castle theme since years. It looks we are really finally getting civilian sets, i can't believe it! Now i only hope the design will be good, but after this year's sets, i'm positive about that.

White pigs sound a bit strange to me though...maybe they're actually sheep?

Edited by metalandi

I hate to say it but if Lego forces me to choose between Diagon Alley and a Kingdoms Windmill, it'll be Windmill every time. Just when I thought I had my purchases planned out too. Although in a perfect world I wouldn't have to choose just one. Oh, well...

Oh darn, I need that rumoured windmill! I promised myself to cut down on themes, but have still bought all Kingdom sets but one :hmpf: Civilian medieval architecture, it's almost as good as UCS SW :wink: Let's hope the summer sets are not all about defense and warfare!

My inner child's voice first shouted: YAY!

And my rationality answered: NOOO!


Because this most likely means we will finally see MMV replaced by another big castle themed exclusive set.

Now I really need to get me one or two additional MMVs before they are gone forever...

Besides: Why did TLC take such a LOOOONG time to get some paint onto animals. I mean come on! It has been overdue for long.

White pigs sound a bit strange to me though...maybe they're actually sheep?

I completely agree with you, metalandi!

Since these were surely prelim pics and since I bet that this set won't be released before end of April, the animals in this pic were surely prelim, too. And since there haven't been System scaled sheep before, the set designers firstly used the already existing pig mold and painted it. Albino pigs wouldn't be that nice to have, would it?! :grin:

I hope that they'll include a small carriage, a stables, a horse, four sheep, a dog, the miller, his wife, their son and daughter, a farmhand and a soldier. And of course a decent interior to the building(s) is necessary, too, but in this point I'm since MVV very positive.


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I guess you've seen the leaked 2011 catalogue, up to April there will be no new Kingdoms sets. I really would like LEGO to continue with the Castle theme, the Dragon knights are so cool!

Hopefully this will be a MMV style set. Of course that means the MMV will be retired so I need to buy a couple more, but I am interested in a new set. The animals also sound interesting. I am wondering if that is gray spots on a horse, or a gray horse with spots? Either way, further variety in horses is always a good thing. I do wonder if we will get any new civilian/peasant torsos or if it will be the few we have used again (which wouldn't be a bad thing)? I also wonder if it will be easy to modify with any of the power elements to make it actually run? We'll have to wait and see on those questions I guess.

I can't imagine that this set would not be designed in a similar style to the MMV. TLG gives me the impression that their target customers (i.e. children) prefer the castles and battle themed sets, so it would make sense for the Mill to be targeted toward AFOLs who have been asking for civilian sets in the castle theme. They would reach less of an audience if they offered a <insert that tiresome argument> Medieval Mill.

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